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Sister Dragon
Topic Started: 12 Jan 2017, 20:05 (8617 Views)
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Dragon Egg

Thanks! ^_^ Glad your enjoying it! :D
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Dragon Egg

Okay. So first things first. :( I apologize for not posting chap 3 sooner. I was having major
writer's block. I had already wrote a good portion of this story, but then I added a new
character,(aka, Aksel). So that kinda threw things off a bit, but I am happy to say that I am finally
getting chapter 3 done. So I won't delay you any longer. :) Here we go!

Chapter 3

The Queen

The queen closed her eyes and sighed happily as she rested inside her nest. The old dormant volcano
was so massive that the queen had room and to spare. Day light poured in from the opening in the top of the volcano's cone, creating a spotlight effect that left the rest of the space in shadows.
The opening was big enough that the queen would able to freely come and go from the nest for a few years still. 'It feels good to have a place to call home.' She thought. For many years, she searched high and low to find the perfect nest to call her own. When the queen first came to this island, she found it was everything she had been searching for and more. That's not to say it didn't have its problems. You see, She found it had an infestation of sorts, called Vikings. If that were not bad enough, a family of NightFuries also lived on the island. Some of them had even bonded deeply with the villagers. It was enough to make the Queen feel sick at her stomach! So, she did a little "cleaning" to get rid of those "problems" They were easy enough to get rid of, of course. And the queen had taken great care to make sure none of them survived. In fact, all that was left of those "pests", except for CrystalSpririt(which the nadder SwiftGlider just had to adopt), was a burned-to-the-ground village on the opposite side of the island. And No dragons ever dared to go there, for fear of the queens wrath. 'It's good to be Queen,' she thought as she closed her eyes and began drifting off to sleep.
"Great Queen," a voice hissed.
The queen eyes flew open and she raised her head to see who it was that dared to disturb her rest. "Ah, SilverSpine. To what do I owe the displeasure of this interruption?" the queen hissed.She tried to keep her voice calm and regal, but there was still hint of aggravation in her tone.
SilverSpine was a RazorWip that had been the head of the Queen's guard for several years now and he knew to tread lightly. So, he chose his next words carefully. After all, there was nothing worse than an angry queen. Especially, if you were the one she was angry with.
"My apologies, Great Queen." the silver RazorWhip replied, "but a young Monstrous Nightmare is asking to see you. He claims that he saw a Night Fury on the island."
The queen eyes narrowed. "Rubbish! We both know full well that there have not been any Night Furies on or near this island since I got rid of them long ago."
Again, SilverSpine chose his words carefully. "Yes, my Queen. This is exactly what I told the young Nightmare, BlackClaw."
The queen groaned in annoyance,"BlackClaw! I should have known! He never could resist a chance to annoy me." He Had often tried to win her favor, more or less as a way of bragging to the others of his so called "greatness". 'If I ever become as harsh as my mother was, I swear he shall be the first one I swallow' She thought.
"It would seem, my Queen, that he has brought proof to confirm what he says is true." SilverSpine's words pulled the queen from her thoughts. A scowl formed on her brows as she spoke, "What kind of proof?" SilverSpine took a step back as he replied, "I think, my Queen, it would be better if you saw it for yourself." The Queen nodded. "Send him in." The queens voice bummed through the nest as SilverSpine turned to fetch BlackClaw.
BlackClaw entered slowly. Sparky and Thunder slowly followed, dragging the still unconscious Aksel as they went. "BlackClaw, I was told that you have claimed to have seen a Night Fury and that you claim to have proof. Hear me well Nightmare, if this is One of your tricks you will quickly regret coming before me!" The queen growled. BlackClaw took a few steps back, before he spoke. "Great Queen, it is no trick. I have seen a NightFury and I fought bravely against him!" That last part was an obvious lie. 'If he had done that,' the Queen thought, 'then he would not be annoying me now.' BlackClaw stepped aside as Sparky and Thunder stepped forward and brought their "proof" and laid him at Queen's feet. "This is my proof, Great Queen." BlackClaw explained,"He was riding the Night Fury." BlackClaw beamed with pride as the Queen examined his "proof".
The queen's keen eyes inspected the boy in front of her. His hair was brown and messy and face was singed. He was wearing a simple Viking outfit consisting of A red short sleeved tunic with a brown leather vest, dark brown pants and brown boots. Just then, The queen noticed a shiny black scale on the boy's tunic. 'NightFury' she thought, 'he must speak at least some truth.'
"SilverSpine," the queen called. "Yes my queen?" He replied. "Put this boy in the hole and place two of your best dragons to guard him. And then fetch RamHorn and StealClaw. Our friend here may be telling the truth and I want my best tracking dragons on this immediately." SiverSpine nodded,"Yes, my Queen." Then he quickly turned and did as the Queen had instructed.


SilverSpine grabbed Aksel by his tunic and took him back out of the main dome of the volcano and down a long corridor to large cavern. Situated In the middle of the cavern floor was large deep pit.
Aksel was finally begging to wake as SliverSpine dropped him down into his new prison. "Huh? What are you.....Ahhh!" Aksel screamed as he fell. He hit the ground with a thud and then rolled across the damp dirt floor. Aksel sat up and tried to look around. It was dark, REALLY dark. He could just barely make out the lone figure of a dragon standing at the edge of the....'wait, am I in a pit?' Aksel stood up and looked again at the dragon standing above him. "What is going on?" He asked in dragoneese, then he suddenly realized NightWind was not with him. "And what have you done with NightWind!" He demanded. SilverSpine answered in a gruff tone, "You have are in the Queens nest. You are here because you were caught trespassing on the queen's island. As for your ....."little friend", I have no doubt that he will be joining you shortly." With that SilverSpine turned to leave. Aksel grew angry. NightWind was more than just his "little friend", much, much more and he knew he had to set the record straight. "He's not my "little friend", he's my brother!"
SilverSpine froze at the familiar term. His mind raced and he was transported back, way back, to a time before the queen. To time when life was good and he was free. To a time when he too had had... a brother. SilverSpine shook the old memories from his mind. That was a long time ago. He had the queen to worry about now. Still, something had "awakened" in him. Perhaps, after all these years, he still had....hope. SilverSpine again tried to shake the thoughts from his mind. He had seen what the queen was capable of and the destruction she had left behind. No, it was simply not possible. There was no way that.....maybe.....No. He had to shake these thoughts. If those NightFuries failed all those years ago to stop the queen, how could just one make a difference now.
SilverSpine walked back through the corridor and motioned for two young Nadders to come and guard the boy. Then he made his way out of the nest. Once outside, he spread his wings and took to the air. His mind was still racing, but he just shrugged it off. After all, he still had things to do and the queen would not wait forever.

[b/] Alright guys, there's chapter 3. Fully edited and fixed of all mistakes, I think. Anyway, it should be much, much better now.Also I apologize for the previous crazy messiness of this chapter.I also promise to never again try to write while being so tired I am literally falling asleep standing up! Lol
P.s. No joke, My face nearly crashed into the computer screen twice at work the other day, when I started this. Thanks for reading it. Enjoy! :D [/b]
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Aphmau is the best!

I still hate BlackClaw, but this is good so far!
"You can kill me once, but you can't kill me twice." - Luna Rainclaw
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Dragon Egg

:( Guys, this just to let you know that I am putting this story on hold for a while.
I am dealing with some family stuff and i just won't be able to spend any time on it.
I will finish it, just not for a while.

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Dragon Egg

:D Hey guys! I know it's been awhile, but I have decided to start working on this story again.
I am not sure when the next chapter will go up, but hopefully it will be soon! ;)
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