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Defenders of the Archipelago (Recruitment)
Topic Started: 09 Apr 2014, 22:14 (4041 Views)
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The Skrill of all Skrills...

NOTE: Please don't have this confused with Toothless's roleplay, mine is more focused on the creating your own tribe and battling.

Okay now I have that out of the way, here it is. This roleplay is very action based and will have many fast paced battles (comment wise). You create 2 characters, one good one evil. They can be arch nemesis or they can just be off doing their own thing.

1. Keeping to the general Forumvine rules.
2. No flaming or abuse to other role players.
3. Please try to keep yourself from excessively posting.
4. In reference to rule above, in this topic you can only make no more than two posts in a row. (Meaning that you can post 2 posts in a row, if you comment, then someone else comments then you comment again, then that is not considered in a row.)

Roleplay Rules:
1. Please no overpowered characters Like Toothless (sorry not sorry)
2. No magic powers. Please keep things logical.
3. If you plan to create your own dragon please keep the naming of it to sound like how Dreamworks would name one. (Eg NO NAMES LIKE: goblin mouth, snow fury, ice dragon YOU CAN HAVE NAMES LIKE: Tideflyer, Skirmisher, Shattertail, Monstrous Nightmare)
4. Don't make your character always escape harm, that just isn't how life works.
5. The villains ARE ALLOWED to win, good does not always triumph over evil.
6. when you are not talking in character, please state so.
7. Sorry but to keep it somewhat canon, no Night Furies.

This is your character's rank. Choose from one of these.
-Chief- Your character should be over 20 years of age, your character is the chief of the village.
-Blacksmith- Your character is a blacksmith.
-Dragon Trainer- Your character is part of the dragon training group in your tribe.
-Scout- Your character patrols the sky, seeking out enemies.
-Citizen- Your character is a normal Viking.
(Make up your own rank if you want)

This is how you format your applications:

Character Name: Your character's FULL NAME please.
Tribe: It is preferred that you create your own tribe, but you can join other players tribes or have yourself part of the Hooligans, Outcasts etc.
Character Story/Description:
Tribe Description & Location:
Faction: You can choose either good or evil, but if you choose evil, your other character must be good.
Archenemy: (optional)
Dragon Name:
Dragon Species: You are allowed to create your own, but it is preferred for you to have a p existing dragon.
Dragon Story/Description:
Dragon Abilities: ONLY if you are creating a new dragon.
Extra Notes: (optional)

Villain applications are mostly the same. REMEMBER you must make a hero AND villain character.

We will not start role playing until we get a few people on. I will notify you when we start.

There will be a point in the story where all our good characters meet, and all our bad characters meet. The good make an alliance with the other good and the bad make alliances with the other villains.
Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!

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The Skrill of all Skrills...

Mine is...

Character Name: Jonakrson Lufric
Gender: Male
Age: 14 (current timeline)
Tribe: Icebreakers

Character Story/Description: Jonakrson has VERY dark brown eyes and black hair. He used to be the village artist when he was only 10. It was during the dragon war times and the other vikings always asked him to draw them grotesquely killing a Nadder or stabbing a Changewing so that they could hang it on their wall of 'proudness'. When the news came from the trained dragons the village seemed to accept the idea. After a meeting with Stoick, the chief of the Shivering Shores (Olaf the Forever Freezing) rocked up upon the Icebreaker's shore. Stoick had told Olaf how to train dragons and he in return told the Icebreakers how to. So from then, Jonakrson went off to find a dragon...

Tribe Description/Location: Icebreaker Island is situated on the Meridian of Misery but more north-so than Berk. It is an icy island and barely sees any warmth. The northern part of Icebreaker Island is so cold that some of the sea actually froze over. The eastern and south westerly parts of the island have steep cliffs that drop off from a tundra plateau. Snaer Peak is the highest point of the island.

Faction: Good
Archenemy: Fishlegs (not really archenemy, more of a friendly rival. Jonakrson and Fishlegs compete in dragon knowledge competitions)
Rank: Dragon Trainer

Dragon Name: Static
Dragon Species: Skrill

Dragon Story/Description: Static is a Skrill that has slightly heavier purple markings. Static was found frozen in ice by Jonakrson (Icebreaker Island is very cold so ice is prominent) at Odin's Cave. Jonakrson though of it as a chance to get a dragon. So, after a painstakingly long time spent trying to dig it out, Jonakrson did it. He went to his uncle Sven's house to ask for his Timberjack to melt the ice so he could get the Skrill out. The Timberjack, reluctantly, thawed the Skrill. Through the mist the Skrill snapped out at Jonakrson. He aggresively roared at him and tried to attack. Luckily, Jonakrson came well prepared, he brought out some sheep mutton and fed it to the Skrill, knowing that sheep were its food of choice. Jonakrson trained the Skrill and named it Static. So that Static could still fire without electricuting Jonakrson, Jonakrson attached metal chains to the Static's neck spike and put the other end on Static's frill, so the electricity would redirect past Jonakrson. He also made a suit made almost fully out of material that were bad conductors of lightning.


Character Name: Tyren Hakson (Tyren the Relentless)
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Tribe: Hysterics

Character Story/Description: Tyren is a shaggy haired man with a belly as large as Stoick's. He was a largely respected chief, but lost out when the village was overrun with dragons. He did not kill a single dragon that night, because of the Spectre Phantom. The dragon sprays ink which, if touched, makes you delusional and scared. Tyren was on hiding during the attack. People though of him as a coward. So he stepped down. When the trained dragons story emerged, the Hysterics followed with the flow. Soon the entirety of the Hysteric Isle was crawling with friendly dragons. Tyren owned a Nightmare named Firestorm, but guilt overwhelmed him when he accidentally killed his own dragon during a leisure flight. Firestorm wasn't listening to Tyren and Tyren got so mad he hit the dragon with his bludgeon causing the dragon to die and Tyren to fall into the ocean where he was rescued by a group of Hooligans...

Tribe Description/Location: The Hysteric Isle is located to the SE of Berk. Despite the name, they are not Hysterical or crazy. The Isle is made up of two large islands, opposite to each other. A majority of the land is made up of vast mountain saddles and gorges.

Faction: Bad
Archenemy: Himself (lol)
Rank: Former Chief turned Citizen.

Dragon Name: Formerly Firestorm. Currently Fearwing.
Dragon Species: Formerly Monstrous Nightmare. Currently- Spectre Phantom

Dragon Story/Description: Tyren found Fearwing while out in the woods. It approached him and prepared to fire his ink. But instead Tyren struck fear into him instead by staring at him right in the eyes. Fearwing submitted and since then Fearwing has been his dragon. He and Tyren go around, letting people experience the same thing Tyren did.

Dragon Abilities: Electromagnetic areas in the tail allow it to move metal objects without touching them, sprays a fear ink.
Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!

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im just kinda here well occasionally

(May I join? And do my two characters have to be a rider and dragon or can I make two riders and their dragons?)

Character Name: Jaykala Kalana (usually called Jay)
Gender: Female
Age: About 15
Tribe: Skyfliers (eh not good at names)
Character Story/Description: In her tribe, people and dragons are friends from birth/hatching. She and her dragon, Ika, are even closer friends than most. Very bubbly, open personality, but if you threaten her or her friends and family she and Ika will rip you apart.
Looks: Tall, green eyes, long straight black hair.
Tribe Description & Location: A tribe of people who have dragon friends from birth/hatching. They live on a very mountainous island, in caves near the tops of the mountains.
Faction: Good
Archenemy: Her tribe's archenemy is the Burrowers, but she personally doesn't have an archenemy. Neither does Ika
Rank: Rider
Dragon Name: Ika
Dragon Gender: Female
Dragon Age: About 15. The same as Jay
Dragon Species: Deadly Nadder.
Dragon Story/Description: Grew up with Jay. She is very protective of her rider and of her family and friends.
Dragon Looks: Purple except for small green speckles all over her body that are densest on the underside of her wings and look like she's covered in tiny stars.
Dragon Abilities: You probably know the Deadly Nadder's abilities...
Extra Notes: I like to roleplay both the rider and dragon a lot. There have been times I've roleplayed a dragon more than its rider.

Character Name: Hexin
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Tribe: Burrowers
Character Story/Description: Insane and weak-minded - his dragon, Crater, calls all the shots.
Tribe Description & Location: They live underground and only come aboveground to keep watch and occasionally go to other islands. They hate anyone who's not evil, especially the Skyfliers.
Looks: Tall and thin, looks very crazy.
Faction: Evil.
Archenemy: Every Skyflier ever.
Rank: Chief
Dragon Name: Crater
Dragon Gender: Male
Dragon Age: 24
Dragon Species: Whispering Death
Dragon Story/Description: The real leader of the Burrowers, as he's the power behind Hexin's metaphorical throne. Cunning and completely evil.
Dragon Abilities: You may or may not know what the Whispering Death's abilities are but I'm too lazy to describe them here.
Extra Notes: I will probably fail at playing these characters in an evil way and Hexin at least will probably end up being comic relief.

hi im réka
im developing a mildly unhealthy obsession with obiwan kenobi (more like obiwan kenoBAE am i right)
my personal tumblr is ninja-stop
im also writing a fantasy/humor novel called RESET which i won nanowrimo 2015 with i have a writing tumblr for it if you wanna check that out
yeah thats it this probably isnt what should go in a signature but w/e
i have 2 pet buns
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Monstrous Nightmare

<---- Looks: Green eyes, black agililetic body.
Island: Night island
Rider: None
Clan: Warriors of the Night
Gender: Female
Faction: Neutral
Rank: Seeker
Dragon Name:Aurora Borealis (Call her Aurora)
Dragon Species: Night Fury
Dragon Story/Description:
Aurora is in an ancient Night Fury clan. located 50 miles west from Berk. She seeks other Night Furies for her dwindling clan. She has no mate, and may hurt humans who come too close. if you are careful, a human might be able to come close. She may seem a bit wound up in her work, but if you get to know her, she is a softie. Her weaknesses are inability to judge an evil character, her ambition to run off and her youth.

(May I do one character if it's neutral, I don't really want two.)
What should I write on my signature? Hmm...
I am a Httyd, Gravity Falls and Portal (One and two) fan.
I'm also a bookworm and an introvert.
That was pretty random, but that's me summed up in two sentences.
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The Skrill of all Skrills...

Okay accepted! Just waiting for a few more people to join. Also, Aurora, yes you can and Midkip the character is rider and dragon. Hope this clears things up!
Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!

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The Puppeteer
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[color=#003b6f]"Beware the man who speaks in hands"

I think I'm gonna join this one! :P

Character Name: Hunter Vitur Drengur (or Hunter The Insane, as you may prefer)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Tribe: Stormheads

Character Story/Description: Hunter is a very curious boy and has his eyes always on the sky, always thinking about what's out there, past the clouds. He's a blacksmith in training and a very creative inventor, creating things that should be impossible to exist in a viking era. His life has a lot of downs, with the death of his parents when he was just six years old and the death of many people that liked him. He wasn't like the others vikings in his village, he loved dragons and was always befriending dragons in secret, learning a lot about them as the time passes. Has a curly black hair and black eyes. He's tall and his weight is average.

Tribe Description/Location: Stormhead Island is the place where lightning always hits in the same place... ten times in a row. Yep, one of the worst islands to live on. One of Hunter's ideas was to use an iron rod around the top of the mountain, now called "Stormy Peak". Life there was always the worst and the best at the same time for most of the villagers. It's located to the south of Berk.

Faction: Neutral
Archenemy: None
Rank: Dragon Trainer

Dragon Name: Stormrider
Dragon Species: Skrill

Dragon Story/Description: Stormrider was just a baby when Hunter found him.. He was being hidden and protected by the body of his mother that had died in one of the raids that happened around the village. His body is in a light mixture of blue and green.. Why? No one knows. Even his mother was dark purple and black! His eyes have a faint yellowish glow, a beauty! Hunter had made an iron armor and a non-conductive suit to ride Stormrider. Why does he has an iron armor? Because when lightning hits the armor, the energy travels around the armor, not inside it! Charging Stormy and protecting Hunter. The non-conductive suit that Hunter wears is placed before the iron armor, to protect from small energy sparks.


Character Name: Hitter Bogul
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Tribe: Sáluhjálp

Character Story/Description: Hitter is just one of the most rock-headed viking out there, always trying to capture all dragons to make them work for him. He's always trying to conquer the world, but is always beaten up by someone that no one knows about. He was headed to Stormhead Island when the lightning "forcefield" stopped him from going further. He has a moustache, round blue eyes and thick eyebrows.

Tribe Description/Location: Sáluhjálp is the "center" of the merchant route, always rescuing them because of the bad ocean around there. The best thing around there is the minerals. Lots and lots of every kind of metal a blacksmith would ever want. A good weather and a big village with people that fights by the side of Hitter.

Faction: Bad
Archenemy: Thunderhead the Great (Chief of the Stormheads)
Rank: Chief

Dragon Name: Black Death
Dragon Species: Monstrous Nightmare

Dragon Story/Description: Hitter was getting his fourth lot of dragons to his side when he captured that Mostrous Nightmare, a pure black one. He thought that now was the time to get one of the dragons to be his ride when he started to conquer the world.. But he didn't knew how to do it without asking for help to Alvin, a outcast from Outcast Island that knew how to tame the "beasts". Black Death eyes are around a deep yellow tone with a touch of dark green.

Dragon Abilities: Black Cloud, a shot of the darkish napalm-like Monstrous Nightmare fire that isn't lighten up until it starts to look like a dark mass in the air, and after it's lighten up it explodes, leaving a dense, poisonous dark cloud.
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The Skrill of all Skrills...

Accepted! Mudkip and Aurora, very sorry but night furies aren't allowed. This is because many people will choose them and also to keep it somewhat canon.
Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!

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The Skrill of all Skrills...

I've created a main thread so we can start role playing! Wait patiently first. I am setting thngs up!

Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!

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im just kinda here well occasionally

(I changed my form to Deadly Nadder.)
hi im réka
im developing a mildly unhealthy obsession with obiwan kenobi (more like obiwan kenoBAE am i right)
my personal tumblr is ninja-stop
im also writing a fantasy/humor novel called RESET which i won nanowrimo 2015 with i have a writing tumblr for it if you wanna check that out
yeah thats it this probably isnt what should go in a signature but w/e
i have 2 pet buns
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I hope these are okay (they are a bit long)
"There is Freedom waiting for you
On the breezes of the sky
And you ask 'What if I fall?'
'Oh but my darling,
what if you fly'..."

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