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How To Find A Hiccup Ch. 4-5
Topic Started: 05 May 2014, 19:21 (1225 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

How To Find A Hiccup

Chapter 4

'Boss Man'

Astrid Hofferson brought her pickax down for the hundredth time that morning. King had them outside since before the sun had even started to show itself. She was by herself, the other riders were somewhere else on the island doing the same thing. Three nadders kept Astrid company, making sure she didn't try anything funny. She still didn't know what had become of her Stormfly. This was... Astrid couldn't even remember how long she had been here.

Astrid had an iron will. At least, she used too. Even the strongest wills of the strongest men would get broken in hell.

The sun was slowly climbing in the sky, illuminating the scatter of clouds that was in the sky in a light pink, a beautiful scenery shined onto a heartbroken rock.

Blisters festered on Astrid's small hands. Sweat and blood dripped down her forehead. King had been working everyone to their, now brittle, bones. Astrid didn't believe in miracles, but if they were going to survive King's torture, they would need a miracle.

Another painful whip across her back made Astrid clench her teeth and eyes, she fell to her knees. The nadders must have thought she wasn't giving it her all. They barked at her and she slowly climbed back to her feet, using her pickax to push herself up. She glared at the dragons, but brought the pickax back down to the pile of rocks before her. What could she do? She tried everything to get out, from using stealth, to full out rage using the pickax as a weapon. But, everyone has their limits and Astrid had reached hers.

She continued to work until a horn was blown. King finally allowed them to stop and get some rest. One foot after the other, Astrid didn't think she could walk all the way back to her cell.

"Have fun, did we?" King asked as Astrid walked past him and into her cell. The others were in their cells, except Riker. Astrid had no clue where he was.

During her time there, Astrid noticed a few things about King. One, was that he seemed to have trouble seeing. Astrid could recall numerous times when King went to grab something, but his hand came up short of the object. He also bumped into a few walls as well, it seemed like he thought they were farther away then what they actually were. Another interesting thing Astrid noticed was that King disappeared for days on end. What business did he have outside of his kingdom?

Astrid eyed the sick man after his comment. King laughed. He slammed the cell's door shut and locked it.

"I'll see you all in a few days, got some things I have to take care of for Boss Ma-" King cleared his throat, "I mean, I have some things I have to take care of," King spun on his heels and left, walking down the dim hall with the nadders following him.

Astrid lay in her cell, the other riders did the same. She tried to sleep, but couldn't. The dreams had become less constant, but haunted her for most nights.

What name was King about to say? Was there someone in charge of him? Astrid thought about what King was about to say before he caught himself, but, she finally drifted off into sleep.

"Brian!" A young teen yelled as he stumbled up the small hill that was the ground for his village. "Where is that kid?" The boy had short blond hair that stuck up in the front. He wore a long sleeved, brown, tunic and black pants, along with brown boots.

"Yes... Sir," said a younger kid, trying to catch his breath. He had just came running out of the tree line when he heard his name.

"You got the message?"

"The one from Boss Man?" Brian said, the other teen rolled his eyes.

"Yes, the one from Hiccup. You can stop calling him that, you know? Who started that stupid nickname anyway?"

"Dane, he asked me to help him to make it catch on."

"Well, the only reason I can't tell Dane to stop with the nickname is because he out ranks me."

"Whatever," Brian said, "when do we leave, Raden?" The teen, now known as Raden, looked up at the sun, but quickly looked away.

"We'll have to wait for nightfall, then we'll gather up the rest of our team. After that, we'll go save Hiccup's lady friend." Brian groaned.

"I hope he'll shut up about her after we save her," Brian shook his head. "Boss goes on and on about her, it drives me insane." Raden gave him a look.

"You haven't seen Hiccup in ten months, how do you know he still talks about her?"

"Just a hunch," Brian said. Raden chuckled and shook his head. The two boys headed back to their HQ. Hiccup had positioned his 'troops' at numerous locations. This island used to be empty, but was now home and headquarters for his special forces, 'Group Z,' lead by a very proud Raden.

Hiccup was very much against letting kids to be part of this war, but he was outnumbered three thousands to one. He was at least able to talk some sense into the younger kids.

Five years of traveling the earth, Hiccup had built an army, even if it was out of kids. Each one, however, had been trained just like Hiccup had and all of them could hold their own against anyone. Plus, with hundreds of dragons being trained in how to sever themselves from the Dragon Line (Toothless was teaching them), Hiccup was still very much in control of the situation. The only problem, though, was that his enemy had also learned to sever himself from the Line and he didn't know who he was.

The HQ was Group Z's Great Hall. Three hundred teens sat there, eating lunch. The girls and boys seemed to break off from each other and eat with their same genders. Although, some of the older kids seemed to mingle with the opposite sex.

Raden hated that they didn't eat together or so much as talk to each other. This was his team and half of them (mostly the boys) thought that they were better than the other half. He needed to fix this somehow if his group was going to be as strong as possible.

Raden stood in the middle of the Hall, all eyes turned to him. He cleared his throat.

"Well," he said, "isn't this the ugliest bunch of kids I've ever seen." Chuckles spread through the Hall. They all knew their leader well and knew that he was joking.

"Hiccup has been troubled recently. Some of his dearest friends were captured by that ruthless tyrant back on our old home," Raden scanned the crowd, making sure he had everyone's full attention.

"I am proud to announce that Hiccup has looked to us for help." A couple people leaned in to hear better, Raden noticed and chuckled.

"I am also proud to say, my friends, that we have our very first mission!" Cheers rang up from the crowd, ecstatic to finally help the one they adored. After everything Hiccup had gone through for them, he deserved it.

King had them up early to work on repairing and build his castle. Dragons were helping to get the job done faster, but the reptiles lacked one very important thing... Thumbs.

It was another scorching day for the riders to work under. As soon as they got out of here, they were going to kill Hiccup for making them go on this stupid journey.

The sun was bearing down on them, no clouds were in the sky so it was a nice, clear day. Block by block, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins began to build up a wall that would separate the ocean from the kingdom. King had this notion that this whole thing would get done in a week, tops. Astrid wasn't looking forward to what would happen when King's desires weren't met.

"How did you sleep?" Snotlout asked in a raspy and tired voice. He had been the first one to be broken, only because he was to stupid to know when to shut his mouth.

"I had that dream again," Astrid said. Snotlout gave her a questioning look while he plopped another brick onto the work-in-progress-wall.

"What dream?"

"Haven't I told you?" Snotlout shook his head. Astrid shrugged, looking at her work and not at him while she explained her dream.

"Huh, strange," he said after a moment. Astrid nodded. Snotlout chuckled and got a strange look from Astrid.

"What?" Snotlout shook his head.

"Nothing," he said, regaining himself and went back to work before a nadder or King spotted him not working.

"No," Astrid said, "it isn't 'nothing.' You just don't laugh in a place like this." Snotlout shrugged.

"Maybe Hiccup's using the Dragon Line thing and trying to communicate to you. Stupid, right?" Astrid didn't answer him right away, but agreed. It wasn't impossible for Hiccup to try and communicate with her through that strange Dragon Line thing, was it? She shook her head. She wasn't about to let false hope fill her when it was most likely going to never happen. She wasn't even in charge of the dragons, so she would have never had been connected to the Line. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if that 'miracle' was going to happen. She needed to talk to someone who actually understood the Line; however, the only one who knows is Riker, and Astrid didn't know where he was, or if he even was alive.

It was high noon and King let them take a break. They were escorted back to their cells for some rest and food. It had been two days since their last.

"What happened to Riker?" Astrid asked as King put some slop in her cell through a small opening under the iron-bar-cell-door. King laughed.

"Oh, we've been having fun with some of my favorite toys," he said. Astrid's eyes widened at what Riker had to go through. "Riker should be back up and on his feet in no time, then he can help you with my castle." Astrid narrowed her eyes and King left her to her thoughts. If anyone knew what Astrid's dream meant, it was Riker.

"Psst," someone said. Astrid tried to tune 'em out, she didn't always get a nice, peaceful chance to sleep.

"Psst, blondeee," the voice said again, dragging out the 'e'.

"Gods," another voice whisper shouted. "is she deaf?" Astrid groaned and rolled over, still not opening her eyes to look at whoever was making the noise.

"Come on, do you want to stay here?" Astrid cracked an eye open and gasped, becoming completely awake. These were the mask figures she saw in her dream. This couldn't be that miracle... Could it?

"Shh," the one on the left said. They looked identical in clothing. They wore a black mask with a golden dragon sewn on the front, it looked like a nightfury. They had dark blue cloaks with hoods pulled over the heads. Their cloaks covered all parts of their bodies so Astrid didn't know what else they were wearing.

The one on the right brought his sword up over his right shoulder, with one swing, he broke the lock of the door. Then, the one on the left proceeded into the cell. Astrid sat there stunned, she didn't know what to do. Were they good? Could they be trusted? It didn't seem like she had much of a choice, the stranger pulled her to her feet while the other unlocked the riders' cages.

The riders were angry to be woken up, but when they realized that this was a jail break, they quickly got a move on.

"Who are you?" Snotlout asked a little too loudly. Raden motioned him to be quiet.

"You want to wake the whole island?" He asked. "I'll explain what I can later, but right now we need to move. There's an extraction team on the other side of the island. Lets go." Raden and his partner and his partner proceeded to move, but Astrid grabbed the, slightly shorter, kid's shoulder. Raden grew frustrated.

"Yes, blonde, what is it?" he asked. Astrid narrowed her eyes at him.

"First, don't call me blonde, and second, what about our dragons?" Raden rolled his eyes behind the mask.

"I have no clue where they are," he said. Astrid didn't buy it. Raden groaned. He started to walk the other way with the others behind him.

Raden was in front and his partner in the back. They crept through the dark passages that ran throughout Kings island. Any dragon they came across, Raden immobilized with a 'dragon-nip bomb.' Astrid had to admit, if these kids were linked to Hiccup, then he did a great job at preparing them for these kind of things.

Raden's eyes darted back and forth, watching out for the next dragon that was sure to come at them. This place was filled with them. He was armed with a crossbow that could reload itself, figment of the great inventor, Hiccup.

They ended up in a large room made of stone like everything else on this forsaken island. Torches dimly lit the area, creating eerie shadows of the riders and their 'miracle' on the ground, stretching to the roof. A large, iron, cage sat on the other side of the room. Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf and Belch laid in the middle of the cage, their chests barely moving with each struggling breath.

Astrid ran to her dragon, gripping the iron bars. She tried not to cry, but her dragon, her best friend, looked to be on the brink of death. What had King done to them? Raden came up behind her, the riders staring at disbelief at what had happened to the dragons they once called enemies. Raden whispered something in dragon. It wasn't answered.

"Astrid," Raden said in a soft voice, "they're too weak to move." Astrid shook her head. She wasn't leaving without Stormfly. Raden sighed.

"We have to leave, Raden," his partner said. Raden looked back at him and took his mask off. He had a dragon of his own back at HQ. A nadder named Spines, he was Raden's best friend.

"He's right, blonde, we have to move," Raden said.

"I'm not leaving Stormfly," Astrid said. Raden took a deep breath.

"Well, I'm sorry then. I have orders that I must complete." He punched Astrid in the neck. Not hard, but he hit a pressure point that stunned the girl. He picked Astrid up, struggling under the weight a bit, he was a hiccup after all. Raden and the others walked back out of the room and headed to the extraction point. The riders glancing at their dragons one last time.

"bye, girl," Fishlegs said in a heartbroken voice.

Raden's partner led them out of the maze of tunnels to the stone forest. There, more of Group Z's members met them. They ushered the prisoners onto dragons of different kinds. Astrid was revived in the middle of the air and, for the first time since she arrived on the island, she wept.

King stood in front of the empty cages. His arms were crossed and his head slightly bowed. He was infuriated.

"They escaped last night, sir," His skrill said. King shook his head.

"Do one thing for Boss Man and my prisoners escape." He shook his head again and gave an exasperated sigh.

"Who was on guard duty?" He asked. His skrill told him who and how they had been immobilized.

"Hmm," King said, in thought, "kill them." King turned and walked away, leaving his skrill to execute the guards. He was going to go pay a visit to his, once- prisoners, dragons. Hiccup may have won his lady friend back, but they would all die in the end. King was going to make sure of that.
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Deadly Nadder

How To Find A Hiccup

Chapter 5

'Group Z'

Astrid's eyes fluttered open. She was fairly comfortable, she hadn't gotten a sleep like that in, what felt like, ages. She was in a nice little room, a desk was in one corner along with a mirror hanging above it. The other side had a dresser with one door slightly hanging open.

When Astrid slowly sat up, she noticed that she was wearing a pink nightgown. Oh, whoever put her in the color 'pink' was going to pay. Wait, who put her in a nightgown?! Astrid was going to kill whoever did.

She made her way to the first floor which seemed to be a kitchen. There was a window beside the front door, sun rays piercing through it, lighting up the inside of the house. Berk didn't have windows, in fact, Astrid didn't know what a window was. Hiccup must have invented it.

Astrid looked around the kitchen and her stomach growled. She would have to change before she went outside, but a little snack first wouldn't hurt.

She made herself some stew and sat down at the table, when she heard a knock at the door. Astrid groaned, she really didn't want anyone to see her in this stupid nightgown. But, she gave in and gave the person on the other side of the door an 'OK' to come in. Raden stepped through the door.

"Ah, glad you're awake. We have much to discuss," he said sitting on the opposite side of Astrid. She took a sip of her stew, not wanting to do anything at the moment. She doesn't know how long she had been out, but can vaguely remember the ride to the island.

"You knocked me out," she said, Raden paled slightly.

"What! No, that doesn't sound like me,"

"Well, it was you. You're lucky I don't fight kids,"

"Teen," Raden corrected. Astrid chuckled.

"I don't have a problem with fighting teens," Raden stared at her wide-eyed.

"Kid's fine," he said sinking into his chair a little. Astrid shook her head and went back to her stew, smiling.

"What I thought," she said. Raden chuckled nervously.

"So, how was your nap? You slept all night and half the day," he said.

"Greatest sleep I've had in a long time," Astrid said, "speaking of which, who put me in a nightgown? Because I sure as hell didn't." Raden paled even more.

"Uh... Well, you... Uh... It was one of our healers. I think her name was, Uh... April. Ya know, named after the Walker?" Astrid nodded slowly.

"How old is she? She would have to..." Astrid was cut off.

"When Hiccup found her, she didn't have a name."

"I heard what happened to them, the Walkers, it's a shame, they were good people... Uh, dragons... Umm, living creatures," what were Walkers classified under? Then, something hit Astrid. They'd left Riker!

"What about Riker?" she said, growing concerned. Raden seemed reluctant to answer. "We left him," Astrid continued, "We have to go rescue him!" Astrid stood up to go upstairs and get dressed, eager to save her friend. Raden interrupted.

"I'm afraid if you save Riker, the only thing you'll save is a corpse," he said glumly, looking at the table. Astrid grabbed the stair rails to keep from falling over. The last Walker was dead.

"The... He..." Raden tried to say, but it didn't want to come out. In the end, he willed himself to say the horrid words. "Riker... Was tortured to death." Astrid sat on the first step, her hand on her forehead, eyes wide. She slowly shook her head, the Walker couldn't be dead.

"Get dressed, blonde, your friends are waiting for you in the Great Hall," and with that, Raden left Astrid, still sitting on the stairs.

She made her way out the door clad in what she had on the day she was rescued from King's dungeon. Astrid was thankful that her clothing had been cleaned, she reeked while rotting in that cell.

Numerous kids were outside, some doing jobs and some just chatting. This was the sanest place she had been to in a long time. Astrid spotted the Great Hall, at least, she thought it was. The building was grand, sitting on top of a large hill overlooking the entire village. The building itself was huge, about eight times larger than the house she was in just a moment ago. The village itself was a beauty, although, it lacked grown-ups, Astrid was the oldest around here it seemed.

She pushed the large doors that belonged to the Great Hall open. It wasn't too packed, so she spotted her friends pretty quickly, sitting by themselves close to the wall. Ruffnut noticed her and motioned her over with her hand.

"Well," Fishlegs said as Astrid was sitting down. "Hiccup has been busy." Astrid chuckled.

"That's an understatement," she said. The riders were all eating some kind of meat, except Astrid, who had eaten back at the house she had woken up in.

"How are you feeling?" The other blond girl asked. Astrid didn't know what she meant, but thought she must be referring to Stormfly. She looked down at the table before her. She shrugged.

"Come on guys, let's not think about that," Snotlout said in a strong tone that seemed forced. "We just got out of that prison, let's enjoy ourselves a little." Agreement nods were shared among the group, all eyes downcast. It would be a long, long time before they got over leaving their dragons. Fishlegs and Astrid were taking it the hardest, since they, by far, were closest to their scaly companion. A thick silence followed, it quickly grew awkward when no one broke it. The riders just ate their chicken, while Astrid tried to think of something other than her beloved dragon.

"So, where are we anyway," Astrid asked, breaking the long silence.

"They call themselves," Fishlegs said, referring to the teens that made up the island, "'Group Z.'"

"'Group Z'..." Astrid said, trailing off. "Does the island have a name?"

"I overheard someone calling it the 'Misfit Island,'" Snotlout said taking a look around. "And I'd say the name suits the island perfectly."

"I wouldn't make fun of them, Snotlout," Astrid warned.


"Well, for one, they saved our butts," Astrid said and Snotlout seemed to take that into account." And two, it seems like they work for Hiccup, so maybe they could point us in the right direction to find him and they won't do that if you make fun of them."

"Remember what Riker said? Hiccup gave them a life worth living, if you make fun of them I don't think Hiccup will take kindly to it," Fishlegs said.

"Why would I care if Hiccup got upset?" Snotlout asked.

"Remember what happened last time we made Hiccup mad?" Fishlegs said. Snotlout paled slightly at the memory of the short, but bloody battle between the archipelago and Scale.

"What happened to Riker anyway?" Tuffnut asked. Fishlegs shrugged.

"No clue, haven't seen him yet," Snotlout said. Astrid grew pale again.

"You guys don't know what happened?" She asked.

"No," Ruffnut said. This wasn't going to be fun explaining. Astrid fidgeted on her seat.

"Raden told me that... um... Riker was... tortured to death." The group stared at her with wide eyes, not fully believing that the old winged man was gone. They quietly went back to their meals. It was during a long silence that Raden came and sat at the table.

"Hey," he greeted. Astrid was the only one who acknowledged him. "You told them, didn't you?" Astrid nodded. Raden shook his head, not liking the fact anymore than the riders.

"Well, let's talk about something else then, shall we?" Raden said, "what were you guys doing when you got captured by King?"

"We were on our way to Glorl to find Dane Haddock," Astrid said. Raden gave her a questioning look.

"How do you know Dane is at Glorl?" Raden asked.

"He's been selling merchandise to a trader that goes to our island, Berk. We were hoping that he could take us to Hiccup," Astrid said. Raden shook his head, thinking. "Do you know where Hiccup is?"

"Do I? No, I do not know personally. Dane is your only hope, but I wouldn't recommend it," Raden said.

"Why?" Fishlegs asked, "After all we went through we're finding Hiccup."

"Listen, I'm not going to stop you, OK," Raden said. "But think about what your showing up would do. I think it would have a negative effect on the matter at hand." With that, Raden left the group to think.

"Hey, you might as well enjoy yourselves for a little. Dane won't be at Glorl for a couple more days yet," Raden called over his shoulder.

"Why would we be a negative influence on Hiccup ?" Tuffnut asked.

"We won't," Ruffnut said, "Astrid will." Astrid bowed her head. She knew she would probably just get in the way and distract Hiccup from whatever business he had to attend. But, her stubbornness got the best of her.

"No, we are going to find Hiccup, we are going to help him win this war and we are going to bring him home!" Astrid said, standing up. She took one look at the group then left them, heading outside.

If Raden was right, then Astrid had nowhere to go for a few days, so she thought that she might as well spend that time trying to find out what Hiccup has been up to. She asked several people, all of them shook her off. It seemed like they knew, but were keeping whatever they knew a secret. Maybe they didn't trust her.

Astrid quickly grew frustrated at the lack of information. She sought out Raden, the leader of Group Z, he was the only one who might shed some light on the mystery that was Hiccup. She found him talking to a small group of kids. Raden was laughing when Astrid tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh, hey blonde, what can I do ya for?" He said, turning around. Astrid narrowed her eyes at him.

"Don't. Call. Me. Blonde," she hissed through clenched teeth. Raden smiled, but took a few steps back.

"Very well," he said. "Could you guys excuse us?" He said to the group behind him. They said their farewells and left Astrid and Raden. Raden opened his mouth to speak, but Astrid cut him off.

"I want answers about Hiccup, now."

Raden chuckled. "Getting right to the point I see." He took a breath, "look, I know what Hiccup means to you, alright? He went on and on about you when he was king of the dragons."

"Yes, I know that, I want to know how he got dethroned and where he is now." Astrid said, growing a little frustrated at the reviewing of information that was already covered. Raden crossed his arms and shook his head.

"I don't have the liberty to tell you," he said. That was it, Astrid was done being a nice girl. If she couldn't get the information she wanted with politeness, then she would have to get with sheer force and intimidation.

Grabbing Raden by the collar of his shirt, Astrid forced his back against a nearby house. Raden's back made an audible cracking sound as it slammed against the wooden house. He clenched his teeth at the slight pain. Raden was easily lifted a foot of the ground, Astrid pushing him so hard against the door, her forearm against his torso, that his ribs were being bent back a little.

"You listen here, Raden," Astrid said through clenched teeth. "If Hiccup has told you anything of significance, then you should know how I act when I'm mad." Raden nodded, not sure if he could gather enough air to speak.

"Good. Now, you are going to tell me what I want to know."

"Fine! Fine. But, you have to put me down first," Raden said. Astrid let the teen drop to his feet. Raden rolled his shoulders.

"Follow me," he said. Raden started to walk through the village, Astrid following him from behind. Raden opened a door that led to the house Astrid had woken up in. He motioned Astrid to enter.

"What do you want to know," Raden said as the two sat at the table.

"Just... Tell me what he's been up to. How is he? Where is he? And what is he doing now?" Astrid asked, waving her hands around to empathize her point. Raden sighed, he wasn't supposed to tell what happened to Hiccup. The only reason he was telling Astrid was that she honestly scared the boy witless.

"I can't tell you where he is, Astrid, because I don't know. The only one who does is Dane," Raden began. "I can tell you that he is fine, physically. Now, him being dethroned has done a number on him mentally and I don't think he's going to rest until this new king is gone for good." Raden took a deep breath. "Where should I begin to tell the story," he sighed. "Don't you want your friends to know about this too?"

"I'll tell them later," Astrid quickly dismissed. Riker rolled his shoulders.

"Right then. I can only tell you what I know since I wasn't the first kid Hiccup had found," Raden said.

"Who was the first kid Hiccup brought to the island?" Astrid asked.

"Dane. Dane was the first, which is why Hiccup adopted him. When Hiccup found Dane, he wasn't planning on helping all the hiccups he could find. What he really wanted to do was to explore, but, when he helped Dane, I guess Hiccup changed his mind about the whole exploring thing and decided to help all the misfit kids he came across. So, let's begin the story, shall we?"


"Do you want to come with me, have a life worth living and a dragon of your own?" Hiccup asked a young blond haired boy. A young Raden seemed reluctant, but he had heard stories about this man who invited him to come live on the island known only as 'The Isle of Night,' supposedly named after his famous nightfury dragon.

"What about my family? I don't think they would miss me, but..." Raden was interrupted by Hiccup.

"I'll let you train your very own dragon, so you can visit them whenever you want," Hiccup said, kneeing to look the kid in the eye.

"Well..." Raden trailed off, thinking. "I'll have to ask for permission."

"Well, what are you standing around here for then? Go ask!" Hiccup said making a shooing motion towards the boy's village. Without a wasting a second, Raden was off to ask if he could go live on 'The Isle of Night.'


"Hiccup," Riker said, "we need a bigger island. This place is to cramped with all of the dragons and people." Hiccup laughed.

"Guess we're doing a pretty good job then, aren't we?" Hiccup asked.

"Yes, a little too good if I must say so," Hade said.

"Well, there are several empty islands we could use to house the kids," April suggested. The Walkers and Hiccup were sitting in Hiccup's favorite place on the island. It was a cove. This one wasn't as big or as nice as the one on Berk, but it reminded Hiccup of that place all the same.

"We have several teens who are as good a leader as I am," Hiccup said. "They can watch over a couple of kids. Plus, the dragons will be there with them, I'll be able to keep an eye on them through the Dragon Line." The Walkers pondered this for a while, but decided it wouldn't hurt to try it. After all, Hiccup has been good at making decisions so far, why wouldn't this one work?

Hiccup walked through his cramped kingdom, kids brushing passed him and dragons flying overhead. He had to figure out which kids would go to what islands. He had trained several of the older kids how to fight and defend themselves, then those kids taught the other kids and so on.

There were a few, however, that were trained in certain aspects of warfare. Some knew how sneak through a village in broad daylight and not be seen, others knew how to shoot a fly with an arrow and keep it alive, while others were best on the front lines. Hiccup decided to split these kids into groups and to put them on the islands together. That day, Hiccup announced his plans to his people. It was received with mixed feelings, but the idea of more room won everyone over.


"That day, Hiccup started sending groups off to nearby islands. Me and the group you see when you go outside were chosen to live on this island. I can't tell how Hiccup got dethroned because I don't know. The only ones who do are Dane and the Walkers," Raden said, finishing his story. Astrid still wasn't a hundred percent satisfied, but knew more than she did before.

"How far away is Glorl from here?" Astrid asked. Raden looked up from the table he had been staring at.

"You'll have to fly north-east for about five hours," Dane replied. Astrid smiled.

"How many dragons do you have?"

"Only a handful," Raden replied. "I can't give you them." Astrid face dropped.

"No, you have to..."

"But!" Raden interrupted. "But, I can let you borrow them. Once you get to Glorl, you'll have to send them back here."

"OK, deal."

"Do I have your word?"

"Yes, Raden, you have my word."
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Monstrous Nightmare

Yay! Thanks for the new chapters! I still love it! :D
What should I write on my signature? Hmm...
I am a Httyd, Gravity Falls and Portal (One and two) fan.
I'm also a bookworm and an introvert.
That was pretty random, but that's me summed up in two sentences.
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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

Whens chapter 11 coming out? :)
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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Deadly Nadder

06 May 2014, 07:07
Whens chapter 11 coming out? :)
Working on it. It's going to be the last chapter, but It'll be a long, grand finale. I'll do my best to make sure the ending doesn't get skipped on in awesomeness.

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Monstrous Nightmare

06 May 2014, 12:39
Working on it. It's going to be the last chapter, but It'll be a long, grand finale. I'll do my best to make sure the ending doesn't get skipped on in awesomeness.
This will be interesting! :P
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Great chapters
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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