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HTTYD Live Action - Thoughts and Theories
Topic Started: 21 Mar 2023, 02:06 (28278 Views)
Dragonrider's Fury
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So, we know DreamWorks is working on a live-action HTTYD remake of some kind, currently slated for release March 14, 2025. This seems worthy of some discussion, no? What are your thoughts? Any theories about any aspect of it? What about news? Heard anything more than that John Powell is scoring it and Dean DeBlois is directing it? Let's come together and talk. That's what these forums exist for, after all. ;)

As for me, I don't really know what to think about it yet. It could be good, possibly, or it might be terrible. I feel like the latter is more likely, to be honest, but I'll keep a hopeful outlook for now. After all, if someone had told me back in the day that I'd fall in love with a CG movie about historically extremely-inaccurate vikings fighting dragons, let alone weird ones that largely look nothing like "classic" ones do, I would have been dubious at best. And look at me now. :P :D
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Hiccup's Left Leg
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Terrible Terror

I hope that it'll be good, although there's so many things that could go wrong. I remember Dean Deblois saying that he wanted to explore new worlds and characters. I wonder what changed his mind!

My biggest fear is that they may try to improve it over the first film at any cost, only to end up making it worse.
I also really hope they stay as true as possible to the original dragon design, and avoid going too crazy with it in terms of realism.

Well, at least we might get some great music out of it. :)
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Hmm. Live action remakes are getting better these days a lot of the time, with much more energy put into making it accurate to the source material. I hope it's either hyper accurate or else takes it in enough of a spin that it feels like a different story with similarish vibes, like the way the HTTYD movies are to the books—I'm a fan of both, but it's not like you could watch the movies and have any idea what the books are about or vice versa.

And agreed with Hiccup's Left Leg—the music will be great :D
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Dragonrider's Fury
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Hiccup's Left Leg
11 Apr 2023, 18:32
I hope that it'll be good, although there's so many things that could go wrong. I remember Dean Deblois saying that he wanted to explore new worlds and characters. I wonder what changed his mind!
Agreed. As far as I know, though, (which admittedly isn't very far :P), Dean has always said he's down for live-action HTTYD. I guess DreamWorks just decided to let him have that?
Hiccup's Left Leg
11 Apr 2023, 18:32
My biggest fear is that they may try to improve it over the first film at any cost, only to end up making it worse.
I also really hope they stay as true as possible to the original dragon design, and avoid going too crazy with it in terms of realism.
Definitely! The designs will need some work to fit in a live-action environment, but them taking it too far is a very real concern. I've seen pictures of the dragons from the Live Spectacular (Hm, will that mention summon @hictooth, I wonder? :P), and in my opinion, they looked absolutely hideous. I really hope they don't do too much adaptation. I feel like the character design will be one crucial part of what makes it good or bad.

16 Apr 2023, 16:53
Hmm. Live action remakes are getting better these days a lot of the time, with much more energy put into making it accurate to the source material.
Oh? Well, that's good to hear. I don't watch a lot of movies myself, so I'll take your word for it.
16 Apr 2023, 16:53
I hope it's either hyper accurate or else takes it in enough of a spin that it feels like a different story with similarish vibes, like the way the HTTYD movies are to the books—I'm a fan of both, but it's not like you could watch the movies and have any idea what the books are about or vice versa.
I second this. A live-action film that uses HTTYD's dragons and setting but is a completely original story could be amazing! But yeah, if it's not that and not hyper-accurate to the original, I fear it will be just plain bad.
Hiccup's Left Leg
11 Apr 2023, 18:32
Well, at least we might get some great music out of it. :)
16 Apr 2023, 16:53
And agreed with Hiccup's Left Leg—the music will be great :D
Also agreed. With John Powell at the musical helm, even if the film is an absolute dumpster-fire, the soundtrack will be amazing! :D
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Proverbs 15:1
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Hiccup's Left Leg
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Terrible Terror

Dragonrider's Fury
19 Apr 2023, 23:57
Agreed. As far as I know, though, (which admittedly isn't very far :P), Dean has always said he's down for live-action HTTYD. I guess DreamWorks just decided to let him have that?
I remember him saying the exact opposite :P He said he was not interested in live-action remakes and that they're lazy. I believe that was in 2020. :D
I imagine it was a "we're doing this with or without you" situation, but I'm glad he's on board.

Dragonrider's Fury
19 Apr 2023, 23:57
I've seen pictures of the dragons from the Live Spectacular (Hm, will that mention summon @hictooth, I wonder? :P), and in my opinion, they looked absolutely hideous.
Yeah, I've seen that too. How to Train Your Jurassic Park...
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Dragonrider's Fury
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Hiccup's Left Leg
20 Apr 2023, 08:53
Dragonrider's Fury
19 Apr 2023, 23:57
Agreed. As far as I know, though, (which admittedly isn't very far :P), Dean has always said he's down for live-action HTTYD. I guess DreamWorks just decided to let him have that?
I remember him saying the exact opposite :P He said he was not interested in live-action remakes and that they're lazy. I believe that was in 2020. :D
I imagine it was a "we're doing this with or without you" situation, but I'm glad he's on board.
:blink: Huh. I'll have to see if I can find where I (thought I) heard that. If I do, I'll edit this to add a link.
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

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Hiccup's Left Leg
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Terrible Terror

Looks like they're going to start filming on June 30th.
https://productionlist.com/production/h ... ur-dragon/
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Dragonrider's Fury
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Ah, good information! Thanks for sharing. It's interesting to me that the shooting is happening in Los Angeles. Considering the setting of the original, I would expect shooting to mainly take place in Switzerland or something. Unless they're either A) just shooting against a greenscreen, or B) using the system (the name of which I don't remember) used for The Mandalorian, a stage surrounded by giant HDR screens.

So, the producers are Marc Platt and Adam Siegel. I don't recognize either of those names; can anyone tell me anything about them?
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Team Pathetic Banner

Awesome Secret Odin 2019 GIFt set from Inhonoredglory. Thanks a ton! :-D
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Dragonrider's Fury
19 Apr 2023, 23:57
I've seen pictures of the dragons from the Live Spectacular (Hm, will that mention summon @hictooth, I wonder? :P), and in my opinion, they looked absolutely hideous.
I am summoned - albeit a month late.

I will defend those dragons! They are a technological marvel, and I don't mind the looks too much. Sure, they're not like the film ones, but that wouldn't be possible. I've said this before, but I'm still so gutted that they're just sitting in a shipping container belonging to a meat factory in China, never to see the light of another performance again. If there's one thing that show didn't do, it's "soar the globe".

Now, the live action on the other hand... ugh eww gah. I can't see how this can possibly end well. It's a cash grab, and a blatant one.
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Hiccup - Yeah, it's not my snappiest comeback.
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It's got Dean DeBlois as it's director? This does bring a little hope to me. Fingers crossed!
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