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How I'm living now [contains some HTTYD 2 spoilers]
Topic Started: 22 Apr 2014, 17:29 (2916 Views)
Night fury fire
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[color=blue]We're fangirls! It's an occupational hazard...

Hey guys this is my sequel to how I lived before. This story however involves older toothless. it takes place after HTTYD 2. It will also be about older hiccups life too.

Chapter 1

The great hall was decorated inside and out with festive colours. It looked as it was going to be used for dragon racing, but today was special. In a room at the back of the hall, hiccup was sitting with his dragon toothless. He was dressed in fine clothes, his metal leg was polished. Toothless had been forced to bathe which he hated. Hiccup was sitting down staring at the floor nervously. Then stoick and valka entered the room. "So today's the big day son!" Stoick boomed. He was just happy that astrid had fallen for hiccup and not a jorgenson boy. "Yeah" replied hiccup less enthusiastically. "Theres no need to be nervous hiccup" assured valka. "I was nervous when I married your father". "You were?!" Said stoick who was unaware of this. Cloudjumper valkas stormcutter dragon walked over to toothless. "So, your humans getting married" he said. "Yeah" said toothless who was somehow feeling hiccups nerves. "No need to worry" cloudjumper smiled. "After this life should be amazing for you". Toothless smiled and wondered what life would be like after this.

The ceremony began. The entire village had come and the hall was filled. On the seats were the haddocks, hoffersons and the rest of the village. At the back, outside and even up on the banisters of the roof were the dragons. Even they had been invited to the wedding. Hiccup and toothless walked out of the room. Hiccup walked up to the alter and gave a nervous smile to stoick and valka. Toothless walked over to the side. Then came astrid with her deadly nadder stormfly by her side. All of hiccups nervousness seemed to melt away when he saw her. She was wearing a beautiful dress and for the first time ever her hair was untied. Stormfly looked as if she had also had a bath. She walked over to join toothless. "You nervous" she said. "Yeah, a little" whispered toothless. "You look so beautiful today" hiccup whispered to astrid. Astrid smiled. "And your looking just as handsome as ever". Hiccup nearly blushed. "Oh stop it you" he said.

The wedding went on. Valka had already been wiping away some tears. Hiccup had even thought he'd seen stoick with tears in his eyes! Snotlout had seen a chance to flirt with ruffnut. Ruffnut was the only single girl of her age on berk and she wanted it to stay that way. She pushed snotlout aside only to find fishlegs come up to her. She sighed secretly wishing it was her marrying hiccup instead of astrid. Toothless and stormfly watched on. Toothless was trying to sit up straight and resisting the urge to scratch his ear. Stormfly was just trying to stay awake. Like her rider astrid, stormfly longed for adventure. She was suddenly snapped awake by the words "you may kiss the bride".

Hiccup looked at astrid. Astrid looked back awkwardly at hiccup. Of course they were fine with kissing each other, but they had never kissed in front of the entire village! Toothless smiled and walked up to them. "Toothless, what are you doing!" Said stormfly. Toothless gave hiccup a nudge with his head and he fell forward, his lips meeting with astrids. Stormfly and pretty much the entire village giggled. Once hiccup started to kiss astrid it was hard for him to stop, the kiss soon became awkwardly long. "That's my boy" stoick whispered to valka. "You mean 'our' boy" valka laughed. There was a mix of happy cheers from the villagers and roars from the dragons. Stormfly nuzzled toothless. "Guess your going to have to put up with me more often" toothless said. "Thor help me" laughed stormfly. "I'm not that bad, am I?" Said toothless. Hiccup walked over to toothless and patted his head. "Come on bud" he said. "Me and astrid are racing to the house". "Good luck beating me" said astrid to her new husband. "Yeah it's on!" Shouted stormfly. And mr and mrs haddock took to the skies.

Stoick and valka had moved house with their dragons and given the old house to hiccup and astrid. It was the beginning of a whole new life for them and their dragons. Two weeks later, it was a quiet morning on berk. Toothless and stormfly were sleeping downstairs near the fire. "Morning stormfly" yawned toothless. "Morning" she whispered, still half asleep. Toothless settled back down by the fire. He suddenly heard a creak on the stairs. He turned around and saw a person on the stairs. He growled but then stopped realising it was just astrid. "It's ok, it's just me guys" she said. "I'm going to the doctors". The dragons watched her leave before settling to sleep again. Later that morning hiccup came downstairs, he was reading a note. "Well guys looks like astrid is feeling sick and has gone to the doctors" said hiccup. He decided that the book of dragons needed updating and he went to get it from upstairs. "I hope astrids ok" said stormfly. "You know astrid" said toothless. "She'll probably be fine". "Yeah your right" sighed stormfly. Hiccup spent the rest of the morning trying to get toothless and stormfly to stay still as he drew them into the book of dragons. It turned into chaos as stormfly stole hiccups helmet and ran around the room while toothless was rolling on the floor laughing. "Oi, give me that back" yelled hiccup. He was interrupted by astrid walking through the door

"Astrid!" Said hiccup as stormfly dropped the saliva coated helmet onto the floor. "How did the doctors go?". Astrid said nothing and stood with her hands behind her back. "Astrid?" Said hiccup. Astrid looked down at the floor and sighed. "Hiccup theres something I have to tell you" she said quietly. Hiccup suddenly became extremely nervous. What was wrong with astrid? "Hiccup....I'm pregnant" she said. Toothless and stormfly looked at each other with wide eyes." Pregnant!?" Whispered stormfly. Hiccup stared at astrid for a moment before fainting onto the floor. "Hiccup!" Screamed astrid and toothless. Astrid knelled down next to him. Toothless looked down at him before licking his face. Hiccup woke up. He looked at astrid then at toothless then at astrid again. He fainted again. "This may take awhile" thought toothless.

In chapter 2
Hiccup and astrids baby? I bet you want to know more!

Thanks for reading!!
Hiccstrid forever
^_^ ;) :D :$ :P 8) :'( :( ^) :O :blink: >:( <3 <- me seeing httyd 2
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Night fury fire
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[color=blue]We're fangirls! It's an occupational hazard...

Chapter 2 is coming soon
^_^ ;) :D :$ :P 8) :'( :( ^) :O :blink: >:( <3 <- me seeing httyd 2
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Monstrous Nightmare

GREAT JOB!!!! :D Oh, that's just like Hiccup, fainting! Love it, love it!
What should I write on my signature? Hmm...
I am a Httyd, Gravity Falls and Portal (One and two) fan.
I'm also a bookworm and an introvert.
That was pretty random, but that's me summed up in two sentences.
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

23 Apr 2014, 00:28
GREAT JOB!!!! :D Oh, that's just like Hiccup, fainting! Love it, love it!
lol, that definetly sounds like hiccup, fainting.

And lol, toothless not liking taking baths.

Great story, can't wait to read the next chapter.

Does toothless and stormfly become closer?
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
  PM (offline)     Profile     Quote  
Night fury fire
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[color=blue]We're fangirls! It's an occupational hazard...

23 Apr 2014, 08:44
23 Apr 2014, 00:28
GREAT JOB!!!! :D Oh, that's just like Hiccup, fainting! Love it, love it!
lol, that definetly sounds like hiccup, fainting.

And lol, toothless not liking taking baths.

Great story, can't wait to read the next chapter.

Does toothless and stormfly become closer?
Thanks guys. In this story toothless and stormfly are great friends but another dragon character will be added soon
^_^ ;) :D :$ :P 8) :'( :( ^) :O :blink: >:( <3 <- me seeing httyd 2
  PM (offline)     Profile     Quote  
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Cool, can't wait to read it.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
  PM (offline)     Profile     Quote  
Night fury fire
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[color=blue]We're fangirls! It's an occupational hazard...

Chapter 2

After a while hiccup got used to the idea that astrid was pregnant. They all did. And after a long wait many months later, Hamish was born. He looked like astrid with his blonde hair. But he had the unique forest green eyes of hiccup. Then only a year and a half later alva was born. She was more like hiccup, small with reddish, brown hair. The years passed by. And finally they were all settling down to family life. Hamish was six and alva was four. Hiccup,astrid,toothless and stormfly were still as adventurous as ever though. Hiccup was still mapping undiscovered lands, and building gadgets for himself and toothless. Astrid still enjoyed dragon racing with snotlout, the twins, fishlegs and even hiccup joined in sometimes. Yes life had become quiet, but nonetheless adventurous for the dragons and their riders.

Smoke was coming out the kitchen one morning. Which usually happened when astrid was cooking. Astrid had tried to improve her cooking ever since the "yaknog" incident many snoggletogs ago. "Oh Thor, what's she cooking this time" whispered toothless to stormfly. The two dragons were lying across the room. "Half of it will probably be given to us" sniggered stormfly. Hiccup walked down the stairs. He still looked like his twenty year old self only bigger. Astrid hadn't changed much either. Hiccup coughed. "What are you cooking!" He gasped. "Stew" replied astrid. "For breakfast?". "Why not?" said astrid. Hiccup went to open the door to let some air in. "Daaad" came a voice from upstairs. "Alva stole my axe" shouted hamish running down the stairs. "Did nawt" replied alva following him. hamish and alva were pretty much like mini hiccup and astrid. hamish was just like astrid, though and strong but he had the adventurous spirit of hiccup. Lana was more shy and sweet, she didn't spend much time with friends. But she loved dragons. "What are you talking about hamish" said hiccup. "You don't even own an axe". A guilty look spread across hamishs face. "Hamish!" Said astrid turning around from her cooking. "What have I told you about playing with my weapons!" ." But alva took it!" Hamish protested. "I did nawt!" Shouted alva. "Will you too stop!" Shouted hiccup. "Hamish no playing with your mothers weapons,ok".

Hamish grumbled and folded his arms. Alva scrambled downstairs. "Good mowning toofless" she said giving the dragons entire head a hug. Then did same to stormfly. She was only 4 but she was not afraid of dragons. Hiccup went outside to the shed to get the dragons breakfast. Astrid served the kids their breakfast. "Mom, what's this?" Said hamish pocking at the strange lumpy brown pile on his plate. "Stew" said astrid. "For bweackfast?" Said alva. "Yes" astrid smiled dolloping it on to hiccups plate. Hiccup arrived back and put two baskets of fish next to toothless and stormfly. He returned to his seat to find a disgusting looking pile of stew. Hiccup had been able to swallow raw regurgitated fish but not astrids yaknog. He wished valka could come and give her more cooking lessons. The kids were poking miserably at the stew. "I'll back hiccup" said astrid. "I think someone is selling bread in the plaza". She walked out the door. "I'm guessing you don't want to eat that" said hiccup gesturing to the stew. Both kids shuck their heads. Hiccup quickly grabbed the three bowls of stew and emptied them into toothless and stormflys baskets.

"Hey!" Yelled toothless. "Sorry you guys" said hiccup. "But we just can't eat it". Toothless and stormfly grumbled and licked away the sludge to get back to their fish. Hiccup looked through the food cupboard and found some chocolate. He shared it among the kids. Most people would argue that chocolate was bad for kids. But astrids stew was probably much worse. Astrid came in again with two loaves of bread in her hands. "Oh, we ate the stew dear" said hiccup. "Yeah right!" Protested stormfly. "Really!" Said astrid. She was happy that hiccup liked her cooking for once. "Well how about we go on a morning flight" she said. Both the kids and the dragons cheered with joy.

Flying was a treat which the kids experienced often. "Alva you go with dad" said astrid. "Hamish you can come with me". Hiccup strapped himself and lana into the saddle. "You ready" he said. "You betcha" smiled alva. "To bad this isn't a race" said stormfly to toothless. "I would definitely bet you. "Yeah I don't think so" said toothless. And they took off. Toothless had always enjoyed flying despite the fact he had a prosthetic tail. He loved to feel the wind in his face. He didn't care if he had to go slowly because of alva. Alva loved flying, she was the only four year old girl on berk who had been on the back of a dragon. Hamish loved flying dragons too. But unlike alva he wanted his own dragon. They flew for a while taking in the sights. "Look!" Said hiccup pointing at the ocean below. A herd of thunderdrums were leaping like dolphins out of the water. They passed many familiar places, dragon island, breakneck bog, changewing island. Until they started flying into unknown places. "Um..dad" said alva. "Yes" said hiccup. "I..uh haf to go to the bathwoom". "For the love of Thor" sighed hiccup. "Astrid" hiccup called. "Yeah" said astrid. "Can we stop at that island over there, alva needs the bathroom". "Fine" sighed astrid, she too hated to stop flying when she was in her element. They flew down to the rocky island. Alva went to do her business behind some rocks. "I don't think we've been to this island before, have we bud?" Said hiccup. "No I don't think so" said toothless. Hiccup got out his portable map.

He took out his pencil and some paper and got toothless to lick it. He stuck it onto the ever growing map. The island was wild and rugged. Quite like berk. Hiccup also spotted a few caves. Toothless began to sniff the air. His ears pricked up slightly. His eyes became slits. "What is it?" Said stormfly. "We're not alone here" growled toothless. A terrible terror emerged from a cave close to them. But when he took one look at toothless and stormfly he flew back into it. "Looks like it was just a terrible terror" said stormfly relieved. Toothless however wasn't so sure. Alva emerged from the rocks. "You're dad is just adding this island to his map" said astrid looking impatiently at hiccup. "We'll be going in a minute". That was what they thought, until 'it' came out of the cave.

It looked at toothless, deep in the eye. Toothless stood there, shocked and speechless. Hiccup look up from his map. He felt a smiler light headed feeling. Like when astrid had told him she was pregnant. Astrid and the kids looked on in shock. As it got closer everyone backed away. Everyone except toothless, he looked on unable to move. It came right up close to him. Staring into his pale green eyes. "Darkwing?" The night fury whispered. It had been many years since toothless had heard that name. "Dad?!" Said toothless.

oh my gods
A cliffhanger

Toothless and shadow have been reunited!!!

Thanks for reading!!!!
Chapter 3 coming soon!!!
^_^ ;) :D :$ :P 8) :'( :( ^) :O :blink: >:( <3 <- me seeing httyd 2
  PM (offline)     Profile     Quote  
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Awesome, he found his dad.
Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
  PM (offline)     Profile     Quote  
Night fury fire
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[color=blue]We're fangirls! It's an occupational hazard...

23 Apr 2014, 23:12
Awesome, he found his dad.
Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Thanks Draco
^_^ ;) :D :$ :P 8) :'( :( ^) :O :blink: >:( <3 <- me seeing httyd 2
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Monstrous Nightmare

Great job! I cannot wait to see what happens! :D :O
What should I write on my signature? Hmm...
I am a Httyd, Gravity Falls and Portal (One and two) fan.
I'm also a bookworm and an introvert.
That was pretty random, but that's me summed up in two sentences.
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