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How To Find A Hiccup ch. 3
Topic Started: 22 Apr 2014, 11:31 (1138 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

A/N: Just remember, this fic is rated T. Though it should be alright for most everyone.

How To Find A Hiccup

Chapter 3


Everything hurt as Astrid laid there on the stone floor. She was completely unaware of everything around her other than the shearing pain running up her spine and spreading out to her toes and fingertips. With a painful groan, Astrid forced herself into a sitting position, letting her back rest on the wall behind her. She rubbed the back of her head and noticed it was damp. She pulled her hand back and studied it. Blood stained her hand.

She groaned again. Looking around with dead and miserable eyes, Astrid took in her surroundings. She was in a dungeon alright, a stone one. It had three walls made completely out of gray rock, the fourth wall wasn't a wall, but an iron-bar door, keeping her from her freedom. The cell reminded her of the one she had been in at Dragon Island, when Scale was terrorizing the people of the archipelago.

Astrid began to study her own body, seeing what kind of injuries she had sustained. Her left arm was pretty beaten up with a long scratch that ran up from on the inside of her biceps to the top of her wrist. It looked like it used to have blood seeping through it, but now the blood had dried, staining her arm. Her clothing was stained with blood, though it was hard to tell since her shirt was red. There also seemed to be some blood still seeping through a cut on her right side, near the armpit. All of that, plus the head wound, Astrid confirmed she was in a pretty crappy state.

Now, she just needed to find the others, she seemed to be the only one in her small and cramped cell. She crawled over to the cell's iron bars, she didn't think she could muster enough strength to walk. There was a long hall running across from her cell, more cells were on each side of the hall. The one across from her held Tuffnut lying on his side. He had a long, blood-stained scrape running from his side, across his back and stopping at his shoulder blade. The cut, Astrid knew, was the result of a terrible weapon used on corral animals, a whip. A memory came flooding back to her of when she had first came to the prison. They had been tortured.


Astrid was walking behind Riker, the other riders behind her. Their hands were clad in iron cuffs, linked together with the other prisoners. The chains jingled with each step. Everyone's head was cast to the ground, defeated.

"Oh, come on! Cheer up, you guys are going to help me rule the world, there has to be some excitement in that?" The man in front said. He was clad in black, leather armor. He wore thick leather boots that matched his armor. A silky black cape was drifting behind the man, it was connected to his shoulders by golden rings. The most intimidating feature, however, was his helmet. It was all black like the rest of his armor, it had a something covering his eyes that Astrid didn't know the name of, but the man could see out of it, Astrid couldn't see through the man's visor. It had two small horns coming out of the bottom of the helmet, twisting and disguising his voice into a low echo.

The stranger called himself 'King'. King walked with full confidence, his shoulder swaying slightly with each step. He glanced back at his captives, chuckling, then he turned his attention back to where he was going.

Their dragons had been taken to some place Astrid knew not where. They were walking down a stone hallway. The floor had smooth, black stone. The walls and roof, however, seemed to have been chiseled and were a light gray. It wasn't a wide hall, so the prisoners were forced into a nice, single file line.

King forced each one of them into a large room, he strapped Riker into a chair. He walked over to the wall with his captives still in chains. He strapped their wrists to the wall, their arms stretching high above their heads. No matter how much they struggled, King pulled some kind fighting move Astrid hadn't seen in a long time. It reminded her of how Hiccup had fought. The two must have trained together.

"Now, you guys get comfortable while I go get some toys to play with," King said, walking out of the room, laughing a loud and dark laugh that sent chills up the spines of the riders. Even Riker stiffened. They looked among themselves, regretting what they thought would come next.

"You guys want to play twenty questions?" Tuffnut asked. Even under these circumstances, Tuffnut was still as oblivious as ever.

"Tuff, do you know what King meant by, 'toys'?" Fishlegs asked, trying not to cry. Tuffnut's eyes rolled back into his head in thought.

"Well," he said, "I think he wants to play a game."

"Yeah, do you know what game?" Astrid asked. Now, both Tuffnut and Ruffnut concentrated hard.

"Twenty questions?" They said at the same time. Astrid just shook her head and stared at the ground. This was not going to be fun.

King came back, a whip strapped to his side and some other tools he called 'toys', one of those were pliers. His 'toys' were placed neatly on a tray, he set them beside Riker's chair on a small table.

"Well, there are two ways we can do this," King said, picking up the pliers and studying them in his hand. "We can do this a reasonably painless way, or..." He struck Riker across the face then laughed. "I think you get the idea. Riker was unresponsive. King sighed.

"Tell me where the dragons are!" He demanded. Riker looked up at him.

"You control of all the dragons," he said. King rolled his eyes behind the helmet.

"I did, until that scoundrel, Hiccup, severed me from half of my army!" King shook his head. "He's a worthy opponent, I'll give him that."

"What do you mean?" Astrid said. Riker looked up at King. He looked back and forth between Riker and Astrid.

"You guys have no understanding of what is going on, do you?" He said. "Half those devils still follow Hiccup, they jumped at the chance to serve him," King studied his gloved hand, not paying any attention to his captives. "No matter how many dragons he has, they'll all bow down to me in the end."

"There, we don't know anything you want to know, now let us go," Snotlout said. Riker whipped him across his torso. He grunted at the sudden pain.

"No one ever tells me what to do," King rolled his shoulders and regained himself. "Not anymore." He turned back to Riker with the pliers. He grabbed Riker's fingernail and yanked them off. Riker screamed in pain. King followed suit with each fingernail, each scream emitted from Riker growing louder than the last. When King was finished, Riker's hands ended in bloody stumps, and tears lined the man's face. King wasn't done, oh no, he was just beginning. He poured lemon juice over the freshly opened wounds, making the full grown Walker clench his eyes and teeth, forcing himself not yell.

The riders watched as Riker was beaten and bruised, and one by one, King moved onto the next. Astrid was the last one.

"Astrid, Astrid ,Astrid," King said slowly as Astrid sat in the chair. King stared at her through his dark visor, hand clasped behind his back. "Hiccup went on and on about you, I suppose you guys were very close, no?" Astrid didn't answer. King walked around Astrid's chair, talking. Astrid tuned him out. That was the last thing she remembered, King gave a strong kick aimed at the back of her head.


Astrid rubbed her temples and groaned. Tuffnut stirred and rolled over, cracking an eye open. When he saw that Astrid was finally awake, he shot both eyes open.

"Hey, guys, Astrid's up!" He called out. Several voices shouted out.

"Astrid?" one voice called.

"Bout time," another voice.

"You were out for three days! That, 'king,' must have got you good," Astrid couldn't remember the voices, they seemed to be blurred and scrambled. Her ears were ringing, she was hungry, thirsty, in pain and all in all just felt like crap.

"How are you feeling?" Tuffnut said. Was Astrid hearing things, or did Tuffnut just ask a compassionate question? Astrid just looked at him and shook her head. She felt terrible. Tuff sat up, his shoulder leaning against the iron bars of his cell.

"Know how you feel," he said. Tuff sighed and turned his attention to the wall in front of him. "Me and my sister beat on each other all the time, I thought I knew pain. I don't." Tuff chuckled. "Well, guess I do now, but I wish I knew what I signed up for." Astrid chuckled.

"Yeah, this isn't exactly a piece of cake like I thought it was going to be," she said. Tuffnut closed his eyes.

"Mmmm, cake," he said, daydreaming of eating a nice fluffy cake that Phlegma was praised for. Well, that and her fierceness.

"What do we get to eat here?" Astrid asked, Tuffnut looked at her funny.

"We get to eat here?"

"Every other day at noon," Fishlegs spoke up. Judging by the sound his voice came from, Astrid guessed he was in the cell right next to hers on the right. "Although, I agree with Tuff, what you get to eat here doesn't really classify as 'food.'" Astrid groaned for the hundredth time since she woke up.

"When does the next meal come?" She asked.

"Just missed it, you'll have to wait two more days," another voice said, Astrid recognized as Ruffnut.

"Great," Astrid said sarcastically. Ruff laughed.

"Hiccup had better be worth it," she said.

"I hope he is," Astrid sighed. Tuff gave her a look.

"Don't tell me you're giving up on him. After everything we've gone through," he said, "Oh no, we're getting out of here and finding that fishbone, one way or the other." Astrid laughed.

"One way or the other," she whispered. Her eyes became heavy and she slowly drifted off into the land of unconsciousness.

A voice was screaming in the far corners of Astrid's mind. It was loud but it was muffled, yet, she recognized whom the voice belonged to. It was screaming a single word, but Astrid couldn't make it out. Then, images appeared. They showed a group of masked figures, they were running, slashing something with their swords. A new picture showed, this one had her and the other riders running through what seemed to be a stone forest with the strange masked people. Huge, jagged rocks sprouted out of the ground close together.

Then, darkness. She heard a voice, it was still muffled, but she could still tell who the voice belonged to. Hiccup. A helmet appeared before her closed eyes. Behind the helmet were two bright and vivid green eyes. The figure shouted again, this time as clear as day.

"ASTRID!" Her eyes shot open. She was in a cold sweat. Breathing hard and quick, Astrid sat up putting her hand to her head. She leaned up against the wall. That was some dream, she thought.

She sat there, not being able to fall back to sleep. Everyone else seemed to be sleeping peacefully, lucky them. In the meanwhile, Astrid couldn't stop thinking about her dream, was that Hiccup behind the helmet?

Astrid had drifted off to sleep on a number of occasions, just to be woken by the same dream. This seemed way to real, and why were they consistent? She would have to ask Riker later when he woke up.

It was impossible to tell what time it was in the cell, but one by one, the riders stirred and finally woke up. Tuff, yawning and stretching his sore arms and legs. He nodded towards Astrid, as if to say ,'hey.' Astrid returned the favor.

"How did you sleep?" He asked. Astrid shrugged.

"Not very well, I kept having the same dream over and over." Tuff laughed.

"Bout Hiccup, I presume?" Astrid rolled her eyes and adjusted herself so that she was leaning up against the iron bars.

"I don't know, maybe, he had a mask or a helmet on... I couldn't tell," Astrid sighed and rested her head on the wall beside her. "Where's Riker?" Tuff rolled his eyes back into his head, which meant he was thinking.

"Don't know, King didn't put him in here with the rest of us," he said. Astrid groaned.

"Great," she sighed, "so are we just going to sit here and rot forever?"

"Not at all, little Missy," a corrupted voice said. A faint echo was heard coming from the halls, someone was coming. Not to soon did King step into Astrid's view, did she wish he left. He had his hands clasped behind his back as he normally did and was in the same getup he was when they first came to the prison.

"Well, look what the terrible terror dragged in," Astrid said. King laughed.

"That's a good one," he said, then he said, "I should use that," more to himself than anyone else, but Astrid still heard him.

"What do you want?" Tuff said, King turned his head around to look at him, but didn't say anything. He looked back at Astrid.

"Don't want much," he said, "just your labor." He whistled and two nadders came and stood by him, one looked like...

"Stormfly!" Astrid yelled, "what did you do to her?" A hint of anger and worry was in her voice.

"Oh, yes that's right, you guys have your own dragons. Guess Hiccup showed you how they could be trusted and 'loved'" King scoffed. "That's what made him a terrible leader."

"Hiccup was a better leader than you," Astrid said.

"Yet, I'm the one who is king over the dragons."

"Yeah, that's why half the dragons left with Hiccup," she chuckled. King punched the bars so hard that they bent. He unlocked the door and grabbed Astrid by the biceps.

"You, 'dragon riders' are going to help me," he said as he chained Astrid's hands together. Her feet were also clad in chains, but she was still able to walk; however, it eliminated her ability to run. King did this to everyone, he then connected the chains at the feet to prevent escape.

He led them through a large stone place that could only be described as a 'stone forest.' It looked awfully familiar to the one Astrid saw in her dream. Trees were uprooted and had fallen over, the rocks seemed as if they weren't here before, but had been recently pushed up to the surface.

King gave each of them a pickax.

"I don't see the use in letting you rot, so I thought I'd put you to work. It would have been those kids Hiccup was so fond of, but oh well," Astrid turned her head to look over her shoulder.

"You were going to enslave kids?" She asked disgusted. King waved his hand around in little circles, trying to come up with an answer.

"Enslave is such a... Strong word," King said, "I was thinking more like... Forcing them to do my will or be roasted on the spot."

Astrid shook her head in disgust.

"You're terrible," she said.

"Yes, so I've been told. Have fun digging till your hands fall off."

"Wait, I haven't had anything to eat since I got here," Astrid complained, "what about water?" King pointed to a puddle behind her.

"There's your water," he laughed as he went back the way they came, the nadders watching over them. They began to dig.

It was dreadfully hot outside. There weren't any clouds in the sky, so the sun had full access to their brittle bodies. They had been digging for hours upon hours, Astrid had actually drank from that puddle King pointed out. She couldn't believe what she was turning into. The nadders didn't hesitate to whip them with their tails if they thought that they were slacking.

They moved to mountain of rock to mountain of rock, beating it down until it was smooth against the stony ground. When the work had been done, the nadders led them back to their cells. The riders collapsed onto the ground. They found a nice little meal waiting for them, although it tasted terrible, it was still food. Astrid found a little note on her plate. It read:

Hey! Thanks for the help out there. Get your

rest and I'll be seeing you real soon

Your evil overlord


Astrid's whole body gave out and she was fast asleep.
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

cant wait to read the next chapter.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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Monstrous Nightmare

Can't wait for the 11th chapter! :D
  PM (offline)     Profile     Quote  
User avatar
mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

11th chapter?
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

02 May 2014, 10:47
11th chapter?
Don't worry about it. Nightshade has read the chapters on FF.net . He's just sent the link to the next chapter to me.
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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Monstrous Nightmare

02 May 2014, 10:49
02 May 2014, 10:47
11th chapter?
Don't worry about it. Nightshade has read the chapters on FF.net . He's just sent the link to the next chapter to me.
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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

02 May 2014, 11:02
02 May 2014, 10:49
02 May 2014, 10:47
11th chapter?
Don't worry about it. Nightshade has read the chapters on FF.net . He's just sent the link to the next chapter to me.
:P I already knew, smarty pants.
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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