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Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 11:38
by AndyMay
21 Jun 2014, 14:46
21 Jun 2014, 14:42
21 Jun 2014, 12:23
And also about the 'dark' thing, It may have actually helped. Teenagers an older people will want to watch it just to see how dark it actually is. If everyone is saying, 'oh it's too dark, you shouldn't go watch it, it's too deep,' Its gonna make people wanna watch it. reverse psychology..
Yeah, I believe that was on purpose, and they were hoping to bring in an older crowd, and that approach is more likely to work on teenagers and young adults.

But "Dark" seems to be turning off moms with Kids below 8-10. These are the kids pretty much every animated movie banks on getting, and who a lot of the TV advertising was aimed at. Hence, the bipolar advertising Eret was referring too. In trying to bring in the older crowd, they may have turned off their built in younger fan base.
Well, couldn't they just make two sets of ads for different channels and sections of the internet? One for the kids for Nickalodian [< I can't remember the channel name anymore] and Cartoon Network and one set of ads for TLC and CBS or something, granted they didn't use many channels from what I here.


Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 14:05
by Skywalker
the 59% drop is not good. That shows more then a bit of dissatisfaction or at least apathy for the film.

Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 14:13
by Zer0x
$70 million is actually really bad for the opening week. I wonder when they will add the revenues from the early screenings.

Production Budget: $145 million

$40 milion lower than I had expected.

Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 14:18
by Oneill5491
God this is just horrific. Yesterday only brought in $7.6 million which is a 59% drop from last Friday. Movies that have had "legs" where they open a bit weak but have a long sustained box office run don't see these kind of drops from one weekend to the next. Croods and the first Dragons movie had less than a 9% drop from the previous Friday.

I'm really, really concerned for DreamWorks at this point. Just why the hell aren't people seeing this movie? I don't think all the reasons we've discussed would account for such poor performance that we're seeing now.

Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 14:28
by TheEleventhViking
Is this situation really that bad? Will it affect the httyd franchise in any way?

Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 14:32
by Oneill5491
21 Jun 2014, 18:28
Is this situation really that bad? Will it affect the httyd franchise in any way?
I know they were heavily counting on HTTYD 2 to dig them out of the financial crisis they're in now. If this doesn't do it for them, I'm not sure how stockholders will be able to retain any confidence in this studio.

Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 14:41
by Dan_Oceans
21 Jun 2014, 18:32
21 Jun 2014, 18:28
Is this situation really that bad? Will it affect the httyd franchise in any way?
I know they were heavily counting on HTTYD 2 to dig them out of the financial crisis they're in now. If this doesn't do it for them, I'm not sure how stockholders will be able to retain any confidence in this studio.
Yikes, but if that is what they were counting on they're in a lot of trouble. What about the DVD release, would that help any?

Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 15:04
by KentuckyWildcat
By every measure of audience satisfaction I know of, the people who are going to see the movie really like it. 93% of the audience on Rotten Tomatoes liked it with an average rating of 4.5/5, an A Cinemascore, average rating of 8.6 on IMDB, and an 8.4 user score on Metacritic.

Given that information, the failure to meet expectations certainly seems like a marketing problem of some sort. While things like that usually can't be explained by a single factor, I think I'll stick to my original theory (which was probably expressed more precisely by Eret) that the contradictory strategy of building buzz about a darker movie only to make the sillier moments the entire focus of the TV spots ended up appealing to nobody outside the already established fanbase.

Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 15:24
by Eret
Also going to add that the word of mouth for the movie itself may be excellent but the fact that there were an overabundance of "HTTYD2 IS A DISAPPOINTMENT AT THE BOX OFFICE!!!!!" articles literally right out of the gate does not exactly encourage general audiences to go see it. People see headlines like that and naturally assume the movie must be bad.

Speculation for lack luster box office opening?

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 15:44
by athena2235
Yeah, it is making me really worried for DW and HTTYD3 as well. It is really sad to see as it deserves to do better. But I worry it just made one too many mistakes when it was set up with such high expectations.