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Posted: 19 May 2014, 17:18
Gh3ttoKinG rly


Posted: 19 May 2014, 17:21
by SilaNightFury
19 May 2014, 21:17
Today - 5th June = Try to survive
5th June - 6th June = Fly to the USA and try to survive in the plane
6th June - 12th/13th June = Try to survive in the USA / at Silas place
12th/13th June = Watch the movie (if there is a midnight showing) and try to survive the experience
13th June = Try to survive by watching it at least one more time
13th June - 18th June = Watch the movie a few times and try to survive
18th June - 19th June = Fly back to Germany and try to survive in the plane
19th June - 2th/3th July = Try to survive without watching the second movie (will be really hard)
2th/3th July = Go to London, try to survive the travel
4th July = Meet some of you in London, watch the movie and (of course) try to survive the movie
4th July - 24th July = Try to survive without watching the second movie :-/
24th July = Watch the second movie in Original Voice in German Theater (the should release it with the German version), after that watching the second movie in German (with some horrible voices), Try to survive the movie
24th July - ??? = Try to survive the life O.O X.X
Yes, my life is a fight, or more a war! xD
Very nice Ghetto! X3


Posted: 19 May 2014, 17:29
by Hope_and_Heir
11 Apr 2014, 02:59
11 Apr 2014, 02:08
Someone gets stuck on the railroads and gets struck by Thomas the Tank Engine (It was Hiccup). >:D
Yep, that's how he trained his dragon. ^_^
I'm laughing really hard ....and mentally beating myself up because I'm laughing.


Posted: 19 May 2014, 17:32
by Gh3ttoKinG.
19 May 2014, 21:18
Gh3ttoKinG rly
I think life is always a war! For some people, it's just an "easy" war, for others it's a horrible war...

At least for me the whole life is a war xD


Posted: 20 May 2014, 01:48
by Zer0x
19 May 2014, 21:17
Today - 5th June = Try to survive
5th June - 6th June = Fly to the USA and try to survive in the plane
6th June - 12th/13th June = Try to survive in the USA / at Silas place
12th/13th June = Watch the movie (if there is a midnight showing) and try to survive the experience
13th June = Try to survive by watching it at least one more time
13th June - 18th June = Watch the movie a few times and try to survive
18th June - 19th June = Fly back to Germany and try to survive in the plane
19th June - 2th/3th July = Try to survive without watching the second movie (will be really hard)
2th/3th July = Go to London, try to survive the travel
4th July = Meet some of you in London, watch the movie and (of course) try to survive the movie
4th July - 24th July = Try to survive without watching the second movie :-/
24th July = Watch the second movie in Original Voice in German Theater (the should release it with the German version), after that watching the second movie in German (with some horrible voices), Try to survive the movie
24th July - ??? = Try to survive the life O.O X.X
Yes, my life is a fight, or more a war! xD
Chances of surviving dwindling into single digits.


Posted: 20 May 2014, 02:03
by Asvald Veleif
11 Apr 2014, 00:43
Lots and lots of sculpting.
Highfive! B-)


Posted: 20 May 2014, 02:10
by WasBornCrazy
Now-June= Keep on breathing
June - 9th of June= Block Berk's Grapevine, Forumvine,Chatvine.
9th June - 19thJune= Unblock and try not to tell spoilers
19th June on= Survive until HTTYD3.