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"He's Not the Only One" AU
Topic Started: 11 Jan 2020, 23:40 (44881 Views)
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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

Meanwhile, in the Great Hall the trial was being started back up again after Hiccup had to tell the crowd (specifically the twins) several times that they did not have enough information to execute the prisoner just yet. When he turned back to the prisoner Hiccup could see the uneasiness written all over his face. He couldn't blame Ottar, the twins had made the crowd a little too excited for an execution. "What do you mean Grimmel is the reason you have your dragon?" he asked.
"What I meant by that was I saved Venomjaw from Grimmel," Ottar explained.
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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

"Yeah, sure," Ruffnut scoffed.
Before Ottar could counter the doors of the Great Hall flung open and with a squawk in flew Stormfly. She dropped something on the ground and then landed.
Hiccup instantly noticed Astrid was not in Stormfly's saddle. He rushed over to her and patted her head, "Where's Astrid, girl?" he asked. Stormfly's face was relaxed which eased Hiccup's mind a bit.
Ottar was equally as worried, if Astrid wasn't with her dragon then where was Venomjaw? He had no way of finding out.
Hiccup glanced down at the floor to see what Stormfly had dropped and to his surprise a boy was sprawled out on the floor! "Um, hello?" Hiccup said inquiringly.
Cadell sat up rubbing his head.
Stormfly growled and threatened him with her spiked tail. "Easy girl," Hiccup murmured. Then Toothless came running up to the newcomer growling as well, "What's gotten into you, bud?" Hiccup exclaimed holding Toothless back and casting a suspicious glance at the stranger.
Cadell looked around at all the Vikings and dragons watching him. He felt half his size.
"Tie him up!" a voice cried out. Hiccup looked in the direction of the voice to see Ruffnut, once again standing on the table, "Then we can have a double trial!" She glanced down at Ottar and then grinned at her brother and said quietly, "and possibly a double execution."
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Dragonrider's Fury
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"Yeah, double execution!" Tuff exclaimed excitedly, albeit quietly. "Me likey," he smirked.
Astrid watched her Stormfly take off, heading back toward the Great Hall, then turned and set off once more down the path. Upon reaching the edge of the village proper, she took one of the spare torches hanging on the wall of the armory, and, igniting it from one of the already-burning torches, continued toward the center of New Berk.
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

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Scribe of Berk

Hiccup heard him. "No," he said forcefully, not just to Tuffnut but to the whole crowd. "As I keep saying, there will be no executions. We'll ask the captive a few things first, and from that, I'll decide what to do with him. Who wants to question this prisoner?"
"I will." Magin stood up from his chair. "He'll be scared of me," he added, smiling to show that he was joking.
Even so, Hiccup was slightly frightened of the teenager. There was a lot that Magin and Lucretia hadn't told him — they'd only mentioned the barest details — but from the familiar way that they handled weapons, he knew that they'd been trained as warriors, and they were probably very skilled ones, too. He suspected that it had something to do with the strange tattoo that they both had on the back of their neck, and he certainly didn't want to face either of them in a fight.
Hiccup nodded. "Okay."
With his leather-gloved hand, Magin removed the knife from his belt — Hiccup had allowed him to keep the blade, having explained that he and Lucretia were guests on his island, not prisoners — and walked over to the captive, who somebody had already tied up. As he drew closer, he saw that the prisoner wasn't a man, but not much more than a boy, maybe a couple of years older than Magin. A green tunic covered his short, skinny body, yet he had the lean muscles of someone raised as a soldier, and he wore a brooch on his chest with an odd symbol, like a dragon — he recognised it as a Monstrous Nightmare, the same species as Hookfang — being run through by a sword.
Magin grabbed a fistful of the captive's red hair — which flopped in front of his face, almost obscuring his bright green eyes — and snarled into his ear, "Who are you?"
Books are like dragons... if we do not believe in them, and read them, they will cease to exist.
How then will we learn the language and understand the stories of the dear dead ghosts of the past?

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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

"My name is Cadell," he said as calmly as he could while staring into his interrogator's deep blue eyes to show that he was not afraid of him. The black haired boy was stooping a bit so that he was on the same level as Cadell because--despite looking a little younger than him--the boy was a considerable bit taller. His face was angular in shape, he had olive colored skin, and his jawline was sharp; he looked like a warrior, and certainly acted like one too. Cadell could tell something black was on the back of his neck but couldn't make out what it was because of the way he was positioned. The boy didn't appear to be from anywhere near this place and this was confirmed by his strange accent. It was like nothing Cadell had ever heard before; clearly Drago had not yet conquered the land he was from.
Cadell figured he should stick to the same story he had told the girl with the Nadder, lest she come back and find him contradicting himself. "I am one of Grimmel the Grisly's hunters." he sighed, trying to make himself sound believable. He then glanced around the room to see the responses to this statement.
The man who had first spoken to Cadell--the chief, he presumed--gave him a looked half of concern and half of disbelief.
At the other end of the Great Hall a tall brown haired man tied up in a chair had turned ghostly pale and had the look of ingrained fear mixed with shock pasted on his face.
A burly Viking--the one who had tied Cadell up and taken his dagger-- had his mouth hanging open.
The rest of the crowd started whispering among themselves.
"Quiet," Hiccup called out after a moment, "Continue," he told Magin.
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Scribe of Berk

Still gripping Cadell's hair, Magin held the blade of his dagger against the boy's throat with his other hand. "Grimmel is dead," he growled. "Hiccup defeated him and he drowned in the sea. If you're lying to me..."
"I'm not, I swear it on the gods," Cadell insisted, who was managing to stay remarkably calm despite the situation he was in.
"Tell me why you're here, and I'll decide if I believe you or not."
Cadell didn't respond, thinking for a few moments, but he eventually spoke. "He told me that there was a Night Fury on this island."
The crowd started talking again, and Toothless snarled. He would have advanced on the boy if Hiccup hadn't stopped him. "It's okay, bud," he murmured softly, and in a louder tone, he told the Berkians to be quiet again.
"May I continue? I'm giving you the answers you want, aren't I?" Cadell asked the chieftain.
"Watch your mouth," Magin warned.
The boy ignored him. "Anyway, as I was about to say before I was interrupted—"
Magin pressed the knife deeper into his neck. Not enough to draw any blood; just to ensure that he remembered his manners.
"I was instructed to travel here, locate the Night Fury, capture it and return to Grimmel with the dragon for its execution," Cadell said.
Everyone was silent. Then Ottar spoke. "About that... did your master kill all the Night Furies except Toothless, or are there more?" he inquired.
Books are like dragons... if we do not believe in them, and read them, they will cease to exist.
How then will we learn the language and understand the stories of the dear dead ghosts of the past?

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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

Cadell's brow furrowed. Why would this man be asking such an obvious question? "Well," he paused, "yes, of course he killed all the Night Furies."
"Hm," Ottar muttered. He looked out over the crowd, "He's lying."
Cadell felt his stomach drop.
"And how do you know this?" Hiccup asked, "Grimmel himself told me he had wiped out the entire Night Fury population."
Ottar chuckled, "If there's anything Grimmel liked more than hunting Night Furies it was bragging about his kills, whether what he was saying was strictly true or not. As I mentioned before, Grimmel came from a long line of Night Fury killers. I bet he never told you that, did he?"
"Well, no," Hiccup admitted.
"You do remember that Night Furies are the unholy offsprings of lightning and death itself, correct?" Ottar asked, "Do you really think a few generations of men could kill off one of the most feared dragon species alive? Grimmel wanted to make it seem like he had accomplished this huge feat so he made himself well known; whereas his ancestors preferred to work in secret.
I'd also bet he made it seem like he worked alone, didn't he?"
"Yes," Hiccup murmured.
"Again, he liked to brag. In reality he had hunters working for him; he only allowed people who were close to the family to work for him, of course, otherwise his bluff might be revealed."
"But," Hiccup interrupted, "as I asked before, how do you know all of this?"
Ottar sighed, "I suppose you would've found out eventually anyways. Let's just put it this way, Tuffnut was partially correct. I used to work for Grimmel. But that's behind me now, and it's been behind me for years."
There was silence.
Hiccup broke the silence, "So you say there are other Night Furies?"
Ottar nodded.
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Dragonrider's Fury
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(Aaaaaand, random scenecut! Because it was a good time for one, duh. Don't ask such pointless questions. )
Meanwhile, Astrid had reached the dragon-feeding stations in the center of the village. As she scanned the multitudinous dragons clustered around, it came into her mind that, in flickering torchlight, the dragons, even very familiar ones, truly did look fearsome. Was it any wonder that all those years ago, for so long, they had battled? She shook that thought away; she had a job to do.

A good quarter-hour later, after squeezing among and sometimes climbing over dragons of all shapes and sizes, the light from her torch fell upon a tusk, quite removed from the the rest of the group. Moving nearer, she found Ottar's Deathgripper, Venomjaw, sitting entirely alone, with naught but a few fish. Forcing back the repulsion she felt as she regarded this creature designed for killing and eating dragons, she stepped closer.
"H-hey there, Venomjaw."
The dragon turned his head to look at her. She was stuck by how sad he looked. Wondering why, and why he only had a few fish to eat, she turned and made her way to the nearest fish trough, Venomjaw following.

As they came closer, the dragons that were feeding there looked up, and began growling. A few paces more, and Astrid had to quickly dive out of the way of a flurry of spines and a blast of flame. Venomjaw was not fast enough to dodge, but his armor plating kept him unhurt. He let out a sad moan and began slowly retreating. Astrid stopped him, and paced determinedly forward. The other dragons turned distrustful eyes on both of them. As the two drew nearer, the other dragons snapped and growled, then fled.

Although she was sad to see that the dragons evidently all distrusted Venomjaw, Astrid was happy that he could at least get enough to eat. Turning, she made her way back to the Great Hall, wondering how the trial was progressing.
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

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Awesome Secret Odin 2019 GIFt set from Inhonoredglory. Thanks a ton! :-D
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Scribe of Berk

Magin had his dagger against Cadell's throat again. "So," he said. "If you're not one of Grimmel's hunters, who do you actually work for? And don't lie."
"I serve Drago Bludvist. He arrived in my village when I was ten years old. My people thought he was trying to invade us and prepared to fight, but after he explained that he would stop the dragon attacks on the village, our chieftain quickly surrendered. In exchange for his help, Drago took some of our people as soldiers for his army, and I was one of the boys that he chose."
Even though he disliked Cadell, Magin couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. He knew what it was to be taken from his family and forced to serve a man who had complete power over him. The truth was that he had more in common with him than he wanted to admit. Perhaps he disliked Cadell because he saw himself in him, Magin realised.
Cadell hadn't wanted to give the information away. If Drago found out that he'd told anybody — and he would eventually — it would mean a slow, agonising death. But at the same time, Magin would have killed him if he'd refused to say anything. And he had no doubt that the boy — including the tall blonde girl with green eyes — knew how to end someone's life.

(I'm glad that I mentioned Lucretia. I should try to have more parts in her perspective. :))
Books are like dragons... if we do not believe in them, and read them, they will cease to exist.
How then will we learn the language and understand the stories of the dear dead ghosts of the past?

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Dragonrider's Fury
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Astrid reentered the Great Hall to find the tall, blue-eyed boy -Magin, she recalled- with his dagger at the new captive's throat. Alarmed, she shoved through the crowd until she reached Hiccup.
"Hiccup! What's going on here?!" she demanded under her breath, hoping only Hiccup would hear.
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Team Pathetic Banner

Awesome Secret Odin 2019 GIFt set from Inhonoredglory. Thanks a ton! :-D
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