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The Legend Of Scale Chapter 6
Topic Started: 17 Apr 2014, 10:19 (1248 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

Chapter 6

Hiccup woke early the next morning, the sun was barely making it's way over the horizon. He was an early riser ever since Toothless came into his life. The dragon loved to fly early in the morning and at night. This time, however, Toothless was still sound asleep, leaving Hiccup to his thoughts, which landed on Berk and the Games. He was both excited and terrified.

Rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them, Hiccup crawled out of bed to get ready. His dresser was next to his table, which had numerous blue prints scattered about, both were on the opposite side of the room. He didn't have many clothes to choose from, but Astrid had actually knitted him some. Knitting! He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it for himself. The Walkers had numerous skills that they taught Hiccup and Astrid, how Hade knew how to knit was beyond Hiccup.

Hiccup pulled out a few clothes that he would pack to go to Berk. In his haste, and still groggy state, Hiccup let a small blue box fall out of his closet. He cursed himself for not being more careful. The content of that little box could mean one of two things, 1; a life time of sorrow, or 2; a life time of happiness. He hoped it was the latter. Hiccup carefully picked the small box up and placed it back in the farthest part of his dresser. He gave a sigh, although he was smiling a warm smile. Hiccup continued to pack, putting his pants, shirt and whatever else he might need on his happy trip back home. He was going to win this thing, for Astrid, Toothless, the Walkers, and himself. But, mostly because Scale likes to show people who's boss.

The young king walked through a cloth that separated his room from the living room, there, he was met with the Walkers. They were seated around a fire they must have started in the fire pit. Hiccup greeted them and set his pack down by the door.

"Ya know, you don't have to be 'protecting' me twenty-four-seven," Hiccup said, "you guys have wings, go places sometimes, ya know? get out and enjoy your freedom."

"Don't think so, kid." Riker said with a small smile, "you ask her yet?" Hiccup chuckled sheepishly.

"Not yet. And, keep your voice down. She has ears like a Night Fury." Hiccup sat down among his friends.

"So, where you going?" April asked, nodding her head toward the pack Hiccup had placed at the door.

"What? Oh, um... Astrid and I are going to... Uh... We're going to go to Berk to compete in the Viking Games," Hiccup replied, nervously. The Walkers did not like this idea at all.

"Oh really? Do you want to go, or does Scale?" Riker asked. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Guys, listen, I told you. Scale was just a dumb idea I had when I was angry. Nothing more." Hiccup tried, but the Walker's didn't seem to believe it. Toothless groggily made his way into the main living area where his master was. Every time Hiccup wakes up before him he assumes somethings gone wrong. But, like always, Hiccup was fine. Toothless situated himself behind his friend, a yawn escaping his mouth.

"You ask her?" Toothless asked. Hiccup groaned. He snapped back to look at his friend.

"No! I did not ask Astrid yet!" Hiccup said a little to loudly. Toothless chortled.

"Ask me what?" Astrid said, walking down the steps that led to her bedroom. Hiccup paled and the Walkers, along with Toothless, grew an amused look. Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh, you know... Umm... When we were going to head to Berk,"

"Nice save," Toothless teased. Hiccup shot him a glance.

"Well, I told you it would be safest to go around the time their having that feast."

"Oh... right, thank you," Hiccup said, glad she bought his poor lie. The room fell into silence till Amelia suggested breakfast.

"I'll go get Stormfly," Astrid said, then disappeared back up stairs. Toothless nudged Hiccup in the back. It was time to go flying. Hiccup wasn't going to be able to ignore Toothless for long, he just hoped Amelia was a fast cooker.

Hiccup loved the feeling of wind rushing through his hair. Just the pure adrenalin of flying was enough to make the hairs on your neck stand on end. Astrid was riding Stormfly off to his right, doing some tricks every now and then. The Walkers, also, were enjoy their wings. A few minutes into flying, Hiccup had an idea.

"Hey," he said, addressing the group," Why don't we just fly past Berk to see if any other ships had shown up. You, know, stalk out the competition." The others didn't like the idea all that well.

"Hiccup," Astrid said, he didn't hear her.

"Hiccup," she tried again. Still, Hiccup didn't acknowledge her. Astrid was flying a foot away from him, how did he not hear her? She tried a different approach she hoped wouldn't work, but, it did.

"SCALES!" Now Hiccup turned to look at her, his eyes were wide with, what can only be described as... wildness. Astrid was a little taken back by the sheer look he gave her, it sent shivers down her spine. And that's saying something. The Walkers saw that, too. Riker flew closer to Hiccup.

"Snap out of it!" He shouted. Hiccup's eyes snapped shut. He shook his head violently a few times before opening his eyes again.

"AAHHH! What!?" Hiccup yelled, he didn't like someone screaming in his ear.

"What happened?" Hade asked. Hiccup didn't know what he meant. "Why'd you respond to Scales?"

"I don't know what you guys are talking about," Hiccup claimed honestly. "Scales does not exist... Honest."

The Walkers shared worried looks, they would have to keep a sharper eye on Hiccup. Astrid would also be paying closer attention to him. It had taken a full month for Hiccup to get Scale out of his system, it wouldn't be healthy for anyone in the archipelago if Scales made a hasty return. The six went back to their flying, doing tricks and trying to out do the others. It was still early in the morning and would be a couple of hours before they needed to leave.

Hiccup was nervous as heck about going home. Scales, however, was thrilled he was going to meat all the people who ever abused him on one slab of rock called Berk.

"Alright! Everything is packed and ready to go," Astrid said, putting her pack at the front door of their house. The Walkers were only taking a few pairs of clothing, which they had slung over their backs in small satchels. Hiccup was crossing off his list of supplies as well. He had everything, except...

"Where's my sword?" He said aloud. Astrid looked at her boyfriends pack, his sword laying right on top of it.

"You already packed it, Hiccup," she said. Hiccup looked back at his things, but shook his head in dissatisfaction and continued to look around the house. He entered his room, emerging a minute later wielding a weapon no one had ever seen before.

"Ah, hear it is," he said. Hiccup held a blade that was truly a work of art. The blade had a curve to it, much like a samurai sword. The blade was all black with a red strip running up the center. The hilt of the sword had an extra piece of metal to guard the knuckles. It, too, was mostly black. Red gems lace the knuckle guard. On the bottom of the hilt had a small dagger, all black.

"Guys," Hiccup said, "I'd like to introduce to you the blade that will strike fear into the very harts of the vikings that we will be cutting down tomorrow." The group stared at Hiccup, eyes wide.

"When did you have time to make that?" Toothless asked. Hiccup just eyed him, but didn't answer.

"Where'd the gems come from?" April asked. Hiccup turned around to look at her, he smiled.

"Berserker Island," he said proudly. They didn't like the sound of that. Astrid was about to ask how he got the gems, but Hiccup spoke up before she could.

"Come on," he said, "Berk won't come to us." The group exited Hiccup's and Astrid's house and took off into the sky.

It was evening when Berk came into view. The Games were defiantly being held at Berk. Numerous ships were docked there, all sported a different crest on the sails. Hiccups eyes grew wide with glee. This was going to be something to remember.

"Alright, hears how we land with out getting shot," Hiccup said. "Walkers, you should be able to land without drawing fire. Once you do, clear an area where me and Astrid can land. Got it?" Riker looked at him. Hiccup couldn't tell what his expression was because the Walkers' were dressed in their black cloaks again.

"Sir yes sir!" Riker exclaimed, excitement was evident in his voice. He was glad to finally help serve his king and to see some action. The Walkers began a deep and fast descent on Berk. Cry of fright could be herd from the village, but the Walkers landed unharmed. Not to many people were in the village, most were at the Great Hall, enjoying the feast before the Games began the next day. Riker singled Hiccup and Astrid it was safe to land with their dragon. Hiccup smiled wildly, showing his teeth. He pulled out a mask with black scales on it. A skull was drawn with red scales on the front of it, creating an eerie looking mask. Hiccup slid the mask over his head. Astrid never saw Hiccup wearing the mask before, let alone the mask itself.

Hiccup and Toothless dove to the ground, Astrid and Stormfly close behind. The Walkers were positioned in a large square, allowing Hiccup and Astrid to land with their protection. The Walkers' hand that was on the outside of the protective box was smoking, ready to blast a fireball at anyone who tried something funny.

Their welcoming comity was small, no one of importance was there, not yet at least. Hiccup and Astrid got off their dragons and started to make their way up to the Great Hall. A small crowd following at a distance. The Walkers were vigilant, their eyes constantly scanning the area. Toothless and Stormfly kept their heads close to the ground, walking with the bloody murder on their face if anyone tried to hurt their riders.

The doors to the Great Hall were pushed open violently, revealing Hiccup and his posy. The Great Hall, that was filled with merriment and laughter, the occasional drunken singer, fell quiet when the Hall's doors opened. Hiccup had his hands clasped behind him, his head help high. The Walkers entered first, hands still smoking, looking at everyone of the vikings. Hiccup and Toothless entered next, then Astrid and Stormfly.

Hiccup walked towards the middle of the Hall where the chiefs were seated around a large, round table. He had a bit of sway to his body with each step. All eyes were on him, he liked it.

"Who are you?" Dagur, chief of the Berserkers asked when Hiccup stepped up onto their table. Astrid and the Walkers and the dragons turned to face the people watching.

"My name is Scale, King of the Dragons," Scale said with pride. The whole Hall erupted into laughter. Scale hated being laughed at. He grunted something to Toothless who gave a loud screech. That shut them up.

"You have the audasity to laugh at me? I flew to this island on the unholy offspring of lighting and death itself," Scale said to the crowd. Toothless had mostly gone unnoticed, most eyes were on Scale and the Walkers. People don't usually have wings you know.

Stoick eyed Scale with hate, he knew who was really behind the mask. And, while he loved Hiccup, he was a traitor, changing his name didn't get him out of that.

"Why are you hear, traitor?" Stoick asked. Scale snapped around to meat his gaze. He slowly walked over to his ex-father, it was actually a little frightening. Scale bent down, resting his right knee on the table to look Stoick in the eye.

"To show you what a huge mistake you made," Scale said in a low and hushed tone so only Stoick could. Berk's chief didn't budge, but continued to scowl at the man.

"You made a mistake coming back, Hiccup..." Stoick said. Scale shot up.

"My name is Scale. Hiccup is only known to people who treat him right. My dragon, girlfriend, and the Walkers." Scale walked back over to the center of the table.

"No matter who you are, you will be arrested for your cri..." Stoick couldn't finish because Scale cut him off, again. He laughed an evil laugh.

"Funny thing is, Stoick, you can't."

"What do you..."

"I am hear to compete, along with my girlfriend." Stoick knew why he couldn't attack the boy. If he was hear to compete then the rules protected him. Wait!

"You can't compete, Scale. You don't have an island, a clan, to represent," Stoick said, standing up on the table to arrest Scale. Scale just held put his palm out to Stoick, signaling him to stop.

"Did you not hear me?" Scale chuckled darkly, "probably not, actually, you always had a problem listing to others." That took Stoick back a bit. Surely, he listened to Hiccup... Right?

"O.K, who the heck his this guy?" Thuggory, chief of the Meatheads' asked. Only the people on Berk knew of Hiccup's little stunt he pulled with the dragons.

"Oh, that's right," Scale said. "My name is Scale. I am king over the dragons and I live on Dragon Island along with my girlfriend, Astrid..." He was cut off by a snicker from the crowd. Scales knew exactly who it was, but continued with what he was saying.

"... The fine fellows' with wings are my body guards. They are called 'Scale Walkers'. My dragon is harmless as is my girlfriend's, just, don't provoke them. There, now you know who I am and who they are," scale said, gesturing to his friends with that last comment. He turned back to Stoick.

"And, I do have someone to represent. My island, Dragon Island and, my clan, the dragons." Stoick looked to his fellow chief's for support, he only got a shrug of their shoulders in return. Scale smiled behind the mask, but then, an all to familiar voice spoke out among the crowd.

"Wait, so this twig of a boy is going to compete?" Snotlout burst out laughing. Scale followed suit, faking a loud cackle of a laugh. Snotlout didn't seem to know he was faking.

"You... You think I'm a twig," Scale said between fits of fake laughter. Snotlout nodded, still laughing like he was insane. Scale laughed louder. "That's hilarious! Why don't you come on up hear, I want to give you something for being such a comedian." Snotlout didn't think twice. Wiping some tears out of his eyes', he climbed on to the table. Scale stopped laughing immediately. With a clenched fist, Scale punched Snotlout in the face so hard that he left his feet and sailed back into the crowed of vikings.

"Oh, and another thing, Snotlout, Astrid is my girlfriend and has been for months now. So, tell me, hows it feel to lose to a twig?" Scale sighed, they still thought of him as a weak person. Even after he flew hear on a Night Fury, became king of the dragons, heck, even after he got ASTRID HOFFERSON as a girlfriend. It was clear to him then. To be looked at as an equal, he'd have to show them that he's the best worrier in the archipelago by winning the Games. And, if that didn't work, he would just have to show them the size of his army.

"Trust me, Snot, I've been gone for six months. A lot has changed," Scale said. He was satisfied. Tomorrow would be the best Viking Games in viking history. He chuckled to himself at the thought of getting to beat on the very souls that ever treated him with no respect. He turned to Stoick, whose hands were in fists, anger written on his face.

"So... What's the guessed room situation?"
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Great chapter. Can't wait to read the next.
Surprising that hiccups personality changed that much.
I hope his ego doesn't get the best of him during the games.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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