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A Modern Revolution
Topic Started: 10 Apr 2014, 00:35 (1160 Views)
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Dragon Egg

A Modern Revolution[/i]

Chapter 1: Returning Home After Four Years

Ring! Ring! My alarm clock awoke me from a peaceful sleep. I yawned before swinging my legs over to the edge of my twin sized bed, attempting to fully awake myself. Wednesday, 6:21 am. I read my clock to make sure I wasn't going to be late. My plane left at 7:00 and the airport was only five minutes from my apartment. I stood up and walked to my small bathroom, looking in the mirror. Dirty brown hair, pale green eyes, glasses, freckles and mix-matched pjs. Yep, that's the first image that comes to mind when you think of the son of your mayor. Well that's exactly who I was: the son of Salt Lake City, Utah's mayor. Or more precisely, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. Great name I know. Who would name their son 'Hiccup'? Well apparently my dad. The same dad who shipped me off to a private school in Canada for four years because he thought their school was better. It's good for your mind, Hiccup! It'll make you smarter!! Yeah, sure. I already don't have a mother, so why don't you ship me off to a school in another country so it'll seem like I don't have a father as well!? He just doesn't get me, he acts like he always knows best instead of listening to my opinion once in a while.

While getting dressed my phone rang, so I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and picked it up off my dresser. It was a text message from dad. 'Hey son. Don't be late. I'll be waiting for you at the airport this afternoon.' I had to make sure I wasn't late. The flight was six and a half hours. I had packed my bags the night before, so I stuffed my toothbrush and toothpaste in my suitcase before running out the door. On my way to the airport I stopped at my friend's apartment to say goodbye.

I parked my truck (Canada gives you your drivers license at age 13) and went to apartment 2617 and rang the doorbell. “Hey Hic! Shouldn't you be on your way to the airport?” Jake said giving me a hug. “Yeah, I just thought I should give you one last goodbye; don't know when I'll see you again, ya know?”

“Yeah. When's your plane leave?” Jake asked.

“7:00” I replied.

“How long's your trip?”

“Like six and a half hours. And you know how much I hate plane trips.”

“Yeah.” He said. “Well, I'll give you a call when I get settled back home.” I said giving him a hug. “Sure.” I went down the apartment stairs and to my truck. As I drove to the airport I watched the forests as I passed them by. I was going to miss this place. I mean, it's been my home for four years now, who wouldn't?

After I went through the scanner and had my bags processed, along with my passport, I got a seat and plugged in my headphones. I felt someone kick the back of my seat, so I looked over and saw a little boy around the age of six. His mother was dressed in a business suit and she was on the computer with headphones in, not caring what her obnoxious son was doing . “Hey kid, could you please stop kicking my seat?” I asked kindly. He just stared before kicking my seat again. I went to get up just as the flight attendant walked by. “Please have a seat, sir.” I sat down, sighing as the boy continued to kick my seat.

6 1/2 hours later...

After a looooong day of dealing with the brat behind me, I had a pounding headache. I finally arrived at Salt Lake City International Airport at around 1:40 pm. I exited the plane and picked up my bags, walking through the huge lobby looking for my dad. I saw him waiting on one of the benches. “Hey dad.” I said with no excitement at all. “Hiccup!” He ran to me and hugged me, making me drop all my bags. “Hey.” I said trying to regain my breath. “How was the flight?” “Fine.” I shrugged my shoulders. He picked up some of my bags and I picked the rest up, then we walked to his truck and loaded them in the bed. I'm just gonna skip the ride home cause it was weird. Basically he just asked me random questions about Quebec, my friends there, and how I slept last night, so fast forward to when we arrived home. Once we arrived, dad unlocked the door, handed me the keys, and dropped my bags on the porch. “What are you doing?” I asked him. “Sorry son. I have to go back to work. I am working late tonight.” He hopped back in his truck and left. “Thanks.” I muttered under my breath as I picked up my bags and walked inside. Wow, bigger then I remembered it to be, I thought. I brought my bags up to my room and plopped down on my old bed. I examined the walls and furniture. Well at least he didn't turn it into a gym.

I decided a shower would help get rid of my headache, so I slipped off my clothes and went into the bathroom and took a shower. The hot water felt so nice on my head, especially on my back cause of that kid. I stayed in a while just because of how nice it felt. After about twenty minutes I got out and got dressed, picking up my hair brush as I went downstairs.

On my way down the stairs I heard something fall, it sounded like it came from the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen cautiously, with nothing but a hairbrush to arm myself. As I rounded the corner I saw a teen girl holding what looked like take-out from a restaurant. She had blonde hair which was in a ponytail, and she had on a waitress outfit. “Can I help you?” I guess I startled her cause she fell flat on her butt before standing up and looking at me angrily. “No, but can I help you!? Who are you and why are you here?” She had one hand on her hip and the take-out in another, along with an annoyed facial expression. “I'm Hiccup, and this is my house. The question is, what are you doing here!?” She rolled her eyes. “Well this house hasn't been your house for as long as I can remember!”

“I used to live here when I was younger before I got transferred to another school. But that's besides the point! Why are you here!?” She put the take-out on the snack bar, before handing me a card.

Olive Garden ~ 2272 S 1300th East Salt Lake City, UT 84106 ~ Astrid Hofferson

“So you're a waitress who works at the Olive Garden down the street? What does that have to do with why you're in my house?” I said chuckling a bit. She apparently didn't think it was funny. “The man who lives here pays me to deliver his dinner every weekday night at this time. So back to the original question: why are you here?” She asked. Man, don't let her cute waitress outfit and ponytail lead you to think she's all nice, she's a hothead! “And again to my original answer: I live here!” She looked at me as if I were crazy. “Well, I have been delivering these meals every weekday night for about four years now, I think I would have noticed you!” She turned around and took a picture of the dinner, then typed something on her phone. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Sending a pic of Stoick's meal to let him know I delivered it.”

My phone beeped, signaling that I just got a text message. 'Hey son. BTW there's this waitress that comes every night to deliver my dinner.' Wow, thanks for the heads up, dad. I walked over to Astrid and held up my phone. “See, he's my dad, and I just moved here today. I've been in Canada for four years.” She looked annoyed before pushing my phone down with her right hand. “Fine. Just don't ever scare me like that again.” She grabbed her phone before walking to the door, only to stop halfway there. She turned around and looked at me. “You look familiar...”

“I've been in Canada for a while... I highly doubt you know me.” I said. She suddenly looked surprised. “You're Hiccup.”


“That's why you're so annoying! You're that boy who left me because you wanted to go to a better school in Canada! No wonder you irritate me so much!” I gave her an irritated look. “I didn't leave because I wanted to! I left cause my dad forced me to! You hated me after I told you the news!” She continued walking and slammed the door behind her. I ran to the door and opened it to see her hopping on her specially-made delivery scooter. “Wait! What did I ever do to you!?” I yelled. She clicked her helmet on and pulled her ponytail through the hole in the back, and looked in my direction. “I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't talk to you for leaving me if you ever came back!” She zoomed off towards the direction of the Olive Garden, leaving a trail of gray smoke behind her.

I sighed. I never meant to hurt her. Oh, why does everyone hate me so much!? I went back inside and shut the door behind me.

Chapter 2: Meeting New Faces and Finding Old Friends

“Hiccup! Hiccup wake up! You're going to be late!” I opened my eyes to see my dad. “Wha-what is it?” I said groggily. “You never set your alarm clock up! Get dressed! School starts in five minutes!”

He ran out my door and downstairs, and from the sound of it, he almost tripped on the way down. I stood up quickly, pulling down my pajama pants and pulling up my jeans. I slipped on one of my nicest t-shirts and tied my tennis shoes, slipping my phone in my back pocket as I ran out my bedroom door. I ran downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast before hugging my dad goodbye and running out the door to my truck. When I arrived at the school, the bell was already ringing, so I ran through the halls looking for the school office. When I finally found it, I got my schedule and ran to my first class- History.

By the time I found my class, there was only one seat left. Sitting in the back of the class was Astrid. I looked at her and sighed. I sat down and placed my backpack on the floor next to me. The teacher didn't look very happy to see me come in late, in fact, she looked rather angry.

“Let me get one thing straight before we start. I do not like it when one of my students is late. Especially on the first day.” She stared directly at me. She checked her desk for something but couldn't seem to find it. “I need to get something from the office. I will be back in no more than ten minutes, so keep seated and quiet.”

The second she left everyone jumped out of their seats and began talking to their friends. I stayed seated, really cause I didn't have any friends here. Suddenly I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see a boy with black hair, hole-filled jeans, and a black cap. He was holding a straw and looking to the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes and turned back around, facing forward. I felt something hit me again. I turned around, to again, see him look in the other direction.

“What are you five?” I said before turning around again. As expected, he hit me with another spitball. I secretly picked up my pencil and flung it behind me. I heard a scream, but it didn't sound like a boy's scream. I turned around and saw that I hit Astrid, smack in the middle of the forehead. I quickly turned back around, but not fast enough to see her vicious-looking expression. Oops. A few seconds later I felt something hit me in the back of the head, except it was waaaaay heavier. I looked down and it was a rock. I slowly turned around to see Astrid grunt at me. About a minute later she threw her pencil sharpener at me as well.

I actually screeched fairly loud when it hit me. A minute later she threw her binder, and the guy behind me threw spitballs at me until the teacher returned and he had to stop. After History there was Biology, and when I got there I saw Astrid and spitball mania kid. Oh great... The entire class I got spitballs to the back of the head, he shot them every time the teacher turned his back. “Do you mind stopping?” I whispered after the teacher turned around to write something on the chalk board. “Yes.” He said. “The name's Josh BTW. But everyone calls me Snotlout” I stared for a second, before realizing that he was the bully when I was going to school here four years ago. “I'm Hiccup.” I said hoping he wouldn't recognize me. He looked at me strangely for a second. “What?” I asked.
“Your name... it's...”

“Hiccup, I know. Weird name.”

“Is that your nickname or...”

“Nope.” I slammed close my biology book in frustration. “It's my real name.” The bell rang and I hurriedly headed over to lunch.

I managed to find an empty seat and took it, sliding my tray of The Tuesday Surprise down to the other edge of the table.
I was picking at some jelly-fied thing on my plate when, from the corner of my eye, I saw someone sit down across from me. I looked up and low and behold, it was Spitball Snotlout, so I looked back down. “Just wanna let you know, that I'm the quarterback of our football team, the Dragons.” I continued picking at the jelly-thing on my plate, mostly ignoring him. “So that means I'm the leader of the football team, and leader of this school.” I rolled my eyes before picking up my tray and walking away. He got up and caught up to me, still talking. “So FYI, don't take anything that's mine.”

I continued walking 'till I reached the playground door. I went outside and walked to the fence, sitting down and leaning my back against the twisted wires. There was a handful of students eating lunch outside, on the dew-filled picnic tables. I was drinking my single-serving of milk when a boy walked up and sat down next to me. I slowly turned my head to the left to see a husky, freckled teenage boy.

“Can I help you?” He smiled from ear to ear before wrapping his arms around me. “Again, can I help you?” I asked trying to regain my breath. He released me from his grip and looked at me expectantly. “I'm Charles! Your friend from fourth grade, Hiccup!” I smiled before hugging him back. He was my only friend before I moved to Canada, although everyone called him Fishlegs after a bad science experiment. “I didn't even recognize you at first! I'm so glad you're still here!” Charles took out a small book and handed it to me. I opened it to see every postcard I had sent to him when I was in Canada. “You kept them all?” “Yep every single one! How was Quebec?” I closed the book and handed it back to him. “It was okay. I have a couple of friends there, but I still wish I could've stayed here.”

After we finished lunch, we headed back in the school and checked our schedules. We had Algebra together. “Well, it's only one class, but at least it's a class together.” Charles said. “Yeah.” I replied. Next I had English, so I said goodbye to Charles and headed to the classroom. When I arrived, I sat down in the only available seat, which was behind a skinny, blonde-haired boy wearing skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. He turned around and introduced himself. “I'm Tuffnut.”

“I'm Hiccup...Tuffnut, really?” He looked at me funny. “You're calling my name weird? You should look in a mirror. And Tuffnut's just my nickname. My real name is actually Lou.” I sighed. This again... “Well at least you got a nickname and a real name; Hiccup's my real name, my nickname is useless.” Tuffnut chuckled before realizing I wasn't joking, and stopped. “Sorry.”

“It's fine, I get that a lot.” He turned back around and grabbed something before handing it to me. It was a small book that looked a bit worn, and it was written by hand. “What's this?” I asked flipping through the pages. “It's a book I wrote about how to survive high school, and how to look cool so you don't get called useless anymore.” I shut the book and put it in my backpack. “Um, thanks.” Once the teacher came in and taught us grammar for an hour, I went to my locker to grab my algebra books. Knock knock! I heard a knock on my locker door, so I closed it to see a girl with blonde hair, who looked strikingly similar to Tuffnut. “Hi.”

“Hi.” I replied. “Are you related to-”

“Yeah Tuffnut my twin brother. I was in the back of English when you met him. He can be a real pain sometimes but the other half of the time he can actually be helpful... don't tell him I said that though and oh and my name's Ruffnut.”

“Heh heh, yeah that's all really interesting, but I should probably head to my next class so...” I began walking when she popped up in front of me. “Ah! What the-”

“So what's your name?” She asked me grabbing my hands and jumping up and down. “Hi-ccu-p!”

“Funny name! What's your favorite color?”


“When's your birthday?”

“Feb-ru-ar-y, twe-nty-ni-nth, wai-t, wha-t!?” She stopped jumping and picked me up by my waist. “Whoa!”

“I need your birthday because I'm gonna make you a card when it comes... you're reaaaaaly light!”

“I know... could you put me down now, everyone is staring?”

“Sure.” She put me down on my feet, and I pulled my jeans back up cause they were now halfway down my butt. I grabbed my algebra book and gave her a quick awkward wave while semi-running to my classroom.

After I sat down, not but a few seconds later Ruffnut came walking in. I looked around for an available seat, but the only one was right next to me. I sighed as she came and sat down. Fishlegs was in the front row, and I was in the very back. So much for sitting next to Fishlegs. A couple times during class, I would find Ruffnut staring at me from the corner of my eye. Until I looked at her she would continue to stare; it was beginning to creep me out. Halfway during class our teacher went to get some notebooks for us to do equations on, and while he was gone, Ruffnut got out of her seat and stood in front of my desk. I had my arms folded and I was laying my head on my desk. “Can I help you?” I asked looking up at her. She just continued to stare. I got up and payed the guy sitting next to Fishlegs ten dollars to switch seats with me.

Chapter 3: A Scaly Interruption

When school finished, I walked to my house and walked in slowly, waiting to find Astrid with my dad's take-out from Olive Garden. I walked into the kitchen to find Astrid delivering dinner. “Hello jerk-face.” She said snapping a pic of the take-out. “Good afternoon to you too.” I saw her texting my dad as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a soda. “You know, you could bring me something. I live here too.”

“Hmm, I thought I heard something, guess it's just my imagination...” She said putting her phone in her pocket. I rolled my eyes as I headed upstairs and dropped my backpack on the floor, before grabbing my satchel and heading out the door. Back in Canada I would always walk in the forest after school, and it's not like I have anything better to do so why not? After a while I got pretty far into the forest, I actually wasn't quite sure where I was. I looked around myself but all I could see was trees and more trees. I took out my cell phone and gave my dad a call, and surprisingly I got service out there. “Hello?”

“Dad it's me Hiccup. I, uh, went for a walk in the forest, but now I'm not really sure where I am.”

“Hiccup, I wish I could help but I'm at work. Besides, you got yourself into this, you can get yourself out.”


“Great. Thanks dad.”

I kept walking until I found a small cove with a lake, so I went down into it and laid my satchel down on a rock. I walked over to the lake and slipped my sneakers off before putting my feet into the water. I suddenly heard a loud growl-type noise, so I was extremely quiet. I looked around but I didn't see anything; just rocks. I heard the noise again, but this time a creature came with it. It was a huge, black, scaly dragon... that was coming directly towards me! “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed to the top of my lungs, and it ran till it finally reached me and tumbled me into the water. I swam to the top and gasped for air, looking for the beast so I could avoid it. Suddenly I was being pulled down under the water by my left leg. I held my breath for as long as I could, kicking the scaly beast with my right leg, but by the time it dragged me to the very bottom I was out of air.

I opened my eyes wearily, and I felt soft grass below me. I looked around to see the same cove I thought I had just drowned in. I sat up and coughed up some water, still watching my surroundings and stood up. I instantly felt a pain in my left leg. He must've hurt it when he pulled me under water. My body was weak and I felt tired, like I could faint at any moment. I limped to the rock I had left my satchel at, but it wasn't there. Instead the only thing left was my small water bottle, which of course was empty. I must have the worst luck of anyone on the face of this earth. I suddenly felt really light-headed, so I sat down and leaned on one of the many rocks there. *SNIFF* *SNIFF* I opened my eyes slowly to see the scaly black creature sniffing my face. I froze instantly, holding my breath, hoping, praying he wouldn't have me for dinner. He continued sniffing me until after about ten seconds he stopped and walked away. I sat up slowly and watched the creature walk to the other side of the cove, picking something up and bringing it back. Again I held my breath in fear. It brought over to me a bowl-like object filled with water, and pushed it in front of me before sitting down and staring at me.

I sat up a bit more, but the creature didn't even blink; it just sat there, staring at me.
Then I realized it- he wants me to drink it- he brought me water. I leaned forward slowly, keeping my eyes on him while reaching for the bowl of water. I slid it over to me, cupped my hands, and brought my hands up to my mouth and took a sip. He then came over to me and began sniffing me again, then started licking my face. I was, at the moment, what you would call having the livings daylights scared out of me. I was literally shaking, and to my surprise, he stopped licking me and laid his head on my stomach. I was so freaked out I just stayed laying there, stiff as a board, as a huge dragon-like creature lay atop me. I couldn't fall asleep, cause that's when you're vulnerable. If he was going to eat me it would be when I'm unconscious, but the feeling of fatigue was overtaking me, and I just couldn't keep my eyes open for a second longer...

When I awoke my watch said 8:00 am, and I was so sore from sleeping on that rock all night. But there was one upside- that dragon was gone. I slowly got up, but when I took my first step I felt that familiar pain again. Limping, I walked to the small exit that leads out of the cove. As I was walking something on the ground caught my eye- a shiny black scale. I bent down and examined it, feeling it's smooth texture. Just before I was going to stand back up, I felt breathing on my neck. I turned slowly around and low and behold there he was, waiting for just the right time to devour me. I was speechless, and again, too afraid to move, one of my bad qualities. He was just sitting, staring at me, with no emotion whatsoever. Finally I decided to say something. “I-I don't taste good. Just warning you.” I said with worry in my voice.

The dragon came closer to me, and stood to the right of me. I didn't turn to see what he was doing cause I was scared enough. And if he was doing something like sharpening his knives, I sure didn't want to see it. All of a sudden I felt my right leg become wet. I turned my head without turning the rest of my body, and saw that the dragon mistaken my leg for tree. “Ayah gross, gross, gross, gross! Ew, ew, ew, ew!” The dragon continued relieving himself even after I had moved. I ran towards the lake, taking off my shirt on my way there and jumped in. I scrubbed my right leg with my shirt, and came up only every thirty seconds for air.

After I scrubbed for a good fifteen minutes, I came out of the water and saw the huge reptile acting completely casual. I started walking towards him. “Okay, you scared me at first, but peeing on my leg crossed the line mister! Do I look like a tree to you!?” He continued to stare at me. “No! The answer is no! Argh! You know what? I'm not scared of you anymore!” The dragon stood up on his hind legs and I instantly fell to the ground, curling into a ball and covering my head with my arms. “Okay! Okay! I'm still totally freaked out and scared of you!” I the heard the dragon chuckle and fall on his back. I lifted my head to see him walk over to me and sit down. He nudged my side, pushing me over on my back. He then began to sniff and nudge at my shirt, which tickled highly. As I started to laugh he took a step back and tilted his head to the side, wondering what sound I was making and why I was making it. My laughing came to a stop and I breathed out. I also tilted my head to the side.
There were Dragons when I was a Boy...
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Very cool idea. A modern twist in httyd.

Write more.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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antisocial british nerd with a youtube channel

You should definitely continue this!
Me? An otaku? Pfff.

Yes I do like dragons if you're wondering. Doesn't seem like it from my profile pic n signature, I know, but I do.

  PM (offline)     Profile     Quote  
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I think you should!

only you don't get your drivers liscence untill you're 16 in Canada.
Unless it's 13 where you live in Canada? (if you are Canadian) ?
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

  PM (offline)     Profile     Quote  
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

any update to your story?
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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