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Topic Started: 29 Jun 2014, 16:56 (22819 Views)
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Escaped from an asylem

26 Jun 2014, 18:46
I loved the movie, but there were a few things I wasn't really happy with:

1. I felt like the flashback of Valka's abduction could do without narration. I don't know but I feel like two flashbacks, both with narrations kind of was too much.

2. There were all those new dragons but no ablilities were shown. What about Cloudjumper's torus of fire, or the calming sensation of a Hobblegrunt? The Sea Shockers only appeared in a few frames, and not much was revealed about the Snafflefang. I just hope they'd use these in the third.

EDIT Though I suppose they thought the movie was going to be too long with those details. I don't remember seeing the dragon traps in the movie, so Cloudjumper's lockpicking or ability to tear apart war machines (from the Dragonpedia) wasn't used.
The story was too big to focus on all of the dragons and their abilities. I'm sure we'll see some of them in the show and get to learn more about them.
"There's something you must remember when riding a dragon. There's no manual, no safety harness, no guarantees when you're on one of these beasts. All you have is the wind in your hair, and the clothes on your back. The only thing between you and that dragon is your saddle. You need to hold onto it for dear life, as that creature takes you the skies. That, is dragon riding."
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Quincy Dan
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13 Jun 2014, 01:39
11 Jun 2014, 12:14
. I wish they had found a less convoluted and shoe-horny way to explain both Valka and Drago's history, honestly I was expecting Drago to have something to do with Valka's disappearance in some way and was a little disappointed that he didn't.
Same! I feel like that would have added a really epic feel to the movie and add higher stakes to the Hiccup vs. Drago conflict. Ah well.
11 Jun 2014, 16:46
Mine was probably the lack of characterization and development they had for Drago. They didn't give him enough of a motivation for doing what he was doing and that all just made him more confusing to me than scary. I also am not sure I liked the fact that they left it open for him to return in the next movie, since we never see him die and it's implied that he could've gotten away with his bad Bewilderbeast.
The strange thing about this is that if you listen to DeBlois in interviews and stuff, he can actually explain Drago’s motivation really well and it totally makes sense… his character just never really got as deeply fleshed out in the movie (or it was awkwardly done and dialogue-y. I don’t think the flashback with Drago was necessary and it felt sort of awkwardly placed). I REALLLYYYY wish that incredible alternate opening scene with Valka and Eret was in the movie. It could have provided some much-needed exposition on Drago, upped the stakes, and really ANYTHING would have been better than that first dragon racing scene. Not that it was bad, but I feel like if this movie is supposed to be about moving beyond Berk, having that first Valka/Eret conflict and then seeing Hiccup and Toothless flying right towards where it happened would have set the tone for the film from the very beginning. The opening scene was fun but it didn’t do much in terms of setting up the plot and it felt like a waste of valuable time.
The issue I see with the opening sequence is that it puts too much focus on Valka and Eret rather than on Berk where it belongs. As far as Drago, I agree he could have had more screen time, but seeing the movie for the second time helped me better understand why they left his back story really up-in-the air. He's "a strange man from a strange land." If they visually showed anything of his past, then he's no longer a mystery, and the audience can no longer believe that he may be lying or exaggerating.
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Quincy Dan
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The real Hiccup

11 Jun 2014, 11:21
So most of can agree that HTTYD 2 was awesome, but it was not perfect. What are somethings you didn't like about it and why?

I hated how quickly Eret changes sides. It's either I missed out on something or it just goes from 'scared of Drago' to 'help Astrid and then let the dragons out of the traps'. Way too quick.

And then there's how Drago rode Toothless. HOW?!
I thought the same thing until seeing it again. You'll notice Eret's facial expressions when Stormfly saves him from Drago's men killing him, they show a lot of understanding, and it's when he realizes that what he does isn't right.
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...and one other reason

If I had one problem with the film, it wouldn't be the pacing, or even the plot fart by which Valka is instantly forgiven for abandoning her baby. It would be that the writing, a lot of the time, just isn't that tight. For example, when Hiccup and Astrid are goofing around near the beginning of the movie, they're meant to be a normal couple gently mocking each other, right? You know, Astrid imitating Hiccup's voice and gestures. But it felt kind of stilted. Their banter just wasn't very good or natural (though the scene gets saved by beautiful facial animation).

Same for a lot of the gang's lines. Ruffnut was amaze, but Snotlout and Tuffnut just kept spewing little lines and asides that were completely unfunny. Why did no-one edit these obviously not very good lines out of the script!? Luckily Gobber and Ruffnut brought easily enough funnies for everyone.

I won't hear anything against For The Dancing and The Dreaming though. That made the movie.
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Dagur The Deranged
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Did anyone else feel that Valka's line "Good dragons under the control of bad men do bad things" was completely unnecessary and awkward?
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Dagur The Deranged
02 Jul 2014, 00:44
Did anyone else feel that Valka's line "Good dragons under the control of bad men do bad things" was completely unnecessary and awkward?
Yes... also her line in the ice cave where she says "I've lived among them for 20 years, Hiccup... discovering their secrets..." like. Thank you, we get it already.

I can't watch either of those scenes without cringing while she says those lines.

There were actually several lines throughout the movie that were completely unnecessary..
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Dagur The Deranged
02 Jul 2014, 00:44
Did anyone else feel that Valka's line "Good dragons under the control of bad men do bad things" was completely unnecessary and awkward?
I think this was a case of tying to make it incredibly obvious to even the youngest viewers that what Toothless did was not of his own volition. Similar with the "this is what it means to have a dragons loyalty" line Hiccup uses.

A bit of a heavy handed with trying to get the message across, but I understand it, because subtlety is not a strong suit of the under 8 crowd.
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Dagur The Deranged
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02 Jul 2014, 01:15
I can't watch either of those scenes without cringing while she says those lines.

There were actually several lines throughout the movie that were completely unnecessary..
Couldn't agree more!
02 Jul 2014, 01:32
I think this was a case of tying to make it incredibly obvious to even the youngest viewers that what Toothless did was not of his own volition. Similar with the "this is what it means to have a dragons loyalty" line Hiccup uses.

A bit of a heavy handed with trying to get the message across, but I understand it, because subtlety is not a strong suit of the under 8 crowd.
Hmm, yeah I suppose you're right.

Another criticism I have about the movie is the scene where Hiccup gets Toothless back from Drago. You can see his eyes get watery but I don't think you see him shed a single tear? I understand that it might've undermined the sadness of the funeral scene but I still think they could've incorporated more emotion in Hiccup's face.
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Dagur The Deranged
02 Jul 2014, 00:44
Did anyone else feel that Valka's line "Good dragons under the control of bad men do bad things" was completely unnecessary and awkward?
YES, I facepalmed at that moment, even if I see why they put that line in there. I would have love if they explained/said this in a more subtle way
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Like many said before, some lines were not NECESSARY.

The flashbacks should've been silent except for some dragon sounds and background music. You didn't need narrators.

'Good dragons under the control of bad men do bad things' Held no meaning. 'You have a heart of a chief and a soul of a dragon' Seriously. What's it supposed to mean? You have a heart that protects others and you have a free soul? A wild soul (How's that supposed to be good?)? A loyal soul? A roaming soul?
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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