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How To Find A Hiccup ch. 7
Topic Started: 13 May 2014, 12:29 (1106 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

In case you missed ch. 6- CHAPTER 6

How To Find A Hiccup

ACT II: Berk

Chapter 1

'Old Home'

"Hiccup!" A voice shouted from somewhere. Hiccup stirred in his sleep, not wanting to wake up just yet. He put his pillow over his head to block out the noise.

"Hiccup!" the voice shouted again. "Don't make me come up there!" Geez! Hiccup thought. Stop treating me like I'm 5. Hiccup tossed and turned under his wool blankets, tangling himself more then he already was. He heard footsteps clambering up the stairs. Oh no. Freezing cold water was thrown over him, drenching him completely.

"Told you." Hiccup sat up right soaking wet and eyes wide.

"Why would you do that?" He asked shivering. He'd been woken up before due to war, but that was better than being woken up by ice cold water. Astrid tossed him a towel which he gladly accepted.

"We have a lot of things to do before we head back to Berk," Astrid said as she went back downstairs. Berk. Hiccup had never really thought of going back. In fact, a small part of him thought maybe Stoick had sent Astrid and the others to bring him back to be imprisoned. He dismissed that idea, Astrid wouldn't agree to that. Would she? The only way Hiccup thought Astrid would bring him back to be imprisoned would be if she didn't know Hiccup would be punished.

"Well, look who it is," Dane said as Hiccup came down the steps. They were in a nice little hut Hiccup had built himself. They were still located in the cave, but it had hundreds of different tunnels. Hiccup had a fortress that was impossible to navigate through, unless you had a nightfury.

Hiccup rolled his eyes at Dane's comment.

"Shut up," Hiccup laughed and sat down at the wooden table, opposite from Dane. Dane smiled and went back to his food. Astrid came over from the kitchen and placed a bowl down in front of Hiccup and received a 'thanks' in return.

"You lit the torches in the cave, right? It'll be near impossible for the others to find us if you didn't," Hiccup said to Dane. Dane gave a weak and nervous smile in return.

"N-no, I forgot," he said and Hiccup sighed. "I'll get right on that Boss Man." With that, Dane got up and exited the house with Toothless trailing behind him.

Astrid shook her head.

"What?" Hiccup asked, knowing something was up. Astrid bit her lower lip.

"Dane calls you Boss Man?" She asked. Hiccup nodded.

"I can understand why he doesn't call me dad, but I don't know where the nickname 'Boss Man' came from," Hiccup said. "Why?" Astrid shook her head again. Where had she heard that name before. She remembers King saying Boss, but stopping after that. There was no way Dane was King, was there?

"Does anyone else call you Boss Man?" She asked. Hiccup leaned back into his chair, thinking. But shook his head.

"Nope, he's the only one who does. What does it matter?"

"It doesn't, just curious."

"Huh," Hiccup said, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek in thought. He chuckled and went back to his food.

Hiccup was beyond nervous. Astrid had talked him into going back to Berk and he couldn't believe he actually agreed. It had been five long years since he left Berk and he really hadn't left on a cheerful note. He almost destroyed the island and killed... who knows how many people, but Hiccup knew the body count was high.

There would be angry families wanting to get revenge the family members he took away from them. Hiccup hated the fact, but he saw himself as a murderer. If they wanted him to be imprisoned for his crimes he would gladly accept, to pay for his crimes. The only thing keeping him from doing that, however, is the battle he's in now. There was no way he was going to abandon the kids to fight this war, it was his fault after all. If he hadn't been so nice, and kept a better eye out for things then none of this would have happened.

Hiccup and the other were outside loading up some dragon that they could take back to Berk. These were some of the first ones Toothless had taught to sever themselves from the Dragon Line, so they could fly to Berk without King knowing of their whereabouts.

Astrid had brought up a very painful subject when he introduced them to the dragons they would be taking to Berk. She wanted Hiccup to do something about their dragons that were still on Kings island. Hiccup didn't have enough man power to get the dragons off that devil's island. The Dragon Line allowed Hiccup to see what the dragons were seeing, he felt what they felt and heard what they heard. They were simply just to weak to move. King had at least let them live after Astrid and the others escaped, but that didn't mean King let them off the hook completely.

It was a fairly nice day to go flying, there were a few wisps of clouds and the wind was pretty calm. The sun's golden rays beat down onto the earth, making everything nice and warm. Around these parts, summer actually felt like summer, while Berk still felt a bitter chill.

Hiccup packed one more bag onto Toothless' saddle. The dragon didn't complain about the extra weight, but could sense something was up with his friend.

"So, excited about going back to Berk, are we?" Toothless said, knowing Hiccup was, in fact, stressing very much about returning to his old home. The dragon, as well, thought it was foolish for Hiccup to go back. Some moron shot him with an arrow for crying out loud! Nearly killed him too, scared Toothless to death.

Hiccup just shook his head at his friend's question.

"Ha, ha, ha," Hiccup said. "I'm practically bursting with excitement. Can't wait to see the people who hate me." Toothless rolled his eyes. Hiccup found it kind of unnerving that Toothless seemed to have more facial expressions than humans. He's smarter than most as well.

"You know Astrid said that Stoick was thrilled when she told him she could find you. Why so nervous?" Hiccup folded his arms and looked at the dragon. Toothless got the message.

The others were already ready to go, since they didn't have much to pack.

"Hey, where's Dane?" Astrid asked from atop her dragon, which was a thunderdrum. Hiccup did a 360 looking for his son.

"Huh, he should be here. He knows we're leaving for Berk," Hiccup said. He couldn't leave and he wouldn't leave until Dane got here. His skrill was nowhere to be seen either.

The group waited for half an hour. Hiccup thought it was strange, Dane was never late and always listened. Since his skrill severed himself from the Line, Hiccup was completely blind as to where the two might be.

He started getting worried, Dane was taking way to long to show up. Hiccup was about to go out and search for him, but a skrill landed beside him carrying a certain boy.

"What the heck is wrong is with you?" Hiccup scolded, arms crossed across his chest. Dane had an almost sheepish look.

'S-sorry, Boss Man, forgot we were heading to Berk today," Dane said. Hiccup didn't buy it for a second, but let the matter drop. He was here now and they could all head off to Berk. Hiccup hopped atop of his dragon and the group took off.

Hiccup couldn't help but think about his father. What would he say? How would he act around him? Would he finally see Hiccup as an equal or still his hopeless son? Would he even consider Hiccup as a son? Hiccup didn't know, but he couldn't help but think the worst was going to happen. He took a deep breath to calm himself. This was either going to be very good, or very bad.

On the way back, Hiccup had to stop by Halder, the island that Riker was chief of. He had some, unfortunate, news to share with them.

They landed in the middle of town and were immediately swarmed by the villagers. Most thought and hoped it would be Riker, but were a little deflated when they realized it was Hiccup.

"Hey, everyone," Hiccup greeted, and waved his hand in his nervous way. Even after everything Hiccup had been through, he was still that little geeky Hiccup he was five years ago. The only difference was that the geek could fight now.

"Hiccup, welcome! It's been a while," a man said. Astrid had to take a moment to remember him. He was the guy that Riker put in charge before he left. Astrid still felt pain when she thought of the old winged man.

"How's it going, Grole?" Hiccup asked the man who was now identified as Grole. The man smiled.

"Just fine. You haven't visited in a long while, How's my Raden doing?" Grole said.

"Wait, this is where Raden used to live?" Fishlegs asked.

"Yes it is. When Hiccup came he molded that boy into one of the most dangerous boys I've ever seen. His parents have disappeared the other day, it's a shame, I'm sure they would love to hear what Raden has been up to," Grole said. Hiccup eyebrows furrowed, where would Raden's parents have gone? He would have to look into that later, he could only do so much at once and for Grole it didn't seem like it was that big of an issue.

"Hey, Grole, I have something I need to discuss with you... uh... in private," Hiccup said and Grole didn't like his tone, this was not good news.

Grole and Hiccup shoved through the crowd of men, women and children to get to Grole's house. The chief allowed Hiccup to enter and then slammed the door in front of a group of people who had followed them. Dane and the others were left in the middle of a large circle made up of vikings. Dane rolled his shoulders.

"Alright, get back to whatever it is you do, I'm sure Hiccup and Grole will be out soon enough to tell you all whatever news it is that they're sharing," Dane said shooing the villagers away with his hands. He sighed. "I'm off to explore the island, anyone want to accompany me?" The group of dragon riders didn't seem to have anything better to do, so they agreed.

It was dusk when Hiccup and Grole got everyone into the Great Hall. It had taken Hiccup 2 hours to finally spill the beans on the fate of Riker. He thought that if he didn't accept Riker's death, then maybe it didn't really happen. He was only kidding himself.

Hiccup took his seat beside Astrid and Dane at the dragon rider's table, the one closest to Grole. The chief of the island stood up on the podium with sunken shoulders and sorrow-filled eyes. It was like the life was rudely and suddenly taken from him.

Murmuring vikings were hushed when Grole held up his hand, he was ready to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some... unfortunate, news to announce. This one has done a number on me and I'm sure it'll do a number on you as well. But, don't fret, we're vikings! We can, and will, overcome anything life throws at us!" Grole pumped his fist into the air at the end of his small speech. The act was met with the entire Hall of vikings.

Grole rolled his shoulders, he wanted to stand tall and strong to tell this next part, maybe it would help the other vikings not get so down. It was his job now to lead them and he was going to do it the same way that Riker would've done it.

"Riker has ran this village for only a year, but he has done more than any of us could have asked for. It is, to my regret, to inform you all that he will no longer be leading us," Grole said. That last statement made the crowd hush, waiting for him to continue. "Riker... is dead."

Later that day, a ceremony was held of the Walker.

"Come on guys, we gotta go," Fishlegs said to the group, but mostly to a grieving Hiccup. Astrid was there, doing what she could to comfort him.

It was hard for Astrid to tell what Dane was thinking, but she could have sworn she saw him fold his arms and shake his head. Almost like he was... disappointed. Astrid brushed it off.

They took off into the black sky, they would reach Berk in the morning.

The first rays of the sun beat over the horizon as the riders touched down in the middle of the cove. They couldn't land in the village for fear of being shot by an arrow, even though Berk hadn't been raided in years. But, the people still weren't thrilled with the thought of having those beasts roaming around the island.

Hiccup's boots hit the earth with a thud. He had flown the entire time without making a sound. Astrid had tried her best to get him out of this funk he put himself into, but to no avail. Dane said that Hiccup did this when the other Riders died, Astrid also heard him mutter something beneath his breath. Something told Astrid that Hiccup and Dane's relationship wasn't all that great. Without a word, Hiccup headed off into the direction of the village.

He was still terrified of seeing his father, but he wasn't thinking straight. He just walked through the forest, Astrid and the others trailing behind him. The dragons might have stayed behind, but Hiccup didn't know. Astrid came up beside him and took his hand in hers. Hiccup didn't react.

"You need to snap out of this," Astrid said as the two walked side by side. Hiccup just kept his gaze out for oncoming, low hanging branches.

"I miss them, too. But, you can't go into Berk looking like... this," Astrid continued, waving her hand up and down Hiccup's body. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"You just gestured to all of me," Hiccup retorted sarcastically.

"I'm just saying. You've been gone for years, you want them to think this is how you've been living?" Hiccup didn't have an answer.

The group broke through the treeline and entered the village. They continued into the heart of the island that held the island's market. Astrid turned around and saw Hiccup, standing at the treeline, staring straight ahead. She sighed and went back over to him.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Hiccup seemed to grow nervous all of a sudden.

"What!? Noth- nothing's wrong. I'm Hiccup, Dragon King! I'm not scared," he said crossing his arms. Astrid smiled.

"I didn't ask if you were scared." Hiccup's eyes went wide. They darted back and forth, Hiccup trying to come up with an answer.

"Look, Hiccup, everything is going to be fine. Stoick really does miss you," Astrid said. "Now, stop being a baby and let's go. You should be able to get to his house before the village starts to wake up." Hiccup grew stiff and Astrid rolled his eyes. You would think that after everything Hiccup has gone through, he would have grown some kind of backbone.

Astrid just realized how filthy Hiccup looked. While puberty has done a number of things on him it didn't fix all of the filth it seemed he's been rolling around in. Astrid took a sniff and realized just how much he stank.

"Oh my. Hiccup, when was the last time you took a bath?" Hiccup gave her a questioning look, but quickly understood why she asked, he really did reek.

"I've been running for months. All the while trying to prevent war, find out who took over half my dragon followers and make sure the kids a rescued were well off. Excuse me if I put a bath at the bottom of the list," Hiccup said. Astrid licked her fingers and went to work on his hair, much to Hiccup's disagreement.

"What... are you... doing?" Hiccup said while trying to bat away Astrid's hands.

"Would you quit being a baby," she said. "I can't believe it, I'm only now seeing how filthy you really are."

The group watched this all unfold, their arms crossed across their chest. They were slightly annoyed. Dane gave an exasperated sigh.

"Love... sucks," he said. Fishlegs scratched his forehead.

"When it comes to those two," he said.

"Would you quit it?" Hiccup said as Astrid finally let her hands drop, seemingly satisfied.

"We should really do something about your hair..." Astrid trailed off. "Maybe we could cut it..."

"No!" Hiccup said a little to loudly. "You're not cutting my hair."


"Two reasons: one, like my hair the way it is..."

"Looking like a mop?"

"Ignoring that. And two, I don't trust you near my neck with sharp objects." Astrid seemed a little hurt.

"Sorry, I just don't. I've seen what you do to trees with your axe when you're mad," Hiccup said.

"Well, maybe we could braid it..."

"Let's go, shall we? My dad won't come to me," Hiccup said quickly. He walked passed Astrid and headed into the village.

"Hiccup and Astrid sitting in a tree, K.I. S.S.I.N..."

"Shut it Dane," Hiccup said, interrupting Dane's little song. They both just chuckled and followed Hiccup towards his dad's house.

Hiccup stared at the oak door that separated him from his father. Taking a deep breath, he knocked. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing a large man. Hiccup gulped and Stoick's eyes widen.

"Hic- Hiccup?" The man said in a voice that was barely audible.

"Dad..." Hiccup said, trailing off.

Dane squinted bad eyes and looked between Hiccup and Stoick. Then, without warning, blurted out.

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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Great chapter.
Why do I have the feeling that dane is hiding something.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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Monstrous Nightmare

I'm still reading! I cannot wait for more!
What should I write on my signature? Hmm...
I am a Httyd, Gravity Falls and Portal (One and two) fan.
I'm also a bookworm and an introvert.
That was pretty random, but that's me summed up in two sentences.
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