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Sister Dragon
Topic Started: 30 Dec 2016, 22:22 (8618 Views)
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Dragon Egg

This is the story of CrystalSpirit and how her world changed for ever.

Apologies, this may get a little dark, but I promise it gets better! Enjoy! :D

Part 1: prologue:

Once, In a village, In a barbaric archipelago, a young mother was giving birth to her first child. A beautiful
baby girl with strawberry blonde hair with a single white white streak running down the left side. Her eyes were a deep crystal blue, from which she earned her name, Crystal. The village celebrated their newest member joyfully. However, their joy was not to last. For only three years later the dragon raids started. On one such night, the battle was more fierce than it had ever been. An unlucky rival viking clan also attacked thinking the dragon raid would give them perfect cover. They were wrong, as soon as the dragons caught sight of them, they also came under attack. The dragons burned everything, not one person was left breathing. Save one lone figure fleeing through the woods carrying a precious cargo. The young mother stopped and listened for any sign they were being followed. Behind them, she could hear the faint sounds of wing beats. She looked all around for a safe place to go, but all she found was a hollowed out tree. It was only big enough for one, Crystal. She Lowered the little girl into the tree. "Stay here, little one," she softly cooed to her daughter, "I will be back for you, I promise."
After making sure Crystal would be safe, the good mother turned her attention to a group of dragons heading directly for her. She had to lead them away. She ran as fast as she could, leading them safely away from the hollow tree. As she ran, a nadder took aim. He released his spine and it hit its mark. The good mother fell to her knees, racked with pain. As she breathed her last breath, she prayed to Thor that her Crystal would be found and taken care of.

In the hollow of the tree, safely hidden from evil eyes, little Crystal waited. She was tired and scared.
After some time, her eye lids grew heavy and she drifted to sleep. When she awoke, the world was quiet and smelled of smoke. Timidly, Crystal made her way out of the hollow tree. "Mommy?" she called, looking around in all directions. But, her mother was no where in sight. Suddenly, a blue Deadly Nadder came out of the woods, followed closely by her own orange colored baby nadder.
Crystal was terrified. 'Did these things hurt mommy?' she thought, 'will they hurt me?'
Slowly, the mother nadder, whose name was SwiftGlider, moved toward the little girl. She looked her over carefully. The girl was no threat, just some lost hatchling. SwiftGlider looked around, but saw no others of the hatchlings kind. They were probably wiped out in the raid.
Crystal watched the nadder closely, then she noticed the little orange nadder. It apparently noticed her two because it slowly made its way toward her. 'A little one like me!' she thought as she slowly held out her hand toward it. The little nadder hesitated, then nuzzled the girls hand. 'Oh' thought SwiftGlider, 'it looks as though she has the spirit of a dragon or SpitFire would never have trusted her.' SwiftGlider lowered her nose to the hatchling, who timidly held out her hand. 'This hatchling will need someone to look after her,' SwiftGlider thought,' I will raise her with my own, and she will be called CrystalSpirit, for her eyes are of crystal and her spirit is strong.'


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Heather the Berserker
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I go where no one goes

Ooooooh this is great so far!!! ^_^ KIC!!! =D
Bear the flame
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Dragon Egg

Thanks! :D I'm glad you liked it, but the good stuff is yet to come! ;)
Which brings me to,

Sister Dragon

Chapter 1

12 Years Later.

"Come on CrystalSpirit, Keep up!" SpitFire squawked. CrystalSpirit groaned as looked for a foothold in the rock face. "I'm going as fast as I can," she replied," it's not so easy without claws!" CrystalSpirit and her sister SpitFire were competing in their third climbing race of the day, and for the third time that day CrystalSpirit lost. When she Finally reached the top of the cliff, SpitFire gave her a ride back down. As they rested on the soft grass at the bottom of the cliff, CrystalSpirit couldn't help but notice how much easier everything was for her sister. "I wish I had wings to touch the sky." She sighed as watched the clouds slowly drifting bye. "I know," SpitFire replied, "but, remember even though you may not have the wings and claws of a dragon, you still have the spirit of one."
CrystalSpirit knew that. SwiftGlider had told her many times before. However, she still wasn't very convinced. 'That's easier for you to say, than it is for me to believe.' CrystalSpirit thought.

"Hey, look guys!" A loud and rude voice roared from the forest, "It's the wingless dragon wonder!"
It was BlackClaw, A young Mostrous Nightmare and a complete bully. He and his friends Sparky and Thunder, a young Hideous ZippleBack, had been tormenting CrystalSpirit for as long as she could remember. "What are you failing at today, CrystalChump?" BlackClaw laughed. "MY NAME IS CRYSTALSPIRIT!" She hissed back. "You know what, CrystalChump?," BlackClaw growled, "it doesn't matter what they call you, you... Will NEVER be a REAL Dragon!" CrystalSpirit felt a lump form in the back of her throat. "Yeah," Sparky chimed in, "you can't breath fire, you don't have wings, and you don't even have any of these!" Sparky waved his claws in CrystalSpirit's face. "Seriously," Thunder added, "what good are you?!" CrystalSpirit started to reply, but BlackClaw cut her off. "she's not any good," he said,"she is completely useless!" The bullies roared with laughter, "Useless CrystalChump the wingless dragon wonder!" They sang as they spread their wings and took to the sky.

"What bullies!" SpitFire fumed, "I hope they break a wing!" CrystalSpirit didn't know what made her angrier, the fact that she was always bullied or the fact her sister always stood back and said nothing. "SpitFire, why didn't you HELP me!" She hissed, "why do you just stand and do nothing while they torment me?!" SpitFire was taken back by this. It was natural for young dragons to be allowed to go through bullying in order that they might learn to stand up for themselves. CrystalSpirit knew that. SpitFire didn't understand why she still became so upset. 'Maybe it's just a human thing.' She thought. So in reply SpitFire simply said,"That is not the dragon way." CrystalSpirit was silent. She knew SpitFire was right, and she hated that.'Who cares about the dragon way.' She thought, but she already knew the answer to that. "I'm sorry SpitFire," she said while rubbing SpitFire's nose, "your right, it isn't the dragon way, I just feel so helpless trying to stand up to those guys." CrystalSpirit moved away from her sister as she continued. "Sometimes I even think they are right." She sighed. " You KNOW in your heart they are wrong." SpitFire replied.
Crystal stated walking towards the woods. "Where are you going?" SpitFire asked. "I don't know, I guess for a walk since I can't fly," CrystalSpirit replied, "I will meet you back at the nest."

End Chapter 1.

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Aphmau is the best!

Jeez, BlackClaw is mean!!
"You can kill me once, but you can't kill me twice." - Luna Rainclaw
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This is really good! Keep it up!
Clouds of corn <3
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Dragon Egg

Hey Guys! First off, sorry I haven't posted for a while. It's been kind of a crazy life for me.
Also, thanks Chicken! And don't worry Luna, in the end they will get what's comming to them!
I promise chapter 2 is comming. It just may be a day or two. And I will introduce to you, two new characters: NightWind the night fury and Aksel his human brother. So, hang in there guys! And thanks for reading my story! :D
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Normal is the absence of crazy. In short, boring.

Agh! WHY!!!😩 A week after I start brainstorming and taking notes for a story, I see this! It has a very similar storyline so far. XD (It's still really good though😉)

I guess I just won't read this anymore until I finish most of my story
My Art Thread-My DeviantArt
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Dragon Egg

Thanks and Sorry about that Scarlett! What can I say, Great Minds think alike! ;)
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Dragon Egg

So, I am gonna try for chapter 2 today. ^_^ I have been sorta working with an idea I had to see how it would work in the story. Needless to say, it was hard to figure out which way to go.
But I believe everyone will enjoy this chapter very much! :D

Without further delay here is chapter 2:

The Meeting:

'Where did they go?' NightWind thought, 'Ahh, there they are!' The black night fury and his rider had been flying for what seemed like hours, tracking a small group of nadders they had seen snooping around the edges of their village. After having been attacked by them twice already, it only seemed natural to follow them to see where they came from. The night fury stopped and hovered as they came to the edge of an island. "Hey Aksel, wake up!" NightWind attempted to wake his sleeping rider, but a soft snoring could still be heard from the 15 year old on his back. NightWind sighed in aggravation, "Okay Aksel, you leave me no choice." With a quick twitch of his head, the night fury raised his ear flap and swatted Aksel's face. (SMACK!) "WAKE UP!!!" The dragon hissed. Aksel immediately sat up rubbing the side of his face. "Owww! Gees, What was that for!" He snapped at NightWind. "Are you kidding me?!" The dragon snapped back, "You fell asleep in the middle of our mission!" Aksel was quiet for a moment. "What miss...OH MY THOR! NightWind why didn't you wake me!" NightWind rolled his eyes in annoyance. (Smack) again NightWinds ear flap met Aksel's sore cheek. "Oh yeah, right."Aksel responded, "sorry." The two flew low over the tree tops, trying not to attracked attention. "If we stay low I think we should be.....okay....what the?" NightWind began when a cloud of green gas suddenly surrounded them. "uh-oh, NightWind you gotta-" Too late, Aksel was cut off as the gas exploded sending him unconsciously flying through the air where a certain Monstrous Nightmare caught him. "Well, well" BlackClaw said looking the boy over. "If ain't a Viking runt and his night fury pal. I think the Great and Noble Queen will find this most interesting." Sparky and Thunder quickly agreed. "What about the night fury?" Sparky asked, "should we bring him too?" NightWind had crashed landed and was laying beside a large slab of rock on the forest floor unconscious. "I don't think he is going anywhere." BlackClaw informed them,"We'll let the Queen take care of him. In the mean time, we have a delivery to make!" With that, they turned and headed for the nest.

A few hours later

CrystalSpirit had been walking for what seemed like hours, but she didn't stop. She had too much on her mind and walking seemed to help. 'Maybe I am useless,' she thought, 'A stupid useless human.' CrystalSpirit began to grow weary, she had walked along way, and suddenly realized she gone further than she had meant to. She decided to sit and rest for a little while. She noticed a big slab of rock and settle down beside it to rest.
After an hour or so, CrystalSpirit decided it was time to head back. As she got up to leave, she heard leaves rustling on the other side of the rock slab. "Who's There?" She hissed. She then heard a low painful moan. "What happened?" A voice asked, "where am I?" CrystalSpirit cautiously began walking toward the other side of the rock slab. "Who are you!" She asked ,trying to sound fierce, as she took another step. When she finally reached the other side of the rock and saw what was there, she immediately jumped back. 'A night fury!' She thought,'What in the Queen 's realm is a night fury doing here! Weren't they Banished years ago?' CrystalSpirit heard the dragon move, he was listening. He knew she was there. "Who's there?" He asked. CrystalSpirit took a deep breath. Slowly she moved back toward where the dragon was laying. As she went she picked up a stick. She knew it would not do her any good, but she felt better knowing she had something to use in defense.
Crystal Spirit took on a defensive posture as moved to face the dragon. Her heart was pounding and her mind was racing. A Night fury, even SwiftGlider had called them "the offspring of lightning and death it's self." The dragon was watching her curiously, did he smell her fear? As she studied the dragon in front of her, she noticed three things. First, he wasn't attacking or trying to hurt her. Secondly, he was starring at her just as curiously as she was at him. Third, his eyes were as blue as her own.
NightWind was unsure what to make of this girl in front of him. Her clothes were simple and looked worn out and old. She wore a simple brown hooded tunic and leather skirt, with plain brown leggings and brown boots. Her strawberry blonde hair was in the messiest braid he had ever seen and her eyes were the purest crystal blue. "Uhh..hello." He spoke in Norse, thinking her to be Viking.
He thought he had heard a dragon hiding behind the rock, but surly he was mistaken.

CrystalSpirit had no Idea what the night fury said. It sounded like gibberish to her. 'Great, now I know I am useless, if I can't even understand a dragon!" She thought. The night fury had turned around and was looking himself over. "You are not useless." He said forceably, in Dragoneese this time. CrystalSpirit Froze. "Did you just read my thoughts?!" Now she knew she was crazy, dragons couldn't read minds. It was ridiculous. She simply must have muttered it out loud. As she watched the night fury she noticed his wing had been dislocated, though he seemed more interested in his tail. Suddenly, she realized why. His tail was fake! Or at least one half of it was. A make shift tail fin had been placed on the right side of his tail, and it looked broken. 'Well, you aren't leaving anytime soon are you?' She thought, making sure not to mumble. "No, kidding" The dragon replied,"I think I broke something or dislocated it or something."
"OH MY WOW, YOU DID READ MY THOUGHTS!" CrystalSpirit shouted. "Wait, so you didn't say that out loud?" He replied,"Huh, I could have sworn I heard you say it. Which means I heard your thoughts." CrystalSpirit was annoyed at his correction. "THAT STILL DOSENT MAKE IT ANY LESS WEIRD!" She snapped. "WOULD YOU CALM DOWN!" He snapped back," if anyone has a right to be upset here it's me, I'm the one who crash landed, remember? and honestly I could use some help."
Help a Night fury? No, she couldn't could she? Well, if she didn't he would never get off this island. If she did, she would break the most sacred of the Great Queens rules. Which sated, "ANYONE DRAGON SEEN WITH OR HELPING A ROUGE NIGHTFURY, THE ENEMY OF THE QUEEN, WILL BE ATOMATICLY BANISHED FROM AND OR REMOVED FROM THE NEST." CrystalSpirit was torn, what should she do? What was she thinking, she could never help his kind could she?
NightWind grew weary listening to CrystalSpirit's internal conflict. "Look, I need to find my brother and get out of here." He pleaded," just help me find Aksel, and I will leave you alone."
CrystalSpirit was stunned. "Wait, there are two of you?" She asked. "Yes, but he is not a dragon." He replied. Seeing the confusion on her face he quickly added,"I will explain later, will you help me or not?" CrystalSpirit thought of her sister. She knew if she were in the same position, she would want help too. "Okay," she said,"I will help you."
CrystalSpirit walked cautiously over to the night fury. "My name is CrystalSpirit by the way." She introduced herself. "I'm NightWind, it's nice to officially meet you." He replied,"now, my wing?"
CrystalSpirit bent down and examined the wing. Being the only one around with thumbs, CrystalSpirit had a lot of experience fixing damaged wings. "Well, it's not broken." She said at last "however, it has been dislocated from you shoulder." NightWind tried to laugh it off saying, "is that all? Well, I should be good as new in no time!" CrystalSpirit didn't laugh, however because the process was more painful for a dragon wing than a shoulder. "Okay," she said "on the count of three, I will pop it back in place." NightWind took a deep breath. "Okay,"he replied. Together they started counting. "One," (POP) "AGGHHHH!" NightWind roared in Pain,"What happened to two and three?!" He growled. "Two, three. Happy?"CrystalSpirit smiled, " Your wing will be fine by the way, just sore." NightWind wasn't amused. "That was low down dirty trick!" He fumed. CrystalSpirit rolled her eyes,"Oh, come on",she smirked, "Stop complaining big baby boo, we have more important things to worry about."

Okay, WOW! That was a longer chapter than I thought it would be! ^_^ I hope you guys enjoyed it, don't forget to leave a comment and tell me what you thought! :D

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Deadly Nadder

Hey this is great! :D
Stoick: What in Thor's name is going on!?
Astrid: The eggs explode
- Gift of the Night Fury
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