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Httyd... 4?
Topic Started: 17 May 2014, 13:42 (9870 Views)
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Dragon Egg

Honestly, I would go with the director over the CEO any day. He knows the story he wants to tell and he knows how many movies it'll take to tell it. I think companies really need to stop trying to split the final movie in a franchise into 2 movies just because it's the trend and to make more money. If it's not necessary, don't do it. If they want to continue the franchise, I'd much prefer they just release direct-to-video shorts that fill in the gaps of the story or maybe gives us a glimpse of life after the trilogy ends.
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Raw Vikingness

I quite simply don't like the idea. Nobody likes to see something they enjoy come to an end, but it's necessary. Knowing when to end a story is perhaps the most unappreciated storytelling skill in the current entertainment industry. If the creative minds behind the franchise have a clear vision for a trilogy, that's where things should end, no matter how much money another one could make.

Given that the first movie had very little in common with the books besides the names of some characters and a battle with the Red/Green Death, I don't personally think it's necessary to stretch things out for the sake of adding more similarities to the books either.
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Escaped from an asylem

I don't how to feel about this. In a way, I'd like to see them continue it. But the fourth film in any series is usually the crash and burn point.(At least to me)
"There's something you must remember when riding a dragon. There's no manual, no safety harness, no guarantees when you're on one of these beasts. All you have is the wind in your hair, and the clothes on your back. The only thing between you and that dragon is your saddle. You need to hold onto it for dear life, as that creature takes you the skies. That, is dragon riding."
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if they did the HTTYD 4 i will love it ;)
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If dean already wrote the story as a trilogy then i definitely dont want to see a 4th film. Sometimes its best to let a story lie especially if youve already written an ending!
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[b][color=#d51c1c]The Lemon God[/color][/b]

People need to bear in mind that just because it's a fourth film it doesn't mean it has to take place after HTTYD 3. Hell, it doesn't even need to be with Hiccup!
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[color=blue]I'm just here for Snotlout.

No matter what I will not be on board for HTTYD4.

It's like DW WANTS to go down a Shrek route. AGAIN.
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If while making Httyd3 they realise it's 4h long then yes I can accept a httyd4 that will be the second half of httyd3. But if they want to go with a completely different story I'm more reluctant to the idea.
The only idea for a new movie i would like it's one from toothless point of view, some sort of prequel to know how was his life before meeting hiccup and what happened to his fellow night furies. Now if they ever go with this idea I would love if they make this a sort of mute movie, with no real "dialogue" and only the dragons sounds and expressions. I think that could make a beautiful film (sort of like Wall-E before he goes to the ship). But at the same time they could release toothless story as a short movie too.
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[b][color=#d51c1c]The Lemon God[/color][/b]

17 May 2014, 19:28
If while making Httyd3 they realise it's 4h long then yes I can accept a httyd4 that will be the second half of httyd3. But if they want to go with a completely different story I'm more reluctant to the idea.
The only idea for a new movie i would like it's one from toothless point of view, some sort of prequel to know how was his life before meeting hiccup and what happened to his fellow night furies. Now if they ever go with this idea I would love if they make this a sort of mute movie, with no real "dialogue" and only the dragons sounds and expressions. I think that could make a beautiful film (sort of like Wall-E before he goes to the ship). But at the same time they could release toothless story as a short movie too.
I like that idea. I mean, WALL-E has proven that dialogue isn't required to make a great movie. So It'd be pretty cool to see something like that again!
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Arwing Pilot

maybe if they do "Toothless: origins" the story can expand very well, with dragons talking in dragonese with subtitles B-)
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