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The 'Types' of HttyD Fanfiction
Topic Started: 09 Jul 2016, 03:33 (4299 Views)
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Dunno what to say here.....

Well, well, well... *Sighs* Yeah, I'm stuck now.

BUT! What the title means- And yes, we are cutting straight into this- is what I define as 'types' of fanfictions in the How to train your Dragon fandom.

There are a LOT. BUT, these are the ones i can idenitfy and basically explain. If there's one that you feel should be here, or i missed, feel free to say so below. We're a community here, and that's important to me, so I love to hear from you guys!

Now. Some things i would like to say before i begin;

Any opinions i make in this, are SOLELY my own. If you like one over the other, that's totally and completely fine! Don't be disheartened.

Oh, and yes... *Laughing* I SHALL poke fun at some stereotypes and cliches here... But I'll save most of it, for another list.

Last thing! I will suggest some fanfics where i can here- and i want you all to note this; they are the ones i have read, from Fanfiction.Net. I am aware of 'Archive of our Own', 'WattPad', forums like this one, and so on, ecetera ecetera... But. I am not on those (yet). SO, if there is a story on one of those i haven't even HEARD of, that's why. Do tell me, if that's the case, though. AND. I do NOT read M rated fics, and if i do (which i shall not say, you can decide) i will not mention them- this is supposed to be a safe list.

WARNING: There MAY be spoilers involved here. Especially for two of these, although I'll keep all this spoiler free... And anything that is, shall be hidden.

Got it?

Right, let's go!

Dragonites, Fangirls, may i present to you, The Types of How to train your Dragon Fanfiction!

1. 'Hiccup Runs Away' AU

Ohhh, the classic. I'm sure almost EVERY HttyD author is familiar with this one. In my case, I am a horrible and huge sucker for it, and do so many of my own. Yes, it's hugely overused. Yes, it's directly a cliche and stereotypical type.

BUT, regardless, the beauty and love for this is simple; it's such a free and opportunity filled idea! This allows the author to bring in OCs, plot twists that can't be done normally (in a way), AND, at times, AU styles of Hiccup, such as badass!Hiccup, feral!Hiccup, and so on. This seems to be the centre and core for Hiccup x OC fanfics. So, if that's what you're looking for, i recommend checking one of these bad boys out... Or, you know, JUST TURN THE FILTER ON (i say this because of an idiot on there at one point... There's a filter for a reason... *Face-palms*). There are some seriously shiny gems in this lot... And some kinda crappy ones, no offense, newbie writers. Your stories are still awesome, I'm sure. ;)

If someone asked me to suggest one of these, there are three i would suggest checking out, and, like every other story on here, they ARE on Fanfiction.Net, and I'll go ahead and put a link down below if you want to check 'em out...

PS- The second one, I personally adore. It sparked my love for HttyD fanfics to the EXTREME. Oh... And i MAY be a little bias in the current day, since the author is my closest bestie on the internet... Yup. Also, THE SEQUEL is up! Whoo hoo!

-The Boy Behind The Mask- By IAmTheBrovahkiin. (Your OC x Hiccup ship there)
The Boy Behind The Mask- FFN

-Return Of The Dragon Rider- By QueenAurora.
Return Of The Dragon Rider- FFN

-Hitchups- By The Antic Repartee.
Hitchups- FFN

I won't lie- I've NEVER read the famous Hitchups... But pretty much every other Dragonite has, so... Yup.

From what i can tell, it is THE fanfiction that ignited the theme! That's pretty special.

2. Watching The Movie!

Now, this one... Well, this one is pretty simple. Something or someone- usually being an OC, or the author him/herself, shows up and transports Berk- and usually with the dragons- to watch HttyD, the movie/s (sometimes the sequel, or even the series), in a modern theatre.

On pretty much every occasion, it's pretty generic, starting when Stoick's hammer comes down on the ring in the Kill Ring scene. Usually, with a bright white flash.

Uh huh.

THIS is a prime stereotype and cliche fic.

Despite this, it is loved by a LOT of readers, myself included. BUT, it can get a bit repetitive after a while... So, if you write one, be sure to add some twists of SOME kind.

Most of the time, they are as follows-

-Hiccup and Toothless can communicate in one form or another.
-Hiccup is a girl/Astrid is a boy (fem!Hiccup/male!Astrid, you get the idea).
-Toothless can turn into a Human (human!Toothless).
-Valka joins them.

A recent one I've read (and still in the progress) actually brings Drago into the par... okay, maybe not a party, but you get what i mean.

There are SO MANY of these, and there are about four in progress on the archives, and that's just in recent months.

In other words- It is NOT hard to find one.

3. Hiccstrid Fanfictions- LET YOUR OTP RUN WILLDDDDD!!!

Now, i love me some Hiccstrid, but... I'm honestly not crazy over this type of story. And this, is for a number of reasons.

One- They tend to get REALLY predictable. I can't possibly say how many 'Hiccup proposing' fics i have read.

Two- Usually, the poor dragons are COMPLETELY thrown out the window, and Toothless becomes a literal piece of nothing, a mount to take Hiccup's date, HIS APPARENT EVERYTHING, and somehow NOT make Toothless miserable, cold, and lonely. And don't even START on how mistreated Stormfly is.

Three- Lost Personality (OOC). Now... This is nit-picking, when i take it into perspective. I won't touch on it much, but usually Astrid turns into FULL GIRL mode. It's kinda sad when you DON'T like this.

Personally, i think touches here and there of Hiccstrid is the best way to go. Don't focus it on the Hiccstrid...

But, who am i to judge? It's a fandom... A very shippy fandom, too.

As for story suggestions, I'm sure there are loads that completely avoid everything above. And unfortunately, a lot are probably M rated for respective reasons... And i don't read that... Stuff... So, i recommend turning to another for choices on this one. And, if not, there are definitely quite a few Hiccstrid content stories on this forum itself.

3. Modern AUs.

Alrighty, then. Modern AUs, you have probably heard of... If not, where have you been?! XD Just kidding, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Honestly, I'm not TOO huge on this one, either. A lot of them are Hiccstrid centred, and Toothless ans Stormfly just DON'T exist. I'm here for the dragons, and now for everything else, but i don't have any Hiccup plushies here (Dammit).... But Barf & Belch, Stormfly and Toothless? They're only a couple inches away. So yeah. There.

HOWEVER! They are pretty good, are modern AUs, if you ask me for a wide-scope opinion.

I enjoyed reading this Modern Adaptation of the first film- and it certainly sounds pretty accurate to what would happen in the modern world.

The dark, horrible and modern world...

*looks at all the fanfictions I've suggested* Why are they all T rated...? Yeah, i need to find some child-friendly stuff. Not everyone likes punching and blood. XD

-Welcome To My Life- By FullmetalShortStack.
Welcome To My Life- FFN

4. Movie/Series Adaptations.

Okay, do i even need to explain this one? It's as the title says. Usually, the author will insert a twist, such as talking Toothless, hybrid!Toothless, fem!Hiccup, and so on. OCs galore.

I haven't read a lot of these, and i can't even remember any of the ones i have, so... Yup.

OH! And, these usually are Modern AUs, as well.

5. 'Hiccup Raised By Dragons' AU

Now, this one isn't so much cliche or overused, but, you do see a few here and there.

Most of the time, it's the twist...
Minor Spoilers for HttyD 2.
Or, he is simply taken, and most of the time, this can lead to feral!Hiccup. Strange to think about, yes, but when played out right? It's a pretty sweet twist to have.

This one can be quite full of opportunity, and can be interesting, with a strong relationship between Hiccup and the dragons- oh, and, as a added bonus... This is usually another 'Hiccup returns' type of story, which is very similar to 'Hiccup runs away', which I'm sure you can figure out.

6. Shippings/OOC/AU/Certain Changes

You will see this a lot; and I have touched on it a little up above.

However, this time, it's completely intentional. It is usually associated with Hiccup and Toothless, with Astrid occasionally seeing a spot, too, but you get the rare exception at times.

Here are the ones I see most, and some of them, i love; and if i do, you get one of these next to it- <3

-Badass!Hiccup <3
-Hybrid!Hiccup/Toothless <3
-Human!Toothless/Dragon!Hiccup <3 (Sorta)
-Hiccup Runs Away!AU (Touched on previously) <3
-Hiccup Raised By Dragons!AU (Also noted previously)
-Hiccup!Whump (Because we love hurting our main character most) <3 <3 <3
-Fantasy AU (magic, fairy-tale, medieval, etc) <3
-Character Death (*Balling eyes out at all the tragic tragedy fics out there*)
-Transformation!Fic (usually being Human!Toothless/Dragon!Hiccup)

And some ships...

-Hiccstrid- Hiccup x Astrid (mah OTP)
-Toothcup- Toothless x Hiccup (..................................)
-Stalka- Valka x Stoick (other OTP)
-Heathlegs- Heather x Fishlegs (Newbie OTP, i don't care how popular it is, deal with it!)
-Stormless/Toothfly- Stormfly x Toothless (What is the official name here? OTP of dragons, right here.)
-Hiccup x OC, is just that.

7. Genre-Centred

Honestly, I'm not too sure how to describe this one.

What i mean, basically, is this- we get a Angst- genre story, and it's purely about angst. Pure family, pure friendship.

So, maybe this is what i should put under 'one genre stories'.

8. The Odd Ones

I think the title speaks for itself- this type is for the rare gems and oddities of the archives.

Whether it's crazy beyond belief, a huge twist, or completely unexpected, these are the ones that turn the tides and often draw a lot of attention, or, none at all.

Personally, i enjoy these types of stories. It's fresh, new, and usually quite a fun ride!

9. (Just to mention it) The... Lemons.....

If you don't know what i mean, you are most likely too young TO know. So don't. Save your childhood. Put on the filter.

10. One and Two Shots/Drabbles

Ah, the topic of how long a 'Drabble' is.

Officially, it seems as if it's described as 'a short literature made of 100 or less words' but the way i see it, as long as it's under a thousand words, it's a drabble. Above that, a One-Shot. Drabbles generally don't have a lot of plot, build-up, and are your standard moment. Nothing big.

A One-Shot, is as it says; a one, shot. One chapter. Length varies, but i find it's usually within 1500 or 3000 words, depending on the author's abilities and the story itself.

A Two-Shot consists of two parts, so two chapters, rather than one. Simple as that.

11. Crossovers

Ah, the Big Four.... Or... Whatever you like.

Basically, a crossover is where any fandom meets another, through themes, characters, plots, ecetera... And heck, the amount of them out there? It's crazy.

12. Any other Fanfiction.

So... Yeah, anything else sorta goes here. Don't have much else to say, so...

There. DONE.


Hope you enjoyed this! I do intend to do others, but this is it for now. Bye!


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[color=red]Dragon Pimp

(Replaces Smut with Lemons)

Don't forget the Epics genre
Such as the AMAZING "Champions" series by Kinkor the Knight

Or the "How a ____ became a _____" series by Aryea (even though that one got taken down :/, BUT it is archived somewhere I believe, I shall dig upon request)

I'd consider an EPIC genre something that is a massive story that when you read feels so expansive. Granted it could pair with a crossover (look below) but When I read the Champions series all I could think about was how it felt like a classic Greek Epic poem.

Crossover Genre:
Minor differences from AU. Basically if you mix Harry potter and HTTYD with both universes existing in full
(I don't read these but I have seen some Percy Jackson, HTTYD or a Skyrim HTTYD)
Favorite quote:

Another Favorite quote:
"How many times has this kid been struck by lightning?" -Hiccup on Snotlout from A View to a Skrill Part 1

Co-caster of @BerkCast and our YouTube and tumblr
Hiccup Impersonator
Tall guy
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Dunno what to say here.....

Hmm, never heard of the 'Epics' genre, so thanks for mentioning it! And yes, I'll go replace the s with the l. XD

Whoops! I completely forget about the crossovers!
Save the Earth... It's the only planet with donuts!

May the stars watch over you, the dragons roar at the sound of your name, and peace, love and the truth enlighten your heart forever,
May you stay true to your soul, mind and heart. Your choices, opinions and life are solely your own, give only the ones you hold dear to your heart your heart, and all your word. Make the right choices, and tread carefully, and live your life to its very fullest,
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[color=red]Dragon Pimp

This post has caused me to binge my favorite fanfics.

I too have never read Hitchups btw.

And I don't know if this falls under any of your categories but any fanfiction that isn't AU but is basically, well, stories. Like either guessing what may happen after Season 3 of RttE (anyone? plz I'd read it) or just adding more "filler" stories to what the riders could be doing between movies and tv episodes and such


Generic Category (kinda like 12 I guess)
Favorite quote:

Another Favorite quote:
"How many times has this kid been struck by lightning?" -Hiccup on Snotlout from A View to a Skrill Part 1

Co-caster of @BerkCast and our YouTube and tumblr
Hiccup Impersonator
Tall guy
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Night Fury

I think I might have invented a new type of HTTYD fanfiction. It's called "Hiccup Joins Drago". I'm writing the third chapter of it now; it's going to have a bit of Feral!Hiccup, and bascially the premise of it is that Hiccup joins Drago in the hopes of showing him the truth about dragons. There will also be some Evil!Hiccup as a result, and some Badass!Hiccup too.
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twelve days north of hopeless

*joins the "never read Hitchups" club"
I really love modern AUs for some reason. Not only pertaining to HTTYD, but also of any fandom. It's really interesting to see how authors incorporate elements of the original work that couldn't exist in modern times (such as dragons) by changing them slightly. For example, fics with Toothless as a wild animal such as a wolf or black panther are probably my favorites. Imight'vegottencarriedawaybutIjustlovemodernAU'simsorry <3

And Toothless123, that sounds really interesting. I don't think I've ever read a HTTYD fanfic quite like that before. :o
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I can't bring myself to delete the gifs sorry

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Dunno what to say here.....

11 Jul 2016, 07:48
*joins the "never read Hitchups" club"
I really love modern AUs for some reason. Not only pertaining to HTTYD, but also of any fandom. It's really interesting to see how authors incorporate elements of the original work that couldn't exist in modern times (such as dragons) by changing them slightly. For example, fics with Toothless as a wild animal such as a wolf or black panther are probably my favorites. Imight'vegottencarriedawaybutIjustlovemodernAU'simsorry <3

And Toothless123, that sounds really interesting. I don't think I've ever read a HTTYD fanfic quite like that before. :o
Yeah, I like those type of ones, too. As long as Toothless actually gets the love he deserves, I'm pretty cool with it. :)
Save the Earth... It's the only planet with donuts!

May the stars watch over you, the dragons roar at the sound of your name, and peace, love and the truth enlighten your heart forever,
May you stay true to your soul, mind and heart. Your choices, opinions and life are solely your own, give only the ones you hold dear to your heart your heart, and all your word. Make the right choices, and tread carefully, and live your life to its very fullest,
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First off, great guide!
09 Jul 2016, 07:33
One- They tend to get REALLY predictable. I can't possibly say how many 'Hiccup proposing' fics i have read.

Two- Usually, the poor dragons are COMPLETELY thrown out the window, and Toothless becomes a literal piece of nothing, a mount to take Hiccup's date, HIS APPARENT EVERYTHING, and somehow NOT make Toothless miserable, cold, and lonely. And don't even START on how mistreated Stormfly is.

Three- Lost Personality (OOC). Now... This is nit-picking, when i take it into perspective. I won't touch on it much, but usually Astrid turns into FULL GIRL mode. It's kinda sad when you DON'T like this.

Personally, i think touches here and there of Hiccstrid is the best way to go. Don't focus it on the Hiccstrid...

But, who am i to judge? It's a fandom... A very shippy fandom, too.
As much as I want to disagree. I have to agree haha! At least for the most part.

One- Yeahh. That's pretty true. At least for the few I have glanced over and not fully read. Though they can be interesting on occasion, a little flair or turn I did not expect, but that has become less and less common tbh.

Two- Ugghhhh. Yesss. I am solidly a Hiccstrid fan and that is my main interest in the story of the HTTYD series, but you CANT neglect the dragons. Especially Toothless, he has such a personality! They (the writers and animators) have done such a great job giving him his own life and character. It shouldn't be neglected. However, at the same time, they do focus on Hiccstrid, so I half expect the dragons to take a back seat by default... So those that do bring out the dragons characters, can be really great.

Three- I think change is inevitable and important in any character, but like you said, Astrid going full girl... no. Just no. It really isnt in her character at all. She can have her girly moments of course, however she is a strong character. She is a warrior at heart and that is how it should stay. At least IMO...

Personally... fandom, too. - I like the Hiccstrid focus, but that is just me. But like I said above, don't neglect the other characters. They're part of the story as a whole and really add depth to it.

Also, I would've said Epic's too, but someone beat me to it! Haha :D I have yet to find a good one though, but that is just me being lazy to read a long story. (I'm open to suggestions if anyone has them).
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Night Fury

11 Jul 2016, 07:48
And Toothless123, that sounds really interesting. I don't think I've ever read a HTTYD fanfic quite like that before. :o
Thank you! :D Here's the link to the first chapter if you're interested in reading the fanfiction! ^_^
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Dunno what to say here.....

15 Jul 2016, 05:54
First off, great guide!
09 Jul 2016, 07:33
One- They tend to get REALLY predictable. I can't possibly say how many 'Hiccup proposing' fics i have read.

Two- Usually, the poor dragons are COMPLETELY thrown out the window, and Toothless becomes a literal piece of nothing, a mount to take Hiccup's date, HIS APPARENT EVERYTHING, and somehow NOT make Toothless miserable, cold, and lonely. And don't even START on how mistreated Stormfly is.

Three- Lost Personality (OOC). Now... This is nit-picking, when i take it into perspective. I won't touch on it much, but usually Astrid turns into FULL GIRL mode. It's kinda sad when you DON'T like this.

Personally, i think touches here and there of Hiccstrid is the best way to go. Don't focus it on the Hiccstrid...

But, who am i to judge? It's a fandom... A very shippy fandom, too.
As much as I want to disagree. I have to agree haha! At least for the most part.

One- Yeahh. That's pretty true. At least for the few I have glanced over and not fully read. Though they can be interesting on occasion, a little flair or turn I did not expect, but that has become less and less common tbh.

Two- Ugghhhh. Yesss. I am solidly a Hiccstrid fan and that is my main interest in the story of the HTTYD series, but you CANT neglect the dragons. Especially Toothless, he has such a personality! They (the writers and animators) have done such a great job giving him his own life and character. It shouldn't be neglected. However, at the same time, they do focus on Hiccstrid, so I half expect the dragons to take a back seat by default... So those that do bring out the dragons characters, can be really great.

Three- I think change is inevitable and important in any character, but like you said, Astrid going full girl... no. Just no. It really isnt in her character at all. She can have her girly moments of course, however she is a strong character. She is a warrior at heart and that is how it should stay. At least IMO...

Personally... fandom, too. - I like the Hiccstrid focus, but that is just me. But like I said above, don't neglect the other characters. They're part of the story as a whole and really add depth to it.

Also, I would've said Epic's too, but someone beat me to it! Haha :D I have yet to find a good one though, but that is just me being lazy to read a long story. (I'm open to suggestions if anyone has them).

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback, and I intend to do more of these 'Top 10' lists about fanfics. ;)

And I think I need to read one of these 'Epic' stories... They sound like they might be some good.
Save the Earth... It's the only planet with donuts!

May the stars watch over you, the dragons roar at the sound of your name, and peace, love and the truth enlighten your heart forever,
May you stay true to your soul, mind and heart. Your choices, opinions and life are solely your own, give only the ones you hold dear to your heart your heart, and all your word. Make the right choices, and tread carefully, and live your life to its very fullest,
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