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Eret 24 Jun 2014, 19:12
24 Jun 2014, 23:06
24 Jun 2014, 22:38
24 Jun 2014, 19:01
Stoick's body looked like it was still whole, but the Red Death's wings were full of holes.
The red death burned from the inside out.

stoick may have been killed by a combo of the fire blast + the impact of hitting the ice and it falling on him.

..of course theyre not going to show his body mangled and burned up....
I think you misunderstand my point. Toothless was able to puncture the Red Death's wings in the first movie, so there's no way the human body would be able to survive intact from a night fury's death blast.
Ok... but... they also didn't show blood on drago's bewilderbeasts' tusks... I think we can give them a pass for not showing stoick's body mutilated...