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It's been one year guys
Topic Started: 13 Jun 2015, 03:31 (10336 Views)
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Shhh...Toothless is watching

Today we gather here in this small but loyal corner of the internet to wish our dearly beloved a very happy 1st Birthday. Your growing up so fast :'( <3 .

June 13, 2015. One year. It went by quite fast. Just think back to what you were you doing exactly one year ago. Were you watching the film for the first time? Or more appropriately re watching the film for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th time? Were you fangirling over the events or crying because of Stoick's scene? Or perhaps you were like usertoothless and were intellectually analyzing the amazingly intricate plot line that Dean blessed us with. What ever the case, we all have something in common today.

HTTYD2 turns 1 year old today. And that's both frightening and amazing at the same time. We've come so far from the first movie and we still have so far to go. I know moral about the fandom has been low but with those that are still around, let us celebrate what we have and enjoy this film which has brought hundreds from all around the world together, all because of one reason - Dragons!

In the spirit of today I would like to point attention to one of my favorite HTTYD fan videos. It just captures the essence of what HTTYD means so perfectly. It's focuses the first movie but undoubtedly still fits the mood.

So here's to the first birthday of HTTYD2. Let this one, like the many to come, be special to all of us that hold this movie close to our hearts. HTTYD2, you were and always will be amazing. <3
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

:D wow,very well said. You hit every point. :D
And you did an awesome job on the video, now one of my favorites.
One lonely dragon, and one lonely viking boy. And they became legends.
I saw the second movie who know how many times. And it hit a lot of feelings with me.
I even met two older ladies at the theater who are huge httyd fans. So I know I'm not the only one there who was a fan. :D
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

It's been one year and the fanmily is still alive. Heaving and hyperventilating, but very much alive. Normal fandoms would have died by now.
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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My only master is the free wind

On this day... one year ago...
I was cursing whoever decided the movie needs to come out where I live a week after it did in the US(Doesn't help that one of my Facebook friends, who's a host of a radio show, got to see it on that day in a special press screening. At least he didn't spoil anything). Thus, began the painful week of waiting and trying to resist looking spoilers up... which I didn't... I managed to stay un-spoiled. I even remember watching Doug Walker's review only until the part where he said it was better than the first one and then closed the video. I even remember going for a jog that day and what song did my IPhone decided to play? That's right, "Where No One Goes"...

If it wasn't obvious that was painful.

But I'm willing to skip a week for when it came out here and I saw it for the first time. My job at the time had this thing where I had to spent a week in the work place and a week at home. Seeing how the movie came out on a weekend I was at work, I managed to convince my boss to give me a free night to go watch it opening day(He still doesn't know that was my true reasoning to ask that night off, not that it matters since I quit, but whatever). I even remember my mom asking me if I just couldn't have waited a few days and I just said "This is "How to Train Your Dragon 2". I have waited enough". I also managed to get all of my friends set to go with me(A milestone on its own). I still remember getting up that morning at my job, working for like 3 or 4 hours(2 of these hours were spent watching a movie on TV), getting home to find out there was no internet connection in the entire neighborhood for some reason, sleeping and whatever else, the time came. My friends were excited for the movie as well, but I was a ticking energy bomb, and it didn't help these guys tried to prank me that they decided to go see "Jump Street" instead(Not that I would have cared, I would have watched the movie on my own if they were for real). When the movie started, my heart was pounding outside of my chest; I was that excited.

The movie itself is as you all know; I laughed, teared up, was hooked on the story and characters(again) and I also remembered everyone cheering when it ended. And even a year later I'm still not sick of this movie. Truly one of my favorites of all time(Not just animated, but movies period).

3 more years till the 3rd one!
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Shhh...Toothless is watching

13 Jun 2015, 08:15
It's been one year and the fanmily is still alive. Heaving and hyperventilating, but very much alive. Normal fandoms would have died by now.
We are not that easy to get rid of I suppose. ^_^ But your signature makes me think of the day when it will all just be a memory :'( . However let's live in the moment shall we. If we think about our eventual demise we ourselves will fall into oblivion. -_-
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

13 Jun 2015, 08:35
13 Jun 2015, 08:15
It's been one year and the fanmily is still alive. Heaving and hyperventilating, but very much alive. Normal fandoms would have died by now.
We are not that easy to get rid of I suppose. ^_^ But your signature makes me think of the day when it will all just be a memory :'( . However let's live in the moment shall we. If we think about our eventual demise we ourselves will fall into oblivion. -_-
Well said :D
We can all try and make sure our little site is still around years from now.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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My only master is the free wind

13 Jun 2015, 09:06
13 Jun 2015, 08:35
13 Jun 2015, 08:15
It's been one year and the fanmily is still alive. Heaving and hyperventilating, but very much alive. Normal fandoms would have died by now.
We are not that easy to get rid of I suppose. ^_^ But your signature makes me think of the day when it will all just be a memory :'( . However let's live in the moment shall we. If we think about our eventual demise we ourselves will fall into oblivion. -_-
Well said :D
We can all try and make sure our little site is still around years from now.
Let's promise, right now, that we will all be here in 2020 for the franchise's 10th anniversary and post something... Man, that sounded cheesy, but I don't care! We will make it until then!

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Lone Dragon

Man I must be an awful fan don't really have a big speech to give. I didn't even get to see the movie in theaters to be honest had to wait and pick it up on the digital release. But still yet it has definitely be one interesting journey and I honestly can't wait to see where it and all of us are headed next. ^_^
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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twelve days north of hopeless


I'm not some obsessed superfan like I was a year ago, which is not surprising, but I am surprised that so many of you guys are still here. I know we come and go, and miss the ones that left, but it's kinda beautiful that this one little franchise can unite all of these (random strangers, really) people. Without dragons, I wouldn't have joined this site. And without this site, I wouldn't have rediscovered dA. And with that, my life changed entirely. I'm a different person than I was a year ago, and I'm sure a lot of you have changed as well. But I love that things like this can bring together people from all walks of life and unite them with their shared love (of dragons in this case, haha).

Stay awesome, and here's an AMV/whateveryoucallthem that I liked (in case you all haven't seen it)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfP4U7DYnoY
Find me on tumblr!
I can't bring myself to delete the gifs sorry

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I am... swaggy

One year ago I was waiting anxiously for the day me and my family got back home from Seattle and Vancouver. Unaware of HtTYD2's release date, we had scheduled our trip of 10 days during the week the movie came out. I was caught in the middle of the excitement of getting to experience a different country (we also got to visit a museum with a special exhibit about Vikings ;D) and the long wait to finally see the one movie I had been so impatient to see for about 2-3 years since joining the fandom. In the end, I had a blast visiting the Vancouver Aquarium, where we watched dolphins and belugas and porpoises play and give us an amazing show and saw multitudes of different jellyfish (I happen to really love cnidarians xD), and back in Seattle we ate the best seafood we've ever had. Flying back home, I dreamed about being in the theater with my sister or a friend or two, watching Toothless being the adorable boss he is and sighing over Hiccup's sexy new look (lol).

About two days later, me and my bestie finally watched the movie and I remember falling into tears twice during the film. It was like a dream come true to be there watching the sequel's brilliant graphics and heart-wrenching moments, and I even brought along my Toothless mini-figure my friend had gotten me for my birthday the year before. When it was all over I was at a loss for words, but on the inside I was screaming with joy! I was stuck with post-movie-syndrome almost a week later and I think I went back to watch the movie a second time, that time to take in every detail and formulate a more formal opinion about the film. In the end, I still love it! While it was a giant step from the first movie (which I'm still on the fence on whether or not I adore more), it was a wonderful movie for the sweet and heart-breaking moments.

I'm very thankful to have joined the Grapevine and gotten the chance to discuss and debate the films and tv series with you all! Thank you everyone for making the experience a wonderful one and another big thank you to DreamWorks for getting me hooked on to this amazing series!

Now after typing that essay's worth of words, and since it looks like we're sharing our favorite AMVs now, here's one that I believe fits the fandom where it stands right now. Enjoy!
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