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Ocs Rp?

Posted: 04 Jul 2016, 23:02
by Dan_Oceans
Derik smiled and patted Geir on the back. "You came up with the original idea. I was hoping you could help me with a personal project in much the same way I did your just now."

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 04 Jul 2016, 23:22
by DragonbackVoyager
"Oh? And what is this project?" The warrior brushes the chief's hand away, but Derik has his attention.

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 01:54
by Dan_Oceans
Derik smiles coolly. "I'll admit that we view this differently but in either case, we do need to work on at least part of it should the chance it needs to be used appears. I think they have it under control, one of them can make sure that everything is properly hidden and evenly distributed while we talk in private just for a little while. Shall we?" Derik motions to the docks.

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 06 Jul 2016, 16:33
by DragonbackVoyager
Geir watches Derik for a moment, then sighs. "Alright. Let's go."

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 00:47
by Dan_Oceans
Derik leads Geir to the docks and looks around before whispering, "Wanna train some dragons? I could use the help and it's a choice we'll need to be prepared for as a last resort. Nighttime, arena, I've looked at fish rations; we can spare a bucket a night. I understand you're against giving them equal rights but right now I'm not worried about politics. This is a legitimate strategy and I think it foolish not to prepare for it given the dragons are one of, if not, the strongest assets we have."

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 22:21
by DragonbackVoyager
"I'm in," the warrior says immediately, offering his hand to Derik with a slight smirk. "Who do you think trained the beasts to attack in the first place? The chief was far too busy with his various duties to devote serious time to it."

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 09 Jul 2016, 23:26
by Dan_Oceans
"Alright, I just want them to be friendlier to us so they'll listen without the threat of hurting them." Derik smiles, seeing the potential of Geir working with him on his plan after all.

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 10 Jul 2016, 15:17
by DragonbackVoyager
"I guess that would be a little bit better than the current system..we do have quite a few 'accidents' the way things are now..."

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 18 Jul 2016, 21:46
by Dan_Oceans
"Agreed to meet tonight?" Derik holds his hand out as if he was agreeing on a deal and smiles.

Ocs Rp?

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 00:13
by DragonbackVoyager
Geir takes Derik's hand and shakes it heartily. "Agreed," he says, "but you are most certainly not getting me to smile about it."
"Sir," a soldier calls, "we think this will work. Can you see any of us?"
Surprised, the warrior replies: "No! All I see are empty ships!" Then he smiles. "This next battle just might be our turn to change the tides..."