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Superhero Dragon Riders!
Topic Started: 27 Jun 2019, 20:44 (30933 Views)
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Female Winged Wonder

Over on a small inlet near Berserker Island, the same strange phenomenon was happening. One moment, everything was peaceful and quiet (only because the inlet was just far enough away from Berserker Island where the constant chaos didn't affect it's atmosphere), and the next, a portal opened up in the sky.

It was strangely peaceful, more like water rippling through the blue sky, and would probably have sounded peaceful too, if not for the screaming of those who fell through.

First through the portal was a reddish-brown mutt, with scaly black-and-red dragon wings. She screamed, but the sound ended abruptly with a loud crunch as she hit the ground.

Behind her, a yellowish form followed. A golden retriever with similar wings plunged, and landed right on top of the mongrel.

Behind him was a brown-and-black mutt, then a silvery wolf-like dog, then a greyhound, followed by a rottweiler, and finally, a huge English Mastiff. It was not comfortable for any of them.

"Mammoth! Get off, you're crushing everyone!" The greyhound snapped, even more irritable than usual.

"Oh sure, put all the blame on me!" The mastiff grumbled as he worked his way off of the stack of dragondogs. "Winston was right under me, and he's not much lighter!" He gestured to the rottweiler he had just left behind on top of the stack.

Winston grumbled as well, but said nothing as he worked his way off the jumble of legs, wings, and tails.

The gray wolf-dog jumped off next, whimpering at the greyhound.

"Yeah, I'm good Sabertooth," the greyhound reassured him, "I'm sure my bones will heal in no time."

"You okay little bro?" Winston asked, glancing at the brown-and-black mutt.

"I'm alive, but I agree with Browneyes," he replied, gesturing to the greyhound with his muzzle. "I'm going to feel that tomorrow, for sure."

"Et tu, Muttley?" Mammoth growled.

"Be nice, guys. It's not like anyone's seriously hurt," the golden retriever said, as he stood up.

"Says the one who wasn't on the bottom," the brown mutt said, glaring at him.

"I was on top of you. Not much better, Laura," he growled back.

"Hey hey, can we put aside the petty arguments? Where the heck are we? And why did we just fall through a portal? Come on Quinn, Laura, you two are the alpha leaders, you should be telling us this, not the other way around!" Winston barked. The dragondogs always spoke in dog whenever they were in a strange place, although they could all speak human English, but they decided to leave their wings hanging close to their sides, in case a quick getaway was needed.

"All right, all right, you're right," Laura grudgingly conceded, stretching out her muscles and trying to sort out her sore bones.

"Well, I mean, we are dragondogs. Warping worlds is what we do," Quinn pointed out.

"Yeah, but usually on our own terms," Muttley whimpered, getting nervous.

"Okay, hold on, lemme see if I have an idea of where we are," Laura said, spreading her wings.

"Lemme know if you see any food, too," Mammoth called out.

"One thing at a time, Mammoth-breath," Browneyes smirked.

"Hey, it's the dragon world," Laura called down.

"You sure?" Winston asked.

"I've been here a lot, I'm sure. Berserker Island is just over there. C'mon, let's see if my old friends have an idea of what's going on," Laura called down.

The other dragondogs stretched their wings, and then took off, following Laura.

Before they could get too far, the portal reopened, and, almost as an afterthought, spluttered out a gray and white bundle. The disgruntled cat managed to angle herself and land on her feet.

"Of course, she gets a good landing," Mammoth grumbled.

"Hey Parsley, nice of you to join the party," Laura chuckled, swooping around to grab the only non-dragondog of the gang.

"What's going on?" Parsley yowled. Unlike the dragondogs, she was not a hybrid, just pure cat, with no special powers, and could only speak in animal dialect.

"That's what we're going to find out, Parse. C'mon," Laura replied, as the cat worked her way onto Laura's neck.
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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(Nice! You wrote even more of a novel than me lool.

Btw @Light Fury when are we actually starting? Whenever Toothless posts some setting briefs? Also when it comes to adding characters do you want them all added near the start or can we add a few in the middle, etc.?)
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Light Fury
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Cape Starling

(Yep, after Toothless posts. Also, mid-story intros are perfectly fine!)

Brother in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings.
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(replying after work fully but just so I know are the dragons still on Berk or the Hidden World?)
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

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(Berk, this is set between HTTYD 2 and HTTYD 3.)
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28 Jun 2019, 18:25
(Berk, this is set between HTTYD 2 and HTTYD 3.)
(Thanks! now I can set up Toothless the way I want xD)

In the darkness of the night, on top a roof, sat a sleek black night fury. He was staring at the stars, watching, for he could've sworn he heard something. He scanned the sky, the stars shining. He could wake his rider for a late night flight, but there were chiefly duties to attend to, which meant Alpha duties for Toothless. He turned to go back into the house, when he heard it again.

Did it have anything to do with the shadow things they'd seen earlier that day?

Suddenly, another shadow thing appeared, a green glowing thing falling through it. Right after, something else falling through behind. Toothless glanced back at the house, hoping his rider and friend wouldn't worry in the day time, he lept to the ground, running towards the cove.

Should he have woken up Hiccup again? After the day they'd had... morning would come soon. He should be back by then. Maybe, they could get to the bottom of whatever this was. Something or someone was out there, and he wasn't about to let their village, - their home, be attacked again.


That dumb time machine Teen hero Kim Possible grumbled as she and Shego- her arch foe's sidekick, fell through yet another time hole. She landed hard on grass, while the other women, landed into a pond of water.

The two had been fighting, trying to grab whatever device Dr. Drakken was trying to steal next. In the process, they were sent in time, back to who knows where... er when.

"Wade?" Kim looked at her Kimunicator watch.


"No signal..." She looked around, "Where are we?"

Shego emerged from the water soaking wet. "Who cares" She rolled her eyes. Her hands started to glow, green. "You and I have some -"

She was cut off by the sound of a loud roar.

"What did Drakken send us back to the dinosaurs?"

"My Kimmunicator's not working. Neither is my phone..." She wandered around, not bothering to engage Shego. Her priority at this moment, was finding out where they were, who if anyone else was here, and how would they get back home, with the time machine, on the other side. She turned to see Shego walking away. "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere away from here. Kimmy" She said with a flick/wave of her hand, going in the opposite direction, deeper in to the forest. Unknown to her, she was headed towards wild untrained dragons.

(sorry it's kinda short and awful, got a super busy night and my minds not all there but I wanted to get this up!)
Last edited by ToothlessNightFury on 01 Jul 2019, 16:59, edited 1 time in total.
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

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(I like it! But I gotta ask is this supposed to take place a little before or after the intro? Since in the intro Toothless wakes up Hiccup and they both go outside. Then again, Light Fury probably won't mind that you changed it up a bit so.... xD)
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Light Fury
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Cape Starling

(Minor retcon I guess. Is fine. Toothless wakes Hiccup up as they scramble toward to the forest)

Brother in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings.
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(Okay. So, uh, we gonna start now? I'm excited to start putting some of my plans into action. xD)
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Light Fury
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Cape Starling

(yes. I'll write out the next bit soon and post)

Brother in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings.
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