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Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 02 Aug 2015, 17:13
by Berserk Shieldmaiden
I'll probably be attacked for this post but......Am I the only one who thinks RTTE doesn't quite live up to expectations?

I haven't seen all 13 eps yet but it actually feels like a chore to watch. I think the last 2 seasons were better.

Anyone else feel this way about RTTE

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 02 Aug 2015, 17:20
by Toothless123
I kind of agree with you there; I felt like the episodes of the last seasons leading up to the big ones were worth something, not just filler episodes thrown in like in RttE. :/

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 02 Aug 2015, 20:52
by VeloYourSwaggyDragon
I was excited to watch it because of what the writers and interviews told us to expect, but in the end none of the episodes really stood out for me other than the first 2 and the Heather episodes. I think the most interesting thing I found this season (at least so far, we still have 13 more episodes left) was the new and enhanced animations that made everything visually appealing.

I don't like how the interactions with the twins felt so.... forced. There were some good moments that they could make their thoughts on something, but for others, it felt like they were just there to fill in screen time.

Then there's the topic of speed. A lot of the episodes either dragged on (because of filler moments) or felt too fast. I need to re-watch the season to find any episodes that weren't one or the other, though, as it's been two weeks since I've watched the live stream. But I feel this is what made watching anything the least enjoyable.

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 03 Aug 2015, 00:28
by Demonwolf002
I've given a few quick thoughts on specific things here and there, but I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to give my thoughts on the complete season just yet (feel I need more time with it). I do think I can safely say most people (myself included) would agree that the visuals have definitely improved quite a lot this season over the past seasons. Other things however are up for debate though. So what do you think the first 2 seasons did better than RTTE has done so far?

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 20:28
by KentuckyWildcat
I think all 3 seasons of the TV series have paled in comparison to the movies, but I guess that's sort of to be expected. If we're directly comparing the current Netflix run to the older seasons, I think it's an improvement just because the visuals are so much better. The storytelling and characterization hasn't changed much between the seasons in my opinion.

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 21:08
by sageman
another thin to remember we haven't seen the whole season yet the second half that we've just got the names for sounds like it could be interesting

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 15:47
by SplashTheScauldron
I never liked Riders & Defenders of Berk much, almost all episodes were too predictable and for the 5-10 years old audience... Rtte is acually very creative :)

Don't hate me for hating RoB and DoB :unsure:


Wow... I'm surprised so many people didn't enjoy Rtte much o.o ... soo... I'm the only one who thinks it's the best season so far?

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:20
by DragonLover1987
I thought RTTE was funny and I enjoyed the few Hiccstrid moments, but besides those two things, I didn't like it much.

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 12 Aug 2015, 10:04
by DragonLover1987
11 Aug 2015, 19:47


Wow... I'm surprised so many people didn't enjoy Rtte much o.o ... soo... I'm the only one who thinks it's the best season so far?
I liked/like it and I still think it's the best season yet, but not much.

Anyone else not like RTTE that much

Posted: 12 Aug 2015, 16:27
by TheBlackFluffyThing
12 Aug 2015, 14:04
11 Aug 2015, 19:47


Wow... I'm surprised so many people didn't enjoy Rtte much o.o ... soo... I'm the only one who thinks it's the best season so far?
I liked/like it and I still think it's the best season yet, but not much.
Yes, I also liked it better than the previous 2 seasons.