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Your HTTYD Headcannons
Topic Started: 31 Oct 2014, 12:01 (4901 Views)
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"You don't know this yet, but people need you."

Share any headcannons you have, big or small, dark or sweet. Inferences of what we will see in the future of the series, huge, mind-blowing theories, or just small ideas that you like. These can include anything from the sequels, the series, shorts, even books. Please, no arguments. These are just people voicing their ideas. If your headcannon conflicts with someone else's, you can still share it, just be polite.

Here are a few of mine. Feel free to use them in any fanfictions.

Stoick and Valka's marriage was arranged, but they did learn to love each other.

Valka was pregnant with Hiccup at the same time that Astrid's mother was pregnant with her. She would playfully tease Valka that she would have her baby first, but then Valka went into labor very early, so Hiccup was older than Astrid.

Astrid's "Uncle Finn" is actually her father. Considered a superior Viking to his younger brother, Astrid's actual uncle, her mother had an affair with him while her "father" was away.

Drago Bludvist is asexual, having no sexual attraction to either women or men.

Heather comes from a very poor family and has only worn the same dress for years, repairing it over and over again.

Mildew was actually considered very charming and attractive in his heyday.

Even when Gobber was a teenager, he would play with the five-year-younger Stoick, preferring the company of younger kids over the other teenagers.

Older dragons' scales begin to get a grayish color; they are usually only barely tinted their original color by the time of their death, assuming they die of old age.
My other fandoms summed up in gifs:

"You have the heart of a Hiro and the soul of a Tadashi."
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My only master is the free wind

I had this theory about Night Furies on some other thread, so I'm just going to copy and paste it with a few changes because I'm too lazy to re-write it all...

Everyone noticed that when Toothless went into his Alpha mode, those spines(I think... What are those called really?) on his back that Valka showed him are active? Maybe, just a random thought, this(Toothless's Alpha mode, with the plasma glowing and everything) is how other Night Furies will look?

But I'll get to why later, Valka did mention Toothless is the same age as Hiccup, meaning he is 20 years old(If dragon lives count the same as human lives that is. He could might as well be 6 for a human but 20 in dragon years. I'm just making this up though). Seeing how Vikings fought dragons for over 300 years by the time the first movie is happening and that the dragon manual by Bort(That's his name right?) contains stuff about Night Furies and the fact the Berkians are aware of the breed excisting, Toothless might not be the last Night Fury overall, but rather the last one BORN as of now.

Let's think about this. It's said that no one on Berk has seen a Night Fury before Toothless. However, Eret seemed to recognize Toothless as a Night Fury when he first saw him(Quate: "My, that IS a Night Fury") meaning he obviously saw one before at one point. Valka also seemed to recognize Toothless as a Night Fury without Hiccup telling her his breed. Valka lived with dragons for 20 years, who knows, maybe she saw one? I guess she did, because how did she knew about Toothless's spines and that they will allow Toothless more agility with his tail being locked? Simple, she met one! From all of these examples we can probably guess that Toothless is pretty young compared to others of his kind and not necessarily the last one over all(And yes, I know Valka says at one point "He might be the last of his kind" but who knows? It can be miss-inturpeted).

Okay, so where the hell am I going with all of that? Other Night Furies might as well look like Toothless's Alpha mode... Only at all times. My theory is, once a Night Fury is old enough, he might start going into this state every now and again when angered(Hence, Night FURY) and power down from it once they calmed down. When they are old enough, they eventually start to stay in this form full time but the glowing plasma inside of them might kill them slowly and that's why they are considered extient, they die faster than regular dragons because of this downside. When Toothless went into this mode, he was angry at the Alpha for making him kill Stoick and for almost killing Hiccup. That's what triggered the transformation. Plus, I think it would have been cool that if it does stand for age, it will fit with the growing up thing Hiccup is going through in the movie.

Now, I don't mean that the plasma works as a poison that will make it a painful death, oh no, this is not what I'm going for. I think that the plasma will simply make their heart beat faster than regular dragons; and the faster the heart beat, the younger the dragon will be when it goes. For example, let's say a Deadly Nadder or any of the other dragons can live for a 90 years(Again, not confirmed, just throwing something) than a Night Fury will live for 75 years because of the plasma. Seeing how Night Furies are considered more deadly than other dragons and have no real weakness from what we know(I mean, they are one of the fastest, if not the fastest, of all the breeds and are also pretty strong compared to other dragons) it's like something that makes them equaler to other dragons.

Also, I would imagine not all of them have retractable theeth, seeing how Valka was suprised when Toothless had.

And that's my only head-cannons until HTTYD 3 comes out and will probably spit on this entire wall of text...
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Night Fury

I've been looking for a thread like this! I was actually going to post my HTTYD 3 head-canon on a separate thread on my own, but now you've made this one, I'll just post it here! ;)

At the start of the HTTYD films, the norm is that the DreamWorks title comes up, and then it sort of dissolves into the sea, and the camera goes upwards to Berk. Well, what if, in HTTYD 3, instead of the DreamWorks title dissolving, we actually get taken underwater, which would look really good in 3D, with all the bubbles, like it did when Toothless crashed into the water in HTTYD 2, and we see :drago: and his Bewilderbeast... :blink:

This head-cannon was actually thought of before
Spoiler: click to toggle
so I'm not sure if this head cannon really counts anymore, but I just thought I'd post it anyway.

I'd like it if they added this even so, although they won't, for reasons that the spoiler shows, because then they'd be able to start HTTYD 3 off in an unfamiliar setting, like they were planning to do in 2; they decided not to though, as it was "deemed a little too dark" ( :huh: :unsure: they killed off Stoick, so how could that scene have been considered dark? Then again, maybe this scene was made before they decided to kill him off...? ^) I don't know, but you guys can judge for yourselves, because the partially-animated scene will also be featured in the DVD/digital version- which I can be sure of, as all the special features, including the deleted scenes, which is what feature that scene will be placed in, are on the digital version, as well as the DVD.).

Wow, I sound like a TV advert, or something... :P

And here's another one, about the Scrambler (I think that's what it's called). If you don't know what the Scrambler is, it's basically one of Drago's war machines, which makes a screeching sound, sort of like nails on a blackboard, and the sound disorients any dragon that hears it.
Now, am I the only person that thinks that the Scrambler could be based off the Screaming Death? The Screaming Death has a special screech/scream, which disorients dragons too. I think it's entirely possible, seeing as he's practically travelled the world, that Drago saw a Screaming Death, well, screaming, and that's how he got the idea for the Scrambler.
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Berserk Shieldmaiden
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Superior Warriorness

Here's a headcanon I thought up for our favorite Berserker chief Dagur.

Remember the episode Twinsanity when Dagur sees Toothless and says "A nightfury. They DO exist."?
What if Dagur saw a nightfury before when he was a little boy? Since he was the only one to see it, no one believed him. The Berserker Tribe think nightfuries don't exist. He's told that he was just seeing things or made the whole thing up. A few people humor him since he's just a child. Other berserker children mock him over his "story." Eventually his father Oswald orders him to stop "lying" about seeing the nightfury.
Dagur was excited to see Toothless because now he can prove he was telling the truth.

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Lone Dragon

Berserk Shieldmaiden
03 Nov 2014, 04:13
Here's a headcanon I thought up for our favorite Berserker chief Dagur.

Remember the episode Twinsanity when Dagur sees Toothless and says "A nightfury. They DO exist."?
What if Dagur saw a nightfury before when he was a little boy? Since he was the only one to see it, no one believed him. The Berserker Tribe think nightfuries don't exist. He's told that he was just seeing things or made the whole thing up. A few people humor him since he's just a child. Other berserker children mock him over his "story." Eventually his father Oswald orders him to stop "lying" about seeing the nightfury.
Dagur was excited to see Toothless because now he can prove he was telling the truth.
You know if one assumed that the dragons during the first movie attacked other islands as well. Then one could say the night furry he saw may have well been Toothless. ;)

I Posted this in my review of the second movie in the HTTYD2 review topic, but I'll repost it here. Since it is possibly/more than likely a headcanon for the alphas.

The alphas ooh the alphas. I get that for some these guys may not be a point of contention at all but for me being someone who loves story the possible plot holes they bring about is aggravating. So I do think the movies creators want us to see sound as how the alphas use their "mind control" powers. Why I think this is: one Valkas flick of her staff during the dragon cave scene which created the rattling sound with the balls in the holes in the staff which made the dragons immediately afterwards act like torches, two all of Drago's yelling, posturing, and clanging using his billhook/spear, and finally how toothless ears perk up when he hears the evil alpha again after Hiccup blindfolds him as well as how he seems to claw at his ears/head to cover them/it when it first happens to him. Now granted this is not an ironclad defense against some of the logic gaps/plot holes that exist. For example the first one being how it still doesn't affect the babies. My only answer to that would be maybe their hearing isn't developed enough yet at such a young age to hear what might be a somewhat quieter/softer sound, but this is weak at best to be honest. Also how Hiccup is able to get through to Toothless is left kind of open as well. One could argue that Hiccup's voice gives Toothless something else to focus on, but then why wouldn't/didn't it work the first time it happened. It's all still pretty fogy and potentially plot holey. Also there is the potential plot hole of how Drago managed to train a Bewilderbeast in the first place. Granted this one may be a less in the way plot hole for the movie and maybe we can come up with some interesting ideas for this one. One other thing that has gotten on my mind personally is how these alphas might connect to the Red death and how it had a similar sounding sound when the vikings first landed on the island, and just how it's sound maybe worked differently and other things whole lot of discussion can be had on that I'm sure.(If it hasn't already) Either way the alphas while amazing dragons and creatures in their own right. Seem to be the most plot holey things in the movie. I love the ideas of how they may connect to the red death, how sound could play a role with them, and how maybe sound may play an even bigger role in the third movie. However I dislike the idea that sound doesn't accurately explain it all nor is it the best explanation but for now I guess I'll wait on more information before I completely write them off story wise.
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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Lone Dragon

03 Nov 2014, 05:20
Berserk Shieldmaiden
03 Nov 2014, 04:13
Here's a headcanon I thought up for our favorite Berserker chief Dagur.

Remember the episode Twinsanity when Dagur sees Toothless and says "A nightfury. They DO exist."?
What if Dagur saw a nightfury before when he was a little boy? Since he was the only one to see it, no one believed him. The Berserker Tribe think nightfuries don't exist. He's told that he was just seeing things or made the whole thing up. A few people humor him since he's just a child. Other berserker children mock him over his "story." Eventually his father Oswald orders him to stop "lying" about seeing the nightfury.
Dagur was excited to see Toothless because now he can prove he was telling the truth.
You know if one assumed that the dragons during the first movie attacked other islands as well. Then one could say the night furry he saw may have well been Toothless. ;)
You know I didn't realize this(till like right now), but if one assumes this is the case, and one also assumes that the Red Death was an alpha as well, and had the "mind control" ability. I wonder if it wouldn't be to far off to assume that it was those same dragon raids that attacked Dragos village. What a twist that would be if that were true. :huh:
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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I like big books and I cannot lie.

31 Oct 2014, 16:23

Okay, so where the hell am I going with all of that? Other Night Furies might as well look like Toothless's Alpha mode... Only at all times. My theory is, once a Night Fury is old enough, he might start going into this state every now and again when angered(Hence, Night FURY) and power down from it once they calmed down. When they are old enough, they eventually start to stay in this form full time but the glowing plasma inside of them might kill them slowly and that's why they are considered extient, they die faster than regular dragons because of this downside. When Toothless went into this mode, he was angry at the Alpha for making him kill Stoick and for almost killing Hiccup. That's what triggered the transformation. Plus, I think it would have been cool that if it does stand for age, it will fit with the growing up thing Hiccup is going through in the movie.

Now, I don't mean that the plasma works as a poison that will make it a painful death, oh no, this is not what I'm going for. I think that the plasma will simply make their heart beat faster than regular dragons; and the faster the heart beat, the younger the dragon will be when it goes. For example, let's say a Deadly Nadder or any of the other dragons can live for a 90 years(Again, not confirmed, just throwing something) than a Night Fury will live for 75 years because of the plasma. Seeing how Night Furies are considered more deadly than other dragons and have no real weakness from what we know(I mean, they are one of the fastest, if not the fastest, of all the breeds and are also pretty strong compared to other dragons) it's like something that makes them equaler to other dragons.

Do NOT let Dean find that. :O

Update guys: It's party time with Joe.
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Night Fury

Here's another headcannon that I have: Skrills are the personification of Thor, the Norse god of thunder and lightning, to the Vikings. I mean, why else is it so feared, and yet respected? Why else would the Berserkers have a Skrill as their tribe emblem? Why else would Dagur want to capture one so much?
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My only master is the free wind

03 Nov 2014, 13:55
31 Oct 2014, 16:23

Okay, so where the hell am I going with all of that? Other Night Furies might as well look like Toothless's Alpha mode... Only at all times. My theory is, once a Night Fury is old enough, he might start going into this state every now and again when angered(Hence, Night FURY) and power down from it once they calmed down. When they are old enough, they eventually start to stay in this form full time but the glowing plasma inside of them might kill them slowly and that's why they are considered extient, they die faster than regular dragons because of this downside. When Toothless went into this mode, he was angry at the Alpha for making him kill Stoick and for almost killing Hiccup. That's what triggered the transformation. Plus, I think it would have been cool that if it does stand for age, it will fit with the growing up thing Hiccup is going through in the movie.

Now, I don't mean that the plasma works as a poison that will make it a painful death, oh no, this is not what I'm going for. I think that the plasma will simply make their heart beat faster than regular dragons; and the faster the heart beat, the younger the dragon will be when it goes. For example, let's say a Deadly Nadder or any of the other dragons can live for a 90 years(Again, not confirmed, just throwing something) than a Night Fury will live for 75 years because of the plasma. Seeing how Night Furies are considered more deadly than other dragons and have no real weakness from what we know(I mean, they are one of the fastest, if not the fastest, of all the breeds and are also pretty strong compared to other dragons) it's like something that makes them equaler to other dragons.

Do NOT let Dean find that. :O
Why? Is it that bad?
I probably said it before somewhere, but I can only imagine him reading this and laughing at it for some reason...

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Night Fury

03 Nov 2014, 18:49
03 Nov 2014, 13:55
31 Oct 2014, 16:23
Okay, so where the hell am I going with all of that? Other Night Furies might as well look like Toothless's Alpha mode... Only at all times. My theory is, once a Night Fury is old enough, he might start going into this state every now and again when angered(Hence, Night FURY) and power down from it once they calmed down. When they are old enough, they eventually start to stay in this form full time but the glowing plasma inside of them might kill them slowly and that's why they are considered extient, they die faster than regular dragons because of this downside. When Toothless went into this mode, he was angry at the Alpha for making him kill Stoick and for almost killing Hiccup. That's what triggered the transformation. Plus, I think it would have been cool that if it does stand for age, it will fit with the growing up thing Hiccup is going through in the movie.

Now, I don't mean that the plasma works as a poison that will make it a painful death, oh no, this is not what I'm going for. I think that the plasma will simply make their heart beat faster than regular dragons; and the faster the heart beat, the younger the dragon will be when it goes. For example, let's say a Deadly Nadder or any of the other dragons can live for a 90 years(Again, not confirmed, just throwing something) than a Night Fury will live for 75 years because of the plasma. Seeing how Night Furies are considered more deadly than other dragons and have no real weakness from what we know(I mean, they are one of the fastest, if not the fastest, of all the breeds and are also pretty strong compared to other dragons) it's like something that makes them equaler to other dragons.
Do NOT let Dean find that. :O
Why? Is it that bad?
I probably said it before somewhere, but I can only imagine him reading this and laughing at it for some reason...
No, it's not bad; it's probably because he'd love it, and use it in the third film. ;)
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