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Posted: 22 May 2014, 20:49
by Hope_and_Heir
Some of us have our own httyd characters we've made up, especially us Roleplayers. So here's the place to tell us about your OCs, their backstories, and personalities!


Posted: 22 May 2014, 21:29
by MudkipStar
Jay Sora is my age - 15. She usually rides a Night Fury named Ika and often has the ability to talk to dragons.


Posted: 22 May 2014, 21:53
by HideousZippleback
An OC named Brynhildur.


Posted: 22 May 2014, 22:05
by Dan_Oceans
Grima was my first OC. The name is from another game that involves a dragon that is the antagonist. He's caring intuitive and adopted. He keeps his distance from his stepsister Abby for keeping it a secret and his father for telling her and Frederick to keep his being adopted. He has mostly forgiven Frederick. He went to go serve in a local war that lasted a year and then he left to go explore the massive world that was suddenly available to him. His story ends here.

Frederick is able to defend himself and mostly keeps out of other's business if people don't bug him. A recent knock to his head however has left him gutsy and unafraid of death. He uses "I've made my peace" often and is serious about it. He never forgave himself for keeping Phil's [Grima's father] secret.

Abby has a history of mental breakdowns. This has left her unstable and sometimes unable to go along with others on dangerous missions and quests.

Pandora has been paired with several other charries, each paring from a different roleplay. She is brave and caring and very dangerous. Having been isolated for most of her life, she has had time to hone her skills and master them.

Derik originally started as a talking squirrel. He has since become human [by being used in several roleplays]. He has great curiosity about the world and is consistently fascinated by names. He is agile and very skillful with any weapon if you let him run with it for a while. As he evolved through the story lines I've put him in, he has shown courage, caring, intelligence, and recently love.

Phoenix is a motherly dragon. She is often silent as she doesn't like speaking. She cares a lot for whoever she's paired up with and is a constant motherly figure to said person.

Phil is stepfather to Grima and father to Abby. His wife was killed in an accident while at sea. He was devastated and seeks to rebuild his bond with Grima and Abby.

I think that's all of them. Any charries I missed or create will posted.


Posted: 13 Nov 2014, 15:49
by Toothless123
Reviving this topic. :P
Here's the promised description of a minor OC of mine, Heimiik! ;)

Out-of-Universe Information
First Appearance:
Dragons, Trappers, Masters (currently featured in only one chapter so far, but could potentially be featured in others)
Picture: None; but I'm open to drawings of what you think he might look like!

In-Universe Information
Name: Heimiik
Drago's blacksmith
Allies: Drago, Eret
Enemies: The Dragon Riders
Heimiik has a very stoic and gruff personality, so he doesn't talk much. He seems to be sort of fond of Eret, deep down, but he's very stern with him.
He works as Drago's blacksmith, but actually, he hates his master. To be free of him would be his greatest wish, but he knows he can't, and is to terrified to, leave.
So, instead, he works on the inside- in this way sort of resembling Major the pig from the book Animal Farm- and openly admits to Eret that he would not mind the less loyal members of Drago's forces staging a mutiny/rebellion/revolt against said madman (despite the possibility of Eret telling this to Drago, and Heimiik getting punished as a result). This suggests that he may be the one, if it was to happen, actually organising it- and could perhaps do so in later chapters.


Posted: 13 Nov 2014, 18:01
by The Norse Nerd


Posted: 13 Nov 2014, 20:58
by Mccallistair
An OC from my stories 'Draco Ex Machina' and 'Over the Hills and Far Away'

Sir Luke O'Gara

Age: 38

Nationality/Ethnicity: Irish

Languages spoken: Gaelic, Norse.

Physical characteristics: 5'11, medium muscular build. Short--medium Brown hair, dark green eyes, cream color skin. Dressed in mostly brown and white garments in 'Draco Ex Machina', almost exclusively black in 'Over the Hills...' with a heavy black cloak that clings close to his body.


The eldest of four sons, Luke was reared up by his father as a warrior. His father Domnald differed from Gaelic tradition and was more encompassing of the continental styles of dress, culture and warfare. Luke was given knighthood (an odd occurrence in Pre-Norman/ Pre Feudal Ireland) at the age of 18, and for the next decade was a knight-errant, roaming Ireland and serving local interests, often involving the defense of towns or villages against dragons or against raiding parties from other chiefdoms.

At the age of 27 Luke visited Cork which shortly afterwards came under attack by dragons. After the fight, he met Bishop Stephen O'Neill, a very active figure within the city. As both had an interest in defeating the dragon plague in Ireland, Luke joined the service of the bishop for the next decade, helping to defend Cork from raids as well as roaming the countryside and going on the offensive against the beasts.

While in Cork, Luke became close friends with Daniel O'Rourke, a child the Bishop had taken under his care following a dragon raid which had destroyed Daniel's monastery. (Daniel at the time of meeting Luke would have been 12). Luke became a sort of father figure to the young boy, who despite his great piety and devotion to the faith was often the target of ridicule by the other knights in the bishop's service for his overly quiet and nervous demeanor.

At the age of 37, Luke joined the bishop, Daniel, and a slew of other knights who disembarked from Ireland to Scotland, intent on hunting down the Night Fury that had been spotted in the Highlands and killing it. Their ship was instead caught in a ferocious maelstrom and sent several hundred miles off course. Eventually the boat buckled under the waves. Luke, the bishop, the deacon and three other knights clung to the mast for dear life, eventually washing up on a strange island known as Berk...

Personality and traits:

Luke takes his sense of honor quite seriously, but he will change his devotion if he sees the cause he follows as unjust. He tends to speak very honestly, often to often to the ire of those around him. He can be occasionally boastful and is not afraid to demonstrate his prowess with his preferred weapon, the European Longsword. He can also be quite sarcastic at times which, coupled with his honesty and honor can make him an irritating presence to people who prefer more subtle means of communication.

He is also quite pious, though his views on what following his faith can mean much like his sense of loyalty can change if he sees something as wrong. His friendship with Daniel O'Rourke has made him quiet more knowledgeable on faith than the common man, and he can often use Christian doctrine coupled with his sarcastic honesty to make fools out of people around him who act unjustly.

Luke can be something of a reluctant womanizer when he wants to, his reputation and charming Gaelic looks often being stronger than he would like. While on Berk, he is coerced into attracting Ruffnut, much to his initial disdain. By the time of 'Over the Hills...' however he does develop something of a romantic relationship with her, albeit an often talked about one on the island.

He is at his heart a warrior though, and is no stranger to armed combat. By the time he visits Berk, he has counted that at least 70 dragons and 24 people have fallen in combat with him against his longsword. He prefers to keep close to his enemies, often preferring to disarm them quickly if human and then get them on the ground for a final and decisive blow. He likewise enjoys staying close to dragons, either getting in their blind spots or under their wings before striking at their vital organs. He is a very competent warrior, and should be challenged at your own risk...

A true model of chivalry, is he not? :huh:


Posted: 14 Nov 2014, 00:46
by HideousZippleback
In my opinion I really, really dislike it when people have Night Fury OCs. Can we please stay /somewhat/ in canon please?


Posted: 14 Nov 2014, 00:56
by Mccallistair
...The whole point of OCs are that they are not "in canon"?

Was that last part directed at me, or the broader forum?


Posted: 14 Nov 2014, 12:50
by Hope_and_Heir
14 Nov 2014, 04:46
In my opinion I really, really dislike it when people have Night Fury OCs. Can we please stay /somewhat/ in canon please?
I know night fury OCs can be bothersome to some people ... But the point of OCs is to make characters. Whatever kind of character they want. My OCs aren't very cannon and they're people. There's nothing bad about making characters that are an 'extinct' species. Sometimes people can even execute it quite well. As long as they aren't claiming the species as their own, I really don't see a problem with it if it makes them happy.