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Drago clip?

Posted: 08 May 2014, 19:06
by I am Smaug
So I know some people have mixed feelings about all the clips we've been getting. Their helping ti keep us hyped for the movie but at the same time they sort of take from it by showing us some of waht happens.

That being said, we are proabley gonna have a couple more clips at some point and I persoanlly want to see one of drago. We've seen most of everything else of the film but him so far. I wouldnt mind a short clip that just shows us some of his character and motivations. Nothing too spoiler but still a little glimspe.

I awlays think a good film has to have a good villain. The first httyd didnt have one(well there was the red death but they werent an direct antagonist in one sense). Not counting alvin or dagur, Drago is gonna be the first real villain of the film series and I am pretty curious as to what he will add to the franchise, if he will make the film better or worse.

Anyways tell me what you think and hope to see some of drago soon

Drago clip?

Posted: 08 May 2014, 20:10
by MissunyNightFury
I would like to see a clip with him. However, I think seeing him on the big screen will be even cooler!

Drago clip?

Posted: 09 May 2014, 10:16
by TheEleventhViking
I`m quite excited to see this mysterious villain soon. There hasn`t been much talk about him except that he wants to qonquer the world with a dragon army, so I would like to see what drives him. Personally I think Dreamworks makes great villains (I really liked Shen), and I`m looking very much forth to see what they`ve managed with Drago Bludvist! :D