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Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 08:33
by Zer0x
I'm not sure about that, but I think they have improved some things on the Toothless model extra for GotNF. In my opinion Toothless looks much smoother more detailed than in the movie.

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 13:36
by kozmotisblack
10 Apr 2014, 12:33
I'm not sure about that, but I think they have improved some things on the Toothless model extra for GotNF. In my opinion Toothless looks much smoother more detailed than in the movie.
I'll have to see them side by side to really see the contrast... I always thought snow settings does wonders for his design.

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 14:40
by Jendora
I loved this short. The first time I saw it was with my roommates (same one I watched HTTYD with before) two Christmas seasons ago. Then, I downloaded it so I could then watch it a gazillion times on my own.

Last year this short was on the TV at home as we opened presents (yes, we were still opening presents at 8:30 PM).

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 17:02
by Aika
It might just be my favorite short, especially for the fact that it was so crucial to Hiccup and Toothless's relationship--and not too many shorts have a significant influence on a series (having said that some shorts are only shelled out for "funsies" and really have no significance to the plot or the characters whatsoever.)

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 12 Apr 2014, 23:27
by ChaseMagnus
09 Apr 2014, 21:29
Gift of the Night Fury is definitely the best short in my opinion, although by any means I'm not insulting the others. I adore the tidbits of each characters we get. Stoick being a cheerful father (asking for Hiccup's helmet to give him gifts), Astrid being supportive, sarcastic, and a delightfully almost goofy side we didn't get to see much in the first movie (yaknog, the exploding eggs, et cetera), but centering right back down to the heart of the movie, Hiccup and Toothless.

I'm so glad in the second movie, that they are practicing self flight for Toothless because as much as the ending of the short warmed me like a sip of hot chocolate, I thought getting rid of the ability for Toothless to fly on his own was a bit silly. I completely adore that Toothless prefers to fly connected with Hiccup, because he's essentially saying that even though he would vulnerable, he trusts Hiccup to have his back. That's so wonderful.... But, oh dear is the idea that Toothless can fly without Hiccup dead useful.

Excuse my rambles dear.
10 Apr 2014, 00:06
09 Apr 2014, 22:42
baby dragons, need I say more
no, that is quite sufficient xD
10 Apr 2014, 00:20
Apart from the obvious baby dragons though, the ending was especially lovely.

I would be lying if I said I didn't cry like a baby but oh toothless I just wanted to hug him the adorable big baby boo I mean oh gosh feels it was such a powerful gesture and just made the relationship that much more AWH YOU GUYS if you know what I mean

.. and yes that is my professional review

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 16 May 2014, 17:26
by scribblefoxx
Gift of the Night Fury is definitely my favorite of the shorts. The relationship between Hiccup and Toothless was so perfect... and Hiccup calling Astrid 'milady' was so cute. :P

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 16:39
by Rocky Rose
This one's the short I always go back to.. as much as I like the other two shorts.....this one just reigns as my favorite :)

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 21:16
by HideousZippleback
I loved this short for many reason some of which were: Ruffnut and Tuffnut being the ones to figure out that Meatlug was a girl and laid eggs. The Exploding eggs. Snotlout's line "This was your best idea yet." and the adorable story line of it.

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 17 Aug 2014, 12:16
by RealHousewifeofBerk
I like that they were able to include a little Hiccstrid in a way that felt natural and didn't distract from the rest of the plot. I'm hoping Dawn of the Dragon Racers (the next upcoming short), as well as any other shorts that may come, are able to do so the same way GoTNF did.

Gift of The Night Fury

Posted: 28 Sep 2014, 03:20
by nissi4eva
Rocky Rose
10 Jun 2014, 20:39
This one's the short I always go back to.. as much as I like the other two shorts.....this one just reigns as my favorite :)
The baby dragons inthis short are somethin worth comin back for. As for Toothless, he looked even more cute in this short.
<3 :nightfuryegg: