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Hiccstrid proposal.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017, 21:34
by BioLilyDraws
(Read back a few pages)

Hiccstrid proposal.

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 16:20
by Zira Shadow
(Where were we? I've totally forgotten what was happening. Something about a trap?)

Hiccstrid proposal.

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 16:24
by BioLilyDraws
(Again, read back a few pages)

Hiccstrid proposal.

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 20:03
by Zira Shadow
(Oh I see)

Iridescence shrugs. "We don't have anything better to go with, though. So? How's Astrid's idea work for you all?"

Re: Hiccstrid proposal.

Posted: 21 Apr 2019, 10:11
by Light Fury
Meanwhile, in a nearby underwater cave

Luminescence paced around the cave. He should have heard back from Iridescence by now. What was taking her so long? She knows to send an update through Banana if something unexpected occurs. After the years of training they'd both done, he was certain she was more than up to the job. He sighed.

"Light, let me know when it's night" he called out to his dragon.

The Light Fury, who had been napping until then, popped up her head and blinked. She crooned softly and stretched, before approaching Luminescence.

"You best go and eat now too. I have a bad feeling we'll need to go up ourselves."

He gave her a quick scratch behind her left appendage, before hugging her briefly. She then licked his hand and dove into the water.