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HTTYD Mad Libs
Topic Started: 23 Feb 2020, 02:32 (44772 Views)
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Female Winged Wonder


It's a normal day in Berk, with Vikings going about their business of tending to their (ADJECTIVE) flocks. Suddenly, a/an (ADJECTIVE) shadow descends over the village. Dragons! In a second, these (ADJECTIVE) creatures are attacking the (ADJECTIVE) island. They swoop down and pick up sheep and (PLURAL NOUN). They incinerate homes and set (PLURAL NOUN) on fire. Vikings run out of their (PLURAL NOUN), (VERB ENDING IN 'ING') at the dragons, and attempting to fight back. Stoick leads the crew of (PLURAL NOUN), but its no use. Even Hiccup tries to help. He rolls out his latest (ADJECTIVE) weapon. He takes aim and fires a/an (NOUN) into the air, hoping to hit something. Having stolen enough sheep and (PLURAL NOUN) to eat for one day, the dragons fly away to their (ADJECTIVE) nest. But they'll be back. Once again, the Vikings have to rebuild their charred (PLURAL NOUN). It's just a normal, (ADJECTIVE) day in Berk.
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


Nobody would believe this, not even my best (NOUN)! Yesterday I wounded a Night Fury with my (ADJECTIVE) weapon, the Mangler. Now I had to find the (ADJECTIVE) creature to prove it. After looking behind every (NOUN) and tree I was about to throw in the (NOUN). Then I heard a/an (ADJECTIVE) roar behind me. I turned and there was the dragon, lying on the (NOUN) - alive! I was shaking in my (PLURAL NOUN), but I had the prrof I needed. My (PART OF THE BODY) started pounding. But then I felt (ADJECTIVE). I'd done it! I'd caught a/an (ADJECTIVE) dragon. Dad would be so (ADJECTVIE)! I raised my (NOUN) to finish the job. But... I couldn't do it. The dragon was so (ADJECTIVE) and helpless. I decided to cut him free and he quickly flew into the wild, blue (NOUN). I wish I could say I acted like a brave (NOUN). But I fainted. So much for being a/an (ADJECTIVE) Viking.
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


Welcome to Berk's Great Hall, where out (ADJECTIVE) motto is, "If you aren't (ADJECTIVE) by the end of your meal, you aren't a true Viking!" Here is our (ADJECTIVE) menu:


A mug of cow (TYPE OF LIQUID), with or without (ADJECTIVE) foam.

A plate of (ADJECTIVE), rancid sheep jelly: a delicacy for a/an (ADJECTIVE) price!

Main Courses

Roasted (NOUN) guts with a/an (NOUN) sauce or boar and puffin bewteen (ADJECTIVE) slices of salmon: Either of the two is a meal fit for a/an (NOUN)!


Chocolate (ANIMAL) legs with (ADJECTIVE) cheese: A/An (ADJECTIVE) Viking delicacy, drenched in hot (NOUN) sauce. It's a specialty of our (ADJECTIVE) chef.

And now, may I take your (ADJECTIVE) order?
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


Many wise (PLURAL NOUN) say that (NUMBER) heads are better than one, but that's because they've never come face-to-face with a two-headed Zippleback. These dragons are big, mean, and (ADJECTIVE). One head breathes (NOUN), and the other ignites it into a flaming (NOUN), which will explode at unsuspecting (PLURAL NOUN). The Zippleback only has one weakness - it is easily confused by loud and (ADJECTIVE) noises. So unless you have a/an (NOUN) to bang on, run for your (NOUN). Be quick - that Zippleback will be breathing down your (PART OF THE BODY) and won't stop until you're burned to a/an (NOUN)! Vikings might call you a fraidy (ANIMAL), but you'll be safe and (ADJECTIVE) in your home while they're risking their (PLURAL NOUN) trying to defeat the (ADJECTIVE) Zippleback. After all, wouldn't you rather be a live (NOUN) than a dead (NOUN)?
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


Astrid knew Hiccup was up to something, but she couldn't put her (PART OF THE BODY) on it. He'd suddenly gone from being a/an (ADJECTIVE) weakling to a master at fighting (PLURAL NOUN). What was that (ADJECTIVE) boy up to? Astrid couldn't take it anymore. She (ADVERB) decided to follow Hiccup wherever he went. First, she trailed him after class, always keeping within (PART OF THE BODY)'s reach, but Hiccup (ADVERB) slipped part her. She tried to bully him into explaining his (PLURAL NOUN), but Hiccup was too smart for her (ADJECTIVE) games. When Astrid finally tried to tell the other kids about Hiccup's (ADJECTIVE) behavior, they laughed their (PART OF THE BODY (PLURAL)) off. Hiccup was too (ADJECTIVE) to be up to no good, they said. But then it occurred to Astrid that Hiccup had been hanging around (the) (A PLACE) a lot. So she took off after him, carrying her axe in her (PART OF THE BODY). She would force him to tell her what he was up to, or she'd punch him right in the (PART OF THE BODY)!
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


Astrid finally found out Hiccup's (ADJECTIVE) little secret: He had befriended a/an (ADJECTIVE) Night Fury named Toothless that he was hiding in (the) (PLACE)! But before Astrid could split the (PLURAL NOUN), Toothless swooped down with Hiccup on his back, grabbed Astrid by her (PART OF THE BODY), and flew off like a/an (NOUN) into the sky. Astrid was now soaring at (NUMBER) feet in the air while Toothless was doing (ADJECTIVE) twists and turns, scaring her out of her (PLURAL NOUN). Finally, Toothless calmed down and began gliding (ADVERB) through the night sky. It was then that Astrid noticed the (ADJECTIVE) view and the twinkling (PLURAL NOUN). It was a wonderful and (ADJECTIVE) feeling. It seemed like Toothless was a harmless (NOUN) after all. Astrid couldn't help but be impressed by Hiccup - he discovered dragons could actually be kind and (ADJECTIVE) creatures. She saw Hiccup in a whole new (NOUN): He wasn't so (ADJECTIVE) afer all!
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


Have you ever been so scared that your (PLURAL NOUN) started to chatter? Or so frightened that chills ran up and down your (PART OF THE BODY)? That's how the (ADJECTIVE) Monstrous Nightmare makes you feel. Only the biggest, most (ADJECTIVE) Vikings go after these (ADJECTIVE) dragons. Monstrous (PLURAL NOUN) have a nasty habit of setting their enemies' (PLURAL NOUN) on fire, and they can even light themselves on fire. Plus, you would need an army of firefighting (PLURAL NOUN) to put the fire out. So if a Monstrous (NOUN) should attack you and your home, the only way out is to (VERB) for help. With any luck, at least (NUMBER) Vikings will come to free you from this (ADJECTIVE) beast. So strap on your chain mail (NOUN) and pray that you never come face-to-(PART OF THE BODY) with the Monstrous Nightmare.
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


There are many (ADJECTIVE) tales about the horror known as the Dragon's Nest, but does it really exist? Few know where it is. Nobody who set (PART OF THE BODY) on the island has ever returned. Legend has it that when the first dragon flew to this part of the (PLACE), it nested on a slab of rock, laying many (PLURAL NOUN) which hatched into baby (PLURAL NOUN). Now there are too many dragons flying around the (NOUN) to count, attacking any ship that comes too close. But even more frightening is the belief that the island is inhabited by a dragon so strong, it can kill you with one (NOUN) and so large, it can carry an entire (NOUN) on its back. Some (ADJECTIVE) Vikings even claim that, when a cold northerly (NOUN) blows in from over the ocean, they have seen this (ADJECTIVE) beast in flight. So is it real? No one knows for sure - but when a/an (ADJECTIVE) wind whips down from the north, the Vikings are sure that something (ADJECTIVE) is out there in the ocean mist...
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


The Vikings of Berk have been searching for the (ADJECTIVE) Dragon's Nest for (NUMBER) years. So I couldn't believe my (PART OF THE BODY (PLURAL)) when Astrid and I discovered it. We were flying through the (ADJECTIVE) sky on Toothless's (PART OF THE BODY) when dragons appeared out of the cumulous (PLURAL NOUN). Astrid and I ducked down as Toothless (ADVERB) followed them. We could see a/an (ADJECTIVE) hole in the distance, and the dragons were dropping food and (PLURAL NOUN) into it. Suddenly, a thunderous (NOUN) rattled the walls - and a gargantuan, six-eyed (NOUN) raised its (ADJECTIVE) head from the steamy depths. Astrid wanted to fly back to tell our (PLURAL NOUN) right away, but I was worried. What would my dad and Gobber do to Toothless when they found out we discovered the Dragon's (NOUN)? I decided not to tell them until I could come up with a/an plan to protect Toothless.
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Female Winged Wonder


After the Vikings anchored their (PLURAL NOUN) on Dragon Island and began fighting the (ADJECTIVE) dragons hiding inside a volcano, the (ADJECTIVE) Red Death emerged from the rubble, roaring (ADVERB). A look of horror crossed Stoick's (PART OF THE BODY). The monster was the size of a huge (NOUN) and was destroying Viking ships with its powerful (PART OF THE BODY). There wasn't a/an NOUN in the world that could win this battle. But then, out of nowhere, Hiccup and his friends flew down from the sky on their (PLURAL NOUN)! Hiccup rescued Toothless while his fellow (PLURAL NOUN) kept the (ADJECTIVE) Red Death at (PART OF THE BODY)'s length. Then, Hiccup and Toothless aimed a blast of fire into the beast's (PART OF THE BODY), causing it to hit the ground and explode into (NUMBER) little pieces! The battle was over - but (EXCLAMATION)! Hiccup was hurt! Luckily, he was going to be okay. Everybody was safe and (ADJECTIVE) at last.
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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