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If Disney made HTTYD...
Topic Started: 05 Sep 2014, 15:23 (9594 Views)
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Night Fury

03 Sep 2014, 11:54
03 Sep 2014, 11:53
03 Sep 2014, 11:36
The thing I love about Toothless is that he is able to say a thousand words with his expressions and character - he doesn't need to say that he's annoyed with Hiccup, or scream audibly while they fall through the air, or shout at Hiccup to leave him alone. He says it all without speaking. And it is so much better that way.
It's not just the dragons that do that- the humans do too. Yet another reason why I love this beautiful franchise. :'(
Ohh definitely! They take every detail into account. Take the candle flicker when the lightning strikes in the first film. Everything is in-depth and you feel immersed in the franchise.
I don't think many other films are like that... <3
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Well it looks good because it's natural, sometimes expressions mean more than words so why not use more of them. Especially for Hiccup and Toothless, it defines a significant part of their humour/personality.
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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

I don't know if anyone's said this, but Hiccup almost dies, and Toothless's 'true love' bring him back.

i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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Dragon Egg

In the first movie, when Toothless fires at the Terror trying to steal his fish, Hiccup starts singing a song called "Everything we know about you". In the second movie Hiccup immediately convinces Drago how the dragons are nice creatures and how wrong is what he does. The entire scene will ends with the gang and Drago's army dancing and singing something like "Violent no more"
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Dragon Rider ~ Peace Keeper

No music would be without cheesy lyrics. Such as Romantic Flight, Test Drive, and New Tail. Jonsi would be out of the picture. Instead, Hiccup would be the one singing. He would also be voiced my another person because Jay's awkward teenage voice, although PERFECT for Hiccup, wouldn't be "good enough" for Disney because he may not be able to sing. Also, the cover of the Book of Dragons would have A113 written in runes on it. Every girl would look alike, enormous eyes and all. How tp Train your Dragon would be so awkward because it's set in a very tough, stubborn island and that's the opposite of how Disney would put it. Disney would make it colorful and very detailed, even if that's not historically accurate. There would be more focus on Hiccup and Astrid's relationship. Astrid never disliked him, she probably joined him in the dragon training. Stoick would be evil and Valka would definitely be dead. Stoick would most-likely die and Hiccup and Astrid would have that Hiccstrid kiss from the second movie happen in the first. Toothless would not be the only Night Fury and he would be able to talk. And at the end, Hiccup and Astrid would get married and so would Toothless and a female Night Fury. The characters would be between the ages of 18 and 21. Every quote that we Dragon Riders cherish today would've been a song, such as, "Thank you for Nothing you Useless Reptile", "I saw myself", "My name's Hiccup", "Welcome to Dragon Training", and so much more. The movie would be so awkward and dumb that there wouldn't even be a sequel and that I think, is the worst part of all! Also, I realize that many are under the influence that a true-love's kiss will make Hiccup's leg grow back, but the truth is, Hiccup would never have lost his foot in the first place. Hiccup lives on a land of dragons and Vikings and dangerous things, but Disney would've kid-ified it. HTTYD would no longer be a four-quadrant film. It would only be aimed towards kids, probably girls a little more than boys. Now, here's the REAL question: What if DreamWorks made Frozen? 8)
"It's all good and well to call yourself a dragon, BUT CAN YOU FLY?" ~Hiccup
"You are a heaping piece of dragon --" ~Astrid
"Get 'em you Son-of-an-Eret!" ~Ruffnut
"WILL STOP ME ON MY JOUuurrrnn-ey. Sorry." ~Gobber
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Most inactive ass in the fandom

06 Sep 2014, 15:17
Now, here's the REAL question: What if DreamWorks made Frozen? 8)
Thats a really good question xD
It would be a better movie, I think... Olaf wouldn't talk, not so many songs and Anna would die... maybe
Yes, I ship Dagur and Hiccup.

I apologize for cringy posts I made some years ago
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Night Fury

I want Anna to die! :P
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To a person who's never seen Frozen, that sounds horrible. :P
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kyt, 18, she/her.

Truth to be told I have a whole Frozen remake fanfic plot idea.
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Mermaid Viking

02 Sep 2014, 22:38
Some people say Rapunzel and Elsa&Anna are related, and that Rapunzel is their cousin. Personally I think that's just an excuse.
That's been confirmed actually. -.-
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