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Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 12 Oct 2014, 17:26
by Greyliminator
I meant similar in style, but yea they sound somewhat the same on certain spots :D

Also, 'Counter Attack' from HTTYD really reminds me of those starfighter dogfights and jedi vs sith battles for some reason.

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 12 Oct 2014, 18:00
by Pikey
12 Oct 2014, 21:26
Also, 'Counter Attack' from HTTYD really reminds me of those starfighter dogfights and jedi vs sith battles for some reason.
I never get to that part, mainly because I listen to about halfway into it and then I have to go do something and by the time I get back it's not worth it. :unsure:

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 12 Oct 2014, 18:01
by Greyliminator
12 Oct 2014, 22:00
12 Oct 2014, 21:26
Also, 'Counter Attack' from HTTYD really reminds me of those starfighter dogfights and jedi vs sith battles for some reason.
I never get to that part, mainly because I listen to about halfway into it and then I have to go do something and by the time I get back it's not worth it. :unsure:
Halfway into Star Wars or halfway into 'Counter Attack'?

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 12 Oct 2014, 18:15
by Pikey
Counter Attack, but I probably wouldn't watch halfway into Star Wars either too. :P

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 12 Oct 2014, 19:11
by Greyliminator
Somehow I can relate to that ;)

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014, 11:27
by Pikey
In what way? Am I supposed to understand that wink? :huh:

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014, 16:45
by Greyliminator
Maybe.. Maybe not.

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 25 Oct 2014, 05:39
by LawOfTheSeas
In between sobs, I am composing a relatively collected and coherent response...
It sounds Powell-esque. Can anyone else hear Stoick's Ship?
But, as said, it probably isn't the actual soundtrack.
Now let me return to my sobbing. This may turn me into a sad old man quicker than I anticipated...

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 11:21
by Pakba
It's Salim Daima's For the Realm. It's so funny that rebloggers kept saying it was Adrian's. Such misinformation.

Leaked soundtrack piece? (possible spoilers)

Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 17:55
by Zer0x
Okay, I think it is clear now that it was a fake. And this thread is goint to be a bit off-topic. ;)