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Speculation for lack luster box office opening?
Topic Started: 30 Jun 2014, 22:17 (14935 Views)
Rocky Rose
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Deadly Nadder

01 Jul 2014, 02:08
01 Jul 2014, 01:09
That's something nobody wanted to hear, even if it isn't so surprising. They've had a few outright bombs recently, and HTTYD 2 was supposed to pick up the slack. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like they handled the lay-offs very well either by forcing people to leave immediately without even a chance to pack their things. That in itself could end up generating more bad publicity.
If you read the first comment on the article, it talks about bad upper management at Dreamworks.. :/ I'm saddened to hear this just as much as the rest of you... :(

That's just a Terrible move- not even letting people back in their own offices to retrieve stuff?? There are no words to describe how deranged of a move that is... when my dad lost his job at an insurance company that he had for like 25 yrs, he was given the 2 weeks bit and was able to take things out of his office... the treatment those DW now former employees.. is just completely unfair...

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Cathartes Aura

A friend of mine in New York is saying that she's talked to a lot of people about why they haven't seen it yet, and apparently the main response is they are confused by it no longer being in IMAX (Transformers booted it) and they're waiting to see if it will come back. Obviously this can't account for anything regarding earlier ticket sales, but it was disheartening to hear yet another thing that could be keeping it down.
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01 Jul 2014, 02:16
That's depressing.

My favorite movies as a kid were always the ones that handled the tougher subjects... in a way I think they helped me prepare for them in real life. Not to mention it typically left more of an emotional impact on me as well. So much media aimed at kids now is so shallow -- which I can say not in a "kids these days" way but because as an animation addict I still watch those things. I feel like they're missing out. HTTYD 2 really took me back to how it felt to be watching some of the films from my childhood -- such as Bluth films, which never shied away from sadness and hardship. I understand not wanting to hold up "realism" as the standard in everything, but even so... hopeful endings always meant much more to me if there had been a serious struggle beforehand, you know? One in which you lost something.
This made me remember my 1st favorite cartoon, it was an anime (though at the time I didn't knew it was one) I was 6 and I loved it and I still love it to bits. It's a story where "the saviors" need to recue someone except there is this great plot twist that the only way to "save" her and everything else it's to kill her, so the "saviors" become the "murderers" of the person they are ment to save. Until now I love this anime and that plot twist and this, perhaps, made me a sucker for those characters that needed to make a though call but also made me understand the implications of it and how troublesome and heavy it could be. Such a great thing to learn when you're a kid.

Now about the news, that's really sad. But I remember an article about a couple of animators that talked about this happening after the 1st weekend results. I think it's a shame they are doing this now and they are not waiting to see how httyd2 is going to do in Europe. I really hope it becomes a hit there dont disappoint me european parents i trust you

Also idk why but I can see Peguins of madagascar becoming the huge hit Dreamworks so desperately needs and getting all the awards i can smell it already :huh:
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Cathartes Aura

I'm glad you brought up the anime thing, because I think that's when I really started noticing the sterilization of shows when brought over for Western (and especially American) child audiences. I was furious when I was a kid and they turned Cardcaptor Sakura into "Cardcaptors", cut out the first few episodes so that the first one would be one that had a male character in it, removed all of the same-sex relationships and crushes, among many, many other things. When I was living in Japan, I gave a presentation on the 4Kids censorship of Yu-Gi-Oh!, which included getting rid of death and making up the term "Shadow Realm" instead, lengthening skirts, removing all religious symbols such as crosses (even from churches), turning dead bodies into mounds of dirt, turning even serious heart-to-heart conversations about self-identity issues into ones about fighting and winning... and the class was totally shocked. I had people constantly coming up to me after to ask me why all that has to be changed for it to be okay for American children, and I still don't have an answer. I don't know why. At some point, we decided kids here couldn't handle it.
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*sigh* Soccer moms are ruining everything.
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The reasoning is beyond flawed. It is not the answer. It is excuse while looking for a reason for why a critically successful film has done badly at the domestic box office. Considering the success of the first film, most of those "kids" should at least in the PG-13 range, with plenty older. So what happened to all the 10 year olds and teenagers that watched the first film? Did they disappear? What about the 20 something year olds and up? Do people really think Frozen, Despicable Me 2 and Lego built their domestic box office success on just kids? These films are four-quadrant films. The appeal to everyone. Young, old, male, female.

You can look at all the internet polls you like, but the truth is, this film just hasn't caught on like its predecessor, let alone the big animated hits of the past decade. You are not going to see many adults walking out of a theater at 10pm humming or singing the main theme.

The film is reacting a lot like the Star Trek sequel. Perhaps the 4 year wait was too much, and many lost interest. Perhaps the film is just not appealing in the same way as the first. But it isn't because of parents being "too protective". I am sure that isn't keeping the 15 year olds out of the theater.

But even if I agreed with this being the reason, I can't believe this thread has turned into "let's trash parents" thread. I know some are upset about the numbers, but unless you are a child's parent where do we find the arrogance to tell others what their kids should watch? Would I let my child see it? Yes. That doesn't mean other parents have to agree.
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Cathartes Aura

I'm not trashing parents, because I don't think parents are really at fault for this. For me, I was mostly wondering why darker themes aren't as acceptable in children's media now as they used to be -- in America, anyway. If people are thinking that their kids can't handle this stuff, then there's a reason that's now such a prevalent thought.

Frozen, Despicable Me and the Lego Movie are all very lighthearted films as well. I think HTTYD 2 is a better quality film than the first two, but while I think the Lego Movie is better written, it's pretty strictly a comedy and doesn't have that much emotional impact. Is it more appealing to a wider audience? Sure, absolutely.

We all know that HTTYD 2 hasn't caught on. That much is pretty obvious. It's the why that we're still working out, because it's not a bad film, and most people who have seen it seem to have enjoyed it... so it does look like the comparative "darkness" of it could certainly be a factor.
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Cathartes Aura

Thought we could use this update:

"How To Train Your Dragon 2 swooped down on an extra $19.2M this frame to push its cume past the $100M mark with $108.6M, better than the estimates from Sunday. The film played to non-football fiends in Mexico with $3.9M in its 2nd weekend and a cume there of $12.29M. Brazil is also holding strong as football counterprogramming, adding $2.79M in the No. 1 slot for a cume of $11.47M, much better than expected. In Australia, the DreamWorks Animation adventure took 2nd place on a 28% drop with $2.3M for the frame and a cume of $11.27M. As in Oz, Dragon 2 faced off with Transformers in Russia and took the 2nd spot with $2.1M and a cume of $26M, also better than predicted. There are 14 more markets to come next weekend."
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Is Australia's supposed to be good or bad?

Anyways, I'm just saying this is mostly lack of advertisement here. I didn't hear of HTTYD2 until I joined these sites. I ONLY saw the trailers because 1) I subscribed to those trailer channels 2) I was on these sites.

They really need to start advertising.
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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...and one other reason

01 Jul 2014, 21:39
Thought we could use this update:

"How To Train Your Dragon 2 swooped down on an extra $19.2M this frame to push its cume past the $100M mark with $108.6M, better than the estimates from Sunday. The film played to non-football fiends in Mexico with $3.9M in its 2nd weekend and a cume there of $12.29M. Brazil is also holding strong as football counterprogramming, adding $2.79M in the No. 1 slot for a cume of $11.47M, much better than expected. In Australia, the DreamWorks Animation adventure took 2nd place on a 28% drop with $2.3M for the frame and a cume of $11.27M. As in Oz, Dragon 2 faced off with Transformers in Russia and took the 2nd spot with $2.1M and a cume of $26M, also better than predicted. There are 14 more markets to come next weekend."
Seems to be doing well everywhere... apart from the US, the biggest market. For self-centred reasons, I can't wait to find out how it does in the UK (although the fact that it's being shown on 6 different days, all Saturdays and Sundays, before it's official release date of July 11th is going to massively skew the opening weekend stats in its favour).
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