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NightoftheFury 08 Jul 2014, 23:44
If we take what Katzenberg said at face value, what we might get is a three-hour third act in two instalments. Now, we know the third act is supposed to explain how all the dragons disappeared. That sounds like a significant chunk of story to tell in 90 minutes. To me, it sounds meatier than HTTYD 2's story arc, which some of us—not all, but some—felt was paced a tad too quickly. With that in mind, and assuming Dean is (or will be) wholeheartedly onboard, perhaps a split finale isn't such a bad idea.
^This. Indeed there is still a TON of story left that would be kinda hard to fit into another 100 min window. I think it would be wise to extend it to 200 min so that we can get a better progression towards the series climax. I actually have a whole bunch of reasons why a 200 min windows would be beneficial maybe I'll write them up tomorrow (its going to be long) *Feels to lazy right now*