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How To Find A Hiccup Ch. 6
Topic Started: 06 May 2014, 08:48 (6023 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

A/N: OK, before you read this chapter I want to thank mycove for writing a certain part. Lets see if you can guess what part she wrote.

How To Find A Hiccup

Chapter 6

'An Unexpected Meeting'

The riders landed their borrowed dragons in the middle of Glorl. Astrid couldn't believe it, after all they went through, they were finally here. Astrid and the other riders sent their dragons back to Raden and the rest of Group Z. And, with a few squawks and growls, the beasts flapped their great wings and were soon out of sight.

"So, this is Glorl," Ruffnut said. A large beefy viking walked up to them with outstretched arms. He had a long and bushy white beard and his eyes twinkled with merriment.

"Aye! This is Glorl. Welcome, my friends," the viking said." My name is Hash. Chief of the island."

"Well, aren't you a friendly fellow," Snotlout said. Hash gave a mighty bellow of a laugh that rattled the eardrums of the riders.

"Only to those who can be called friends," he said. Then, Hash's expression grew serious. "You can be called friends, can't you?" Fishlegs nodded furiously.

"Oh, yes sir," Fishlegs said. "We are very friendly." Hash tilted his head, staring right through the riders. He chuckled darkly.

"What are ye names?" Hash asked and the riders introduced themselves proudly. Hash chuckled darkly again.

"Funny," Hash said. "Dane told me to watch out for riders with those exact names." Other villagers surrounded the riders. Crossbows and swords were leveled at them.

"What? That's impossible. He shouldn't have even known we were coming. The only thing we want is for him to take us to Hiccup, you see..." Astrid tried, getting a little worried.

"No. I don't see," Hash said, drawing his own sword. The men of Glorl slowly closed in on the riders.

"Wait, we're not your..." Astrid was cut off. A beefy hand clasped around her mouth, making the rest of her sentence a muffled gargle. The other riders were quickly subdued, their hands were tied behind their backs and a sack was slipped over their heads, leaving them blind.

Astrid was disorientated, she had been walking forever and had been spun around so many times that she lost her sense of direction. She knew the others were around her, the people of Glorl would yell at them if they were out of line.

They trudged through the woods, twigs snapping beneath their feet and a few low hanging branches caught the riders in the head, making them growl in annoyance. A forceful hand pushed Astrid on the shoulder, indicating that the man wanted her to walk faster. The push nearly made her fall over face first to the moss covered ground. With her hands tied and her vision blocked by the sack, there was little Astrid could do but to obey.

What was going on! Why would Dane tell these people to watch out for us? How did they even know about the riders? Sure, Hiccup probably told him about Astrid and the others, but why would Dane feel the need to kidnap them? Astrid couldn't shake the feeling that they were going back to a horrible place, one that resembled King's prison, one that they had escaped from not too long ago.

Astrid tripped on a root that jutted out of the ground. She landed on her side, the wind getting knocked out of her. A large beefy hand grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her back to her feet, picking her up and placing her upright like a toddler learning how to walk. The man gave a light shove, forcing Astrid to keep moving. After a few more minutes of walking, the large hand forced her to stop, grabbing her shoulders again.

"Are you going to keep doing that?" Astrid asked irritated. She hated being manhandled, in fact, she hated it when people helped her, period. It made her feel weak in a way, like she wasn't good enough or strong enough.

"Hush up," the thick voice that was Hash said. "You ready down there?" He shouted. Down where? Astrid thought. An 'aye sir' was shouted back, the voice seemed to be from below her. Before Astrid had any time to react, Hash pushed her. Astrid went into a free fall, there was no ground to stop her fall, now, Astrid wasn't looking forward to stopping it.

She came crashing down onto some wooden contraption. Her bones rattled and crunched at the sudden change of pace. Astrid groaned, she was hurt, but it was nothing she hadn't felt before. More crashes were heard around her, she guessed that the other riders had been sent off the cliff. With each body crashing down, the platform they were on swayed. It seemed like they were on a boat.

"Have fun getting eaten alive by maggots," a voice said that Astrid didn't recognize.

The boat was set adrift, rocking on the choppy ocean. Silence followed as the riders tried to process what had just happened. They finally made it to their destination, after all the suffering and torture they had gone through when they were captured by King, it was all about to be worth it. From a hope that Hiccup could be found, a hope trader Johann had brought to Berk and to Astrid. That hope had spread like a fire throughout the village of Berk, through the heart and soul of Stoick the Vast, a hope that would give him a chance to make things right with his son. That hope was squashed, stomped out under a boot that belonged to Dane. Astrid couldn't believe that the kid they were trying to find had sent them adrift into the unforgiving ocean.

The boat gave a sudden rock and a jerk. They had only been sailing for a few minutes and already something went horribly wrong. The boat picked up speed, a lot of speed. The riders were jerked backwards at the sudden change of pace. Panic spread through the riders, more so then there already was. A fear of a shark or dragon, or maybe even a kraken, like those the fishermen on Berk like to tell about, had taken over the vessel and was about to send them all to the watery grave.

Suddenly, the boat jerked to a stop after picking up speed for about an hour. A hoarse voice spoke out. It was too high-pitched to be a grown-up, but it was definitely a boy's voice.

"Sorry for my means of getting you here," the boy said with his scratchy voice. The sack was ripped off Astrid's head, as were the sacks that were on the other riders. They squinted their eyes to block out some of the protruding sunlight. When their eyes accommodated to the bright rays of the sun, the riders saw a young boy. He had black hair and mismatched cloths sown together to make up a shirt and pants. However, it was the boy's eyes that stood out the most. They were pale and had, what seemed to be, red lines on his skin, stopping just outside his eyeballs. To be honest, it was actually quite scary.

"Who are you?" Snotlout asked as the boy untied his bonds. He did this with everyone and only then did he answer Snotlout's question.

"My name is Dane Haddock, adoptive son of Hiccup Haddock," his creepy eyes scanned the riders who stared back in awe. This was him? This was Dane? Johann had shown them a picture of him before they left Berk, but whoever the artist was didn't capture Dane's... uh... unique, eyes. Astrid stepped forward. The kid was fairly tall, looking Astrid in the eyes.

"You're Dane?" She asked softly. The kid gave a small laugh and nodded.

"Sorry if I don't live up to your expectations," he said, averting his eyes.

"Can... can you..." Astrid couldn't say the words. After all they had been through, she couldn't quite believe that they might have just found Dane, the one who could take them to Hiccup.

"Boss Man would love to see you guys," he said.

"Boss Man?" Tuff said, not knowing who he was.

"That's just my nickname for him," Dane said. "Hiccup's ready to see you."

Astrid gave a small, soft laugh. She covered her mouth with her hand, not able to hide the joy in her eyes, not like she was really trying to. Their journey was about to come to its end and she couldn't believe it. The dragon rider they had been chasing for, what seemed to be, ages, was about to come to an end. Astrid only nodded toward Dane, not able to speak. The other riders were in a similar state.

Dane gave a dragon call and the dragons that had pushed the boat swam away.

"I am sorry for how I had to get you guys here. I was taking no chances at you being followed here," Dane said. He turned and started to walk away, but he tripped on a rock which sent him flying to the dirt, landing on his outstretched arm. He turned back to the group wearing an embarrassed expression.

"Sorry 'bout that, my vision isn't top notch," Dane chuckled softly, trying to shake off the embarrassment. Astrid gave him an apologetic look and Dane started to walk into the forest, the riders following in a single file line, the narrow path wouldn't allow otherwise. They walked down a steep decline in the earth. The riders didn't know it, but the whole place dipped down and ended in the center of the island, a mile below sea level.

Dane stopped just shy of a large cave. The entrance was encased in darkness, allowing little to no light through. It looked like a black sheet covered the entrance. Huge trees sprouted all around the riders and Dane, blocking most of the light attempting to spread its joy on the island. This just made the cave seem more eerie.

"Coming?" Dane asked when the riders seemed hesitant to enter the cave. "Don't you trust me?" Astrid eyed him with a 'you kidding me?' expression. Dane gave a puzzled look in return.

"After what we've been through, we don't really trust anyone," Astrid said. Dane nodded as if he understood.

"That's good," he said. "Never trust anyone a hundred percent. It'll only lead to heartbreak and sorrow." Dane turned his expression to the entrance of the cave.

"You may not trust me enough to head down this creepy tunnel, but you might trust a dragon," Dane said. Before the riders had time to ask anything, Dane put two fingers in his mouth and gave a high pitched whistle. No sooner did the ear piercing sound enter the cave did an equal sound answer, although this one didn't sound to be from a human. In fact, it sounded almost like...

"Toothless!" Astrid shouted as the black, catlike dragon bounded out of the cave. The dragon didn't waste a second in tackling the blonde warrior to the ground, saturating her in his saliva as he licked her face. It took Astrid all of her strength to crawl out from underneath the great beast, but not before she had a nice coat of nightfury saliva.

"Yes, Toothless, I'm happy to see you, too," Astrid giggled while wiping some nightfury saliva off her cheeks. The other riders took a step back, the last time they saw a nightfury it was blowing up houses and vikings. Astrid laughed at the scared vikings.

"Don't worry, he's harmless," Astrid said. "Here, let me show you." Astrid motioned for Fishlegs to come over. He shook his head quickly, not wanting to get near that thing Astrid called harmless. Even if Fishlegs knew that dragons can be harmless, this was the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. That didn't sound so harmless to him.

Astrid rolled her eyes. She ended up having to gabbed Fishlegs by the hand and dragging him over to the scaly reptile. Toothless knew these humans were afraid of him, but he couldn't help himself. He quickly jabbed his head forward, making it look like he was going to pounce. Fishlegs jerked his hand away from Astrid. In his haste to get away from the dragon, Fishlegs fell over, retreating to crawling away from Toothless. The dragon gave his version of a laugh, his eyes were full of playfulness and innocence. Astrid just rolled her eyes and stared at Toothless, he just tilted his head to the side, trying to find out what he had done wrong.

"Hey, I would love to watch Toothless scare your friends witless and all, but I have other places to be," Dane said. "Toothless, take them to see Hiccup. I've got to go thank the people of Glorl for kidnapping them and all that fun stuff." Dane started to trudge back up the hill. Astrid wondered how Dane got around, she thought he had a skrill. She was right. Dane gave a dragon call and large skrill swooped down from out of nowhere, grabbing Dane's arm that he had stretched high up above. The skrill tossed the kid onto his back and flew off into the direction of Glorl.

Toothless snorted, gaining the attention of the riders. He nodded his head towards the direction of the cave and started to walk back in. Astrid followed, but the other riders stayed back.

"Tell Hiccup we're waiting out here for him," chuckled a nervous Ruffnut. Astrid shook her head and laughed, after all they've been through, this giant catlike dragon is going to do them in with sheer intimidation due to viking legend.

The cave grew dark, very dark. Toothless used his echolocation skill to find exactly where he had to go, and if Astrid wasn't sitting on his back then she would have been lost long ago. The dragon kept turning this way and that, shouting out every now and then to get a better view of where he was going. After walking aimlessly for a couple of minutes, Toothless stopped. The dragon pushed a large boulder out of the way with his forepaws, nearly throwing Astrid off in the process.

Light erupted into the dark cave once Toothless pushed the boulder away. Astrid climbed off and slowly walked towards the opening. Toothless just laid down at the opening, as if guarding it from something.

There was a deep decline in the earth behind the boulder Toothless pushed away. Torches were lit on the walls, illuminating the strange place. Everything was colored orange by the glow of the flames. Astrid peered down into the pit, she gasped at what she saw. A man with auburn hair and a metal leg sat in the very center of the stone pit. His legs were crisscrossed and his head was bowed. It looked as if he was drawing something. That was Hiccup. Astrid wasted no time in sliding down the steep decline. Hiccup shot his head around and gasped when Astrid jumped into his arms.

For a second, Hiccup thought he was being attacked when he found himself in a bone-crushing hug.

"Don't worry, it's just Astrid," Toothless warbled. Hiccup laughed and hugged her back, only to be kneed in the stomach. Hiccup crumbled to the ground clutching his stomach.

"OW! Oh, why would you do that?" He asked in his sarcastic tone. Astrid had to fight the urge to laugh, she was mad at him for putting her through all that crap trying to find him.

"That's for leaving," she said as Hiccup made his way to his feet, still clutching his stomach and trying to regain his breath. He smirked, knowing what was coming next.

"And?" Hiccup pressed. Astrid swept his good foot out from underneath him, sending him back to the ground. That didn't go the way Hiccup had hoped.

"And that's for everything else," she hissed. Astrid gave him a kick in the side for good measure. Hiccup groaned.

"If you're trying to kill me, then you'll have to get in line," he moaned, still lying on the floor.

"What's wrong with you?" Astrid asked, crossing her arms and staring down at the man groaning on the floor. Astrid had to admit, he had changed a lot, he wasn't that boy she knew five years ago, but it seemed like he kept his personality. Astrid let a small smile grace her lips, it looked like puberty struck Hiccup well, all was good in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Hiccup asked, genuinely confused. He scooted up next to the wall so he could lean up against it, Astrid stood over him.

"Why would you leave and not come back?" Astrid asked, she continued before Hiccup could answer. "That ring you made me has been sitting on my dresser for years, just waiting for you to give it me personally." A small tear slipped from Astrid eye, she didn't feel the need to wipe it away. If it was going to make Hiccup feel guiltier then so be it. It seemed to work as Hiccup looked away.

"Astrid, I'm truly sorry for leaving. After I healed from that arrow, I just wanted to get away for a little bit. But, you know me, danger and adventure sought me out... and now here we are," Hiccup stood up to look Astrid in the eyes, they were brimming with tears that refused to fall.

Astrid turned her back towards him. "I missed you," she said in a shaky whisper. Hiccup sighed again. He came up and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. Hiccup was taller than her, but only by three inches.

"I missed you, too," he whispered in her ear. "But we're together now."

All at once, it was as if time had stopped. They were feeling the same things deep inside, they knew it without having to speak. To be able, at last, at long last, to hold each other, to feel each other, and never want to let go again, was an incredible feeling. They both had been longing for this, a yearning beyond words, even to themselves, suffering a mute, dull sorrow, each and every painful day since they had been apart.

Without warning, tears started to fall down. Astrid first, soft sobs building up in her throat. With that, Hiccup, in spite of all his strength, couldn't hold his own tears anymore, and, overwhelmed by this deep feeling of love, did not even try to fight them. Only then did they realize how much they had really missed each other, how cruel and heart-wrenching their separation had been.

Not a word passed between them. The sound of quiet sobs and harder breathing were all that could be heard.

Hiccup felt as if his heart wanted to beat out of his chest, as he considered how much she had changed. She had grown into a beautiful girl, no, woman… and he was now holding her in his arms in a priceless moment beyond his wildest dreams.

Astrid was more confused, because she had dreamed so many times to be in Hiccup's arms, and now she was, she felt like home… and yet not entirely. 5 years can be an eternity over a boy's body… and mind. His body had grown so much, he was, like, broader, in every way. Stronger. Sturdier. His body. But what about his mind? Who was the man she was hugging with all her might, after all?

Hiccup may have felt her doubts, because he moved his head so he could study her face. She blushed. She knew she had released her grip, ever so slightly, but enough for him to realize something was going on.

Somehow, he saw the worry in her eyes, and understood. He too, was afraid that time may have taken its toll on their relationship. They had been longing for each other so hard, but were they still the one the other was waiting for ?

Then suddenly, for the first time, it was Hiccup who leaned forward and kissed her on her lips, his grip around her not really leaving her a choice. But she didn't try to pull away. Startled by Hiccup's sudden boldness, she took the kiss, and returned it with all the fierce of her love. All doubts were gone. All fears were far away. All there was in the cave were two young lovers, united now and forever, in a passionate kiss.

After Thor knows how long, their lips parted, and looking in each others eyes, they knew they never had lost each other all this time. Better still, it was as if the past 5 years had never existed. They had found each other again.

Hiccup and Astrid sat against the wall. Astrid's head resting against Hiccup's shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled, he had a kind of dazed expression on his face.

"Love ya," she said. It took a moment for him to come up with an answer.

"Love you, too," he said in a dazed sort of tone. "Hey, Astrid."


"I really missed you." Astrid couldn't help but elbow him in the ribs, but laughed nonetheless. Hiccup was back and Astrid was never letting him out of her sight again.

"Is it safe to come in yet?" Toothless asked, peeking over the side to get a glimpse of the two. Hiccup and Astrid chuckled.

"Yes, Toothless, it's safe to come in, but don't," Hiccup said. Toothless tilted his head not understanding why he couldn't come down.

"Because I'm coming up. It's to my attention that there are people who want to meet me," Hiccup stood up and offered his hand to Astrid, she gladly took it and Hiccup helped her to her feet.

Hiccup had hammered some wooden planks to the wall when he first came to the cave. It created an easy way up and out of the hidden crater that Hiccup had located himself in.

Toothless led the two out of the cave to the waiting riders. Ruff and Tuff were laying on their back, looking up at the sky. Snotlout was leaning up against a tree with his arms crossed across his chest and staring at the ground while Fishlegs sat with his legs crossed, studying a flower; he quickly discarded it when he notice Astrid coming back out of the cave, along with some tall fellow.

"Aw man!" Tuff said. "I though we were going to see Hiccup." Hiccup laughed.

"Well then, let me introduce myself," Hiccup said. "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third at you service." Snotlout burst out laughing and slapped Hiccup on the shoulder.

"Nice try, but you look way to impressive to be the Hiccup we know," Snotlout chuckles again.

"Thanks Snotlout. But, I really am Hiccup." Fishlegs shot his glance towards Astrid. She smiled.

"Yes, everyone, this is Hiccup. He just... grew. A lot." Astrid said. Snotlout looked back between Hiccup and Astrid, not believing and not wanting to believe. But, this man did resemble Hiccup in some ways, like his eyes and hair color. Plus, there was that metal leg. Snotlout let out an exasperated sigh.

"Dang it!" He said. Hiccup chuckled.

"You know cousin, I kinda like having to look down on you for a change. Maybe you'll have better respect for how a hiccup views the world," Hiccup said.

"Oh you did not just..." Snotlout looked like he was about to start a fight, but Hiccup had other plans.

"Toothless!" He called and the dragon bounded over to him. He had been watching from afar as to not scare the other riders, but he quickly forgot about that when his master and friend called. Everyone but Hiccup and Astrid backed up when the great beast bounded over.

"Show our guests where they will be staying. I have some... things I need to take care of." Toothless knew what Hiccup meant. The dragon shooed them inside the cave, against their will of course. Astrid tried to follow Hiccup into the woods where he had just disappeared, but Toothless held out his wing, blocking her path. The dragon shook his head, his eyes showed sadness. Toothless motioned Astrid into the cave, and soon, the darkness of the cave enveloped them.

Hiccup walked through the forest with his head downcast. Everything was quiet, the silence only being broken by the sounds of the forest. Hiccup ended up in a small clearing, a shovel was stabbed in the middle. He sighed and started digging. Three feet down, Hiccup's shovel hit a metal box. Carefully, Hiccup picked up the box and undid the latch that kept it closed. Inside the box were three pictures, each had their own little section. Pictures of April, Amelia and Hade were secured safely in the small box. Hiccup pulled out a picture of Riker from his suit of armor and placed in the box.

"Good bye, old friend. You're with your brother and sisters now," Hiccup said. He couldn't stop the tear from slipping from his eye. Hiccup knew his friend was dead when death severed his ties with the Dragon Line. He couldn't give them the proper send off since he didn't have their bodies, these picture were the best he could do.

Patting the dirt above the box to make sure it was firmly packed, Hiccup said his last thank yous and good byes. He turned and walked away. When Riker was in the dungeon, Hiccup was able to use the Dragon Line to find out a few things about 'King'. Hiccup was going to avenge his friends.

3 Days Later

It was past midnight and Raden was doing a quick sweep of his island before calling it a night. The ground had an odd amount of fog hovering above it. Raden recognized it as smoke from a smothering smokebreath. Fog and smoke from a smothering smokebreath looked slightly different to the trained eye.

"Something's... not... right," Raden whispered to himself as he slowly drew his sword. A whisper of a voice made its way to Raden ears. He couldn't make out the words, but he could tell where it came. The voice led him to the docks. King stood proud and tall, his hands placed behind his back as if this was some kind of business trip. Hiccup had sent a picture to Group Z and the other misfits he had rescued to show them what King looked like, just in case they ever saw him.

Raden pointed his sword at him.

"You. What... what do you want?" He asked, his hand shaking slightly. King chuckled darkly.

"I just want your help," King said, simply, as he took a step closer. Raden backed up.

"My help? You're mad!" Raden said.

"Perhaps, a little, but I think I can persuade you." King raised his hand high above his head and snapped his fingers. The ocean behind him had zippleback gas coating the top. A dragon lit it at King's command. Three hundred boats sat in the harbor and Raden's eyes widened when he realized that the boats held captives. One boat was docked; three people were tied up together, a whispering death rapped around the poor family. Raden almost dropped his sword, they were his family: his mom, dad, and little sister.

"So, how about that help?" King asked again, taking another step closer to Raden. The teen didn't answer and King nodded his head toward the whispering death. A spine on the dragons snakelike body popped up, coming dangerously close to the little girls neck. She gave a frighten squeak and arched her neck to try and get away from it.

"It would be a shame to spill her precious blood, wouldn't it?" King asked. Raden bowed his head in defeat.

"What do you want me to do?"
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