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Just a little bit of Hiccstrid shipping...
Topic Started: 15 Feb 2016, 15:38 (1556 Views)
Zira Shadow
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Chapter 1
Broken Glass
I take careful aim, line up my shot, wait for just the right gust of wind to help push along my axe, release it, and….miss.
Ever since that one fateful day I saw that glowing purple line of flame on the horizon, everything we stood for, everything we were good at, everything we loved, just disappeared. Our dragons stuck by us, but no one knew how long that would last. There were no signs of rebellion in them, but one had to be careful.
I try to throw again, but my mind is distracted. What happened to our old friend Heather? Is she still….normal or like us? She’s been through various hostage and undercover situations among other things, including almost killing her brother-who-she-didn’t-know-was-her-brother. (Long story.)
And what about Stoick, Hiccup’s dad? What about all of Berk? Were they the same? Did they have this….sluggishness, too?
Enough with these questions. I’m going to drive myself nuts.
I try to throw my axe again, but this time my arm muscles refuse to budge. Exhausted, I walk back to my hut, where my Deadly Nadder, Stormfly, is taking a nap. Usually, she’s more energetic than now, but then again, we’re all usually more energetic that now.
Yeah. It’s that bad.
I decide to test my questions for an answer. First, though, I meld all those questions into one big question.
Is the drowsiness at Dragon’s Edge concentrated solely on Dragon’s Edge?
I’m guessing not, because I saw something very strange on the fifth week of whatever-this-is. A Terrible Terror was flying in the middle of the ocean, and it seemed relatively awake. Not in a half-sleeping trance like us.
Then it flew a few metres closer to our island and dropped like a rock. We caught it, and while it tried to hover for about 3 milliseconds, I tossed it out of the ring I’d been measuring. Instantly it regained the ability to fly and went back to its own business, calling out what I hoped was a warning to other dragons not to go into the ring. I could almost hear it reassuring its siblings and parents:
Don’t worry, I know a Terror who knows a Terror who knows a Nadder who knows a Nightmare...and all that stuff.
But, if it worked with the Terror, why not us?
I wake Stormfly up. She ‘groans’, blinks at me once, and stretches out her wings. Then she cocks her head at me. Her eyes seem to say, What? Where are we going?
Maybe she feels the same energy as I do, or she just needs to get out and do something. Whatever the case, she follows me to the stables and waits patiently while I fiddle with her saddle straps. It seems so much like the old times, before this great big nothing, that I had to smile.
“Hey, Astrid, where are you going?”
The voice belongs to Hiccup, our leader and the first Dragon Trainer. He was also incredibly stubborn at times.
“Just out,”I respond, careful not to let anything in my voice give away my thoughts. “For a flight.”
Hiccup frowned. For a moment I thought he would try to follow me in secret, to spy on me and make sure I wasn’t doing anything suspicious, because when he gets suspicious he does stuff like that. Instead he just blinked.
“Do you remember that Terrible Terror we found?”He asked.
I found myself wondering if Hiccup could read minds.
He could evidently read faces, because he started laughing.
“You had the exact same idea, didn’t you.”
“Yeah,” I admit.
“I’m not gonna stop you, but…”
“I’m going too.”
I shrug. “Suit yourself.”
A few minutes later, we’re both flying across the sea. It’s hard for all of us, dragons or not. Halfway through, Hiccup’s black Night Fury, Toothless, flopped down on a sea stack and stayed there for at least 5 minutes. We all took the opportunity to rest for a while.
After those few minutes, we go further, even more energized than before. Then, finally, finally, we reach the boundary. It’s grown a lot since I threw the Terror free. But we’ve reached it, and we crash through it. It momentarily falls apart, like broken glass, and I can feel Dragon’s Edge glowing and pulsing with light and freedom. It’s like a short, small but much needed breath of hope.
Then the glass reforms, and Dragon’s Edge is once again covered in the haze. It’s visible now, and it's like a milky purplish mist, seeping through cracks and swirling around the island.
Our island.
But Hiccup and I are free of the mist! It makes me realize that all our lives, we’ve been taking our skills and talents for granted. We use them like tools, but when those tools are taken away from us we are unable to do anything.
I finally understand how Hiccup felt the first 15 years of his life. Until he trained a dragon, he was the one in the mist, while the rest of us were out here, ignoring him. It makes me feel really sorry for him, although now all Vikings are more or less equals.
We land on a small island, and I unstrap my axe and walk with Stormfly to the forest. I throw my axe at the tree, and Stormfly shoots a spine at another.
They both land in perfect sync, at the exact right spots.
Bull’s eye.
:toothless: :toothless: :toothless: :toothless: :toothless: :toothless:
Sister in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings
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Zira Shadow
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Sorry there are no italics...in google docs there were.
:blink: :blink:
Sister in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings
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Zira Shadow
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Can I have some feedback on this?
Sister in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings
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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

This is good! The lengths a bit short, but I actually like it better this way. I like the plot and the idea. (is this on fanfic.net?)
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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Dragon Egg

I like it! ;) And I hope to see more parts of the story in the future :P
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Zira Shadow
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Thanks for responding...no it's not on Fanfiction.net although I have read some of the stories on there.
And as for the plot and the story continuing....just you wait.
I titled it "just a little bit of HICCSTRID SHIPPING" for a reason....
mwahahahaha! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Sister in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings
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