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MissunyNightFury 20 May 2014, 21:24
21 May 2014, 01:16
I like it better that way too. I've been saying since the beginning that if they're going to have an extended war sequence, I wanted to see some real consequences, and that would certainly qualify. Even if having what's evidently going to a terrible accident isn't the only way to do that, I also like the idea of reminding us that Toothless is one of the deadliest of the known dragons and not just a harmless house cat.
I agree, it'll be cool seeing everyone wheeling their weapons around and dragons firing at everything. I think this is the second animated film, that I've seen at least, that involves a war-like battle. (The other one is from Mulan) I'm sure there are a bunch of animated films that have done it, but I still think it's unique. I'm really looking forward to the battle scenes, they seem like they're going to be terrific. It sort of reminds me of the battle scenes in Lord of the Rings.

If Toothless does kill Stoick, will Hiccup forgive him? Could he forgive him? Would Toothless feel guilty for doing it.