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The Legend Of Scale Chapter 3
Topic Started: 11 Apr 2014, 10:11 (1566 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

Chapter 3

Drorg and Acid flapped their powerful wings as fast as they could towards Berk. They needed to get their new king some help, badly. The two Changewings flew at night, being dimly lit by the moonlight. The darkness would suffice as cover until they were all but on top of the rickety village. Only then would they need to activate their unique ability to camouflage to remain unseen, practically turning invisible.

A full moon shown high in the dark sky, bright stars twinkled around it. Thick clouds showed up at random, creating a scene that looked to have been drawn by an angelic artist. The two dragon brothers saw Berk on the horizon, this just made them flap faster, harder. Dragons weren't blessed with faces that could show to much emotion, but the look of determination could be seen, plain as the moon in the sky.

"Come on, brother, we're almost there," Drorg, the older of the two, said. He was bigger then his younger brother, with scales mostly red, but with some orange on his feet and some on his stomach. It looked almost like fire. Drorg was determined, he was faithful, powerful, obeyed the one in charge... no matter what the order. Pulling ahead of his brother, Acid, by a small margin. He wanted to be the first to reach Berk, even dragons like to have a little bit of brotherly competition.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Drorg. I'm not the fastest Changewing out there," said Acid, mostly a sickly green color, but with patches of lime scales on his head. Acid, too, flapped harder, trying to catch up to his big brother. Drorg was commander of the Changewing clan, Acid was second in-command. Both the brothers were highly respected among their race of dragon.

"Hey, brother, that Night Fury seemed to understand the human. Did you notice that?" Acid said.

"Yes. The Night Fury's purpose was to find the Orglore, or so the legend says. I just thought that he or she would have been a bit more, oh... how would I... impressive. "

"I'm sorry, brother, Orglore?"

"Ah, yes, you never heard the legend. Serves you right for being a loner." Drorg said, taking a quick glance at his brother who looked off to the side. Berk would be with in reach soon.

"Mind telling the story?"

"For you, anytime. But, Berk is coming up quickly, and the king is our first priority. Stories can wait." Both dragons started to dive. Drorg, still a bit farther ahead, landed in a cove first, Acid landed next with a bit of a thud. He never was good at landings. The dragons looked at each other, nodded, and in the blink of an eye, vanished.

Astrid stood in the Great Hall, fully clad in her normal get up. She was fixed in the middle of the Hall, her back towards the huge doors. She was nervous as heck. Keeping that secret -poorly, keeping that secret- was a huge mistake. She didn't even think the counsel would believe her.

Yes, Stoick had gathered the counsel. Whatever involved his son was always his number one priority. Only, now it involved her as well. She was all but falling apart at the seems, but Astrid didn't let it show. Toughest worrier on berk stood tall and proud, the counsel noted that much.

Stoick, Spitelout, Gobber, Hoark, and, unfortunately , her mother, Phlegma the Fierce. All waited for her to tell what really Happened to Hiccup Haddock, heir of the tribe. Astrid took a deep breath, ax in her right hand, shoulders stiff, back straight and head held high, unwavering.

"Astrid Hofferson, do you know what has become of my son?" Stoick said in a commanding tone of voice. He was terrified for his son, but he wasn't going to let that show, not in front of his counsel. They all sat at a large table in the middle of the Great Hall, Stoick sat in the middle of them all, his hands clasped together in-front of him.

"Yes, I know what's become of our little blacksmith," Astrid replied. Her mother looked at her, nodding to try an tell her it was okay to speak.

"After Hiccup beat me in dragon training, I was mad. Mad that someone like... well, uh-"

"Someone like Hiccup could beat you, yes? It was a shock to us all," said Spitelout. Stoick shot him a glance for saying it like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. Astrid continued.

"-Yes, well, anyway. After Gothi chose the winner and Hiccup left, I followed him into the woods, wanting to see where he went to everyday. This next part is one reason why I didn't tell you the whole story. When I got to the cove Hiccup had been visiting, I found the reason for his sudden success in dragon training. He managed to down, a... um... a dragon." This was meant with surprised glances and small gasps. Astrid took a second for that information to sink in and to collect her self, then continued her story.

"The dragon, your not going to believe, but it was a Night Fury!" Everything was silent for a second, but then the counsel erupted into laughter, save Stoick and Gobber. Both seemed interested in the story, after-all, Hiccup had claimed to have shot one down.

"Quiet!" Stoick shouted, immediate silence followed and a couple of apologies were said in whispered tones toward the chief. "Continue, Astrid."

"Hiccup did manage to shoot down a Night Fury. I don't know all the details, but Hiccup wasn't afraid it. He seemed, friendly towards the dragon," she winced a little after she said that last part. The others were taken back, Stoick more so then anyone else. Hiccup had been defeating those dragons in the ring easily, why would he not want the great honor of killing a Night Fury? Why would he be friendly towards those beasts?

Stoick was shocked, you could easily tell by looking at his face. Even a bit of disbelief. "Tell us the truth, Hofferson," Stoick said in a commanding tone.

"I am, sir. This is why I didn't tell you, I thought you would just label me as crazy when I told you Hiccup trained a Night Fury..."

"Wait! He trained a Night Fury?! He sided with those beasts!?" Stoick yelled, standing up with his fists on the table.

"That's high treason , Stoick!" Spitelout said. It was, and Stoick knew it, too.

"Aye, that it is, Stoick," Gobber said, in a saddened tone. Hiccup was not going to be welcomed back on Berk anytime soon. He'll actually have to be taken prisoner, if he could be found.

"May I continue? Theirs a little bit more I have to tell," Astrid said, feeling out of place. Stoick nodded, and sat down. What ever hope seemed to be in him drained out at the mention of his son being a traitor.

"Yes, O.K... Here's another crazy part, uh, the Night Fury, seemed to be very protective of Hiccup. The two were close friends. But, Hiccup's, well, he's... umm..."

"Come on lass, out w'th it," Gobber prodded with his thick accent. Astrid gulped, she had never been this nervous in her life!

"Hiccup," she continued, "is dead..." She didn't get a chance to finish.

"What do you mean his dead?" Stoick shouted, quickly standing up again.

"That's what he get's for trusting a dragon," Hoark said. Stoick shot him a glance.

"Actually, it was only the personality of Hiccup that died," Astrid said. Stoick sighed in relief, but had a look of confusion, as did the other members of the counsel.

"Well, explain hon," her mother said, speaking up for the first time.

"Before Hiccup left, he said he was going to make a name for himself. He also said that it was made clear that, no matter how hard he tried, a Hiccup could never be taken seriously. So, he changed his name to Scale, flew off on the dragon to, who knows where. Something snapped in Hiccup, and while I don't think we need to worry about him attacking us with an army of dragons, I do think we should keep an eye out for Scale." Stoick didn't believe all of what he was hearing. Did Hiccup hate his life on Berk so much to actually leave?

"That boy wouldn't dare show his face in our village, if he knew what was good for him," Spitelout said.

"No, you don't get it. That Night Fury did what Hiccup wanted when he wanted it done. If he wanted to, who's to say that he won't gather thousands of dragons and wipe Berk off the face of the Earth!?" She said. Spitelout shook his head, to proud to admit that Berk might not be able to stop Hic- Scale.

Stoick sat in his chair, deep in thought. If Scale would attack Berk, then Astrid would have put the whole village in even graver danger, if she hadn't spoken up. This just made her punishment more severe. Stoick shook his head in disappointment.

He was a failure as a father, and for that, Berk may have gotten a new enemy that just may prove to be their greatest. Not only that, but Hiccup left thinking that the whole village hated him, including Stoick.

"Is that all, lass?" Gobber said. Astrid nodded in approval.

"Then, your dismissed." Said Stoick. Astrid sighed, and headed out of the Great Hall. She knew that this wasn't over, she'll still had to be punished.

{With Drorg and Acid}

Drorg and Acid split up, Acid went to find Gothi, while Drorg went to find the blacksmith.

Drorg crept through the heart of Berk's village, looking for the blacksmith's shop. If he found that, he was sure he would find Gobber. Sniffing the air, Drorg pick up the smell of smoke. He guessed that would be a good sign of a blacksmiths shop.

His body kept close to the ground, being as silent as possible. Being invisible does no good if it sounded like you were releasing hell. Vikings' were walking around the village, causing more problems for the Changewing. Weaving in and out of them wasn't easy, but it did prove to be a little helpful as well.

He heard tons of gossip concerning his king while making his way to the blacksmith. At first, he didn't know what they were talking about, because he didn't know the boys name. But, he put two and two together, and he was a little shocked at what he heard.

"That useless boy, it's best the devils took him," one big, hairy viking said.

"I heard he trained one of those monsters and is planning on attacking Berk," another viking said, a women this time.

"Ha! That toothpick? Attacking our village?" The viking who said that snickered and left the conversation. Drorg had enough, his king needed him and he was listening to gossip that probably wasn't true anyway. Crawling along -now keeping closer to the outskirts of the village- made his way to the blacksmith shop, but it was empty.

"Come on," Drorg spat, where was that stupid viking? His king is suffering and would die with out help! He went farther in the shop, smelling the air, no one was hear and haven't been for a while. That is, until he heard footsteps outside of the shop. Still camouflaged, Drorg crept into a corner, and waited for his prey.

It was dark in the forge, but dragons have great eye site, even in the dark. The door was already opened for when Drorg had entered. He probably should have shut it. Gobber was alerted that someone had broken into his shop, and entered ready for the worst. And he got it.

Drorg shot out of his hiding spot, completely unaware to the blacksmith. He tackled Gobber to the ground, using his front paws to grab and pin Gobber's arms to his sides, and he used his rear paws to pin his legs together. Gobber was strong, very strong, but the Changewing was determined to get help for his king. Once Gobber was subdued, Drorg shot out of the forge, just in time too, Gobber's yells had alerted the village of his presence.

"Put me down, you infernal beast!" The blacksmith yelled, as Drorg ascended into the star filled sky. There, he met up with his brother, who had Gothi on his back.

"Oh, hello brother. how did your kidnapping go?" Acid asked. Drorg rolled his eyes.

"Can't you see the man I'm carrying?"

"Ah, yes, I see that."

"You have any trouble with the old lady?"

"It wasn't easy, but I powered through it,"


Acid opened the door to Gothi's hut. Camouflaging perfectly with everything around him.

He saw Gothi loading something up into a basket. He closed in on her, but she spun around and hit him on the top of his head with her stick. Surprised, the Changewing revealed himself. Expecting her to shout, it was a complete surprise when she grabbed her basket, walked up his head, and sat on his back.

Acid took off into the sky.

End flashback

Drorg looked at his a brother with a bemused expression. Shaking his head, he turned forward. Gobber was squirming underneath him, cursing all the while.

Four strange creatures with wings surrounded them, two on Drorg's left and two on Acids right. The strangers were wearing black cloaks, with wings that looked like a Night Fury's on their backs. They didn't look like any dragon the Changewings' had seen, in-fact, besides the wings they looked human. They had arms and legs like a human, the dragons couldn't see their heads' because of the cloaks, but the outline seemed to be that of a human head as well.

From what the Changewings could tell, two were male's and two were females, judging on their body types.

"Who are you?" Acid questioned, spooked by the sudden appearance. It was like they came from no where.

"We are the 'Scale Walkers'," a female Scale Walker said, flapping her great wings to gain some more height.

"O.K, now what are.."

"Scale Walkers are half human and half dragon, chosen by fate to protect the one in power," a male said.

"Aye, in power of what?" Gobber asked, calming down a bit.

"The one in power of the dragons. We never protected the queen because she was corrupted and needed to be dethroned, to pay the price for enslaving the dragons." The same male said.

"How did you..." Drorg tried, but was interrupted by the other female.

"We are connected to the Dragon Line," she said. "All dragons are connected, but can't tap into it like we can," she said, referring to the Scale Walkers. "When you put that boy on the throne, you unknowingly connected him to the Dragon Line, alerting us of his presents."

Then, speaking at the same time, the Scale Walkers said, "We are the Scale Walkers, We will protect the King, guide him, help him, keep him on the right path. HE WILL RISE TO GLORY!"

That just made Gobber wet his skivvies. Everyone went quiet, dragon island was coming into view.

When they landed on the island, they were met with a large crowed of dragons, possibly larger then before. When they spotted the Changewings, they parted and made a path right to Hiccup.

Gobber was put down, once he saw Hiccup, he knew he was in trouble. Two Scale Walkers stood beside him, they were about 2 heads taller then Gobber. They weren't bulky, but were very lean. With powerful hands, they grabbed the blacksmith by the arms. Gobber struggled a bit against the their grip, but it was no use. They started walking him in between the dragons and towards Hiccup. Gothi followed behind with the two, female, Scale walkers beside her.

Hiccup was unconscious, Toothless crooning sadly beside him, begging his friend to wake up. Gobber was thrilled to see his apprentice again, but soon knew why the dragons brought him. Picking up the bloody mess that was Hiccup, Gobber noted that he was still breathing, but had lost a lot of blood and was as pale as a sheet.

A Scale Walker pointed to a cave where they could help Hiccup, and let him rest. It was going to be painful for the boy when Gothi tried to heal him, but Gobber hoped he wouldn't feel anything being unconscious. He was wrong. Screams of pain and agony erupted from the cave that night, and it would haunt Gobber forever.
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Monstrous Nightmare

Awesome work! You're a great writer!
What should I write on my signature? Hmm...
I am a Httyd, Gravity Falls and Portal (One and two) fan.
I'm also a bookworm and an introvert.
That was pretty random, but that's me summed up in two sentences.
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Great story, can't wait to read more.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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Monstrous Nightmare

Waiting paitiently for chapter... ACT II ch. 2 (You made it harder for me by naming it in acts XD)
Did you get mycoves fanfiction?
You are the best! :P
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