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Superhero Dragon Riders!
Topic Started: 29 Jun 2019, 08:33 (30154 Views)
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Light Fury
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Cape Starling

"Toothless! Where are you?" Hiccup called.

There was no answer. Hiccup knew that Toothless had most likely gone to investigate. After all, the night was his domain.

As Hiccup and Astrid made their way to Valka's house, they were joined by Snotlout, Ruff and Tuff and a very out-of-breath Fishlegs. Valka was already rushing toward Hiccup and Co with Cloudjumper.

"Hey mom, have you ever seen anything like this before?" Hiccup enquired.

"In all my years and travels, never have I come across something like this. But, I have heard rumours. Whispers in the shadows from the most untrustworthy of sources. Tales of men who dressed and spoke strangely. Many performing acts of pure of witchcraft. Monsters more fearsome than the deadliest of dragons. Many a man mistook these for the Gods. Those who survived their encounters were banished for fear they'd gone mad. I had thought these tales to be a myth. Now, I'm not so sure. We must be careful Hiccup. I do not know what we're up against, but I can feel the wheels of Fate turning. One thing is certain. There are more of these strange projections elsewhere," Valka replied with worry.

"Ok. The most important thing we need right now is to get more information. Mom, can you scout the air with Cloudjumper? You know what you need to do if you find anything. Astrid and I will find Toothless and do a bit of scouting on our own. Snotlout, Ruff and Tuff, prepare the village defences. Fishlegs, see if you can find any reference to something like this in the archives. And while you're at it, send Terror Mail to Dagur, Alvin, Mala and Atali. I have a strange feeling that this has happened there too," Hiccup commanded.

In their haste to prepare the village, no one noticed a white blur approaching from moonrise.

Brother in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings.
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Light Fury
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Cape Starling

(broadly speaking, the dimensionally misplaced characters will be found by the vikings where they've been dropped. IDK if y'all want to do like lines of conversation and action now that it has officially started [new people are welcome to join, just LMK first], and do a Christopher Nolan style thing where we change islands fairly frequently? Suggestions are welcome)

Brother in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings.
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(Yeah, I assume you mean focusing on the events on one island then focusing on the events of another, etc. which sounds good to me. I guess we're focusing on Berk first?

Btw I like, totally didn't realize it was supposed to be nighttime until I read Toothless' post and actually thought about the original post looool. Oh well, guess I may go back and slightly reword a couple of things. xD)
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Light Fury
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Cape Starling

(XD yes, that's what I'm thinking. And yeah, Berk first.

Eh, is fine XD. I didn't notice that you hadn't noticed. No biggie)

Brother in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings.
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The night was dark...not that Shadow minded, he was a creature of the night, his very large eyes and mostly dark coloration being a testament to that fact.

Searching the forest on foot had so far been as fruitless when it came to finding clues as to how he got here as flying over it. The only thing that he had found that was of slight interest was the occasional wild dragon that had fled as soon as he had locked eyes with them. He snorted. Cowards.

At least the forest itself was rather nice. He decided that he liked this place, perhaps he could make a "vacation den" (as Amicus affectionately called them) here. He had spotted some caves on the tall mountains and sea stacks on his brief flight over the isle that would be good candidates for one.

He was drawn from his thoughts as he noticed a certain, familiar scent. He had noticed it rather quickly after he had gotten over the initial shock of waking up mid-air over a place he'd never seen before, but it had been too faint to properly make out.

It was that of a Night Fury, because of course there had to be another Fury here.

He hissed, fur and quills bristling. Even though he was quite sure he could win in a confrontation, he had no desire to get into a silly battle over territory or dominance with another Fury. Making the decision to head away from the scent, it wasn't long before he came across a small stream. He was quite thirsty, so he walked closer to investigate.

Thankfully, it did appear to be clean enough to drink. Lowering himself onto all fours, he began to do just that as he took in the surrounding area.

(The life of an intimidating, demi-god like creature that can mess around with time-space itself and is part Night Fury (an already very feared species) is a lonely one. I imagine a lot of dragons, humans, etc. are terrified of Shadow even if they're unaware of his true power because they can sense that he's not just some super rare Fury variant or whatever lol.

Also Shadow having "vacation dens" in areas he likes is totally a thing. xD

Anyway Shadow likes forests, and he likes Berk's forests so far. There's not much to expand on when it comes to this post. Hope I did okay on the writing and everything!)
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Light Fury
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Cape Starling

(I love it. Thoughts on a forbidden friendship style interaction between Hiccup and Shadow? Except Shadow breaks it off in the middle)

Brother in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings.
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(Yes, I'd be all for "Local toothpick tries to befriend mysterious, dangerous creature in the woods like he has before but fails (at least for now)". xD Forbidden Friendship is just such a great scene omg, here's a link to it because you got me watching it again: https://youtu.be/I5JHOYmfPpo

Anyway yeah I could see Shadow doing something like that, he's very suspicious of humans and it's very hard for even dragons to gain his trust, so even if he's curious at first one wrong move and he's outta there and since he has all his fins and everything he can just fly away unlike Toothless.)
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Light Fury
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Cape Starling

(Hehehe nice. IKR!?)

Brother in arms of the forgotten disaster branch, Saturn Starlings.
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