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How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 22:09
by thenightandthefury
Meh it doesn't matter to me if they are all darker scaled. Heck, another night fury might be a dark shade of gray or blue or even brown or purple. Also they might have the manta ray spots, like Toothless does. (seen if you look close at his wings) So that'll be interesting to see on them.

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 07 Oct 2014, 05:04
by nissi4eva
If at all they find an island full of night furies, I would like each NF to have a special set of abilities. For eg. some have a single category of abilities, some have another set of abilities, and Toothless having the rarest ability- the power of an alpha dragon.

Awesomeness ^_^

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 26 Oct 2014, 04:44
by obsidianz
15 Sep 2014, 17:57
Am I the only one in this fanbase that does not want to see another night fury?
I really like the idea of Toothless being special, and that his background is unknown. This gives Toothless this very mystical quality that I love.

I do not really think we will se any other night furies in the third film actually. I think they are all gone or have been wiped out by Drago or something. Either way, giving Toothless a female counterpart is a very bad idea I think. One of the main themes of the story is the frinedship between Hiccup and Toothless, we do not need another romantic interference in the story. I love the relationship between Hiccup and Astrid, but we do not need another romantic relationship between dragons.

When it comes to how the other night furies would look I think they would be more muscular built than Toothless. I think it would be a nice parallell to where Hiccup stands in his viking society (smaller, thinner, weaker, etc.). I also think the night fury would have different eye colours to have some small changes between them. The ear-flaps would also probably vary in size. :P
Yeah, I don't really want another night fury... And I strongly agree with not wanting a female night fury. Having a dragon romantic interest could go awry very easily. And if they did find another female, I don't think we need her to be more "feminine-looking" or sleek than the males. I mean, obviously there's some biological difference, but we have this awful habit of sexualizing animals in cartoons, which is something I'm glad hasn't happened in httyd.

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 26 Oct 2014, 13:06
by thenightandthefury
There are some that don't want it and some that do. One thing they could do to settle both sides is to have a baby night fury be found, like a son or daughter of Toothless or one that he must leave to take care of. We already got a glimpse of what a baby night fury looks like with the toy (bigger head, smaller wings, etc) So perhaps that is a hint that a baby night fury will be found, possibly with all its relatives having been killed off?

Another plot line I am open to regarding other night furies is his parent figure finding him, or like a brother or sister. Other then that a rival night fury, one that is trained by Drago or the new enemy, whomever he may be.

As far as a love story between night furies, I would not be against it, as I trust dreamworks would handle it like they handled all the romances so far; with class. How I imagine it is being an enemy at first, but eventually they become friends and must leave together.

One last thing I would be open to, though I don't like this as much, is a flashback as to why all but Toothless (night furies) were killed, or disappeared.

Also if the toys are any hint, we already have a wild night fury toy, with both black tail fins and no armor (I believe it is the Fire breathing night fury who shoots darts and what not) and we have a baby night fury toy. So possibly this is hinting that there will be a rival night fury or a glimpse of a baby Toothless?

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 28 Oct 2014, 08:01
by Cartoon Freak
The second of those toys is just Toothless with Chiba proportions (to go with the rest of that line), so doesn't give any conclusive evidence of what a baby Night Fury would look like, though I think they would look very similar to that.

The first toy is actually officially a Toothless toy as well, but him with a full tail. Yes, that is stupid at this point (there was justification with the first movie's toyline, but this is ridiculous), and is actually the single most annoying toy in accuracy I have ever seen, and that's saying something. But I digress. Since it is officially a Toothless toy, we can't use it as conclusive evidence of what another Night Fury would look like. With that said, I see no reason to believe that another Night Fury would look appreciably different to Toothless before he lost his tail fin.

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 28 Oct 2014, 09:43
by hcsp1
I just thought of something. Everyone noticed that when Toothless went into his Alpha mode, those spines(I think... What are those called really?) on his back that Valka showed him are active. Maybe, just a random thought, this(Toothless's Alpha mode, with the plasma glowing and everything) is how other Night Furies will look?

But I'll get to it later, Valka did mention Toothless is the same age as Hiccup, meaning he is 20 years old(If dragon lives count the same as human lives that is. He could might as well be 6 for a human but 20 in dragon years. I'm just making this up though, there is no confirmation, as we all know, to how this works). Seeing how Vikings fought dragons for over 300 years by the time the first movie is happening and that the dragon manual by Bort(That's his name right?) contains stuff about Night Furies, Toothless might not be the last Night Fury overall, but rather the last one BORN as of now.

Let's think about this. It's said that no one on Berk has seen a Night Fury before Toothless. However, Eret seemed to recognize Toothless as a Night Fury when he first saw him(Quate: "My, that IS a Night Fury") meaning he obviously saw one before at one point. Valka also seemed to recognize Toothless as a Night Fury without Hiccup telling her his breed. Valka lived with dragons for 20 years, who knows, maybe she saw one? I guess she did, because how did she knew about Toothless's spines and that they will allow Toothless more agility with his tail being locked? Simple, she met one! From all of these examples we can probably guess that Toothless is pretty young compared to others of his kind and not necessarily the last one over all(And yes, I know Valka says at one point "He might be the last of his kind" but who knows? It can be miss-inturpeted).

Okay, so where the hell am I going with all of that? Other Night Furies might as well look like Toothless's Alpha mode... Only at all times. My theory is, once a Night Fury is old enough, he might start going into this state every now and again when angered(Hence, Night FURY) and power down from it once they calmed down. When they are old enough, they eventually start to stay in this form full time but the glowing plasma inside of them might kill them slowly and that's why they are considered extient, they die faster than regular dragons because of this downside. When Toothless went into this mode, he was angry at the Alpha for making him kill Stoick and for almost killing Hiccup. That's what triggered the transformation. Plus, I think it would have been cool that if it does stand for age, it will fit with the growing up thing Hiccup is going through in the movie.

Also, I would imagine not all of them have retractable theeth, seeing how she was suprised when Toothless had.

My god... that was longer than I intended. There will be cake for the one who read all of this.

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 28 Oct 2014, 16:39
by thenightandthefury
I did read all that, and omg your theories are awesomely tragic. If the plasma is an age thing and ends up killing night furies, that would be a horrible thing as it would probably be very painful and a horrible way to go. Think about it plasma is like an electric fire, lava like I guess if its in the veins.. so it would be like a slow poison every time they got angry and would likely just get more and more painful as they got older. Seeing interviews, I doubt they would go for something this tragic, as one the second movie was said to be the saddest and this would have Toothless dying a painful death as the center of the movie, and two they said this 3rd movie (in one of the latest interviews on the grapevine) they said this would be an inspirational movie, or so they hoped. So the way the dragons will go will likely be heroic in some way.

One ending I think we would all be satisfied with is if Toothless, now being the alpha of all dragons, must lead away the dragons to a safe haven when the danger in the human world becomes too much for them. And where would they go? They would go deep beneath the sea, in a deep slumber, to wake billions of years from now, like in the books. (in the books they go into a deep slumber which they can stay in for millions of years) Giving the ending that they're gone, but they could come back. Thus the possibility for spin offs.

If they do a spin off, I would hope for a modern world or future-istic world, where they wake and seek out their riders but find them gone. And I really hope they do a spin off, cuz I really like the idea that the dragons would return in the future world. (as the interview said, where did they go, what happened, will they come back?)

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 04:05
by hcsp1
28 Oct 2014, 20:39
I did read all that, and omg your theories are awesomely tragic. If the plasma is an age thing and ends up killing night furies, that would be a horrible thing as it would probably be very painful and a horrible way to go. Think about it plasma is like an electric fire, lava like I guess if its in the veins.. so it would be like a slow poison every time they got angry and would likely just get more and more painful as they got older. Seeing interviews, I doubt they would go for something this tragic, as one the second movie was said to be the saddest and this would have Toothless dying a painful death as the center of the movie, and two they said this 3rd movie (in one of the latest interviews on the grapevine) they said this would be an inspirational movie, or so they hoped. So the way the dragons will go will likely be heroic in some way.
You took this theory WAY off course, my friend.
I didn't mean that the plasma works as a poison that will make it a painful death, oh no, this is not what I meant. I thought that the plasma will simply make their heart beat faster than regular dragons; and the faster the heart beat, the younger the dragon will be when it goes. For example, let's say a Deadly Nadder or any of the other dragons can live for a 90 years(Again, not confirmed, just throwing something) than a Night Fury will live for 75 years because of the plasma. Seeing how Night Furies are considered more deadly than other dragons and has no real weakness from what we know(I mean, they are one of the fastest, if not the fastest, of all the breeds and are also pretty strong compared to other dragons) it's like something that makes them equaler to other dragons.

I never said the movie will focus on Toothless dying or something like that. No no no, I just said that it might be a sign of aging for him. Maybe I could have explained it better but oh well...

I can just imagine Dean reading this entire thing and having trouble breathing because of all the stuff I just made up...

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 17:48
by draconicwyvern
(part of this is also posted in Ideas and Prompts > Stories)

I had a theory in mind about Night Furies ever since the Sand/Desert Wraith species came on the game Rise of Berk. Since it is told that Night Furies are related to Sand/Desert Wraiths, could Night Furies just be a genetic variant of them? In the TV show, the Screaming Death is a variant of the species Whispering Death (also, with reddish eyes and white skin, is akin to albinism). Consider black panthers to Night Furies, as black panthers are leopards with melanism (opposite of albinism), would Night Furies be a melanic Sand/Desert Wraith? This would also explain the rarity of Night Furies.

(Also, Toothless' movie look was inspired by a black panther wallpaper (?clarification needed))

(On tumblr I read a post stating that Night Furies may be a cross-breed. this could actually go in the new Hybrid Dragons thread but I'm too lazy to repost it there XD)

How do you imagine other night furies?

Posted: 05 Nov 2014, 17:51
by DarkWing
15 Sep 2014, 17:57
Am I the only one in this fanbase that does not want to see another night fury?
I really like the idea of Toothless being special, and that his background is unknown. This gives Toothless this very mystical quality that I love.
Here here. I completely agree. No more Night Furies please; it'll dilute the story into something too contrived.