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The Legend Of Scale Ch. 7,8,9
Topic Started: 18 Apr 2014, 13:05 (1199 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

Chapter 7

Stoick opened the guest room that would house Scale and his friends for the Games. The house was pretty big, but not big enough for everyone. It had a bear rug, a couch, one bedroom, and a kitchen.

"There's no way we're all going to fit in here, Stoick," Scale said. It felt weird calling his father by his first name. Stoick didn't seem to mind, however.

"Deal with it," Stoick said, shrugging his shoulders and walking away. Scale scoffed, not really the way you talk to the king of dragons. The group entered the house, dragons having to stay outside.

"Yeah, no way am I living in here when I don't have any room to move my arms," Astrid said.

"What about your mom? She'll let you stay with her if you're looking for more room," Scale offered. Astrid lit up at the thought of seeing her mother again.

"Great idea! My house is pretty big, I'm sure mom would let you stay there, too. The Walkers and the dragons could stay here," Astrid said. Scale turned to the Walkers to see if they agreed. Riker said it'd be fine.

"What about you, Toothless?" Scale asked the Night Fury. Toothless didn't like leaving his master and best friend.

"I don't know, Hiccup. You're not exactly loved here, what if someone tried to hurt you," Toothless questioned, making himself worry even more. Scale laughed a lovingly laugh and bent down to meet his friend's worry gaze.

"Don't worry, bud, I can take care of myself now. Plus, Astrid's with me." Toothless did take some comfort in knowing the blonde would be there, watching him. Toothless crooned softly, but agreed to let Hiccup go.

"Thanks, bud," Scale said, rubbing his friends head. Astrid helped her dragon through the door, it was just big enough to allow a large scaly reptile in. She patted her dragon on the side of the head and told her to behave herself. She got a soft croon in reply which Scale translated to 'O.K'. Scale and Astrid left the guest house which was built on the outskirts of the village. The two walked hand in hand towards Astrid's old home.

"You know, I can't tell you how good it felt to watch you punch Snotlout off that table," Astrid said, smiling at Hiccup, who still wore the mask. He shrugged.

"Felt good for me, too," he said, Astrid laughed. They entered the heart of the village where Astrid's house was located. Strange looks were given to the young couple, they did their best to ignore them. But, Scale hated that look, it was the look of disappointment, a look given to you when someone wanted you to just disappear. Astrid noticed his discomfort.

"Don't let them get to you," she said, "they may not know it, but your a better man than anyone here." Scale chuckled. Looking into his girlfriends bright blue eyes, he knew she meant it. He smiled warmly behind the mask.

The sun was setting when they made it to Astrid's house. Most of Berk was inside and the vikings there for the Games were on their ships or in a guesthouse. Astrid's house was one of the nicer ones, one of the largest ones, actually. The only other house that was larger was Stoick's, but that's expected since he's the chief. Scale knocked on the door, but noticed Astrid wasn't beside him. She was standing a few feet back from the house, staring at it. It had been six months since she'd been home. Scale was about to ask what was wrong, but the door slowly opened. Mrs. Hofferson stood on the other side.

Ever since she was shamed, she had been kicked out of the counsel. Phlegma had a look of sorrow, as if her hope had just vanished. But, that changed when she saw her daughter, staring at her with wide, blue eyes.

"Astrid?" She said, not quite believing it. Scale guessed she missed their return to Berk. Oh well, this is all the more surprising. Astrid slowly nodded her head, Scale never saw her like this, not for a long time. Before he knew it, he was shoved out of the way by Phlegma who ran to her daughter, enveloping her in a hug. Scale could have sworn he saw a tear escape his girlfriend's eye.

After a well deserved reunion between mother and daughter, Scale and Astrid entered the house to discuss living arraignments. Phlegma and Astrid sat on the couch together and Scale stood on the other side of the fire pit, facing them.

"So, you two are competing in the Games? That would explain all the commotion," Phlegma said. Scale and Astrid chuckled and told her what was going on the past few days.

"Hiccup, you don't have to wear that mask in here," Astrid said, "take it off." Scale looked at her with narrowed eyes behind the mask. With shaky hands, Scale slowly pulled off the mask, studying it in his hands. It seemed hard for him to let it go, he just stared at it, almost as if he was mesmerized. Astrid was getting more and more worried about him.

"Hiccup," she said. Astrid got a small grunt in return, Hiccup still staring at the mask. Phlegma had no clue what was going on, she just sat beside her daughter, watching the scene unfold.

"Hiccup, give me the mask," Astrid said holding out her hand. Hiccup turned to look at her. He eyed her hand, then the mask and then back to her hand. He seemed to be fighting himself to hand it over. Reluctantly, Hiccup walked around around the fire pit, and placed Scale's mask into Astrid's waiting hand.

"There, now was that so hard?" Astrid questioned. She didn't receive an answer. It was about this time that the door swung open to reveal none other then Gobber. The old blacksmith hobbled in wearing a big smile.

"Ah! Hiccup, quite the entrance just now," Gobber said. Hiccup smiled fondly at his old mentor. "How's the old metal leg working for ya?" Hiccup lifted his prosthetic to get a better look at it.

"It's actually holding up pretty well. I didn't even have to make any tweaks," Hiccup said. Gobber gave a heartily laugh. Hiccup never realized how much he had missed it.

"And how's me Changewing?" Gobber asked. It had been six month since he last saw him.

"Oh, he's doing great. Commander of my special forces," Hiccup said. Gobber was taking back a bit.

"So, you really do have an army?" He asked. Hiccup chuckled.

"Yes. And, that's not all. I can even speak to them," Hiccup said, grinning like an idiot. Gobber turned to Astrid for clarification, she nodded.

"Ah, well. That's... Uh... interesting," Gobber said, not fully believing it. Hiccup and Astrid laughed at the dumbfounded viking. Gobber scowled, but didn't really mind. He sat in a chair at the table which was beside the living room.

"So, Mrs. Hofferson, can I camp out here? I just need a couch, that's it," Scales said. Phlegma shook her head.

"Hiccup," she began, "you can stay here, but you're not sleeping on the couch. We have a spare room in the back." Hiccup smiled.

"You're too good to me," he said.

"Yes, I am. but, you took good care of Astrid," Astrid rolled her eyes, "so you will be treated right."

"Even if a train dragons?"

"Gobber went on and on about his Changewing. If what half of what he says is true, then I see no reason to hate you for not killing dragons," Phlegma said. It was getting late, so Gobber said that it was great to see Hiccup again, but that he had to leave to do some preparations before the Games. Hiccup and Astrid and Phlegma bid their farewells, before Phlegma got Hiccup situated into the guestroom.

{The Next Day}

Today couldn't have been a better day for the Games to begin, the sun was just making itself known, rising above the vast ocean. There would be several days filled with fighting, shooting arrows, and more fighting, what more could a viking want?

Today's event would be the introduction to the Games. Each clan would have their competitors introduced by the chief of the hosting clan. Each island could have 1 to 10 vikings. Everyone crowded around Berk's dragon arena, which hadn't had any dragons since a certain blacksmith let them free, months ago.

Since Berk was hosting, it would be Stoick who would introduce the competitors. With a booming voice, Stoick pronounced the games to be officially open. The competitors began to fill the arena, the leader of each group carrying a flag with their clans crest. There was a steady round of an applause for each team, even for Scale and Astrid, although, most of the cheering for them was done by clans other than Berk.

This day in the competition would be mostly to introduce the teams. Then, there would be an intermission for the teams to talk strategy, after that, the first round of fighting would transpire. Today would also be elimination day. The two teams with the least amount of wins would get to stay on Berk if they wanted, but could no longer compete. 15 teams were competing, the most the Games have ever had.

The introduction of the clans and their teams finished in a few minutes and the teams were now huddled together, discussing their plan of attack.

It was early in the evening, the sky having but a few clouds. The Great Hall was filled to the brim again. Every team was there eating together. Astrid spotted her old friends at their normal table. Everyone but Fishlegs would be competing. She longed to see them again. Scale seemed to have noticed.

"You want to go over there?" He asked, gesturing to the table where the teens were. Astrid looked at him, unsure of what to do.

"I don't know, it's been a long time," she said. "I mean, would you be comfortable sitting at a table with people who treated you like dirt?" Scale shrugged. He didn't really mind, he was going to beat those cocky grins off their faces during the games anyway.

"Astrid, it's fine. You go on, I'm going to find us some food," Scale said.

"Well, alright. I'll meet you over there, I guess." Astrid gave Hiccup a sad look. Scale was fine, he didn't know why she thought it was so hard for him to go and talk to his former bullies. It's not like he was Hiccup... Wait...

Astrid headed toward the teens table while Scale disappeared into the ocean of vikings to find something to eat. He hadn't had a morsel of food since early that morning.

Astrid was spotted by the teens and was actually waved over. She hadn't seen them in months and had been living with a traitor, but they still thought of her as their friend. She smiled and happily accepted their invitation. She sat beside the twins, Snoutlout and Fishlegs facing them. Snotlout sported a bandage on his broken nose from the day prior.

"Hey, Astrid," Fishlegs said, "long-time-no-see." Astrid laughed.

"Yeah, it's been a while. Whats new on Berk?"

"Not much. Ever since that traitor left the dragons had stopped raiding," Snotlout said. Astrid scowled. Hiccup may have betrayed Berk, but it was their fault for not treating him with any respect.

"Well, Snotlout," she spat his name. Out of all the people on Berk, she missed Snotlout least of all. "That traitor just single handily stopped the raids. No more death trying to fight off the dragons. I'll tell him that you said 'thanks'." Snotlout rolled his eyes.

"That doesn't change the fact that he sided with the enemy," he said.

"The only reason he left was because the dragons treated him more like family then his own clan did. We're responsible for pushing Hiccup away."

"We are?" Fishlegs said in a sad tone. Astrid might be able to give Fishlegs the benefit of the doubt. He was the least mean to Hiccup. But, still Astrid nodded to her old friends question.

"Hey," Ruffnut spoke for the first time since Astrid sat down,"Where is Hiccup, anyway?"

"Yeah," Snotlout said, "I've been meaning to repay the broken nose. And, is that loser really your boyfriend?" Snotlout said that last part in disgust.

"First, Snotlout, Hiccup is far from being a 'loser', second, yes, we've been dating for a couple of months now." It was all Snotlout could do not to punch something. "And, he went to get me and him something to eat, to answer your question Ruff." Tuffnut was quieter then normal, he had thought that Hiccup was Scale, but now he wasn't sure.

"O.k, wait a minute," he said, "are Hiccup and Scale the same person or not, because I'm completely confused." There was Tuffnut's brilliant mind at work, Astrid thought.

"Yes, Tuff, Hiccup and Scale are the same person. But, if I were you..."

"But, you're not," Tuff said. "Right?" Astrid groaned.

"If you know whats good for you, y..."

"But, we don't," Ruffnut said. Astrid sighed.

"You guys have to call him Scale. Alright?" There were small nods of heads saying that they understood.

"Oooohhhh," Tuffnut said, "bad-ass alert." Tuffnut pointed to a figure, wearing a mask, walking towards them. He was carrying two bowls filled with good-ole Berkian slop. Scale handed one bowl to Astrid, before sitting down beside his cousin. Snotlout groaned with displeasure at where Scale decided to sit.

"Hey there, Snoty, how's the nose holding up," Scale asked.

"shut-up, worthless," Snotlout said, not making eye contact. Scale laughed at his cousin and went back to his soup. He had to take the mask off to eat, but didn't mind too much. Scale was more worried about being hungry during a fight then letting them see his face.

"Hey," Fishlegs said, "where are those... Uh... Your body guards?" Scale chuckled at his friends nervousness.

"They're somewhere... Watching," Scale said, looking around the Great Hall. Fishlegs sunk down into his seat more, also looking around. "I'm just messing with ya, Fish. They won't hurt you less you try something to hurt me. And, they're on the rafters above you." Fishlegs head shot up and, sure enough, the Walkers and Toothless were perched on the rafters, watching. Hade gave a wave and got a very scared wave in return from Fishlegs. The group fell into silence to eat and to cautiously glance up at the Walkers.

"So, you're really king of the dragons?" Tuffnut asked, Scale nodded his head.

"Wow!" Fishlegs said. "That's so cool. I bet you know a ton about them. Think you could tell me about it sometime?"

"Yeah, I don't see why not. Maybe once the Games have finished," Scale said. Fishlegs giggled and got some weird looks, but didn't seem to mind them.

"So, Scale, what makes you think you can beat me?" Snotlout said, "I mean, even your punch yesterday was lame." Astrid rolled her eyes. Snotlout never learned.

"Well, Gothi said your nose was all shattered. Like, punched into powder. You're lucky you even have a nose," Fishlegs said. Ruffnut and Tuffnut shared looks at each other, grinning.

"Wow, you got one heck of a punch!" Tuff exclaimed.

"Yeah, way better then my brother's." Ruff said. Tuffnut didn't seem to mind, he probably didn't even know he'd been insulted.

"Yeah, Scale, man, you have to hit me," Tuff said. Scale shook his head.

"Trust me, I'll have plenty of time to hit you guys in the first event. Just, be patient," Scale chuckled, no matter how bad the twins had treated him when he lived on Berk, it was just to hard to stay mad at them.

A loud horn was blown from the middle of the Great Hall. Stoick the Vast stood tall and proud, all eyes glued on him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, vikings of all ages, I would like to thank you all for sailing to Berk for the Games," Stoick said with a booming voice that reverberated off the walls of the Hall. An applause sounded and Stoick waited until it died down.

"We have the most competitors ever here today. Their is no doubt in my mind that this years Games will be the best we've ever had," He pumped his fist in the air, followed suit by most of the vikings in the crowd. All cheering. "Now! Let us go to the dragon arena and let the first event begin!" A huge applause sounded. Vikings were screaming. It took a whole twenty minutes for the crowd to exit the Great Hall. The Games were about to begin.

Chapter 8

On the way to the arena, Scale saw a little terror on one of the rooftops, completely unnoticed by the vikings. He made his way out of the wave of vikings and called the little terror down.

"You're t-the king!" The Terror exclaimed happily. Scale nodded his head, smiling behind the mask.

"Listen little guy, I need you to carry a message to Snowball and the other dragons back on our home, O.K?" Scale said. The Terror nodded enthusiastically, happy to help his king. Scale told him the message and the Terror flapped it's small wings as hard as he could and, before long, was on it's way to Dragon island.

The vikings crammed together outside of Berks dragon killing arena. The noise emitting from the crowd was defining. Scale forgot just how barbaric vikings could be. No matter, soon they would all be chanting his name.

The sun was starting it's decent, slowly working it's way behind Raven peak. Everything was illuminated in light pink. It would be a beautiful scene, if you weren't crammed between hundreds of large, sweaty vikings.

The competitors entered the arena, awaiting for Stoick to say who would be battling first. Stoick held his hands high, trying to calm everyone down.

"Vikings!" He shouted, trying to gain their attention. No use. Stoick's booming voice was drowned out by the shier volume of the ecstatic viking. The only thing that would be louder was a erupting volcano. Toothless, perched above the arena, gave a howling shriek, completely silencing the crowd. Scale smirked underneath the mask.

"Your welcome," he yelled up to the chief. Stoick scowled at the boy, he didn't like to be helped by a traitor.

"Vikings!" Stoick began. "Thank you for coming to Berk to compete in the Viking Games! By the looks of our young warriors competing, we are in for one hell of a show!" The vikings erupted in screams and yells of approval. Scale really hope the Games went off without a hitch, if anything went wrong to upset these guys there could be a very dangerous mob roaming through Berks streets.

"Our first competitors will be the Berkians vs. the Meatheads,'" Stoick continued. The Meatheads had five more players then Berk, so they chose three of their best fighters to go against Berks; Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

Everyone, except the competitors, exited the arena. You were allowed to chose whatever weapon you wished; the twin chose the double headed spear and Snotlout chose a war hammer. The six squared up on their opponents and waited for the chief to give the signal.

"BEGIN!" Stoick yelled. The young worriers sprinted at their opponent, screaming their battle cries.

{On Hiccup}

Hiccup watched as Berk went toe to toe with the Meatheads. The battle interested him very little. Stoick was seated with the other chiefs, he belonged up there and not stuck in-between these barbaric vikings. Slipping away from Astrid, Hiccup made his way around the arena where the chiefs' were, sitting in their fancy chairs thinking they're better then everyone else. Hiccup hated it. What made those guys so much better than him? He was king of the bloody dragons, but did they acknowledge his accomplishment? No! They threw him with all the peasants.

He arrived behind the chieftains' unnoticed.

"Stoick," he said, making his way over to the side of his chair. Stoick looked over at him with an 'oh-great' expression.

"What do you want, boy?" Stoick said, irritation was evident in his thick Scottish accent.

"Oh, nothing really," Scale began. "I was just wondering where I was supposed to sit. Seeing as this is where the leaders are." Stoick turned his attention back to the Games. He didn't answer.

"I don't like to be ignored, Stoick," Scale said through clenched teeth. He was doing his best to stay calm, but this man was so stubborn! Stoick still didn't answer, but just shot a glance his way. "Is this anyway to treat the king of dragons?"

"That is exactly why I'm treating you like this," Stoick said. Scale shook his head, Stoick couldn't see it, but Scale was getting angry at the mans arrogance. Scale stood in-front of Stoick and took off his mask, holding it up so the man could see it.

"You see this? This is Scale. Hiccup is dead, your son is dead!" That made Stoick wince a bit. "I am king over all the dragons in the archipelago, Stoick. Dragons populate every island we know, and I control them. It would be wise to at least try to get along with the single most dangerous man in the archipelago." Scale put the mask back on and pointed to the Toothless, still perched above the arena and eying their conversation intently.

"That dragon has stuck with me through thick and thin. He's been there for me when I needed him. He's more family then you ever was... Or will be. I'm willing to start from the beginning and call you my friend, but you have to make the first move." Stoick and Scale stared at each other, neither moving a muscle.

"Swallow your pride, Stoick. It'll be the death of you if you don't." Scale left the chiefs to their business and went to find Astrid.

The fight between Berk and the Meatheads was over, Berks' worriers came out on top. Great, Scale thought, now I get to hear about Snotlout gloat about his victory all day. Next up would be Scale and Astrid vs. Dagur and whatever warrior he choose to fight along with.

Stoick studied Scale from atop his seat. How dangerous could this boy be? He gave the signal and the battle began.

Astrid charged Dagur's partner while Dagur charged Scale, who was unmoving. Scale had his hand on the hilt of his sword, waiting. Dagur had his strange battle ax in his right hand, raised and ready to strike. He brought the weapon down on Scale full force. He dogged it, ducking and side stepping away to the left. Scale brought his metal foot up to Dagur's back and gave a strong push. The momentum Dagur created with his attack and the push given to him by Scale sent him strait in the stone wall headfirst. The sound it generated was loud and clear.

Dagur slowly got up, holding his head with his left hand. Some blood was seeping through the rim of his helmet.

"Huh, I kinda thought you'd last longer then that, Dagur," Scale said, unsheathing his sword and lunged at his opponent. Dagur was still a good fighter and brought his weapon up to meet Scale's. He deflected Scale's blow and sent a quick kick to his stomach sending him backwards.

The two regained themselves. Dagur charged again, but wouldn't be so easy to take down this time. He brought his ax down on Scale again, but it was deflected. Scale tried to sweep Dagur's leg, but was unsuccessful. Scale quickly spun around, standing up again, he slashed at Dagur's head with his sword. Dagur ducked just in-time to keep his head.

Dagur gave a quick punch at Scale stomach, sending him backwards. He grabbed some small daggers off of his belt and threw them at Scale. Each knife was batted down by Scales homemade sword. The last knife was caught and was hurled back at Dagur. He dove out of the way just in-time.

Scale saw Astrid battling her opponent in his peripheral vision. She was backing him up towards him. Scale didn't dare take his eye off Dagur, but if Astrid got him just a little bit closer, maybe they could kill two birds with one stone.

Dagur didn't give him a chance to think of a plan to do so, however. The deranged kid gave a battlecry and charged at Scale. Swinging his weapon in a blind frenzy. He was not going to be beaten by Scale! Scale blocked each shot, but was being backed up into the wall in the process. Scale need to get Dagur off him or he was not going to come out of this battle without gloating rights. On a high blow from Dagur, Scale saw his chance. Scale ducked the blow and sheathed his sword in one motion. He grabbed Dagur's right forearm and used his other arm to grab him under the armpit. With all his might, Scale flipped Dagur over his head, slamming his back into the stone wall.

Scale tried to grab his sword so he could pin the man down, but Dagur pulled a cheap shot. He sent a quick punch to Scale's metal leg. Pain shot through Scale's whole body. He fell to the ground, shearing pain filled his body. Scale did his best to crawl away from Dagur, but he had regained himself.

"HAHA, what are you gonna do, useless?" Dagur said. Those were not the words you should ever use to describe Scale. Dagur bent over to pin Scale against the ground with his ax, declaring victory for his tribe, but Scale grabbed his swords handle. With on powerful swing, Scale unsheathed his sword and slashed Dagur across his face. Dagur screamed in pain, stumbling backwards. Scale got up and spun his sword in a circle for show. He began walking slowly, menacingly, toward Dagur. Dagur regained himself, gripping his weapon so tight his knuckles became white. The two charged one-another, each releasing their battle cries.

What followed next was a flurry of attacks on both sides. Neither of them could get the upper hand, but Dagur was bigger and stronger, so he started to wear Scale down. All it took was slip up from Scale to earn an impressive slice across his chest. He was sent to the ground, landing on his back. Astrid was to busy with her opponent to noticed Scale's struggles.

Dagur stood back a bit, watching Scale clutch his chest. Stoick shook his in disappointment.

"Huh, I kinda thought you'd last longer then that, Scale," Dagur said, copying Scale's last remark. But, Scale did something that surprised everyone. He started to laugh. Scale jumped back onto his feet, his shirt torn in the front. Scale's laugh grew into a cackle.

He charged Dagur and with all his might, swung his sword in an upward slash. The blow was deflected, but Dagur's weapon was thrown from his grasp. Scale discarded his weapon at once and lunged at Dagur. The two fell to the ground, Scale on top. Dagur did his best to try an stop the onslaught of attacks that were directed at his head, but Scale would not be deterred. Blow after blow Dagur suffered, until he finally called quits, but Scale continued the onslaught, screaming insanely all the while.

Astrid had downed her opponent and saw what Hiccup was doing.

"Hiccup! Stop it you've won!" She yelled, Scale didn't stop. Astrid's eye's widened in horror. "Scale! Get off of him... NOW!" Scale stopped his beating of Dagur and looked at his surroundings. Everywhere he looked, disappointed looks were given to him. Scale got up off of the now barely moving Dagur.

"Scale!" Stoick said, gaining his attention. "What is the meaning of this? You senselessly beat Dagur. You are hereby banned from the Games, along with your party." Scale couldn't believe it. He had done what everyone had always wanted him to be, a senseless brute. And now, they were kicking him out because of just that?

"Your kicking me out, just because I acted like you vikings?" Scale laughed. "I finally did something that I thought would make you proud, but no, there's no pleasing you," Scale shook his head. "What's it going to take to get you to appreciate me?" He screamed. Stoick stood and slammed his hammer on the arenas metal bars that made up the roof. Toothless growled in disapproval.

"How can I be proud of... This?" Stoick said, gesturing to all of Scale. That did it, Scale was utterly pissed.

"You brought this on yourself, Stoick!" Scale said. He shoved passed the healers that were trying to revive Dagur, grabbed his sword, and walked out of the arena. Astrid knew what he was planning and it wasn't good.

Scale shoved his way through vikings surrounding the arena, all the while muttering to himself darkly. Everywhere he went the vikings looked down on him. Little did they know, all of Hiccup's hurt feelings were bubbling to the surface, fulling Scale's hatred for the people who looked down on him. Oh, they were going to pay, one way or the other they were going to pay.

Scale gave a soft croon and hoped for one in return, he got it. If they wouldn't accept him as a friend, an equal, then maybe they would accept him as an enemy.

He was mostly left alone, no one was following him, huh, soon they would be begging him to spare their pathetic lives. Scale could hear something, someone was calling his name. He didn't stop, he knew exactly what he was doing, and if anyone had a problem with that, well, they should have treated him with more respect when they had the chance.

Toothless was with him, his ever loyal friend.

"What are you doing, Hiccup?" He questioned. Scale shook his head.

"Right now, I'm going to show them all what the king of dragons can really do," Scale said. Toothless didn't like the sound of that.

"And what, exactly, can the king of dragons do? I hope you don't mean war," Scale chuckled.

"It is clear that they only appreciate men in power. Wait till they see how much power I have."

"O.K, how much of this 'power' are you bringing?"

"Snowball and a few of my sharpshooters," Toothless stepped in-front of Scale, blocking his path.

"You're bringing SNOWBALL? What on earth are you thinking? I hope she's just for show," Toothless said. Scale laughed at his friend.

"Just for show, HA! You're funny Toothless," Scale said. "Why do seem so against this, bud, I thought you and I were a team, you know, I thought we got each others back." Toothless gave what Scale called a 'dragon sigh'.

"I'm going to stick with you no matter what. I just don't think this is the best way to handle this situation," Toothless shook his head. "You need to get a hold on Scale, Hiccup. He's going to make life miserable for everyone." Scale scoffed and shoved his way past Toothless.

"Trust me, bud, they won't want to mess the Scale. Once they see that, they'll treat me as an equal."

"Yeah, maybe. Do you really want people to like you, out of fear?"

"If that's what it takes, then yes."

{With Astrid}

Astrid ran as fast as she could towards the chiefs. She finally found them speaking amongst themselves at the rear end of the arena. Gobber noticed her coming. Gobber wasn't a chief, but he was Stoick's best friend, so he got away with discussing matters with them. Gobber motioned Stoick to turn around.

"What is it, Hofferson," Stoick questioned. "I thought you were going to bring Hiccup back once you found him."

"I couldn't if I wanted to, sir. Hiccup wasn't lying about being king of the dragons. He as an army big enough to take on the whole archipelago," Astrid said, trying to catch her breath. Stoick and the others (save Gobber) gave a hearty laugh.

"That little pip-squeak?" Questioned the Meathead chief. "Who on earth would follow him?" Astrid groaned. Why would no one believe her? Is this how Hiccup always felt?

"Listen, please, you guys need to make things right with Hiccup or you'll regret it forever. Stoick, if you love your son at all you'll come with me." Stoick still loved Hiccup and if what this Hofferson girl said is true, then he had better get a move on. He told the others to follow and they set off for the middle of town.

People noticed the chiefs leaving and soon everyone on Berk was heading toward the village. They arrived in the middle of town to find the Walkers, Toothless and Scale. They seemed to be having some kind of argument. Scale was constantly kicking the ground with his prosthetic, all the while making some weird crooning noises.

"Hiccup!" Stoick yelled. "You better have a good reason for me coming down here." Scale gave a cackle of a laugh. Stoick and Scale faced off a few feet from each other, Astrid going to stand behind Hiccup.

"Trust me, Stoick, once you see this... Oh man... Just wait," Scale said. He then turned his attention to the crowd. And with a loud voice he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you a very good friend of mine... SNOWBALL!" He stretched the 'O'. Some of the crowd snickered at the name, but were all silenced by a rumble in the earth. They turned to Scale, looking for an answer, all they got was a laugh.

Out of the ground behind Scale blasted forth a Screaming Death, destroying several houses in the process. The crowd screamed in horror, Scale only laughed harder.

"Let me introduce to you... SNOWBALL!"

Chapter 9

All of Berk was at a standstill. No one moved a muscle for fear of being blasted by the giant white dragon sitting behind Scale. The king just watched his captives, silence haunted the island, no one dared to speak out against Scale for fear of being roasted on the spot. Astrid came up from behind Scale and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't do this," she said, barely above a whisper. Scale paid no attention to her, but noticed some vikings were slowly reaching for their weapons. He gave a dragon call. Several Nadders jumped out of hiding, landing on the rooftops of Berks huts. The Nadders got their tail spikes at the ready.

"Listen up!" Scale said, walking forward with bravado. "I do not play games. If any of you so much as look at a weapon, then you'll find a Nadder spine in your heart." The vikings stared at Scale with fear and hatred, but moved their hands away from their weapons. Snotlout shoved his way to the front of the crowd.

"Ha, this is all just for show. You can't really..." Scale gave the order to one of his sharpshooters. A Nadder spine pierced Snotlout's foot pinning him where he stand. He gave a cry of pain and tried to yank the spine out. It was no use. He stand there in agony, a small pool of blood was beginning to surround his wound. No one helped him, they just stared in shock. Scale moaned in annoyance, these people were pathetic. He walked up to his cousin, grabbed the spine and, with one pull, he yanked the spine out of Snotlout's foot. Snotlout fell to the ground, clutching his foot in pain, whimpering.

Scale shook his head at Snotlout's arrogance, the kid never learned. Stoick had enough. He now knew just how dangerous Scale could be and it was his fault for turning Hiccup into this... This... Monster. He had to save him. But, first he had probably get him to call off the dragons.

"Hiccup," he began, but Scale did something odd. When Stoick spoke it seemed that Scale was shocked by lightning. His whole body went ridged, but relaxed moments later. Scale put his hand to his throbbing temple. Stoick didn't continue, for fear of hurting Hiccup. Astrid walked up to Scale again, and with a soft voice spoke.

"Hiccup?" Again, Scale showed sings of discomfort. He groaned in pain and covered his ears with his arms. Scale shook his head side to side, as if trying to get something off (or out) his head.

"Do not speak that name ever again," he hissed, shoving her back a few inches. Astrid stepped back in hurt and shock. Hiccup couldn't be gone... He couldn't! Toothless and the Walkers were getting exceedingly worried for their friend. Hiccup was slipping away and the demon was taking over. Soon, there would be nothing left of Hiccup. Astrid couldn't let that happen. She grabbed Scale by the shoulders.

"Hiccup!" Scale tried to get away, but Astrid held him in place. "Hiccup listen to me, don't do this! Please! You have to listen to me, Hiccup! Where are you Hiccup!? HICCUP!" Scale screamed in displeasure and annoyance. He grabbed Astrid by the collar of her shirt and forced her to the ground, she landed on her back. Stormfly approached them, king or no king, no one hurt Astrid! But the dragon stopped. Scale wasn't hurting her.

Scale loomed over Astrid, his eyes were wide with shock and regret. Astrid stared up at him, not believing that Hiccup had just thrown her to the ground. Scale backed up slowly, looking around at the vikings. What was he doing!? Scale threw Astrid to the ground and shot Snotlout! He put his hands on his head again with clenched eyes, it was as if he was trying to block something out.

"Nooo... No, stop it... Leave... Me... ALONE!" He screamed to no one. Scale turned to his dragon army and told them all to leave, to go back to Dragon Island. Scale turned to Stoick.

"Set up your defenses... And hope," he then turned back to Astrid, who still lay on the ground. With tears in his eyes he said, "I'm so... I'm so sorry." Scale jumped on Toothless and within seconds they were out of site, the Walkers close behind.


It took a moment for the shock to wear off. No one could come to terms with what just happened. No viking had ever seen a Screaming Death and the one they did see obeyed Scale.

Snotlout still clutch his foot in pain and Astrid just sit in the dirt, looking in the direction where Hiccup had flown away. She feared the worst. She feared that Hiccup had but no control over Scale. If Scale took control, then he would most likely kill everyone, or enslave them. That wasn't what she was thinking about though, the only thing on her mind was her Hiccup. She had to get him back.

"Everyone! To the Great Hall! We have much to discuss," Stoick said. One by one, the people on Berk turned to follow Stoick to the Hall. It was filled to the brim just like it was earlier that day, only now there was no merry making, no laughter, only confusion and fear.

The chiefs (except Dagur, who was being treated at Gothis house) sat at their places in the middle of the Hall. All was quiet. Nobody knew how to start the conversation, all though they all knew what this meeting was about. It was about war, not just one tribe verses another, but all the tribes verses a super power and it's ruthless king, Scale. It was Stoick who spoke up first, but his voice was not it's usual tone, it was softer than normal.

"We need to... Uh... We should heed Scale's warning and set up some kind of defense," Stoick looked around the table of chiefs for any objection... There wasn't one. "I don't think it would be wise for the guest tribes to sail back to their home islands. You would be too vulnerable and could be picked off by Scale rather easily." Alvin stood to give his opinion.

"I don't think so, Stoick. That boy is mad at you and Berk. Leave us other tribes out of this," he said.

"He won't leave you alone," Astrid spoke up. She looked depressed. Just like she did when Hiccup ran away all, but six months ago. Everyone eyed her with an eyebrow raised. "Scale hates everyone. He knows how everyone here thought of him, now he's going to make us pay... All of us." The Hall erupted into a frenzy of questions, all concentrated on something different. It took all the chiefs together to calm down the hysteric vikings.

The chiefs looked among themselves, each hoping the other would have the answer. They were desperate, they had no clue what Scale would... Do... WAIT! Stoick shot his glance to Astrid. She was their only hope in stopping this mad psychopath from killing them all.

"Astrid," Stoick said, "is their any information you can give us that would shed some light on his weakness?" That was a funny question. If you asked someone that six months ago, they would have given you ten reasons without even thinking. Astrid just nodded her head and Stoick motioned her to come forth and speak to the crowd.

All eyes were on her and she really didn't like it all that much, especially when they wanted her to tell them how to kill her boyfriend. She shook her head to get the thought out, Hiccup would be O.K after this was all over... Wouldn't he?

"I can honestly say that Scale doesn't have a weakness..." She was cut off by the screaming and raging vikings. Astrid just put more fear into their hearts then there already was. She just about drained all their hope when she told them that Scale didn't have a weakness. Astrid turned to Stoick, hoping he could calm them down. He understood and gave a mighty bellow saying, 'Stop.' Astrid gave a soft 'Thank you,' and then turned back to face the crowd.

"Scale has no weakness, but Hiccup is still in there somewhere. If we don't want to be wiped out then we have to find him. But, that also means going to Dragon Island, the belly of the beast." One of the vikings spoke up.

"Oh yeah? And how do you suppose we do that, Hofferson?" Astrid shook her head.

"I don't think it'll be wise to load up all the ships and head to Dragon Island. But, I think I could infiltrate the island. Hiccup is still in there, I know it, and I'm our only hope of finding him," Astrid said. The Meathead chief spoke up this time, voicing his own concern.

"What happens if Scale comes back? What I know of this situation is that Hiccup left six months ago. If Scale was supposedly 'dead' then, then what's stopping him from coming back?" Astrid turned around to face the man. She had an answer, but she wasn't thrilled with it because it involved leaving her mother again... For good.

"If I can get Hiccup back, then I can also get him to leave. Me and him will go find a place to live, far from Berk and the other islands," Astrid sighed, finishing her speech she climbed off the large table where the chiefs were seated.

"It's to risky, Astrid. I can't just send ya down there, for all we know Scale could just shoot you before you even have a chance to land," Stoick said.

"Well, for one; he won't shoot me, and two; what other choice do we have?" Astrid shot back. The chiefs looked among themselves. She was right, what other choice did they have. Stoick sighed.

"Whatever ya need, lass, we'll get for your trip," Stoick said.

"If this is going to be successful, then this trip should last forever," Astrid said. Stoick looked at the crowd of vikings. Some were from his tribe, others weren't. Only one thing was certain, Scale had to be stopped.

"Meeting adjourned. Astrid will go and, hopefully, talk some sense into Scale. If not... Well, we should start setting up our defenses... And hope," Stoick said, the crowd seemed reluctant to leave for some reason. It was as if they were hoping for some other news to help reassure them that they'll make out of this unharmed. The sad reality was that the chiefs were hoping that some would make out of this alive.

"Alright, let's get a move on, shall we? We have to get ready for anything Scale throws at us," Alvin said. Stoick hated the man with all of his heart, but now, the two chiefs would have to put aside their differences for the greater-good.

Darkness was descending on Berk quickly, but the village had no time for that. Torches on every house were lit, the giant ones that were used to see the dragons in the air during an attack were also in use. Stoick walked through the village, making sure everyone was working and making sure that they were doing it right, if that Hofferson girl couldn't change Scale's mind, they were in the fight for their lives.

Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Fishlegs were with Astrid and Phlegma, helping her pack. They worked in silence, there wasn't much to say. They worked as if they were zombies, putting things in packs like it was their only purpose in life.

"Hey, Astrid?" Snotlout spoke up, Astrid didn't stop with her packing, but was listening. She assumed it would be some sleazy pickup line, but was utterly surprised with what he had to say.

"Uh, when you see Scale, tell him I'm sorry." That made everybody stop to look at Snotlout. No one really believed him. Who would? He was by far the worst to Hiccup, every time the boy passed him Snotlout would say something mean. He tripped Hiccup into mud puddles for fun. One time, Snotlout tied Hiccup to a tree, no one found him for hours. Astrid shook her head in disbelief.

"I don't think he would believe me. You were horrible to him... Your own cousin!" Astrid said. "We all were, and now we have to pay the price." The group went back to packing in a silence so thick you could feel it. Snotlout couldn't stop thinking about what he had done to Hiccup over the years. Hiccup was a better man then any of them, it only took the threatening of the killing of the whole village and a Nadder spine through his foot (which was rapped in a bandage and still hurt like crazy) for him to see that. He sighed loudly.

"I'm going, too," he said. Phlegma looked over to her daughter. Her head was looking down at some extra clothing, eyes clenched tight.

"Snotlout," she began with a quiet voice, "Scale will kill you without a second thought. He thinks that we're all animals... And that you were the leader." Astrid turned to look at him in the eye. "Scale is nothing short of a monster that we all created. Maybe, in a couple years when he's calmed down and maybe when he's willing to forgive Berk, then you can apologize. But, right now, we just need to make sure that he doesn't wage were on the archipelago." She continued to pack her things.

"Well, can you at least tell him that, and I think I speak for everyone, that we're sorry?" Fishlegs spoke up. He had once been so excited to have Scale here, he was going to teach him so much about dragons, but now he wished Hiccup was still here and that dragons were still raiding.

"I guess I can tell him that, Fishlegs. He won't believe it, but I can tell him," Astrid said. Everything was packed, it was time to go.

Everyone exited the Hofferson household into the now star-filled night. It was beautiful. Most nights on Berk are cold, rainy and windy, but tonight seemed so peaceful. But, war was on the horizon, no one cared about how tonight looked for it could be their last.

Astrid climbed on top of her dragon, her mother and friends putting the last bags and satchels onto Stormfly, hooking them onto her saddle. They backed up, Astrid looking down at them. If all went right, then this would be their last time seeing her for, probably, years.

"I love you, Astrid," her mother said, teary eyed. "I'm so proud of you." Astrid gave a soft laugh, it wasn't really the time for laughing, but it was either that or crying and Astrid hardly ever cried.

"I love you too, mom," she choked out. "I'll be back... Someday." With that, Astrid gave Stormfly a soft kick with her heel, signaling her to take off. Soon, the two were out of sight, heading right towards Dragon Island... Heading right towards the belly of the beast. Everything was about to change.
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User avatar
mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Oh wow, I had a feeling during the games hiccup might snap and scale would take over.
I had a feeling that hiccup was suffering from multiple personality disorder.
I can't wait to read more. You have me on the edge of my seat.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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