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Can you relate to Hiccup?
Topic Started: 29 Aug 2014, 12:39 (4870 Views)
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Terrible Terror

As far as myself, I wish I had as much ingenuity as Hiccup. Sometimes I like to think I'm like him in that I have few friends and nobody listens to me but deep down I know I can do something great if I "can only try". I think this is why I love this franchise so much. To think that a small, weak Viking that nobody listens to could do all that he's done. He changed his world for the better with so little, it's amazing. I draw so much inspiration from hiccup and someday I hope to change the world for the better too. Thanks for making this topic!
"Hiccup what you're looking for isn't out there. It's in here, maybe you just don't see it yet."
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Dragon Egg

I guess I could relate to the younger hiccup..

When i was younger and in junior school, i was an outcast. It seems like im was the only one who was picked at and ridiculed by the other students. The would make fun of my name, my race (im asian, one of the few in a school with a larger hispanic/latino population). All i would normally do to protect myself from harm's way is stay with the wood shop teacher either draw pictures of cars, planes, any transportation things, and dragons rather then to go outside and face ridicule. I would also tinker with the school computers learning about their specs, or I would be at the school library reading up on aviation which is my main passion.

the students who came around my drawings i forgotten in class would deface them, adding stupid immature things like d**ks on my stuff and ruin them. ;(

In High School, it was a little better, things calmed down and i was able to have a small group of friends who sorta supported me, but i still feel they resented my existence. I helped design and built 2 Solar powered canoes for the 2010 and 2012 solar club (which i was a part of, we didn't get the funding in 2011 :/). I was also an after school 'intern' at the school wood shop, I help make clocks and wooden pens for some side cash. I also helped silk-screen print shirts for the wood shop teacher (as a side 'under the table' job. for that $$$) I still drew a lot in class, especially HTTYD stuff :)

At home (even though i have no workshop) i would try to macgyver up new toys (ie: i built a crappy trailer out of a broken truck chassis, tape, some sticks from a game (i forgotten what the game was) for my toy freightliner truck so i could have a tractor-trailer lol, :$ or build new models with Lego. and yes. i actually do have a bed that is just a wooden box, with literally only a thin layer of cushioning/bedding. I HATE MY CHINESE MADE BED but its so comfortable at times lol.

Today, in college i have made more friends who are STEM majors like myself, I help with their computers and earn an bit of cash from doing so and people actually do respect me more. I am very tech savy, i could tell what parts you have and state if the computer is capable of certain tasks and what not, like a typical person on /r/buildapc lol

In a sense, yeah. i really do relate to hiccup, i feel like when i saw the move in late March 2010 in theaters, i was watching a 1.45 hour mirror about myself. (without the dragons or a girlfriend or a best friend lol).

I see hiccup being ridiculed, i see myself being ridiculed.
I see hiccup's catapult launcher, I see myself with the Solar Canoe.
I see hiccup being an apprentice for Gobber, I see myself working for my high school's woodshop.
I see hiccup building toothless tail, I see myself fixing peoples computers.
I see hiccup reading the Book of Dragons, I see myself reading the "Big Book of Airplanes" by Caroline Bingham. (the first airplane book i have ever looked at; Gotten me hooked up with aviation, and i still have my copy :) )
I see hiccup drawing in his little sketchbook, I see myself drawing in my Sketchbook.
I see hiccup arguing with Stoick, I see myself arguing with my Father. (<-please don't ask. this is very personal.)

In fact, its kinda scary to see how very closely i am to younger hiccup. this is really starting to scare me.

Sorry for the TLDR stuff.

I guess now i think about it, I loved HTTYD not just because of its charm, story, and music, it was because I related to hiccup in so many ways. i see myself in the situations/scenarios similar to that of hiccup's.
"Size unknown, speed unknown. Unholy offspring of lighting and death itself. What else would you like to know about me?" ^_^

"..." :hiccup:
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Terrible Terror

Oh, how can I relate to Hiccup. In so many ways.

We both have brown hair.

I was an outcast all through high school. They made fun of my nickname, that I was short for my age (I looked like a 12 year old even though I was much older), that I am a virgin, don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. People say I'll enjoy looking this young when I'm older and I hate it when they say that because they don't know me or my thoughts.

My relationship with my dad is similar to Hiccup's relationship with his, but Hiccup's relationship with his dad has improved, while the relationship with mine hasn't.

I'm an outcast in my family.

I feel like I'll never be good enough for my dad (and mom)

The only friend I have is in Florida.

And I was born three months early.
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My only master is the free wind

Oh boy, where do I begin?

Okay, bullet points time:
1) Both of our names start with H
2) We are both akward
3) We are both sarcastic(He has a lot of comebacks I could see myself use in some conversations/if I was in his situation)
4) We are both social outcasts. Right down to the point we are not even acting like a typical guy in our culture(For example, everyone ADORES the local music while I despise it because it's all depressing an repetitive. Everyone will like a bad movie with no plot because of its effects, I will say it's bad because I'm looking for plot. Every joke someone will tell you is a 6 joke, I will tell you a joke that's(Hopefully) witty and has a punch... The list goes on)
5) Even though I have great freinds who I will replace with nothing, my best friend is still my dog.
6) My dog acts a lot like Toothless. The scene in the second movie, where Hiccup and Toothless are "fighting" after the rough landing, that's me and my dog; one for one(With the exeption of him lifting me like that, that's not possible).
7) My dad will usually say something I do(Like playing video games or being on the internet a lot) is not good for me and that it's pointless. Then I will use some knowledge I have from said pass times to help him, a family member, a friend of his; and he will be all proud of me.
8) We both have a somewhat nazily voice that people like to imitate(Which I usually respond to by saying "I don't sound like that")
9) I was kinda bullied in junior high, but this was because these a**holes were jealos(That's what I got from how they acted), Hiccup was bullied because he was kind of useless
10) I will try and shake off responibillity, but if I'm given one that I can't avoid, I will take it fully
11) Gets annoyed when no one listens to me, and then it turns out that if they did listen, everything will be better.

That was a lot... Man, writing all of these down made me realise how much we are simillar
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I can't relate as much as other people, but I do have a similar sense of sarcasm.

I'm much too immature in general to draw any other similarities, the heroic stuff he does is much different to what I would've tried to do given that I would be in the same situation. :P And yeah I too would've tried to shake responsibilities quite a bit, even a bit more than what Hiccup did, I hate responsibility.
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twelve days north of hopeless

I don't really have many things, but here are the ones I do have:
- sarcasm, deadpan humor
- I feel like people don't understand me, or ignore me because I have my own opinions.

That's pretty much it.
I can't really compare myself to Hiccup because in certain situations (like while confronting Drago), I probably would've attacked the man instead of trying to reason with him. Ehhh, I don't know.
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I can't bring myself to delete the gifs sorry

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My avatar just got 20% Cooler

All i can relate is :
I'm left-handed and sarcasm. Was often bullied but now almost everyone befriends me.
Ninety-nine buckets of fireworms on the wall, ninety-nine buckets of worms! Take one down, pass it around, you got ninety-eight buckets of fireworms on the wall....................... Forty-one buckets of fireworms on the wall, forty-one buckets of worms! Take one down, pass it around, you got forty buckets of fireworms on the wall..........- one bucket of worms! Take one down, pass it around, you got zero buckets of fireworms on the waaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll.
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Reading all of the stories from everyone and me included. It's amazing to realize how one movie can relate to so many people with their lives, and their family lives.
So many of us can understand what hiccup went through in the first movie.
Plus it brought so many of us together to this site.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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27 Sep 2014, 09:06
Reading all of the stories from everyone and me included. It's amazing to realize how one movie can relate to so many people with their lives, and their family lives.
So many of us can understand what hiccup went through in the first movie.
Plus it brought so many of us together to this site.
Well this is kind of a poll bias, most of the people on this site will have related to Hiccup which adds to a lot of the likability of the movie. :P
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[color=blue]Shut up, Mokuba!

As a matter of fact, yes I can.

1) Both of us have had childbirth issues. Hiccup was a premature baby, while I came out in a very awkward position, requiring cesarean.

2) Both of us are stuck with being underweight

3) I was frequently bullied when I was younger because I was quiet, weak, and spent all my free time drawing and reading instead of playing football with everyone else. Then I started working out. I still consider myself a nerd, though :p

4) I sometimes have that nasal voice he has, especially in the morning

5) We're both interested in foreign languages.

6) My left leg is a little bad, after a rock climbing accident a while back

7) Both of us have supposedly heroic lineage. I did some research and found that [url=http:// http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lim_Bo_Seng]this guy is my great grand uncle [/url]
Did anybody else notice my signature has shrunk?
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