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The Legend Of Scale- Finale
Topic Started: 18 Apr 2014, 13:08 (1063 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

The Legend of Scale


It was early morning and Astrid still flew under the starry sky. There were a few wisps of clouds under the full moon. Astrid and Stormfly were flying as fast as they could to Dragon Island, both hoping they could get there in time to change Scale's mind about war. War would completely destroy the whole archipelago and every one in it.

Dragons Island came into view, the volcano popping out the top of Hellheims Gate. Astrid took a deep breath, this was it. She ordered her dragon into the fog that made it impossible for ships to navigate through.

Stormfly could feel her masters dread coming off of her in waves. She understood what Astrid was going through and to head to the source off all the pain wasn't easy. Stormfly knew what they were doing was dangerous and stupid, but it was the only way to keep the peace.

The two friends landed on the loose rocks that made up most of Dragon Island's beach. The pebbles parted when Stormfly landed and Astrid jumped off. She looked around and, with it being hard to see due to the darkness, couldn't see much. The only thing she could tell was that there was no one around, it was completely silent. She didn't like that at all. She almost hopped back onto Stormfly to head back to Berk because she thought Scale had taken his army to attack them, and that she somehow missed him. She discarded that idea. There was no way Scale could have duped her like that, there was way to many dragons in his army for her not to notice. Jumping back on Stormfly, Astrid told her to head to their house in the wooded section of the island.

Stormfly landed just outside the front door. Astrid stared up at the house, it held a lot of good memories. Before Scale reared his ugly head again, her and Hiccup had a pretty good life. For six months they had lived here. Then, it suddenly hit her like an earthquake. This whole thing was her fault. She was the one who suggested them going back to Berk to compete in the Games. What had she done! This oncoming war was all her fault, why did she ever suggest going back there? It was the spot where Scale had been created, of course things would go wrong! Astrid groaned and rubbed her temple and entered the house. It didn't feel like home as it once did, but felt like some foreign country.

She was shocked when she saw what had happened to her home. It was trashed. The table was broken, chairs were flipped and thrown across the room. The kitchen was a wreck as well. Glass scattered the floor, some of the cabinet's doors were broken off and thrown to the ground, others had chunks of the wood broken off. All were either opened or broken off of their hinges. The wood that made up the walls and some of the floor had numerous scratches and chunks taken out of it. The scratches weren't normal ones, either, they were made by a human, not a dragon. Scale must have had a real tantrum, she hoped it was Hiccup trying to fight him. He wouldn't be able to do it alone, however, she would have to help.

Astrid gave out a small call into the house to see if anyone was home, the call seemed to hang in the air, never answered. Astrid judged whether it was worth checking out the rest of the house, since it seemed empty. The house had an eerie feeling to it, like it was haunted and Astrid's curiosity got the best of her and she took a few steps into the seemingly empty house. She put a hand up to her mouth, the house was a total disaster. Her and Hiccup, along with the dragons and Walkers, had put so much effort into it. Hiccup had designed it perfectly for them and for Toothless and Stormfly. It hurt to see the house they had created and lived in for so long to be all but destroyed.

Astrid went up to her room, but was surprised that it wasn't touched. Not a single thing was out of place. The bed was made, the mirror still sat at the opposite side of the room. Astrid walked over to her desk, she rubbed three fingers across the surface. Perfectly clean, not a single speck of dust. Astrid shook her head in disbelief, her room wasn't this clean when she left, not by a long shot.

She went back down to the first floor, there was a draft in the house which blew the curtain to Hiccup's room. Astrid slowly made her way over, almost nervous of what she would see. She pulled back the curtain slowly and poked her head in. The room was a disaster. It was like a dragon raid had taken place in the room, chairs were completely broken, the pillow Hiccup had used was torn to shreds. Hiccup's closet was completely demolished, bed snapped in two. He's workbench was still intact, but everything on it was gone, the papers were either ripped or were smudged. Astrid did notice something strange, though.

She made her way over to the workbench, studying what lie across the surface. Numerous papers were spread across the surface, all ruined. Except, for one. A picture of her was completely untouched and it laid on the top of all the other papers. Astrid picked up one of the books that sat on the far side of table. She scrolled through it, all the pictures were gone, ruined with ink. But, all the pictures of her were untouched. One picture made her stop. It was a picture of Hiccup, Astrid had convinced him to do a self portrait a long time ago. The picture was relatively fine, except for the added text.

Must die! Was written on the corner of the page, Hiccup's head was circled. Astrid slapped the book shut and took a deep breath. She had to find Hiccup, before it was to late. She turned to exit the room, but something caught her eye. Some of the wood on the walls were broken off, allowing some light through. A particular beam of light caught something shiny, it seemed to twinkle. The object was underneath the broken bed. Astrid crouched down into see what it was, she gasped when she picked it up to get a closer look. It was a diamond ring. Hiccup was going to... To... Astrid put a hand over her mouth, she had to get Hiccup back.

Astrid put the ring on. She studied it on her finger, she didn't know how to say it, but it felt... Right. A sudden noise and a terrified squawk made her stop. Stormfly! Astrid turned to run to her friend, but was stopped by a cloaked figure. Riker stepped into the room, sword in hand.

"Sorry, Astrid. Kings orders," he said. Astrid eyes widened. She quickly grabbed her ax, but Riker was quicker. With a swift kick of his foot, the ax was gone and out of Astrid's grasp. She clenched her fists, ready to fight.

"You're not going to stop me," she said. Riker didn't respond, he just walked closer.

"I'm sorry, Astrid." Riker swung his sword, Astrid ducked it just in time. Astrid doubled back, her fists clenched and her knees bent. She wasn't sure if she could defeat a Walker, but she was going to try. Riker was the leader of the Walkers, and he was also the most dangerous. Astrid charged, not wanting to fight, but just to try an get around the cloaked figure. Riker swung his sword, but Astrid slid on her knees, successfully ducking under the blow and getting around Riker.

Riker cursed under his breath. He really wasn't trying to hurt the girl, he just needed her to stay put. With a powerful beat of his wings, Riker blew over Astrid's head, blocking the only exit.

"I can not let you pass," he said, the sword pointed at a ready Astrid. "Don't make this harder then it needs to be. Surrender now and I can let you live." Astrid shook her head, her face full of concentration. She would not be deterred.

"I'm going to stop Scale! Just let me pass, I know you don't approve of the way he's acting," Astrid said. Riker did nothing.

"I am loyal to the king. I know what he is doing is wrong, we all tried to keep Scale under control, but we failed. It is what it is, Astrid." Astrid's face softened, but she quickly regained herself. "Just accept it. Scale would love to have you on his side. You are, after all..." Riker's attention shifted to her hand, the one with the ring. He sighed. "I can't let you pass." Astrid gave a battle and charged Riker. He sheathed his sword, if his opponent wouldn't use a weapon, then neither would he.

Astrid threw a fist at Riker's face, he dogged it to the left. Riker grabbed the arm Astrid had thrown at him and twisted it. Astrid gave a yelp at the sudden pain. She couldn't move with her arm like that, it would hurt to much. Astrid spun in towards Riker and gave him an elbow to the ribs. Riker gave grunt, releasing Astrid's arm. She quickly gave a spin kick aimed at Riker's side, but he was quicker. Riker grabbed Astrid's leg and continued with her momentum, swinging Astrid into the closed door, face first. Astrid fell onto her back, her nose bleeding. She was a good fighter, but was no match for Riker. Astrid lay on her back, staring up at Riker in a daze. Riker tied her hands together with a thin, but strong, rope. He carried her over his shoulder.

Astrid was slipping in and out of unconsciousness, she wasn't all that aware of her surroundings, other then she was being carried. That blow Riker had dealt did a number on her.

Riker exited the house to where Stormfly had been immobilized by the other Walkers. Her wings were tied together behind her back with chains, her feet, too, were clad together in chains. The dragon also had a metal muzzle. She wasn't harmed in any way, but was out cold on the ground thanks to a little scratch on her neck that downed even the toughest of dragon.

Hade, April and Amelia stood around the Nadder, looking at their leader carrying Astrid. All of the Walkers knew what they were doing was wrong, but they had to obey the king, it was their purpose in life. Amelia stepped forward.

"To the dungeon?" she asked, Riker took a moment, but nodded slowly... Solemnly.

"Yes, we'll have to run our findings by Scale, of course," he said. It was Hade who spoke up this time.

"I don't think we should tell him, we don't know what he'll do to them? Lets just put them in some chains and throw them in the dungeon." Riker shook his head and put Astrid onto the other shoulder, who was still drowsy and groaning every now and then.

"We have to tell him, I don't think he'll do anything to them. He'll probably just let them rot in her cell."

"Yeah, but, what if he doesn't. Scale has been unpredictable since he left Berk." Riker thought about that. Scale was becoming more insane by the minute, it wouldn't shock him if he tortured the poor girl and dragon. With a defeated sigh, Riker said they could put them in prison without notifying Scale. The Walkers got a large wagon to pull Stormfly on while Riker headed off towards the dungeon that was made, in secrete, in the volcano.

The next thing Astrid knew was that she in a small, hard place. When she finally came to her senses, Astrid saw that her ankle was in a metal chain that was hooked up to the wall. The walls of her cell were smooth, black stone that made up three of the four sides, the fourth side was made up of iron bars. On the other side of the bars sat Hade, making sure she didn't even think about leaving. Astrid tried to get up to walk over to the bars, but was stopped by the chains, they only stretched about six inches.

"Hade, you have to let me out! We have to stop Scale!" Astrid said. Hade just sat on his stool, his back against the rock wall. He shook his head in sorrow and defeat. His hood was pulled back to reveal his dark blue eyes and his small orange beard, he was bald. His face was drained of the happy-go-lucky guy he usually was.

"We failed," he said, "Scale was here all along. He somehow did all this without our knowing. He was never gone, only waiting." Astrid sat back against the wall. Scale was much smarter then they thought, he wasn't just some mindless brute who took over Hiccup's body. Hade continued, staring at the ground. "He's built this dungeon, this is just one cell, there are way more. He had spies on Berk as well... Still does. How did we not see this? We were with him the entire way, yet he still slipped away." Hade pinched the bridge of his nose and gave a long sigh. He looked up to Astrid, she was hugging her knees to her chest, looking at the ground. "I am sorry, lass. Riker and the other Walkers are sorry, too."

"Where's Stormfly?" Astrid said, she was deftly worried about her dragon, but she knew Hade and the others probably locked her up in another cell. Hade confirmed that theory. Astrid shook her head. "So, this it then? Scale is going to take over the archipelago." Hade nodded solemnly.

"That isn't the worse," Hade said. Astrid looked up at him, he was still staring at the ground. "Scale has plans to move and expand his army."

"What do you mean?" Hade rubbed his palm against his bald head.

"He's sent out recruits to see if there were any other dragon nests. The recruits came back to say there were, but I already knew that. I just didn't want any more power under Scale's belt, the kid's going to be unstoppable." Astrid didn't respond, she just let her mind drift to thoughts on it's own. Somewhere on Berk, her mother and sometimes Stormfly. That village had hundreds upon hundreds of vikings on it. Scale has them all cornered and can wipe them out with a snap of his finger.

Astrid's thought were interrupted by a slight noise. It was quiet, almost nonexistant at first, but gradually grew louder. Hade heard it, too, for the first time since Astrid regain full consciousness, Hade turned his gaze to something other then the floor. Hade didn't seem to mind who was coming, so he just returned his gaze back to the ground. The sound grew louder and Hade said something in dragon, he received an answer. Astrid recognized the warble, it was Toothless.

Toothless came into view and sat beside Hade. The dragon's eyes seemed lost, like he wasn't there. Astrid found it amazing how much emotion dragons could show, especially Toothless. Toothless warbled something else to Hade and nodded his head in the direction he came. Hade looked up at the dragon, who was staring at him. Hade said something to Toothless in dragon only to receive another warble from the dragon. Now Astrid wished she had spent the time to learn dragonese. Hade seemed uncertain of something, but Toothless gave another odd sound, this one seemingly more intimidating then the last. Hade sighed, but left. On the way out, Toothless warbled something else at Hades back, Astrid didn't know what it was, but he said, 'don't tell Scale where I am.'

Toothless looked at Astrid, his eyes still seemed lost, almost as if he didn't know where he was. He laid down, putting his head on his paws, eyes staring at Astrid. Toothless warbled something in dragon.

"Oh I wish I knew what you are saying," Astrid said. Her and Toothless just continued to stare at each other neither braking the silence. Astrid heaved a heavy and heart torn sigh. Sometimes she just wanted to brake down and cry; however, she swore off emotions a long ago, only breaking her vowel a few times in her entire life.

Astrid gaze fell on the ring. She took it off and turned it around in her hand, studying it. A wave of memories washed over her, good and bad, from the time when she was younger and Hiccup was still thought of as useless, to times when things were hard and she just felt like giving up, but she never did. Astrid slipped the ring back on... She never gave up. Her determination was what made her a Hofferson. She looked back at the black beast, who wasn't eying her, but the ring. Toothless seemed to grow sadder.

"You knew, didn't you, Toothless?" Astrid said. Toothless nodded and Astrid sighed. "I need to get out of here, Toothless. Hiccup is still in there somewhere, he's the only one who can defeat Scale." Toothless seemed to understand. Astrid knew he would, the dragon was smarter then most of the vikings in the archipelago. The dragon's head popped up and looked down the hall where Hade had exited, Astrid wondered if he heard someone coming. The dragon looked back her, but quickly shifted his gaze back down the hall. Toothless wasn't seeing if someone was coming, he was making sure that no one was coming.

Toothless stood up on all fours, he started to make a weird sound that meant he was about to... Toothless barfed up some metal keys right outside the the iron bars. Astrid eyes widened, Toothless was going to help her get Hiccup back! The great beast slid the keys under the door, stopping right in front of Astrid. She grabbed the keys and gave them a good shake to get some of the dragon saliva off. She unhooked herself and the iron cage door. Toothless was up and ready to move. Astrid didn't waste any time in hugging the dragon's thick neck.

"Thank you, Toothless," She said. Toothless gave a soft croon. The dragon led Astrid down the stone wall in a trot. He kept looking this way and that, sniffing the air. There were many different tunnels, Astrid wasn't sure Toothless knew his way around. She couldn't believe it. Hiccup had kept something as big as this from even Toothless. Scale must have had a stronger hold on him then anyone thought.

Toothless suddenly took off down a tunnel, Astrid had to sprint to stick with him. Toothless suddenly darted down another tunnel. Torches were mounted on the walls, creating an eerie orange glow. Shadows danced on the walls like puppets as the two friends raced down the stone tunnels. Astrid wondered how deep they were, she knew that the Walkers had taken her to the volcano where the Red Death had once lived, but that was it.

Toothless darted down another hidden passage, almost losing Astrid in the process. Astrid was breathing heavily, they had been sprinting for a while now. But, Toothless suddenly stopped, he started to sniff the air, like he was searching for something. Astrid put her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath.

"You're lost, aren't you?" Astrid said. Toothless looked back at her, eyebrow raised as if to say, 'really?' The dragon pushed away a hidden rock that blended in perfectly with the rest of the wall. He entered with Astrid behind him, glad that she didn't have to run. What she saw next broke her heart.

Stormfly was chained up with more metal then scales on her body. Her wings were tied together by three different sets of chains, they were pulled painfully behind her back. Her mouth was clasped shut, chains rapped bother jaws together, tightly. Stormfly's tail had a full metal sheet around it to keep her from using her tail spikes. The poor beast lay on her side, eyes closed. Astrid and Toothless crept closer to the dragon behind the giant iron bars.

Toothless nodded his head toward the cage. Astrid didn't get it at first, but then looked in her hand... The keys. Astrid looked back at Toothless, she smiled and nodded. Astrid unlocked the iron cage, Stormfly finally opened her eyes. She gave an odd gurgle noise, it was muffled due to the chains around her jaws.

Astrid quickly undid all the chains on her friend, each one falling to the ground with a clatter. The last one came off and Stormfly wasted no time in giving Astrid a nice wet lick all the way up her body. Astrid stepped back in disgust.

"You know, I would usually be mad about this," Astrid said to her dragon, who just tilted her head. "But I guess this is the exception," Astrid laughed when Stormfly nudged against her. Toothless warbled something to Stormfly and the two took off, back down the tunnels. Astrid groaned and started to run after them.

They came to the end of the tunnel that led back out into the woods where Hiccup and Astrid's old house was built.

"OK, listen, you need and Astrid need to leave. Scale is about to launch his entire fleet," Toothless told Stormfly. Stormfly bowed her head, Astrid climbed on.

"Alright, we'll go warn Berk," Stormfly said, Toothless shook his head and blocked Stormfly's path so she couldn't leave.

"No! You two need to find a place far from Berk, probably outside the archipelago," Toothless said.

"What! We can't just leave them..."

"Berk doesn't stand a chance, if you guys want a chance to live then you have to leave." Toothless said. Stormfly gave an undignified squawk. Toothless shook his head in frustration, but his ears quickly caught another sound. Toothless's head shot up and towards the tunnel.

"The prisoners are escaping!" Toothless suddenly yelled back into the tunnel. A skrill appeared around the tunnel a second later. Toothless grabbed Stormfly's tail, his teeth retracted. Stormfly gave a squawk in alarm, Astrid had to hang on so she wouldn't fall off at her dragons sudden movements. The skrill yelled something and began to run to help the nightfury (the tunnel was to small to fly). Stormfly thrashed her tail, successfully getting her tail out of Toothless mouth. The nightfury was tossed aside, but quickly got up. He fired two plasma blasts at the retreating Nadder, both missed.

"What happened, sir?" The skrill asked Toothless as he was returning to the tunnel. Toothless ignored him and just kept walking. "I thought nightfurys' don't miss." Toothless looked at the skrill over his shoulder.

"No ones perfect," he said.

Scale stood on a metal platform that was built on the top of the volcano. He watched the dragons as they prepared to attack Berk. Scale was clad in his mask and a black as night cloak. He also had his sword hooked to his side as well as a bow on his back. His hands were wearing black leather gloves, he had them clasped together behind his back.

Below him were hundreds of thousands of dragons, all were in large groups of their respected species. Each group aligned in a large rectangle formation on the beach. Scale had all kinds of species at his command, from dragons that rule the water, to others that rule land and others that rule the sky.

Riker landed behind him, giving him the status of everything that was going on. Scale chuckled darkly.

"Oh this is going to be a battle to remember, Riker," Scale said, looking over his shoulder at his general. Riker didn't move.

"You know, sir, I would advise against this. You don't have to go to war, especially under these circumstances," Riker said, Scale turned his attention back to his troops.

"I must make the vikings pay for their wrong doings," he said simply. Riker walked up beside him, he was easily 2 feet taller then the young teen.

"Make them pay for what? Treating you wrongly? That hardly seems..." Riker was interrupted by Scale.

"It isn't just me who they've wronged," he said, calmly, "it is the whole archipelago that they've wronged. Trust me, Riker, I'll be doing the world a favor when I wipe out the entire viking population." Riker looked at his king.

"What do mean the, 'entire viking population?'" He said. Scale chuckled again.

"I'm not going to stop with just these vikings. My scouts tell me that there are more vikings around the world, and I'm going to dispose of them all." Scale turned on his heels and left Riker to his thoughts.

Astrid landed in the middle of Berk's village. She was almost shot on several occasions (since it was still dark and they thought she was Scale) but had landed unharmed. The villagers surrounded a very glum and depressed Astrid. She slid off of her dragons back, while Stoick made his way to the front of the crowd.

"Well, what happened, Astrid?" He asked. Astrid looked at her chief with sorrow filled eyes.

"Get ready for war," Astrid said. Stoick, along with everyone else, let their eyes drop to the ground. Silence filled the air, but Stoick knew this was no time to feel sorry for what they had done, that came after and if they were still alive.

"Alright," Stoick said, his voice cracked. He quickly cleared his throat. "Alright!" he declared in a strong voice that seemed forced, "you heard the lass, get back to work." As the people started to depart, Stoick added, "Judgement day is upon us."

The women and young children went to the back of the island to escape, what would soon become a blood bath. Men had piles of wood over their shoulders, carrying them to wherever they had been instructed to go. They worked until daybreak, that was when one of the men working on the docks spotted something far out in the water. He grabbed a spyglass that was sitting on a barrel. Putting the spyglass to his right eye, the viking spotted something horrifying. Thunderdrums and Scouldrons were swimming in a line, appearing from one side of the island and disappearing around the other side. Scale cut off their escape, no matter what, they all were trapped on the island.

Thick clouds blocked out most of the sun that was now high in the sky. It was late noon and the only dragons that had been spotted were of those that were swimming in the ocean. Vikings were at their positions, watching the skies for any sign of a dragon. It wasn't the sky they should have been watching.

Changwings appeared from no where in the middle of town, firing acid at unsuspecting victims. Screams of pain haunted the island as the acid burnt right through the skin of vikings. Four dragons had sneaked in the Walkers, who immediately branched out, blasting houses and people with great balls of fire.

The vikings charged the changewings and the Walkers, but it's hard to fight what you can't see. As soon as a viking got near a dragon, it disappeared and killed him from the back. A few arrows hit their mark and killed several changewings. Both vikings and the dragons were at bloody stand still.

All of a sudden, the heavens broke open, Scale's whole army rained from the sky. A nightfury and his rider led the way. Screams of panic were heard as they noticed the rest of Scales army.

Fire rained from the sky, burning houses and people. The battle ground was littered with blood and burning corpses. Scale's huge army was laying waste to the entire island.

Astrid Hofferson fought on the ground alongside her Nadder and the chief of Berk. Both were getting pushed back by the multitude of enemies.

"Astrid," Stoick yelled, "your the only one with a dragon, go take out Scale. It's our last hope, maybe if we take him out then the rest of the dragons won't know what to do." It was a long shot, both knew it, but it was the only way either of them could think of to win. Astrid hopped on to Stormfly's back and were off, flying into a flurry of dragons that were raining havoc on Berk.

Stormfly and Astrid dodged blow after blow that was meant for them. Hundreds of dragons littered the sky, looking for one was like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Finally, Astrid broke through the clouds, their was nothing. Astrid and Stormfly looked around, above the clouds was nothing but the sun and blue skies. Stormfly got Astrid attention and nodded her head towards a black speck. Scale.

The two took off, Scale noticed them, but didn't move. Astrid stopped a few feet away, Scale sat on Toothless, gliding through the sky. Scale pulled a lever on Toothless's saddle, it let his him work his tail fin on his own. The young king unhooked his foot and sat crossed legged, facing Astrid.

"Well, look who decided to join the party," Scale said. "What were you planning to do, exactly, on my island this morning?" Astrid cringed, how did he know?

"You have to stop..."

"Yeah yeah, I know," Scale interrupted. "Stop it Scale, you're hurting me," he said, impersonating a little girl. "Well guess what? I won't stop! Did they stop when I told them too? No! Why should I?" Scale stood up on his dragons back, took a bow out of it quiver, and fired. Astrid and Stormfly dodged it just in time, they took off away from Toothless and Scale. Scale roared with dissatisfaction as he dropped back down into Toothless's saddle, the two took off after Astrid and Stormfly.

The battle had been going on for only a few minutes, but Berk was falling. Astrid had to do something and she knew it. She gave Stormfly an order and the dragon turned around, several spines were fired at the nightfury and his rider. All of them missed. Scale gave a cackle and Toothless sped up. Toothless fired a plasma blast, Stormfly spun out of the way, but an unready Astrid was thrown off her back in the process.

Scale gave another dark laugh. With Toothless' tail fin still in automatic mode, Scale jumped off the saddle after the plummeting Astrid.

"Take care of Stormfly for me," He called back. Astrid was flailing her arms and legs, trying to get some control, Scale quickly caught up to her by diving head first. He collided into Astrid, laughing insanely all the while. Scale was on top, Astrid's back falling towards the ground.

Scale brought back his fist to punch the girl, but Astrid caught it. The two struggled, Astrid trying to get out from underneath Scale and Scale trying to get the final blow. They broke through the clouds, the earth visible and approaching fast. Scale eyes widened, time to go. He kicked Astrid to get away from her. He let the cloak he was wearing fly of off into the wind, revealing a wing suit.

Scale was about to to fly away safely, but Astrid grabbed his leg. She pulled him back, latching onto his shoulders.

"Get off me!" Scale yelled.

"Yeah, right," she replied. Scale groaned and activated his flight suit. With Astrid on his back, he couldn't get the fin that stabilized him to pop up. The two went into a tumbling free fall, the ground getting bigger, closer... Fast. With a war scream, Scale elbowed Astrid in the head, twisted his body and threw her off. That was the last thing she remembered.

The next thing Astrid knew was that she was wet. She opened her eyes, she was under water. She let a scream, but quickly covered her mouth, she was almost out of oxygen. She swam to the top, gasping in air when she broke through the surface. She looked at her surroundings, she was in the cove. She swam over to the land and sat on a rock, exhausted. Her hand rested on something sticky, when she looked at her hand she saw that she had set it in a small pool of blood. Astrid looked behind her and there lie Scale, on his back... Unmoving.

Astrid crept closer, if Scale was dead, then that was good, but Toothless would probably kill her. She got closer and noticed that Scale's head was bleeding, a tare in his mask at the forehead dripped blood. She bent down, she was sure Scale was dead. It looked like his wing suit had failed.

Astrid bent down, slowly reaching a hand out. Scale's eyes shot opened and he grabbed Astrid by the throat, choking her. Astrid let a surprised scream, only to have it muffled when Scale started to squeeze her neck, cutting off her air. Scale got up, still clutching Astrid's throat. He brought her face close to his.

"You can't kill a demon," he whispered. He pushed Astrid to the ground, her back slamming against the rock Scale had hit his head on. He unsheathed his sword, pulled it back and stabbed. Astrid brought her hands up instinctively to protect her head, waiting for the pain. It never came. She slowly opened her eyes to find the point of Scale's sword an inch from her heart. Scale was shaking, it took Astrid a moment to realize that he was looking at the ring on her finger. His eyes traveled from her, to the ring, to the sword.

Scale shook his head, his eyes showed hurt and confusion. He backed up slowly and, with a tremblingly hand, took off the mask. He studied it in his hand, the top had soaked up some of the blood, the rest ran down the side of his face. He dropped the mask, raised his sword above his head, and struck it into the earth, pinning the mask to the ground. Astrid looked at him dumbfounded, was Hiccup back?

Hiccup's eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed. Astrid quickly ran to his side.

{Hiccup's mind}

Hiccup opened his eyes, he was laying on his stomach. He groaned and stood up. Looking around, Hiccup noticed several things, one, there was nothing to look at and two, the ground seemed to be made of some kind of marble, he could see a blurred reflection of himself. He was wearing what he did before he left Berk. He felt something in his sleeve, it was sharp.

"Hello?" He shouted aloud, it echoed.

"Yes." Came a reply. Hiccup turned around, facing him was a man of his height and build. The stranger wore a black cloak that reached down to his feet. But, the one thing that stood out the most was the strangers mask, it looked exactly like... Scale's. Hiccup took a step back.

"Scale?" he said, barely above a whisper, the stranger heard it, however.

"Yes, Hiccup. I'm the one who is about to wipe out the entire archipelago and make your life a thousand times better," he said, spreading his arm slightly and stepping forward. Hiccup shook his head.

"No!" He screamed.

"No?" Scale asked, calmly.

"No! You can't do that, Scale, you have to stop." Scale breathed a laugh that sent chills up Hiccup's spine.

"Oh, Hiccup. You can't stop me, I've already given the orders to my troops..."

"That's just it, Scale. They're not your troops, they're mine." Scale growled deep in his throat.

"How are you going to stop me? I am in control!" Scale yelled. Hiccup shook his head again.

"Not anymore, old friend. This stops now! Your reign of terror is over!" Scale screamed and charged. Hiccup backed up slowly, but ran at his foe. This ended now, one way or the other.

Scale tackled Hiccup to the ground. Blow after blow was aimed at Hiccup's head with a dagger. Each one missed, Hiccup moving his head right before the dagger came down. Scale screamed because he couldn't get the upper hand. Hiccup gave a quick blow to Scale's temple. He groaned and Hiccup flipped them over. Hiccup brought his fist back, as if to punch him, but never did. Scale laughed.

"Come on, Hiccup, do it," Scale said. Hiccup did nothing. Scale groaned. "Do it!" Hiccup opened up his hand and a dagger slid out of his sleeve, Scale's eyes widened.

"Good bye, Scale. Thanks for ruining everything," Hiccup brought the dagger down.

"Hiccup, DON'T!" Scale screamed in horror.

Hiccup eyes shot open, he was sweating like crazy and sucking in large amounts of air. He was laying on his back, looking up at the clouds. Everything seemed fuzzy, but his vision cleared to reveal Astrid, watching over him. She had his sword, ready just in case and pointed at Hiccup's neck. He breathed a laugh. With a shaky hand, he pushed the sword away from his neck.

"Scale... Scale's dead," Hiccup said, "for good." Astrid didn't seem to believe it at first, but smiled and enveloped a weak Hiccup into a hug. Her Hiccup was back. A tear slipped from her eye.

"I love you," She said, Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, but it was drowned out by an explosion. Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other. Berk was still at war! The two took off into the woods, Hiccup in front.

"I have a plan, Astrid," Hiccup said while running. "I need to get to a horn, a loud one."

"We can use the emergency horn, the one they use to single raids," Astrid said. Hiccup took off in another direction, dodging low hanging branches.

"Where are you going? The horn is this way," Astrid yelled, trying to catch up.

"I spent a lot of time in these woods," Hiccup said, "I know a shortcut. Come on." Astrid tried to catch up, but Hiccup was fast. The two broke out of the woods and onto a small cliff where the horn was located.

"Can this actually carry words? Or just a deafening honk?" Hiccup asked Astrid, who was just breaking out of the woods. She shrugged, trying to catch her breath. Hiccup took a breath. He put his lips to the horn and blew. A dragon call came out the other end. All the dragons new that call, retreat, and soon, were on their way back to Dragon Island.

Astrid stared dumbfounded at the retreating dragons, hundreds upon thousands evacuated the island. She laughed, Hiccup had done it.

The two made their way back to the island's village. People were still in shock and aw at what had just happened. When they saw Hiccup, they immediately parted to let him pass, looks of fear were given him. Hiccup rubbed his arm nervously, he hated what Scale had done.

Stoick made his way to Hiccup.

"He- hey there... Uh... Dad," Hiccup said nervously. Stoick stared at him, dumbfounded. Toothless landed beside Hiccup, as did Stormfly. Hiccup laughed. "Well, you listen well."

"Perfectly," Toothless said. Toothless noticed that the villagers were getting closer, their weapons drawn. Toothless immediately got protective.

"Hey there, everybody," Hiccup said, nervously. "I guess I have some..." He couldn't finish, an arrow was fired, piercing Hiccup chest. He fell down, Toothless gave a sad and frightened roar. But, Hiccup disappeared, vanished into thin air. Toothless took off into the sky and was quickly out of site. Stoick stepped forth.

"What happened?" He Asked Astrid. The girl just watched where Toothless had flown, it wasn't towards dragon island.

"Changewing," she said simply, sadly. She had just gotten Hiccup back and now he was gone, maybe even dead. Astrid turned around and walked away with Stormfly in tow. She really didn't want to be around people right now. The rest of the village just watched where Toothless had taken off. No one new who had fired the arrow and no one confessed

Scale was dead, Hiccup was taken away by a changewing and Toothless was right behind them. Scale would for ever be known as a legend. A man who could have taken over the entire archipelago and maybe even the world. But, he was stopped by a hiccup now known as Hiccup, Dragon King. Little did the people of Berk know that the king would one day return, with more dragons behind him then ever thought possible. And, you can be sure, that the people of Berk will treat him a little bit differently then Hiccup the Useless.
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Deadly Nadder

Keep an eye out for the sequel.
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[b][color=#d51c1c]The Lemon God[/color][/b]

I think you mean finale. :)
Top Poester for 6 Months Award :D
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Deadly Nadder

18 Apr 2014, 17:25
I think you mean finale. :)
Fixed it. Boy, that just instills me with confidence about my writing capabilities.
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

I gotta know, who shot the arrow???
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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Deadly Nadder

19 Apr 2014, 10:22
I gotta know, who shot the arrow???
You'll have to wait for the sequel, but will also have to wait for chapter 8 to have it (somewhat) explained.
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antisocial british nerd with a youtube channel

One of the best fanfics I've ever read. Just... amazing. I'm speechless. :$
Me? An otaku? Pfff.

Yes I do like dragons if you're wondering. Doesn't seem like it from my profile pic n signature, I know, but I do.

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