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Dragons, Trappers, Masters (HIATUS OVER! FINALLY!)
Topic Started: 03 Aug 2014, 17:31 (5838 Views)
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Night Fury

Hey guys! :D I'm not discontinuing Fireproof or anything, but I posted my ideas for this story in the Ideas and Prompts thread, and I decided to develop it more! I typed this up on Wordpad last night, and I'll give you a 'sneak peek' of it, so I can hear your opinions on whether I should continue this or not! So here you go! :D
A Dragon Trapper's Destiny- Prologue

'Today...we're going to be stealing a dragon egg, lads.'
My men gasped.
'But, Horvutah, you'll get yourself killed!' my second-in-command protested.
I drew my sword and walked closer to him.
'If you're questioning my orders, then your questioning Drago's orders. Believe me, I don't want to do this anymore than you, lad. But I- we have to. And if we don't, it won't be just me who dies- all of us will. He'll see to that. Or, rather, his dragons will.'
I turned my back to my men, and took a deep breath, to calm myself. My hand was sweating as I held my sword. I put it back in my belt.
When I had calmed down, I turned to my men.
'Get the darts. I'll go ahead, and drive the mother out. When I give the signal, SHOOT!'
'Yes, sir.'
As I walked to the den, I was shaking. Drago was crazy- he was sending me into a deathtrap. Maybe that was his plan. Perhaps he was jealous of me, because I was better at trapping than he was- or I had a way with them.
No. I had to stop thinking about that. I only had to focus on one thing.
When I had got close enough to the den, I raised my sword, and yelled, worthy of one of Drago's.
Almost immediately, I saw a draconic head poke out of the cave. The dragon snarled viciously.
Are you trying to take my hatchling, human?
I said nothing, and continued to stand there.
The dragon had had enough.
With a huge roar, the beast charged at me. I stayed there, putting my hand out to it. It stopped just short of my hand, staring at it intently.
I raised my other hand slowly, so that the dragon wouldn't spook out.
I prepared to drop it, so the men knew it was the signal.
I did.
The dragon went crazy, roaring, and trying to shake the darts out of its scales.
But it couldn't.
Its eyes started to close, and it laid down onto the forest floor.
'Sir, I think the coast is clear.' my second-in-command told me. Just to make sure, he poked it with a nearby stick. It groaned slightly; it was still conscious.
He waited a bit more, and did it again. The dragon was silent.
The men started to move towards the beast.
'Stay back, just in case... ' I warned.
Careful not to disturb the dragon, I walked quietly back to the den, walked inside, and took the egg.
'Looks like I'm not the one meeting a horrible fate at the hands- or rather, hand, of Drago today.' I whispered menacingly to the egg. I could have sworn I heard it whimper. It attempted to escape, bashing at the eggshell with its beak- which confirmed it to be a Stormcutter.
'Can't wait to get out, can you? I'm guessing you can't wait to meet him. Well, if you want my advice, stay in that egg for as long as possible. Because, believe me, you really don't want to meet my boss.'
I stuffed the egg into the pocket of my furs, and ran out of the cave.
This was a huge mistake, for two reasons.
One: I'd been taught in the first days of becoming a dragon trapper, to never, ever, make any sudden moves, especially not running, when in a dragon's presence, whether it's conscious or not. The reason for this? Dragons' ears are very sensitive, and they can still pick up even the slightest of sounds, even in sleep. So someone walking, or running towards them, sounds like a Bewilderbeast roar to them. And, by 'taught', I mean, being forced into approaching "asleep" dragons by Drago, and getting bites, and cuts, and gods knows what else from them, because he hadn't told me that they could hear me. His excuse for this was, "learning on the job". I still have the scars.
Two: Stealing their egg is another thing that can override dragons' unconsciousness. They sort of have a sixth sense for knowing when their egg is being stolen.
So, naturally, the mother Stormcutter's eyes snapped open, her anger overriding the darts' efforts to make them close again.
That's all I've done so far of the prologue! Please tell me what you thought, and if I should continue. :D
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kyt, 18, she/her.

I think you should definitely continue, except finish Fireproof first; it seems like it's drawing to a close anyways, and also do keep in mind that this may distract you from completing your main fanfic. But so far, it's pretty intriguing.

Slight typos include it's and its confusion, and one accidental concious , instead of conscious. (If you can't find them, try CTRL + F :) ) Also I was wondering, if you would consider my suggestion, to have an empty line after each paragraph? (Enter) But it's up to you, of course :P

Great start, waiting for more.
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The Norse Nerd
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-This is Borghild-

More plz ^_^

I don't ship Hiccstrid, deal with it (◡‿◡✿)


-Cancer Sun-
-Aries Moon-
-Virgo Ascendant-

Borghild Dragon Riders

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Night Fury

04 Aug 2014, 04:23
I think you should definitely continue, except finish Fireproof first; it seems like it's drawing to a close anyways, and also do keep in mind that this may distract you from completing your main fanfic. But so far, it's pretty intriguing.

Slight typos include it's and its confusion, and one accidental concious , instead of conscious. (If you can't find them, try CTRL + F :) ) Also I was wondering, if you would consider my suggestion, to have an empty line after each paragraph? (Enter) But it's up to you, of course :P

Great start, waiting for more.
Thanks for the help with typos. :D
The Norse Nerd
04 Aug 2014, 04:48
More plz ^_^

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Night Fury

Just posting my continuation of the prologue, as I wrote some more on Wordpad! Fireproof will be updated soon though! :D
Continuation of Prologue
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kyt, 18, she/her.

Great work!
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Night Fury

I have a compromise to suggest; every time I post a new chapter of this story, I'll post a new chapter of Fireproof too! Do you like that idea? :D
Anyway, here's Chapter One, as, once again, I wrote more on Wordpad! :D
Chapter One
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kyt, 18, she/her.

I like the idea! :)
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Night Fury

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Night Fury

Chapter Two
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