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Dragon Park
Topic Started: 04 Jul 2014, 01:51 (2091 Views)
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Dragon Egg

Post my first story here as my first post, feedback is always welcome! Please pardon my English as I have it as second language or third...

Disclaimer: Dreamwork own HTTYD. Not me.

This is set in modern time.
“I want the Night Fury alive.” A whisper echo throughout the forest, yet nothing move, everything is quiet and dark.

It is an ambush set up to catch Night Fury, the dragon hunter lies in wait, hoping their information is accurate or else their wait will be for nothing.

“Heat signature detected, approaching from south-east, travelling at speed of ninety miles per hour, without a doubt it is a Night Fury.” Dozen or so rifle was raise, all aiming near the full moon waiting for the one dragon to fly by. They’re all loaded with potent paralyze needle bullet.

The only people that are not aiming at the sky are with rifle is mobile radar operator, whose eyes stick to the screen and his voice prepared to signal that Night Fury is close enough to their current position.

“NOW!” The operator yell, and the hunter took pot shoot at the night sky with only full moon as a guide. Loud gunshot echo throughout the night air, then miracle happen, as a loud and long screech told them that their bullet had hit the mark.

“We done it!” one of hunter celebrated follow by almost every person in their group
“Not yet, we’ve to recover the Night Fury, our employee will be more than happy to pay us when we’ve physical living proof.” The bulky leader said.

“Er… Sir, There is a slight problem here” the radar operator interrupted, eyes still focus on the screen. “It has fallen near Berk.”


Meanwhile, somewhere near Berk, a male teenager was taking a walk in the forest late in midnight.

“Oh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their pen or their bottle… No, not me, I Hiccup Haddock the Third manage to lose an entire school bag!” Hiccup kick a stone out of frustration, the stone flew with pin-point accuracy that it manages to hit a yellowish green Terrible Terror in the head.

“Whoops sorry.” Hiccup said, and now he feels stupid for apologies to a dragon then he notice the Terrible Terror was gnawing at a bag, his bag.

“Hey that’s mine!” he yells at the Terror. The Terror glance at Hiccup before snatching the bag and run into nearby bush with it.

“Hey wait!” he went after the Terror into the bush, after reaching the bush his feet meet nothing but air.

“Woah!” he tumbles down a hill, lady luck seem to be with him as he did not hit any hard and sharp rock this time. He crash into something softer than ground and rock, the thing he crashed into smell of blood.

Hiccup groan, he wonder what kind of object that a forest could possibly have that are softer and less lethal than rock and sharp branch poking out of ground. He did not expect he would see a pair of black wings.

Big dragon.

“Wah!” Hiccup stumble backward. His back hitting a boulder trapped in a corner his knee feel weak and he shut his eyes in fear waiting as if gruesome death surely will come, a few second pass by which feel awfully long for Hiccup but nothing happen, no slashing, no choking, and no biting. Hiccup finally slowly opens one of his eyes.

An unconscious black dragon lay in front of him, with dried blood covering its body and wound and a needle like object sticking at the dragon’s neck. He can recognize the needle since his town has plenty of it but he did not recognize the dragon.

‘Wait a minute’ Hiccup thought ‘If there is an injured dragon in the middle of a forest that are not cause by nature then there must be…’

‘Dragon Poacher’ Hiccup realize how much trouble he is in. His father used to tell him that dragon in Dragon Park are protect by law, but due to lack of security around here many poacher can get in or out without too much hassle, and poacher is much more dangerous than a Monstrous Nightmare.

Hiccup turns around immediately and began walking toward Berk. He wanted to go home now, but something in his mind is told him that he will feel bad and regret his decision for leaving a helpless dragon behind.

“Oh, my mind hates me.” He turns around again, this time facing the downed dragon, he starts pulling and pushing the dragon but it didn’t budge an inch.

“I wish this heavy reptile can walk by itself!” Hiccup tried to drag the dragon by tail without much success.

Without much choice, Hiccup is forced to remove the paralyze needle bullet and hopefully he can get far enough before the dragon wake up and began its attack any nearby human activity.

Unfortunately the dragon wakes up immediately after the removal of needle.


The Night Fury knows not what happen, just a human in front of him, his instinct are screaming danger at him and his body feel weak but he has enough strength left in him to leap forward toward where the human is.

He was sure he is going to bite off the human’s head had not a Terrible Terror fell from the hill out of the blue and startle the Night Fury, the Terror screech at the Night Fury telling him to leave the human alone.

The human’s knee finally gave up and collapse under the weight of Terrible Terror and presence of Night Fury.

‘Get off of the human’ The Night Fury growl, his death glare focus onto the human ‘He is danger to us!’

‘Night no dragon no, you no kill human, human good help dragon’ The Terror jump down from the terrified human ‘me bring human here, human know how help!’ He whined.

‘What help did you seek from this human?’

‘Human removes poison stick, human wake night up.’

‘Why would human help me after they shoot me down?’ The Night Fury directs his roar of question at Terror, which also almost made the human piss himself.

‘Bad human shot night, good human help night, like female human does!’ Terror argued back.

The human seem to have caught on the conversation between two different size dragon because he began to mutter under his breath “W-wow dragon are actually communicati-“ he shut his mouth tight right away when he notice the Night Fury has its intensified glare refocus onto him.
‘Dragon no time now, bad human come soon, go good human home!’ Terror pleaded.

The Night Fury raise his ear pad thing, he can hear noise from vast distance away at day, but during night his hearing distance become much further.

A group of human’s footstep, getting louder and louder, slowly creep toward their position. They are coming from almost all direction, almost. Only one escape route is available, the human home.
‘Bring good human night, good human help dragon’ Terror jump onto the human.

‘Alright I’ll come, but at first sign of trouble…’ The Night Fury retracts his teeth and ‘bites’ the human, dragging him toward human’s settlement.

“W-What th- What are yo- Stop! Please don’t eat me!” the human panicked but the Night Fury ignores him, human sure taste salty.

He consider trying to fly out of here but he may risk getting shot down by hunter again, the best place to hide is among the shadow that human house provided until the hunter leave.

They are going to Berk.
Nothing to see here... it is not like there are any winged reptile here... right?
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kyt, 18, she/her.

Great work so far! ;)
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

good job so far.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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antisocial british nerd with a youtube channel

Ooo I wanna know what happens!
Me? An otaku? Pfff.

Yes I do like dragons if you're wondering. Doesn't seem like it from my profile pic n signature, I know, but I do.

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