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The "I don't care" Effect
Topic Started: 20 May 2014, 17:08 (4091 Views)
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Escaped from an asylem

Yesterday, I went to Walmart with my dad. We walked over to the book section and they had a couple of those Dragons kids' books. One of them was called "All about the Dragons," which gives a basic overview of the whole plot.(it wasn't super spoilerly, just general) I was surprised to find myself reading it, especially since I was risking the chance of discovering spoilers. To be honest, I didn't care.

All of these spoilers, rumors, and conflicting opinions are so overwhelming, that I feel like I'm becoming numb. I'm at a point where I'm not really caring about any of these things anymore, or worrying about discovering them. Now, I just want to see the film; I will enjoy it, regardless of what is said, seen, or heard. I'm going to call this The "I Don't Care" Effect, or The IDC Effect.

Is there anyone else feeling this? Are you at a point where you don't care about the spoilers anymore, and you just want to see the movie? Are you finding yourself not as surprised or upset when you find out about something? Has this happened to you before with another movie?

I believe this has happened to me before when I first heard about the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Fans were freaking out and all this stuff was leaking out, and it caused quite a bit of stress for me. Now, I can care less about what others think about it, and I guarantee I'll enjoy that movie too.

"There's something you must remember when riding a dragon. There's no manual, no safety harness, no guarantees when you're on one of these beasts. All you have is the wind in your hair, and the clothes on your back. The only thing between you and that dragon is your saddle. You need to hold onto it for dear life, as that creature takes you the skies. That, is dragon riding."
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[b][color=#d51c1c]The Lemon God[/color][/b]

I understand that a lot of people are beginning to feel like this and to be honest, I don't blame them. Luckily I haven't quite hit the IDC stage, but instead I'm at the 'I'm going to kill you if you spoil it' stage. I hope I can remain there. Because I want to go into this film knowing nothing but what I've thought up or seen in a clip.
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Asvald Veleif
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Dragon Animator

I sure am,

I've been mentally preparing myself for this moment for the past few months and to prevent myself from spazzing out, I've purposely been exposing myself to spoilers to blunt the excitement which literally stresses me out haha B-)

Toothless Gif made by me.

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[color=#B40431]Winner of Shnuckle's Oneshot Fanfiction Contest 2014

Pretty much... I'm aware of most of the plot. Yet I simply just don't put up as much as a fuss as I did about knowing things a few weeks ago.
'There Were Dragons When I Was A Boy…'

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Escaped from an asylem

20 May 2014, 21:12
I understand that a lot of people are beginning to feel like this and to be honest, I don't blame them. Luckily I haven't quite hit the IDC stage, but instead I'm at the 'I'm going to kill you if you spoil it' stage. I hope I can remain there. Because I want to go into this film knowing nothing but what I've thought up or seen in a clip.
That's fine.:) I hope you succeed and will enjoy the surprises that lay ahead. Do you think you might hit the IDC stage a month from now?

I was hoping that I wouldn't enter this stage, but in a way, it was bound to happen. I risked it all by following Dragons like a hawk. While I do regret knowing so much, it will help me get through waiting for this film. I feel like I can finally relax and be patient for it. :P It might be just me, because this seems to happen when I stress over a film or show.(This doesn't happen often though) No matter what we hear, see, or say, this movie is going to be fun and awesome!
"There's something you must remember when riding a dragon. There's no manual, no safety harness, no guarantees when you're on one of these beasts. All you have is the wind in your hair, and the clothes on your back. The only thing between you and that dragon is your saddle. You need to hold onto it for dear life, as that creature takes you the skies. That, is dragon riding."
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Escaped from an asylem

20 May 2014, 21:20
Pretty much... I'm aware of most of the plot. Yet I simply just don't put up as much as a fuss as I did about knowing things a few weeks ago.
I feel like that too. I wasn't as upset about reading the children's book as I would've been weeks ago.
"There's something you must remember when riding a dragon. There's no manual, no safety harness, no guarantees when you're on one of these beasts. All you have is the wind in your hair, and the clothes on your back. The only thing between you and that dragon is your saddle. You need to hold onto it for dear life, as that creature takes you the skies. That, is dragon riding."
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Escaped from an asylem

Asvald Veleif
20 May 2014, 21:16
I sure am,

I've been mentally preparing myself for this moment for the past few months and to prevent myself from spazzing out, I've purposely been exposing myself to spoilers to blunt the excitement which literally stresses me out haha B-)
I totally agree. In a strange way, it feels good. I feel like I can watch the movie without worrying about expectations.

When I first heard about Pacific Rim, I was a little nervous that it wouldn't be as good as I had hoped. Then, I hit the ICD stage, and all my expectations were muted. I'm kinda glad it happened, because I got to truly enjoy it for what it was, and not what I wanted it to be. :)
"There's something you must remember when riding a dragon. There's no manual, no safety harness, no guarantees when you're on one of these beasts. All you have is the wind in your hair, and the clothes on your back. The only thing between you and that dragon is your saddle. You need to hold onto it for dear life, as that creature takes you the skies. That, is dragon riding."
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Condragulations, you have reached the final stage!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCble ... del#Stages
Did someone say... dragons?
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Night fury fire
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[color=blue]We're fangirls! It's an occupational hazard...

Asvald Veleif
20 May 2014, 21:16
I sure am,

I've been mentally preparing myself for this moment for the past few months and to prevent myself from spazzing out, I've purposely been exposing myself to spoilers to blunt the excitement which literally stresses me out haha B-)
Yeah me too :)
^_^ ;) :D :$ :P 8) :'( :( ^) :O :blink: >:( <3 <- me seeing httyd 2
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Escaped from an asylem

20 May 2014, 22:19
Condragulations, you have reached the final stage!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCble ... del#Stages
YAY! :D What do I win?
"There's something you must remember when riding a dragon. There's no manual, no safety harness, no guarantees when you're on one of these beasts. All you have is the wind in your hair, and the clothes on your back. The only thing between you and that dragon is your saddle. You need to hold onto it for dear life, as that creature takes you the skies. That, is dragon riding."
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