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Collaborative FanFic: Brothers in Arms-Chapter One
Topic Started: 30 Apr 2014, 14:35 (2069 Views)
Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich

Split into five scenes, this is the first chapter in what I hope to be many :p

It is based roughly two to three years after the events of the first movie, Hiccup is seventeen and the academy is growing in age and number.... (original characters are introduced throughout :p)
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Original Characters -which will be introduced
This was originally a role play and we are always writing, if you want to get involved in chapter two PM me :)

If you want to see how chapter 2 is going check the link:
For more info visit the info thread:

Please reply to this thread for feedback and I'd love to know your favourite original characters :p and favourite scene :) and feel free to comment even if you havn't read the whole thing :p

It may be little long so if you want to make a few trips, read one scene at a time, I understand :)

Hope you like it :P It is both my first roleplay and fanfic :p but be as critical as you want :p
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich


Toothless and his rider Hiccup enjoy a full mooned flight over Berk. The town is lit by small fire torches, while the people prepare for a night spent drinking in the great hall. Astrid sat beside Stormfly giving the pair a good hearted wave, Hiccup smirked and returned the courtesy. Snotlout chased Fishlegs in the square, why? Hiccup didn't want to know. "C'mon Fishlegs just tell me if it looks infected!!!"
" .... Okay well that's not scarring" Hiccup sighed sarcastically. Gobber rests his 'scivees' out on a rack outside the forge. Hiccup hoped what was dripping from them was water. He shuddered at the thought. With a flick of his heel he and Toothless bank left gliding towards the darkened forest.
The cool air brushed through Hiccups hair and struck a nerve in his skin. He immediately moved to turn Toothless home for the night of celebration in the warmth of the dragon fires in the Great Hall, but Toothless continued straight. His ears pricked to the left as he motions in that direction. Hiccup obliged. "What's goin' on bud?" he patted the hard yet warm scales of his dragons neck. Toothless called into the night.

The shout nearly deafening his rider. Hiccup puts his ear to his shoulder as he doesn't have the use of his hands. He glares into the darkness ahead trying to understand what had Toothless acting this way. An echo hit Hiccup's ear. It was a night fury, but it wasn't toothless.

Toothless picks up speed and shouts again, sending a plasma blast high into the sky acting as a beacon. The returning call this time was louder, and moving towards the blue hue in the black sky. A shadow passes some stars, flicking them out like dying lights. Its getting larger... or closer. Hiccup goes to dive to avoid the darkened figure. But it's too quick, and the shapeless mass tackles the dragon-rider coupling to the ground.
Hiccup rolled out from under Toothless and looks back to see him pinned...by another night fury. "Hey, wa-a-aahhh...." He turned to a whisper as he realized there was a rider atop the night fury. The dragon atop the pile was inspecting toothless quickly before licking his face a number of times, Toothless then returned the favor.

Hiccup looked on in shock, speechless. "eh... ok...". The rider dismounted from his dragon and ran to Toothless repeating the mysterious inspection. "A saddle... hmm... practical" The stranger spoke looking more closely at the contraption. his hand rubbing his chin. "A connecting rod, a little heavy" He prods it with prying fingers"... leading all the way to his....." a long pause followed. "...tail" He turns to the bewildered Hiccup and helps him up off the ground while shaking his hand "Braden, at your service", the moonlight caught their faces and they stared at each other, both squinted. "eh...Hiccup...at yours" They examined each others features. In unison they backed away from each other, hand on mouth and gasping.

The night furies lay next to each other heads lifted in confusion at their riders' reaction to each other. Hiccup and the new rider, crouched their heads slightly forward and approached each other slowly. They seemed as though they were mimicking each other. "No way...." both now smiling. Hiccup did not see a new rider, he saw himself only... a little dirtier, worse for wear. "who ...?" Hiccup asked... [or at least had started to ask] "....are you?" The other boy finished his question.

The dragons let out throaty chuckles as they watched the pair, the new night fury noticing the makeshift tail on Toothless for the first time, sniffs at it then looks at him, head quirked to the side. "Who is that?!?" Hiccup let his gaze drift from his doppelganger to the pair of seemingly identical reptiles. "Well, we're brothers" the silhouette grinned. "Me... and you?" Hiccup was dumbfounded. "No me and them, your just the guy who fixed up my brother..."
"I'm kinda also the guy who....well... broke him..." Hiccup looked obviously uncomfortable
"Wait so you..?!" After a short pause the silhouette knocked Hiccup to the ground with a hard push to his chest, pinning him with the same hand, he raised his opposite fist for the second blow, Hiccup squirms to no avail. Toothless intervenes, jumping over quickly and putting himself between the violent stranger and his friend. He bared his teeth ready to strike with a claw if needs be.

"Toothless! No!" Hiccup screamed. The stranger relaxed, toothless subduing him without complaint. "Toothless? Is that what you call him?" he smiles, "He's got a fairly hard bite to be called Toothless" he winked at the dragon. Toothless relaxed himself, sitting himself upright his head high and neck vertical. "You seem like your talking from experience..."
"Well that's because I am, who hasn't fought with their brothers? Both of them have given me some hefty scars " Toothless shrugs his head and raises his nose to the sky and chuckles once. "Well, I don't exactly see the resemblance there"
"That's not what a brother is." the boy said frankly "nonetheless..." he clasped his hands together "...we need some food. You wouldn't happen to have any? Would you? It's been days"

Everyone on Berk at this point had embarked and arrived at the great hall except for the four who were still in transit. Hiccup was fretting and was uneasy as he flew. The moon their only light, they were invisible. Hiccup allows the stranger to follow him and toothless to the village, they glide together in a synchronized rhythm. "Another night fury... Amazing" Hiccup thought to himself. "And a rider... that we didn't train.... who also looks exactly like me. My Dad is going to freak...."


"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich


"What is the meaning of this?!?" Stoick had a voice which seemed to reverberate through walls... and bones. Ruffnut and Tuffnut had been eyeing up a bowl of mashed potatoes. (one of the many dishes available) Just previous to Stoick's outburst the twins had taken the bowl from the table. "hmm... " Ruffnut stares at the yellow fluffy snow quizzically "Its ...consistency... is.... profound" he rubs his chin quickly before snapping his finger and pointing to the sky with a smile of wonderment on his face. "Hit me with it" Tuffnut closes his eyes leaning his face forward. Ruffnut grins maliciously, then breaks the ceramic bowl over his waiting head. "hmmm... Harder than I thought.... awesome, do it again". As she picks an empty plate from the table raising it above her head, she is interrupted by Stoick. "eh sorry chief, won't happen again I promise." she salutes, and once his steel gaze had shifted she hit her twin in the face with her fist.

Gobber enjoyed a hefty rack of lamb as he stood at the massive Great Hall door as it opened. Hiccup and Toothless donder through. "Good flight boys?" he then took a hefty chunk of meat from bone. "It was eh... eventful" Hiccup scratched his head glancing back as the mysterious pair they had encountered entered the doorway. Each moment Braden was bathed by the light of the flames the uncanny resemblance seemed less a coincidence. "Stoick.." Gobber called, mouth unable to close over the mulch between his teeth. The room falls silent as they realize that something new and different had entered the hall. The only sound that of the strange riders footsteps, and of course the oblivious Snotlout saying to Astrid "Fishlegs said yes, what do you think?"

Stoick rose to his feet... his steel gaze and iron fists showing true bewilderment. Even though years had passed, he already knew who this stranger was. "Braden?"

Hiccup squinted and tilted his head to the side "Wait... You know him?" Braden was equally as confused and moved closer to the domineering figure at the opposite side of a large stone round table, gesturing for his dragon to remain with Toothless. Before a word could leave his mouth Stoick creeps a smile over his shocked expression. He turns to the townsfolk who fill the entirety of the colossal room in which they all stood, mouths gaping. Stoick raised his arms and bellowed "My son has come home!!". A venerable euphoria washes over the chief as he runs to the boy arms wide, beckoning for a tight and rib-breaking bearhug. "Your what?? I've never had a brother.... How is this even poss-" Hiccup was interrupted "He is your brother."

"You see when you were both young, that night that your mother... was taken from us... so was he. He was wrapped in the claw of a dragon I thought he was dead. I thought that maybe you would forget him so I.... WE all kept him a secret to spare you from any unnecessary pain... You had to have had a mother.... but you didn't have to have a brother" Stoick nearly allows his voice to falter. Gobber puts a hand to Hiccup's shoulder and confirms "It's true, sorry laddie. We did what we thought was right at the time"

Braden still speechless turns to Hiccup, his brother, who had remained at the door with Gobber and the two night furies who had picked up on the tension and had their eyes fixed on their riders. Stoick breaks the silence "My sons are reunited and ...alive... Now let's celebrate" A cheer rose from the crowd, meanwhile the academy were still without words.

Stoick leads Braden out of the Great Hall with Hiccup a hand on each of their shoulders. Their father turns to the cheering crowd exclaiming "I think I have some explaining to do" He waves and turns for home with Toothless and... "So who is that?" Stoick nods his head towards the second night fury "That's...eh... Scar... You see he has a birthmark under his chin.. and...." Still in shock he barely remembers to breathe let alone speak. "You can both stay with us tonight" Stoick leads the four to their homestead for a sleepless and confusing night.

But inside the celebrations continued...

"Celebrating? Does that mean… cake?" Jay asked excitedly. "By the way… did any of you guys know that Hiccup had a brother? And it's so cool that there's actually another Night Fury! Ooh, potatoes!" She spotted some mashed potatoes and scooped them onto her plate before beginning to eat them happily. "I like potatoes."

The dragons who were on perches above the hall had watched on completely unaware of the events that had just taken place, but they were happy as Larry nonetheless.

From about ten feet away from Jay Snotlout leaned his head to Astrid whose expression was still that of absolute shock. "Eh.. Astrid.. who is that girl?". Astrid turns to him almost disgusted "Do you pay attention to anything that has ANYTHING OTHER TO DO WITH SNOTLOUT??" She was practically heaving. Hiccup had a brother, a twin even, Snotlout had barely taken any notice. "And Jay? You don't remember?? Here let me break it down so you'll understand..." Astrid put on a face similar to Tuffnut's when he falls asleep upside down from the rafters- it was the dumbest face she knew.

"Jay is a girl. She is almost 15 years old. She has Black hair.She has green eyes but no dragon..." Astrid split up her words so that she sounded like a nine year old trying read aloud in class. "Astrid do I look blind to you?" he looked only at Jay. "Well you could have fooled me!" Snotlout huffs and purses his lips in disapproval. "I mean how did she get here?" he kicked the ground almost letting on that Astrid had hurt him a little in the most 'warrior like' Jorgensen manner that he could- by taking his anger out on the earth.

Astrid dropped the face. "Fine! She was that girl remember? She ran away when she was like five? The entire village, including you, went looking for her but we never could find her?" Snotlout's eyes widened "Ohhhh" Astrid smiled with her lips "mhm" then his face took on a crazed grin. "She was the one they found in the dragons nest??" Astrid puts a hand to each of his shoulders "Ah you do listen" Then Snotlout leaned in for a kiss, lips puckered and eyes closed. Astrid locks her arms keeping him at a distance and throwing him to the ground. "or maybe not..."

She walked away not even glancing back and arrived next to Fishlegs "Did you know anything abou-" Fishlegs had remained silent and was still staring sheepishly at the door since his friend Hiccup had left. "No." he interrupted her. He will be training tomorrow with us no doubt. what do we say?" He turns to Astrid pouting "Hiccup has a brother. Hiccup has a brother. Hicc..." he continued his mutterings for a short moment before Astrid clasped her hand over his mouth. "And we are..." her head leaned in as she beckoned for him to finish "Happy?" Astrid clapped him on the shoulder "Right! Now let's ask Gobber about this." she points at Gobber who had returned to indulging himself in meat and mead. "You know... I'm going to go home. MEATLUG!" She pricked her head up and hovered over expectantly, bulbous tail wagging. Astrid sighed and continued towards Gobber as Fishlegs was carried from the room.

"Gobber!" he spied her curious face and took one last bite off his bone before throwing it to the nearest dragon, then said to himself "Handy!" before turning to Astrid "My lips are sealed Astrid, I'm not going to say anything about Braden or what happened" she stared with her hand on her hips and her face blank. "That's not going to work with me lassie, you know I once knew a sheep that looked at me like you are now... I think I just ate him" her face remains the same "Stoick would kill me if he knew" Astrid crossed her arms. "There's nothing more to tell Astrid now let's enjoy the rest of the night ad in the morning you can ask him yourself" He walks to the table and stabs a chunk of meat with his hook-knife and begins devouring it messily. Astrid sighs and calls Stormfly to her. "C'mon girl. How about some chicken?" The dragon rubs her head into her rider's embrace.

All the townsfolk continued their celebrations long into the night, knowing that in the morning there was to be a new member of their tribe and as always a new challenge to face...

"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich


Many of the people of Berk had found an easy task in sleeping as their heads hit their pillows but Hiccup and Braden had spent the night staring at the ceiling as they lay in adjoining beds.
They talked non-stop until dawn, Braden telling his brother how he was raised by the two dragons on Dragon Island from when they were only youngsters themselves. "I'd never been in a bed before, Hiccup, until now... this is amazing!!" the dragons had done the same, either muttering to each other as their riders did or by relaxing to the sound of their tattering voices. The two boys were very similar, they even yawned the same, and that was occurring more and more frequently as their catching up dragged on. Over their chattering the snoring and grumbling of the townsfolk was practically deafening.

"So YOU and Toothless killed the queen??" Hiccup was curious "So you weren't there?"
"No, we were out looking for Toothless, as we were when we found you."
"Well we did, cost me my leg too"he swivels his leg from under the covers.
"Ouch" Braden exclaims. "Yeah.... that is the general reaction..." Hiccup bounces his head in agreement. Braden gets out of his bed and lumbers, exhausted, over to Scar. "So when am I meeting the others? After hearing about them all I really want to put face to name " He grins excitedly while stroking each dragon's head.
"Soon, Toothless and I usually take a flight around the Island first thing in the morning if you want to join us?" Braden looks to his brother thrilled.

The mist that covered the Island of Berk brought with it a silver hue, and a sharp cold and stillness. The brothers glided above feeling the fresh taste in the morning air. Although taking in the sights was fun, the brothers shared a better idea...
Neither were competitive but an aero-acrobatic performance was in order. The riders tested their dragons ,they dived, flipped and corkscrewed over the horizon of silver mist. At one point there was some intricate swapping of dragons and for the sake of Braden not being used to the mechanism that allows Toothless to fly the brothers ended their games, laughing loud as they approached the Arena, the crowd of trainers and dragons had arrived early to greet their new guests, Jay included, but she was still asleep. The night furies landed gracefully completing a circle of dragon and rider.

Hiccup began, "Okay gang, this is Braden and Scar" Braden waved somewhat shyly, unused to this much attention from people. Hiccup continued "We honestly don't have the time to go through his whole life story so I'll keep it brief- He's seventeen, the same age as myself, he was raised by night furies until one day.... when... they were... inexplicably separated..." even Toothless was holding in a chortle. Tuffnut piped up as he walks over to use his hands to examine him "So does he think he's a dragon? Did they teach him to breathe fire? Can he teach me? Does he have wings?" Tuffnut fiddled with Braden's shoulder blades, Braden punched him in the forehead leaving him sprawl on the ground. "I like him...." he then fell in a delighted daze to the ground. "So... Astrid, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs and Snotlout? and... Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf and Belch? " Going off Hiccups description Braden named each one without fail... "So what's first?"

A Silver Phantom known to the village as Stardust, glides into the arena. She stalks slowly up to Hiccup, expecting fish. "Oh, er- sorry Stardust." Hiccup says. "Stardust is a Silver Phantom, she expects me to feed her." Stardust bows to the teens, favoring Jay, and then shyly eats the fish Hiccup offered her. "why don't you just stay here, Stardust, if you have nothing else to do?" Hiccup offers. Stardust nods, and finds a spot to sit, still favoring Jay. "Seems Stardust likes you, Jay." Hiccup says and chuckles."Shall we continue?"

"Wait, I've lived with dragons as long as I can remember, and I've never seen that dragon species... EVER before" Braden seemed perplexed by the silver phantom that had shifted her gaze to him.
"That's because she didn't want you to" Fishlegs butts in. "You see, a silver phantom is as fast as a night fury, making it hard to catch, and because of its colour it is as invisible during the day as a night fury is at night" Fishlegs admired Stardust nearly gasping at the facts he was relaying. He turns to the whimpering Meatlug, "But someone else already stole my heart, hmm." he squeaks as he looks into his dragons large eyes lovingly while they embrace.
"Well thanks... Fishlegs ....for that" Braden shudders, as he looks at Scar who is doing the same.
"So first let's see what you can do on that dragon" Astrid exclaims handing Braden a saddle and motioning for him to use it. "We don't use a saddle we know where we want to go" Braden winked, handing the saddle back to her, then he mounted the awaiting night fury. As the dragon lifted the pair from the ground and propelled them from the arena Stardust looked on envious. As dragon and rider became one in front of her and as they freely danced through the air, she had an idea...

Stardust roared at the two, she couldn't take it anymore! Why does everyone have a rider, except her? She wanted a bond. She wanted that amazing bond the others had. Her idea... She could... Eliminate Stormfly, then Astrid could be her rider! Perfect!
She put her idea into action.Stardust leapt at Stormfly. Stormfly, seeing this, shot Stardust's shoulder with spines. Stardust ignored this, and attacked Stormfly's belly. Stormfly whipped Stardust with her tail, and pushed her off.
As the fight continued, the riders called to their dragons to break the fight off, except for Astrid, who was yelling at Stardust to stop.

Toothless tries to come between the dragons, his lungs bursting. Braden heard the screams of Toothless, Stormfly and the rest of the academy, most of which had taken cover, only Hiccup and Astrid had remained with there dragons who were facing off in the center of the arena. Jay hung behind a terrified Snotlout.
As Braden enters atop Scar he fires a warning shot at Stardust. But this only riles her up more.
There was no one she would listen to "We have to put her down Hiccup it's the only way, she could kill one of us." Astrid said as she tried to get closer to Stormfly but the silver phantom flailing its wings would not allow her to.
Hiccup unsure of what to do was in the process of raising his fist to signal for Toothless to take her out when a shout came from amongst the cowering trainers. "NOOOO!!!"
...It was Jay...

Stormfly and Stardust stop. They turn to Jay, Stardust still emitting a growl from her throat.
"Don't kill her... Stardust probably has reason to this." Jay says. "How could she? Just attacking Stormfly?!" Astrid shrieks, letting her anger get the best of her.
"I don't think she has any reason to do this. I'm sorry Jay, we have to kill her." Hiccup says grimly.
Stardust's eyes fill up with tears. Kill her? Wasn't Hiccup her friend?
"I should have never trusted you! I HATE HUMANS!" she roared, but of course, the humans could not understand her. "When you took me in, I thought I could trust you! All I want is a rider!" she sobbed.
Toothless then purred and said, still in the dragon's language,"Is that all you want...?"
But it was too late. Stardust flew to the caves of Berk, to get ready for her journey to Dragon Island.
The humans present were perplexed, but each dragon had heard her true desires. She wants a friend. It was Toothless and Scar who took the initiative and beckoned for their riders to mount them. The riders presumed they wanted to chase the dragon and were ready for them to take off but they wouldn't.

"Hey bud c'mon, if she gets to the village she could hurt someone" Of course Hiccup had no idea where she was really going or why, so it was up to Toothless to spell it out for him. "Listen to him Hiccup" Braden whispered "Listen to what your dragon is trying to say". Braden had spent most of his life trying to decipher their language, but there was no way for a human to learn, but it is still possible for one to understand. "Look at him, ALL of him and tell us what he is thinking." Toothless raised his head to Jay, the only dragon-less rider present. "Jay!!!" Hiccup understood, he took Jay's hand and took her up on the saddle with him.
"Come on, let's find you your dragon." Jay was speechless, but having a bit of a crush on Hiccup, she obliged. Scar with Braden on his back lead the way out of the arena to where the silver phantom had disappeared to. But being the dragon she was it was not going to be easy to sneak up on her.
Stardust whizzed through the forest, cursing those heartless humans. In a split second, she felt a sharp pain in her right wing, and fell to the ground. "ARGHH!" she roared in frustration. She was stuck in that stupid cove. She checked her wing out, only to see that it was broken. Stardust slammed her head against the rocky walls, scraping and screeching to get out.
A thought occurred to her. The humans! They would find her, and then kill her! She put her head in her paws, giving up. Stardust could hear the teens getting closer, there was no escape. Even the dragons wanted her gone, especially Stormfly, that flying chicken.
As the riders flew above the forest, looking for Stardust, they heard a horrible roar that made you want to sob. "That must be Stardust!" Fishlegs says. "Yeah, duh!" Ruffnut snorts.
They followed the sound to the cove. "Everyone, be very quiet." Hiccup whispers. His friends nod. The dragons silently land on the edges of the cove.
Toothless glanced at Hiccup as he dismounted, then to Jay. Hiccup in turn shifted his line of sight to the nervous girl behind him. She was good with dragons, by the time she was found in their nest two years ago, when the red death was killed, she had spent 8 years under the wing of a dragon which she had not scene since the siege. But she had never encountered one so agitated. "You have to go... alone, we don't want to spook her" Hiccup whispered quietly and gestured for Jay to go through a crack in the wall of the chasm. "At the first sign of trouble we'll be right behind you okay?"
Jay's mind was somewhere else, as her heart pushed her forward she exhaled slowly. "I am not going to die today." She muttered to herself as her head poked from the wall of the cove...
"Leave me be!!" shouted Stardust
Jay heard Stardust yell out and saw she was hurt. She turned to Hiccup. "Look, she's hurt," Jay pleaded. "Let me talk to her. I can understand her, I can calm her down…"
When Hiccup gave her permission she walked towards Stardust slowly, her hands open and one arm outstretched. She started to make the noises which she'd used to calm down angry dragon hatchlings when she was in the dragon nest - she had never had to use them on an adult dragon, but her dragon parents had told her they were calming to any dragon - as well as saying, "It's all right, we won't hurt you. I can be your rider, we can go to Berk and live together and be friends…" Jay soon ended up right next to Stardust, gazing into her eyes. Her hand was only an inch away from Stardust's nose, and when Stardust leaned forward and made the connection Jay grinned happily before hugging her new dragon.
"Let's go back to Berk. I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you. Ever," Jay promised happily.
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich

The rest of Braden's first day passed without a hitch. It was midnight and Hiccup and Braden with their two dragons had just completed a lazy lap of the island before returning home.
The night was cool, the sky was clear and cloudless, the air was thick with the taste of salt water, waves thrashed the beaches and cliffs of Berk. Each slap could be heard from the village.
The rest of the town slept soundly barre for Snotlout who had fashioned a mirror from a shiny rock and was admiring himself in it. "Gosh you sure are handsome Snotlout" He pursed his lips and raised the pitch in his voice, imitating a girl. Then he changed to an overly deep tone and tensed his muscles while still admiring himself. "Yeah babe... tell me something I don't know"
He leaned in his head kissing his bicep. *Knock.Knock.Knock* "Son if I come in you're not going to be 'practicing' with your pillow again are you?" Snotlout sighed "I told you that wasn't what I was doing! I was just... Gawhhh "

"Here you go..." Hiccups voice was strained as with the help of Braden he carried two baskets of fish, one for each night fury. Braden turned to Hiccup "I actually get to sleep tonight?" Hiccup yawns realizing how tired he really was, neither had slept a wink since they had been reunited.
"Yeah I suppose...." Stoick was already asleep and they moved upstairs as quietly as possible their dragons dragging the ends of their food baskets behind them. Both could not wait to rest their heads.
Of course fate had something else in store for the brothers that night. And she was called Hita.
The sand on which she stood was damp and cold, Berk wasn't exactly known for being a Mediterranean paradise but Hita had never wanted to land there. She stood at 5 foot 4, and her Grapple Grounder if it had its neck lengthened vertically could tower over her at three times that. She had dirty blond hair and brown eyes, her dragon's were a vibrant yellow, both shared a look of fear and curiosity. Sharpfang had white scales covering most of his body, and small, detailed sea green markings. Hita wore a dark red shirt with golden lining, a yellow sword belt and black skirt.
Hita considered herself a nomad, but she had been raised an outcast and supported the sword skills that that time had given her. The pair had flown for countless days and Sharpfang, her yellow eyed companion could no longer fish for himself on account of his exhaustion. So Hita landed on the closest Island looking to score her dragon some fish.

Hita began leading Sharpfang towards the orange hue on the horizon- "Fire-it must be a town..." she almost had to drag her dragon up the sand and towards the town.
Hiccup and Braden had finally gotten to sleep, their dragons too. The only individuals left awake besides Berk's new visitors were Jay and her new dragon Stardust.
The pair had spent the day together hardly leaving each others touch, obviously they could not have flown with the dragon's broken wing so their hours together had been lived on the ground growing the strength of their bond. It was then, while Jay was feeding her dragon a final fish for the night that they heard the footsteps of Hita and Sharpfang...
Jay held out the fish for Stardust, but pulled it away as she heard footsteps. "Do you hear that?" she asked. She pulled a dagger from her belt and crept toward the sound. "Is someone there?" she called warily. "Come out where I can see you, please! I have a weapon and I don't want to use it, but I will if I have to!"
Hita unsheathes her own weapon and beckons for her dragon to hide behind her. She hugs the tree-line barely making a sound as she sticks to the shadows. The girl watches as Jay moves closer to her but is aware that Jay has not spotted her.
Hita leaps from hiding sword flailing. Swords clash and immediately Hiccup and Braden are awoken from their brief slumber... "Weird dream?"
"Hey!" Jay protests, blocking Hita's slashes as well as she can with her small dagger. "I don't want to fight you! Please stop!"
Stoick heres the clashing of swords with his trained chief's ear and jumps awake.
"Boys!!!!" he yells in the direction of the boys room "I hope you both are not mauling each other up there! You must be waking up the whole village with all that clanging noise."
"A chief needs his sleep you know!" he complains sleepily.
Jay yelped, ducking a slash. She was cut on her arm, although it wasn't deep. Parrying a sword with a dagger really didn't work very well.
"If you didn't want to fight why did you take it out?!" Hita retreats before she does some irreversible damage... "Where am I?" Hita looks around and then calls her dragon with a whistle.

"Okay, there is definitely something going on outside, we have to go." Hiccup looks over at Braden as he reluctantly removes himself from the most comfortable place on earth. "Yeah..."
They run outside, their dragons in tow. And see the girls facing off, with their respective dragons eyeing each other from behind their riders.
Stoick decided he should go check on the boys anyway. As he opened his door both boys shot past him and ran outside. He quickly followed them, wondering what in Thor's name were they up to.
"Jay!" Braden steps in front of her wielding his own long-sword, as he does so, Scar does the same to Stardust, growling...
"I've lived here for a while. You hear a strange noise, you prepare to defend yourself, just in case it's a hostile dragon or enemy Viking," Jay said guardedly. "And you're on Berk. Who are you? Why are you here?"
Jay rolls her eyes. "You don't have to protect me. I can take care of myself," she hisses.
Stoick ran out and saw the face off between his newly returned son, Jay, their dragons and a new stranger with her dragon.
"What in Thor's name is going on out here?" he demanded to the group
"The wound on your arm says otherwise" he turns to Stoick, "She's wearing an outcast skirt, she's one of them" Hita speaks directly to Stoick "I'm NOT, I was but I'm not!!"
"This girl attacked me because I had my dagger out. I was doing fine, but Braden and Scar seem to think I need protection." Jay explains.
"What, this? It's barely a scratch," Jay says, and it's true. It's not bleeding too badly.
"Well I'm sorry Jay, next time your staring a dragon and marauder with a sword with nothing but a dagger and an injured dragon, I'll leave ye to it"... sheathes his sword and relaxes. walking to Scar "Good job, buddy" He scratches his chin,rewarding him for putting himself in front of the injured dragon, as they move to Hita's back blocking any escape.
He was confused by her refusal for protection, if it had been anyone else he would have done the same thing. Or had their roles been reversed he would gladly have stood behind her.
"He didn't do anything but stand in front of my dragon" Jay says, still a bit annoyed at being protected. "I prefer to use a bow anyway… she's just too close for that." She turns back to Hita. "Back to my original questions. Who are you and why are you here?"
Stoick approaches the group.
" So you were but you're not? Hmmm?" he thinks for a few moments, all the while keeping his eyes on the girl and her dragon.
"I'll give you a chance to speak your story "Outcast" but if detect anything at all that even hints to you being a threat to the people of Berk, I will deal with you swiftly and silently. Do you understand me?"
Hita nodded silently.
"Good. Follow me, we're going to The Academy. I want that dragon put in a cage until I hear this girl's story. I don't want him getting all protective and resulting in me having to do something I'll later regret."
"And be warned. If you even try to run we will catch you."
He began to walk towards the academy with Braden, Hiccup, Toothless, Scar, Jay, Stardust, The Outcast and her dragon all in tow.
Jay's a bit annoyed at being ignored once again. She guesses her current irritability is due to the fact she'd normally be asleep by now, but follows Stoick anyway.
Braden says while walking "We seriously can't trust her can we? Stoick?" Still unable to call the lumbering man his father.
Hita blatantly took no notice of Jay, she was too focused on the well being of her dragon who was still fumbling as he walked alongside her.
"What's your name?" Jay asks for the fourth time, hoping to get an answer this time.
"Hita" The girl answers coldly and without any follow up information or reciprocated question, she doesn't even shift her gaze.

"Well, that wouldn't be very diplomatic of us now son would it?" Braden shuddered as he was addressed with such a statement. "Speaking of diplomacy... I'll get Gobber, you three can keep an eye on her for a few minutes can't you?" Hiccup waves him off as he turns back towards the village.
Braden turns to Jay "I think maybe Stardust should sit this one out, if anything does happen, and I'm sorry about what I did... It's just I'm not used to well this" He looks at his feet then to Hiccup, "You know?"...
"My name is Jay Sora. Not that it's likely that you care," Jay adds. "What about your dragon?"
"Yeah, I guess…" Jay says to Braden. "When I came to Berk, I was used to just looking out for me and my dragon family. No one protected me - we just helped each other. But I guess protecting each other is what human friends do… or at least what you and Scar do. I still don't really understand people. Dragons make so much more sense to me." She pauses, reviewing what Braden has said in her mind. "Wait. Why would Stardust sit it out? Just because her wing's hurt doesn't mean she's useless," she says.
"Too right" Braden smiles "She is a strong dragon, but... you know what fine...". Braden gives up, there was no arguing with this one... He walks up to Hiccup stroking the head of Toothless as he does so. "What do you think of her? Hita?"

"Sharpfang"- Hita stated just as coldly as before. She realizes by doing this she can only be making things worse, she was usually an outgoing person, but she was never going to make a friend this way. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to talking to people I've just been fighting with, usually they're otherwise engaged. " Hita forces a smile.
"Eh." Jay shrugs. "I honestly fought with my dragon friends a lot. We usually pretty much forgot about it right away." She smiles at Sharpfang. "Hello, Sharpfang. It's nice to meet you."
Sharpfang hisses a little. "He's not really a stranger-friendly dragon, but he doesn't seem to mind you, usually I find the reaction to be much worse maybe he's just too tired". His feet were being dragged along the ground by his fatigued legs.

"Well I honestly have no say in it Braden, It's all up to the ALMIGHTY STOICK THE VAST to lead the way in situations like these"...Hiccup imitated his father quite well.

Stoick arrived at the forge. "Gobber! Where are ya we have an outcast intruder, Gobber?" I'll be out in a minute I'm just ... brushin' my teeth". Stoick puts is hand to his nose in disgust "That's not what it smells like.."
"Well, I probably act more like a dragon than most humans do. I lived with dragons for 8 years, I was bound to pick up some of their behaviors. Maybe that's why he's more comfortable with me." Jay suggests.
"Yeah? you may be good with dragons but you have GOT to improve your swordplay" Hita jokes knuckling her arm.

At the front of the pack Hiccup turns to look at the pair "They seem to be getting along" after a short pause Braden interjected "for now..." Although tolerant of strange dragons, he was always weary of people, for they could lie.

Scar and Toothless looked at the new dragon, they had not seen one like it before "So are you here to harm us?" Scar was curious, Sharpfang took notice of the pair staring intently at him. "No. We are just hungry and tired." the brothers put an end to their 'interrogation'.
Sharpfang's feat had begun to falter, they seemed heavier to him, he was beginning to fall unconscious... "FOOD"
Jay took notice of this. "Hungry? You're hungry?" Jay asked. Then she replies to Hita. "You try fighting off a sword user with a dagger… besides, I usually use a bow."
Braden had picked up on it too. The dragon though caved into exhaustion and keeled over.
"Sharp tooth!" Hita landed atop her dragon as he lay on his side the conversation with Jay now her last priority. Braden eyed scar sharply. "Quick Scar. Food!" The simple command was heard well, and the night fury disappeared into the darkness. "Hiccup she wasn't lying, this dragon really is in trouble. Get on Toothless and tell Stoick... Now!" He looked down at the girl sprawled over Sharpfang. "We'll see what we can do here." Hiccup mounted Toothless and was gone.
"Do you think Stardust would be able to carry him back to the village?" Braden asks Jay sheepishly, realizing his earlier stupidity. Even Stardust almost grunts at him smugly.
"Yes, I think she would." Jay says. She would be smug if it weren't for the dragon clearly in need of help.
Scar returns with three large fish hanging from his mouth, dripping salt water, he rests them at Hita's feet. She takes them gladly and hand feeds her dragon. Once the fish have been swallowed he beckons for Jay to get back on her dragon "Bring him to the stable behind our house, he can rest there" Hita resists lightly as she is separated from her dragon and placed atop Scar. Braden also mounts him "See you there, and don't fly" he is half serious, Jay's thought process was still a mystery to him... The trio disappear into the night.
Stardust grunts unhappily. "Oh come on..." she mumbles, being a bit tired.
"So... I'm Stardust... and you are?" she asks Sharpfang.
"Sharpfang" the sound was nearly inaudible even for a dragon, his voice was so weak.

"Dad, it's the girl's dragon. He's- ....eh why are you waiting outside for Gobber? We might need him."
Stoick looked in shock. "If you want to go in there... be my guest" Hiccup was confused... but only for a moment "oh noo..." just before the conversation could go any further Braden arrived with Hita on the back of Scar, they flew straight to the stable. Scar lit a fire as they prepared a hay bed...
"Of course I'm not going to make her fly, she has a broken wing for gods' sake…" Jay muttered. "You ready for this, Stardust?"
Stardust grunted, as if saying, "Fine...". Jay mounted Stardust, and Stardust put Sharpfang in her talons, and rose to the sky, squeezing him to her body. Stardust blushed. "This is... a bit awkward..." she said quietly.
Stardust then motioned for them to leave, she could not carry Sharpfang forever.
Jay squeaked and flailed. "Stardust! You need to land! You broke your wing, remember?"
Braden looked towards the arena it was a long walk, even for a dragon. He turned to Hita. "I'm really sorry about this, we could have listened to you sooner" ...
Stardust, surprised that she had been so careless, shrieked from the sudden pain in her wing and fell to the ground, unconscious. Luckily, she fell on her back so Sharpfang wouldn't get hurt.
Jay had managed to jump off just before Stardust hit the ground before running over to Stardust from where she had landed. "Stardust! Oh no… you both need help… I know what to do!" She stood up and let out a loud Night Fury call, calling to Toothless and Scar and, therefore, their riders.
The call was clear, obviously practiced and perfected, Toothless and Hiccup leapt into the sky immediately. "Sorry, Hita, but duty calls" Braden runs to Scar who was already in mid-take off and followed Hiccup and Toothless to the downed dragons...
Stardust let go of Sharpfang, whimpering, but not showing she was in pain too much because she had too much pride. She rested her head on the ground, breathing heavily and looking sorrowfully at Jay with her deep blue eyes, which stood out beautifully from her silver scales.
"Are you okay, Sharpfang?" she whispered weakly.
Jay stroked Stardust's head worriedly. "Don't worry. Help's on the way," she murmured. "You'll be all right."
Sharpfang could not even speak, he closed his eyes and exhaled deeply...

Stoick stood with Gobber outside the forge discussing the scene. "So what's the problem Stoick?"
After a short think Stoick put it as simply as possible:
"Well...an ex-outcast girl came to Berk on her dragon in search of food for said dragon..."
"then we set off to interrogate her at the arena, that is when i came to you..."
"from what i can tell the dragon fell unconscious due to exhaustion so the teens had an idea. They brought him food and set up the stable for him to rest in."
"I see...."
"And while transporting the dragon from there to here Stardust has also become injured.."
"So.. now there are two injured dragons on the road, and two rescuing them?"
"Yes I suppose so"
"Well that is a predicament Stoick" Gobber slaps his chief's chest and strolls calmly inside...

The two night furies circled overhead. "What did I say about flying?!" Braden swooped in on Scar first picking up Stardust with great difficulty. Hiccup with Toothless then did the same to Sharpfang. Jay got on the back of Toothless and whispered to him "Hurry..." A night fury is not the strongest or largest of dragons so the flight to the stable was ... well... unstable.
"I need Gobber..." Stardust says. "It hurts..." Stardust whimpers.
They lay out the two dragons side by side in the stable lit by dragon fire. "Gobber will be here soon" Toothless tried to be soothing. Beside each dragon was its respective best friend embracing them tightly, just willing them to get better.

Gobber returned from inside his workshop carrying a splint and some light rope. The teens had Sharpfang catered for so Gobber focused all of his attention on Stardust. "Well some one's a stubborn dragon, trying to fly with a broken wing.... Crazy beast". He applied the splint to the broken wing giving the whimpering dragon a scratch under the chin.

The pair of downed dragons spent the night in that stable beside each other they slept and beside each of them their riders slept. Braden and Hiccup had spent the night up with Gobber keeping the splint maintained and continually bringing Sharpfang food. "You boys have just performed the messiest rescue mission this Viking has ever seen" Gobber slapped the two on the back "but at least it was a successful one".....
The brothers had now not slept for two days, even the bags under their eyes had bags "Is it always like this?" Braden rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Yeah pretty much..."....
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich

The sun had risen eagerly on the Village, the botched rescue from the night before had left half of the academy sleepless. Hiccup and Braden decided to stay in bed for the day, their dragons had similar ambitions. Stardust was on the mend and back outside Jay's cottage where she usually resided. Stoick offered Hita the key to a house and dragon stable for as long as she wanted, he felt they owed her that much. The village was waking up completely unaware of the goings-on of the night before.
The sun was greeted by menacing clouds. The air was damp and thunder raged in the distance. Gobber looked in the direction of the cacophony. "Okay. Everybody... Hats off and weapons inside." Gobber announces to the people of Berk. Why Thor hated metal so much Gobber would never understand... not that he hadn't spent hours in thought on the subject.

The shouts did not cause any stirring in the beds of Hiccup and his brother. Astrid went to call on Hiccup for training, despite the weather but Stoick prevented her from going inside. "They were up all night again Astrid, leave them sleep" He rests his massive hand on her shoulder. "But I can't spend the whole day with.... them" she gestures to Snotlout- who is licking his breakfast off his tunic "mmmm..." he closes his eyes and hums to the taste of boiled turkey egg- and then to Tuffnut and Ruffnut who were of course fighting over something or other.
"Wait where's Fishlegs?"...

"C'mon girl... hmm." he squeaks as Meatlug hovers over the forests of Berk. "Let's get you some nice rocks hmm?" He does not notice the fast approaching storm clouds now brushing the coastline. Fishlegs looked towards the village unsure of the time. "I think we have an hour at least come on." he nuzzles her neck with his nose as he hugs her and motions for her to move further from the village...
The storm clouds were silent, dark and plotting. A large shape appeared from within the cloud landing on the rocky floor at the base of a harsh cliff. This was known as Badger's Face for a reason which not one inhabitant was aware of. It stood facing the sea at the opposite side of the island respective to the village. At the bottom of the cliff was a cave, the mouth of which was too small for a large dragon to enter but most Vikings could fit through despite some difficulty. the shape made a gargling noise then from it came a voice. "Let's check this out"
The shape was actually a boy atop a dragon, a skrill no less...

"Fishlegs!?" Astrid had searched the town from top to bottom looking for him. Nothing. "Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff we have to find him"... "Why?" Tuffnut grinned...

"Just a little further then we'll turn back. Okay?" Meatlug grumbled noticing the proximity of the clouds. "You're right girl" Fishlegs misunderstood the sound she had made. "The best rocks ARE at Badger's face"

The boy dismounted the skrill. Vlad was about 19 years old, athletically built and stood at around 5'8''. He had eyes which mirrored the sky, stormy and grey and medium length straight hair black as night. On his back was a bow and quiver and strapped to a belt were a set of daggers, one had a smooth edge for slicing, the other a jagged edge for gutting. He loved to hunt, and explore and with his skrill at his side he felt he could go anywhere, do anything...
He stepped into the cave "Looks like you're going to have to wait outside.." he sighed as he realized he'd have to go in there alone if he wanted to explore past the entrance. Vlad steps gingerly inside the door into the dark. "Woah it's dark in here", within the mountain was a closed cavern, there was just enough light for Vlad to see clearly when the whole place shook and he heard a loud clash then a crack. From outside the skrill looked on as lightning struck the cliff. Waves continued to lap against the rocky floor. Another bolt sent a shock wave through the cavern causing rocks to fall from the ceiling. Volt screamed as the cliff collapsed in front of the cave entrance, the rocks were to big and heavy for even him to move them.
Inside, Vlad was cloaked in darkness as the world around him shrunk from a massive cavern to a five foot wide box of rubble and black....
Vlad cursed loudly to himself. He should've observed his surroundings properly before going into the cave. He was sure he would have noticed the loose rocks if he had just looked around a bit. He kicked into the darkness and his foot came into contact with a large rock. He cursed even louder.
"Agghhhhh!" he yelled to the darkness "Thor help me!"
He felt his way around the cave until he was back at the entrance, now a solid wall of rock. He tried to move the rocks but it was as if Thor himself was pushing against the rocks on the other side. He was usually strong but he was no match for these rocks. It was as if they planned how they were going to fall to make the most impenetrable barrier they could. Not even the flat of his blade could pass through the rocks. He hated to admit it but he would need help.
"Volt!" He yelled through the wall "Volt!!! Where are you??" He hoped Volt could hear him. He listened closely and he heard Volt roaring at him from the other side of the wall.
"Volt get help!!!" he yelled at the dragon. Volt however stayed put. He was not going to leave his rider alone in that cave. He prowled the outside of the cave-in trying to find a way in. He flew up into the storm clouds and blasted lightning at the rocks. The cave ceiling shook.
"Volt! Stop it!!!" Vlad yelled "You'll crush me!"
Volt heard his rider even form the sky He senses were very keen and he could even sense his rider's panic. He stopped and flew back down to the site of the cave in. He would just have to wait until Vlad could get himself out, He would protect the site of the cave in from anything that would further threaten his rider's life. He prowled the cave in looking for signs of danger.
Vlad could tell what Volt was doing even though he couldn't see him. He knew his dragon all to well to know that he would never risk leaving him, even if it was to go find help. Vlad's only hope was that help would come to him and that Volt wouldn't kill them first. He then remembered that he was on a strange island. No one knew who he was, no one would know he was missing. He had only landed here because Volt and himself needed a rest and some fresh food and water. He had seen the cave while heading to the village to trade and decided to do a bit of exploring. He always loved exploring but as the old saying went- 'Curiosity Fell the Dragon'
He sat with his back to the cave-in and began to think. He could only think of one species of dragon that would be able to get through this cave-in without collapsing the entire cave. He needed a boulder class dragon, He'd hate to have to run into a Whispering Death in such a dark and enclosed area and came to the conclusion that he needed a Gronckle. Not just any Gronckle either. He needed a friendly Gronckle that would not eat him and would eat through the rock and let him be. He picked up one of the rocks and brought it to his face. He recognized the smell and smiled broadly. It was Gronckle Nip, a special type of rock that all Gronckles loved. He was now sure that Gronckles came here to feed and realized that it would only be a matter of time before one came again to feed on the tasty rocks. He would just have to wait it out.
"Don't worry Volt," he said to the dragon through the rubble "I'll be out of here soon, just as soon as another Gronckle passes by." The dragon sat outside quietly but he knew that he was listening. He was also keeping a constant lookout and trying to protect his rider. Vlad smiled. He was happy to have a dragon like Volt. Now he just hoped that the Gronckle he was sure to run into would be just as friendly.
"Fishlegs?!" Astrid was frantic,her shouts were being drowned out by the wind and the thunder. The clouds had descended over the forest and Fishlegs was nowhere to be found. Astrid, Snotlout and the twins had flown in a zig-zagging pattern as they flew trying to cover the whole Island of Berk but still there was no sign of him...

Fishlegs had bobbled along on top of Meatlug happily for long enough, but the thunder was to close for comfort, It was deafening. "Okay... one rock and that's it, we have to go back really soon..." a bolt of lightning forty feet away catches his attention, it slows Meatlug down just as she reaches the top of the cliff. Meatlug shared a look of fear and unsteadiness with her rider. They peeked over the edge of the cliff ready to spy an easy to lift rock that they could just grab and run...
"A skrill!!" Fishleg gasped as Meatlug pulled him jaggedly back over the cliff and covered his mouth with her smothering claw, he put his own arm over her jaws and both held each other tight hoping the skrill hadn't heard them over the thunder. They closed their eyes and mumbled a prayer to Thor, then Odin... well to anyone who would listen, the two were petrified in fear, physically and mentally unable to fly away...

"Does anyone have any idea where he could have gone??" Tuffnut tapped his forehead crudely then looked at Astrid blankly "Nope...well he could be at Badger's Face- I found him there one day looking for hard enough rocks because I wanted to see the colour of my skull but it didn't really turn out the way I-" Astrid sighed as he continued to mumble to himself. "You couldn't have said that earlier?" She was livid. "Well thunder prevents me from thinking... good" He gestured to Ruffnut "He's not lying, the last thunderstorm we had he tried to fly.... without belch... or clothes" Astrid gagged "I remember, forget it.. let's go, quickly. Fishlegs!!" The other teens continued to shout with her they shifted their course for Badger's Face...

The clouds had grown darker yet, thankfully much more silent, but Fishlegs was the opposite of thankful, now he could not fly away without alerting the skrill to their presence so stayed put shivering with fear. It was then that he heard his name in the distance "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." As Astrid came closer his voice got as quiet as still air. He motioned with his hands for them to quieten down as they approached him, but they... didn't. "There he is!" Astrid's announcement was well-heard by Volt. "No! There's a skrill!!" Fishlegs shouted a whisper "What's he saying? We know its chilly out!" Tuffnut had clasped his hands around his mouth and shouted at the top of his lungs. Fishlegs had had it. "No there's a sk-!" Fishlegs was screaming but was interrupted by Astrid as she saw Volt peer over the top of the cliff. "SKRILL!!"....

Volt heard a shout and stiffened. His body instantly began to spark up and soon arcs of lightning were bouncing off his body and connecting with anything within reach. He saw the source of the noise and was about to take off when he heard Vlad saying something through the cave-in.
"Volt! Volt can you here me??" he had heard someone shout and was hoping Volt wouldn't scare them off. Maybe they could help him.
"VOLT!!! WHAT DO YOU SEE BUDDY?? VOLT DON'T HARM THEM!! THEY COULD HELP ME!!" He shouted from inside the cave at whoever was outside. Hey hoped they had a Gronckle with them or else they'd be useless.
Suddenly he heard Volt roar and could tell that he had taken to the skies. He just hoped Volt was off to help and not destroy. He sighed heavily. He doubted the other Vikings could hear him over the storm. He knew that the wind was blowing towards him and so sound would only carry to him and not away. He decided he'd just have to wait on Volt and hope for the best. He slumped down against the cave-in.
"Come on Volt," he muttered to himself "You can do it."
Volt was listening to Vlad when he heard the girl shout again. This time he recognized what she had said. She had said "Skrill" She was calling him. Maybe she was here to help. He usually wasn't the trusting type and was usually a little more cautious when it came to strangers but Vlad was in danger and he abandoned all his usual trepidations. He took of into the sky and was immediately embraced by the lightning. He flew towards the teens and their dragons, riding the lightning to give him a boost. He roared at them, telling them what had happened. Why were they not rushing to his aid. Maybe he should get closer. He flew directly towards the girl who had shouted. She would understand, after all, she had called him in the first place.
He flew towards her at top speed. She was reaching for something. She was going to help.
He felt it before he saw it. It was a stone hammer and it had hit him smack in the face.
She wasn't going to help. She was trying to kill him. Then she would go for Vlad. He quickly retreated into the darkening clouds. The clouds darkened further just at his presence. They would not beat him. He was in his element and he would not lose to these dragons. He summoned all the lightning he could as far as he could reach. He charged at the group, full sized arcs of lightning dancing on and around his body. He would not be defeated.

Fishlegs and Meatlug embraced the ground keeping out of the skrill's sights. Astrid's hammer had fallen from the cliff having been hit by one of the arcs springing from the apparently hostile dragon.
"We can't take him on without Toothless or Scar we have to go back to the village! NOW!"
She turned Stormfly around and motioned for the others to follow her, and they did gladly... but Fishlegs and his dragon still cowered beneath the skrill who had yet not seen them. "hmmm.." a high pitched squeal leaves his mouth as he tries to call his retreating friends for help, but he did not have the courage to shout...

As he charged at the group of dragons and teens they began to retreat. They were smart. They knew better than to try to fight him. He turned back to the cave-in and flew towards it with a smug look on his face. He roared triumphantly.
"VOLT!!!" Vlad yelled through the rubble. Volt roared once more. Vlad listened intently after but he heard nothing else. Either the Vikings were extremely quiet or Volt had scared them off. He yelled at the darkness. Did he really expect Vikings to follow a Skrill?? He would have to get out of here on his own. Volt would not be of any help in this case. He took out his daggers and began stabbing at the rock pile hoping to loosen some of the rocks. After about five minutes a pebble fell to the ground. If he kept up at this rate he'd be out in the next few years. Hi sighed and slumped down once more.
"If only I had a stupid Gronckle!!" he yelled to himself.
Volt was outside prowling the site off the cave in once more. Suddenly he heard Vlad shouting and ran up to the rocks. He only caught the last word, "Gronckle"
Why was Vlad talking about Gronckles at a time like this? Shouldn't he be trying to get out? While Volt pondered he heard something a ways off. It was a whimper.His head lashed towards the source of the feeble noise. He scanned the surroundings and after a few seconds, he found what he was looking for. It was another Viking and dragon. They had come back for Vlad. He was about to take off when he saw the dragon the boy was riding. It was a Gronckle. He quickly ran up to the rubble and began to roar at Vlad, telling him what he'd seen.
"Agh why are you roaring so much??" Vlad complained "You'll drive me deaf!"
But Volt continued his roaring. When he realized Vlad didn't seem to be paying attention he decided he would have to do this on his own. He would bring the Gronckle to Vlad. He didn't know why Vlad wanted a Gronckle but he would bring it anyway. He took off towards the boy and the Gronckle. He wondered if Vlad wanted the Gronckle alive or not. He doubted a dead Gronckle would be of much use so he decided alive would be better. As he approached the Gronckle he began to explain what had happened to Vlad, to the Gronckle. Unlike the other riders, this rider did absolutely nothing to harm Volt but rather sat atop his dragon trembling and whining. The Gronckle listened intently to what he was saying without question. After a few minutes of conversation between Volt and the Gronckle, who's name was apparently Meatlug, the Gronckle agreed to help him and his rider.
"Follow me." he told Meatlug, and he flew off towards the collapsed cave.

Meatlug followed, trying to ignore the sobbing of her distressed rider. "I'm too young to die!" he cried while trying to steer Meatlug around. His attempts though were futile. Volt lead the way to the closed cave and Meatlug took the initiative and began dismantling then chewing the rubble while Fishlegs sat on her back awkwardly, wiping his eyes and glancing briefly at the horrifying yet impressive dragon behind him. "Ehhh... Hi." he tried to smile and wave but the dragon was uninterested. Volt was only eager to see Vlad safe and on the outside of that cave...

Vlad heard a giant thump outside the cave-in and the then heard the sound of the rubble moving. He stood up excitedly. Volt had done it. He had found a Gronckle. Either that or he had understood enough of what Vlad had said to let the Gronckle pass and have it's midday snack. Either way he would soon be free. After a few minutes he also heard a whimpering voice. There was someone out there as well. So it wasn't a ride Gronckle. It was a rider and their dragon. Maybe they could take him to the local village so he could get something to eat. He was starving. He'd been flying all through the night last night and hadn't eaten since the previous day's breakfast. He was sure Volt was hungry as well. He was also tired and needed to rest. He had planned to make a camp in the forest after exploring the cave and then go fishing for lunch but he no longer had the motivation to do so. Right now, a village lunch and preferably a warm bed was seeming pretty nice compared to roasted fish and a grass bed. He stayed quiet the entire time as he didn't want to risk scaring the kid and the Gronckle away. The kid already sounded terrified as it was. After about ten minutes a beam of sunlight shone through the cave. He quickly stuck his hands through the hole and began to help remove some of the rock himself. He heard the kid scream something that sounded like "Cave monster!" at the sight of his hands but the Gronckle seemed unperturbed and kept on eating. After about a minute longer there was a hole big enough for him to escape. He climbed out of the darkness and into the sunlight nearly giving the chubby kid, on the now full and smiling Gronckle, a heart-attack.
Volt ran up to him and nuzzled him affectionately. The kid looked about ready to faint. The Gronckle however looked pleased with itself. He turned to the chubby kid and extended his hand in greeting.
"Hi I'm Vlad and this is Volt!" he said as friendly as possible "And you are.......?"
[END OF SCENE FIVE- THE STORM TRAP]- and the end of chapter one :)
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich

Chapter two will be a while but it's always ongoing if you want to check it out :p and remember you don't have to read all of it to comment!! :)
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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This is like 10x more awesome collaborated like this without the interruptions of announcements etc!! I love every bit off it!!! Keep up the great work guys!!! :D
"There is Freedom waiting for you
On the breezes of the sky
And you ask 'What if I fall?'
'Oh but my darling,
what if you fly'..."

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Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich

Yeah big thanks to everyone who helped out (even if it was in just the smallest way :P)

please comment :)
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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im just kinda here well occasionally

hmm just a slight comment i have a tendency to switch between past and present tense while posting so you might want to make sure you changed all Jay's things to past tense so it's not as confusing…
hi im réka
im developing a mildly unhealthy obsession with obiwan kenobi (more like obiwan kenoBAE am i right)
my personal tumblr is ninja-stop
im also writing a fantasy/humor novel called RESET which i won nanowrimo 2015 with i have a writing tumblr for it if you wanna check that out
yeah thats it this probably isnt what should go in a signature but w/e
i have 2 pet buns
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