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"He's Not the Only One" AU
Topic Started: 27 Feb 2020, 14:05 (45424 Views)
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Scribe of Berk

Drago looked at Magin. "Do you know about this?"
Magin took a deep breath, trying to calm down. He forced himself to meet the man's eyes, even though every part of him wanted to look away. "I'm not from this place," he said. "There aren't any dragons in the Astican Empire. I'd never seen one until I accidentally travelled to the Archipelago with my friend Lucretia, using a ship that we'd stolen."
"Why did you steal a ship?" one of the hunters questioned.
"I was trying to escape with her." He turned around and pulled down the collar of his tunic so his raven tattoo was visible, desperately not wanting to do it, but knowing that one of the men would eventually see it anyway. "From our owner, Corvus. He bought us when we were five, and we were trained as challengers for the last ten years."
The blond hunter — the one who had helped Cadell to capture Magin — spoke to Drago. "He's an excellent warrior, sir. I saw that for myself. You might be able to put him and his girlfriend to good use in your arena. There haven't been any human fighters for a while — only dragons — and I'm sure they would give the crowd a good show."
Magin felt his blood freeze to ice.
Drago smiled cruelly. "For once in your life, boy, you're right. Take them."
Immediately, his men walked over to Magin and Lucretia. They tried to fight as they were blindfolded by the hunters, but Magin was still practically helpless because of the Deathgripper venom, and the soldier holding Lucretia was three times her size.
After they had gone, one of the remaining men glanced at Ottar, still standing before Drago. "What should we do with that one, sir?" he asked.
Books are like dragons... if we do not believe in them, and read them, they will cease to exist.
How then will we learn the language and understand the stories of the dear dead ghosts of the past?

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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

Ottar tried to act calm but his eyes once again betrayed him. If such a fate awaited Magin and Lucretia--people who had absolutely nothing to do with this war until yesterday--what kind of horror was around the corner for him?
"Take him to a cell," Drago ordered, "I have plans for him."
A hunter grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him away.
Drago then turned to Cadell, "Get me in touch with Grimmel."
Cadell nodded and fled the room.
Hiccup urged Toothless into the skies. The Riders were about to fly after the ship when Hiccup spotted something in the distance. "Hold up," he said, "you guys see that?" He pointed to a dark speck flying towards the island.
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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

"Yep," Fishlegs said, "What should we do about it? If we wait to see what it is we could lose the ship."
Hiccup thought for a moment. "We'll have to split up. Fishlegs, take Snotlout and the twin and go after the ship. Astrid and I will stay here and find out who or what that is. Stormfly should be able to track you guys down afterward."
So Meatlug, Hookfang, Barf, and Belch took off after the ship while Toothless and Stormfly flew towards the thing in the sky.
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Dragonrider's Fury
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Drawing closer, Astrid asked, "Is that a dragon? What kind is it?"
As they flew after the ship, Tuffnut asked, "So, uh, do we have like a plan or something, or are we just gonna fly straight into a horde of Dragon Hunters who hate us and want to kill us?"
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

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Awesome Secret Odin 2019 GIFt set from Inhonoredglory. Thanks a ton! :-D
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"Looks like it," Hiccup answered Astrid's first question. He squinted in an attempt to get a better look at the dragon but to no avail.
"Well," Fishlegs said, "I think if we just follow it from a safe distance we'll be fine until Hiccup gets here. I'm sure he has a plan."
"So, what you're saying is you have absolutely no clue what you're doing and need a real leader to take charge," Snotlout smirked, "Someone like me!"
"No," Fishlegs sighed, "I know what I'm doing."
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To rider, it felt like they had been flying for hours, searching the skies for any sign of land or ships. He was starting to fall asleep, Eira however was in her element. The skies were her home. And with being raised by the dragons, she grew up here. Flying, listening to the sounds around her.

Shadow stopped abruptly. Eira picked up on the sudden change. She'd found something. Using an echoing roar, Shadow searched the skies. The people of Eira's island called it a locator of sorts. The sudden stop woke Rider

"wha?" Before he was fully awake Shadow was nose diving to the ground, stopping suddenly when a green island came into view.

"Dragons" Eira whispered. She surveyed the island, from above, nothing looked dangerous, but she was cautious noticing people, riding the dragons, possibly look up at them.

"Fly closer." There was something about the one dragon, the black one that reminded her of home.

"Eira are you sure about this?" Rider asked looking down. "The last time -"

"They came to My island" Eira stopped him, "This time, we are going to theirs. We can flee if they try to capture our dragons. And Remember, who can understand dragon's best?"

Rider rolled his eyes behind her back, he knew not to get in the middle of Eira and the dragons but her experience with humans hadn't always been the best, especially outsiders like he had once been.

Shadow flew them higher, to circle around the two humans and dragons. Something about this dragon... "he's an Alpha" Se told Eira "just like your father had been before the hunters attacked." She wanted to signal that they meant no harm, so she let out a roar before landing like Eira had said.

"Land at the docks" She told Shadow, she'd been around humans enough to learn that sometimes, things were best discussed on land... and not with plummeting the person (Rider) into the ocean to get information, and if this dragon was an Alpha, maybe she had more in common with these humans than most others.

To Toothless, seeing another dragon... almost like him was... strange. Something was different about this one. And where would this human with the light hair and strange markings on her clothing be from? He eyed them, watching as they flew around and headed for the land. He would've used his abilities on her, to keep her from flying too close had he not thought he heard the dragon roaring to the human. Surly she didn't understand that?

He roared up in questioning at Hiccup, wanting to follow, he needed to know more about these two.
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

"C'mon bud," Hiccup urged Toothless towards the docks where the strange new dragon and its riders were landing. Toothless eagerly obliged, he was obviously curious about the newcomers. As was Hiccup, it wasn't every day new dragon riders came to New Berk.
Toothless landed on the dock a minute later. After getting off Toothless' saddle Hiccup took a step towards the visitors. "Hi," he said, "I am Chief Hiccup of New Berk, and this is Toothless, he gestured to his dragon. Pointing behind his back he continued, "That's Astrid and her dragon Stormfly. So, who are you?"
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Eira slowly got off Shadow's back, Rider behind her, hand gripped on his sword -Just in case. With the humans off her back Shadow gave a small bow, in respect for the Alpha.

Eira, having grown accustomed to doing so herself also did so as she introduced herself, "I am Eira, Queen of Ahtohallan." She gestured to the man beside her, "And this is Rider, the leader of my guards and my betrothed." She let out a hand to Toothless walking right passed Hiccup, and spoke to him in dragon. "And this is Shadow, my dear Alpha.

A human speaking dragon? Toothless' eyes widened as Eira bent down to his level and he cautiously approached her reached out hand. Sniffing it, he sensed no danger, and nuzzled against her hand. He roared in dragon, Eira understanding this as "You speak dragon?"

"Yes I do! I come from an Island filled with them" Eira responded to Toothless, almost forgetting the others were there, until Rider cleared his throat. Eira looked up, and stood up, brushing off her skirt. "Sorry" She said with a sheepish smile as she returned to Rider's side. "We come seeking assistance, Chief Hiccup of New Berk." Her voice when speaking was soft, and kind. "Your people are friends of dragons I assume?" She had walked over to Stormfly, reaching a hand up to pet the beautiful blue dragon, it was clear she felt comfortable around dragons, maybe more so than humans. She paused her reach, "May I pet your dragon?" She asked Astrid, before continuing to reach up to the dragon being in the castle the last year and a half she'd learned some manners at least.

"Ahtohallan is home to many dragons, our tribe, or kingdom as some call it live with the dragons." Rider explained "With out ones like Shadow here -" He gestured to the dark dragon behind him, who had her attention focused on Toothless, the two were roaring about something, he assumed. "Our home would've been over taken by Skrills and Speed Stingers, and more lethal dragons that roam the forests. We have..." he eyed Eira, "faced a great tragedy back home. Maybe one too many..."

"Our dragons are in danger" Eira stepped in, "It is a long story," she turned to Shadow speaking in dragon, "Signal the ships. I feel we can trust New Berk," then returned to speaking with Hiccup and Astrid, "Our ships carry both men and dragon, we were trying not to alert any hunters, I do apologize for the inconvenience, but might I ask that we talk I am sensing you have had a run in with some trouble yourselves."

Are you... a Night Fury?" Shadow asked looking at Toothless, "How are you alive? I thought... only few were left... and that they were all on the island..."

"How can your human speak dragon?" Toothless asked the dragon named Shadow, "You're a Night Fury? But you don't look like one? I have lived on Berk for the last several years..." He looked over to Hiccup, giving him a sort of nuzzle with a purr.

"Eira was raised by dragons" Shadow told Toothless, "before... well... it is a long story" But she didn't have time to finish. She apologized to Toothless before taking to the air, sending out two shots in the direction of their ship.

Toothless looked at Hiccup and gave a roar at him, with a look that said exactly what his roar did "Please?"
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

"What is it, bud?" Hiccup questioned. He glanced up at Eira's dragon, then back at Toothless, and down at his automatic tail fin, giving a nod of approval. Then he turned back to Eira, "Of course we can talk, it's not an inconvenience at all. And, you're right, we did, in fact, just have a run in with dragon hunters."
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Dragonrider's Fury
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Astrid looked a little uncertain, but deciding she could trust Toothless' judgement, nodded in answer to this newcomer, Eira's, request. "Of course," she said, the slight hesitance not going unnoticed. "Stormfly loves attention, as long as your hands aren't dirty." She smiled, then became serious again. "I wonder how the others are doing?"
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

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Awesome Secret Odin 2019 GIFt set from Inhonoredglory. Thanks a ton! :-D
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