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Living the dream
Topic Started: 30 May 2016, 04:48 (1136 Views)
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Dragon Egg

Author’s note; Modern AU with dragons. They are 18 in this fic. I do not own HTTYD. I hope you like it, please leave reviews.
< Hiccup POV >
Hi, I am Henry ‘Hiccup’ Haddock. I am the only son of the great Mayor Stoick the Vast. Here on the always cold island of Berk we all have bonded dragons; well everyone apart from me. Sure I know the most about dragons, have even ridden a few Nadders; even though I am not permitted to do so and work at the dragon stables whilst everyone else attends to their daily dragon lessons. I have even learnt the dragon language; dragonise thanks to the many hours I spend in company with the dragons. I generally do think they are easier to understand than humans. I mean it’s not that I don’t have friends, I do just they are mostly dragons. Fishlegs would have to be the best human friend I have, he doesn’t bully me like Snotlout or the twins and he is a nerd like me. Snotlout is my ego filled cousin who loves to show off in front of everyone and point out how pathetic I am. He calls me ‘Hiccup the Useless’, yet he doesn’t even understand basic maths. Not to forget that he also physically attacks with his goons; Ruffnut and Tuffnut. I guess I can’t really explain them they are just nuts and will do anything Snotlout tells them to do. Meanwhile there is Astrid. The name itself means ‘divine beauty’ such a truthful representation of her, but I know that I don’t have a chance with her especially as she is currently dating Snotlout.
I find myself walking towards the stables to make sure all the dragons are doing well. Firstly, I feed Barf & Belch and Hookfang there Icelandic Cod before giving Stormfly her chicken and Meatlug her rocks. I then put on all there saddles and made sure they were ready to be flown out for their daily practise. A few minutes pass until Gobber arrives. “How is it all going Hiccup?”
“All done” I replied, as I finished cleaning Stormfly.
“Don’t forget to come to work this evening Hiccup, like last night”
“I won’t, hopefully”
Snotlout, the twins, Fishlegs and Astrid all arrived from their dragon lessons. “Hiccup did you clean Stormfly and feed her cod?” asked Astrid.
Oh god she is talking to me, I start to panic and mutter out, “I cleaned her, but I talked to her and she prefers chicken, so I gave her that.”
“Wait you can talk to dragons?” she asked suddenly looking at me as if I had two heads.
“Yep, I have been able to for my whole life. Was just born different I guess”
“Yeah that’s right you where weren’t you useless” said Snotlout in a threatening voice. Astrid then punched Snotlout on the arm before saying, “Why do you insist on calling him useless? I mean you’re hardly amazing yourself.” She said before telling Stormfly to fly home as she would be driving with all her school work.
Was Astrid Hofferson, the girl he dreamed about each night protecting him? I think she was. Oh thank Thor maybe my life will change for the better.
“Hey useless, don’t get any ideas about hitting on Astrid, not that she would go out with flesh on a stick!” retorted Snotlout. It wasn’t long before I found myself in my sports car and driving home. Whilst at home I did my homework and had dinner. I also found a note from my father saying that he is away on a business trip again; he’ll probably be gone for a couple of days. I then put on my jet black jacket and walked through the forest and towards The Forge. It was an old building with many different rooms. I had my own office and workbench. In there I design stuff and make prosthetic wings/tails for the dragons my mum works with in Africa. In the main room I fix any vehicles that come in whatever the size or shape.
I was working on the engine of one of my frequent client’s car and someone I knew pulled into the Forge.
< Astrid POV >
I am never letting anyone use my car again; especially not Ruffnut and Tuffnut! They only decided that it would be a good idea to try and use it for rally racing. As I was driving into the Forge to get my car fixed by Gobber, I notice someone familiar working underneath the car shirtless, although I don’t know who they are. There was this rumour a while ago that someone really good looking works in the Forge, but no one know who they were. Unlike Snotlout’s bulging muscles this bloke was rather tall and definitely has abs. He brushed his messy auburn hair out of his eyes and his eyes were just simply amazing. The dark green eyes reminded me of the forests that Stormfly and I have spent hours in training for the new dragon racers season. As he was cranking a bolt together my eyes made the way towards his biceps. Again they were not huge, but instead lean and compact. I must have been looking at this bloke to closely as I kept my foot on the gas and was slowly edging my car near to him. I took my foot off the gas and turned off my car. As I stepped out of my car, I noticed the mystery man get out from underneath the car and come and greet me.
< Hiccup POV >
I finished repairing there engine a slid myself out from underneath the car. I turned around only to see the beautiful Astrid and her car all muddy. She suddenly blurted, “You are the good looking guy that works here?”
I find myself turning a crimson red with embarrassment and say, “Hi Astrid… err hi Astrid. I’m not sure about the ‘good looking part’, but yeah I work here”
“Well you do look good there; do you work out or something?”
“No it’s just from working here and in the stables. So what’s err wrong with your car” I ask as I go to grab a shirt; noticing that I am still shirtless in front of my life-long crush.
“Well firstly it’s all dirty and the suspension has gone as well. It’s alright, you can stay shirtless; I like it it’s better than Snotlout being shirtless. Oh my axe could do with some sharpening as well.”
I again blush at her reply much to her amusement as she started to giggle. “Ok give me 20 minutes or so to fix this.” I reply.
“Thanks, well I am going to go for a run whilst you fix my car.” And with that the beautiful lady was gone. Right better fix the suspension first I thought to myself and again found myself underneath the car. After I had fixed that I washed it and returned the car back to its normal state. I then went to sharpen the axe she asked me to sharpen, as well as replaced the grip that was falling off and rebalanced the axe. I manged to have it all finished in under the 20 minutes.

< Astrid POV >
I left the forge and was about to start my daily run, when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I whipped it out and noticed I had a text from Ruffnut.
R: Where are you? Sorry about your car
A: At the Forge getting it fixed by the good looking guy.
R: Who is this good looking guy then?
A: You do know him but he is not who you think it is
R: Ok can you tell me who he is?
A: No. They wouldn’t like it.
I ran through the woods for 15 minutes before walking back to the Forge. I once again saw Hiccup shirtless as he worked under another car. He slid himself from underneath a car and gestured me to follow him through the garage. “So, I fixed the suspension as you asked. I also cleaned it and rebalanced your axe as well as sharpening. Now you should be able to throw the axe further as it is more adjusted to your height and have more accuracy.”
“Thanks, how much will it cost me?”
“Nothing, I’ll do it free of charge”
“Really?” he nodded in reply. “Thanks ever so much, in return I will try to get Snotlout and the twins from bullying you.”
“Thanks” he replied and with that I pulled myself into my now fixed car and started to drive away. However before I did I waved at him and let my eyes drift towards his stomach again and lower. No, Astrid don’t get too attached to him, he’s just a lanky boy with deep green eyes and muscle I thought, who I feel sorry for. I mean he has such a huge expectation of him, I mean he is nothing like the chief. The chief is well vast; I mean it’s in the name. I found myself drifting towards a comfortable sleep; dreaming about being happy and truly in love with someone. This someone reminded me of Hiccup; but it surely could never happen. I mean he’s Hiccup I could never fall in love with him.
< Hiccup POV >
“What are you smiling at Hiccup?” asked Gobber, my boss. He was the same age as my Dad; he is even my dad’s best friend. He had short blonde hair, moustache and was missing a couple of limbs.
“Err nothing”
“Don’t tell me that rubbish; I know that it has something to do with that woman who came in, doesn’t it?”
“It most certainly does not involve her.”
“It does I can see it in your eyes. Anyway enough of this; go home you excellent work as always.”
With that I left the forge and walked home through the forest. I could have sworn that I saw a dragon fly overhead; faster than the speed of sound, but I think I was just imaging it.
I got home and had dinner. I then went to bed; having the same dream I always have. It involves me flying a jet black dragon (that I have never seen before) and having a particular Hofferson girl in my arms as we fly around.
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