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Httyd2 Reviews [spoilers]
Topic Started: 20 Jun 2014, 16:25 (10445 Views)
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Dragon trainer

It should have been longer, it packed too much of a punch for 90 minutes, both character and story wise.
My dragon den:
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Dragon Egg

So I saw HTTYD 2 yesterday. But the bad news is i got it spoiled for me right before I was going to see it. Some jerk just posted it blindly on FB! Like really! I was so sad, wanna know what he spoiled?
Spoiler: click to toggle
Like really come on! It would have been SOOOOO much better if i hadn't known that info. :(
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Hiccup's Girlfriend

I avoided this site for so long because of the movie release, but I finally saw it on Saturday.

It was a very enjoyable movie and the 3-D was really freaking awesome...especially during the flight sequences! The music was so awesome and I loved hearing the old themes mixed in with new ones. I especially loved the beginning of the movie. Starting out with the dragon racing (which is how the first one ended) was a great continuation and I loved the opening music (it was just like the first movie!).

Wish there would've been more Hiccup/Astrid. I dunno how I felt about the two groups (Hiccup/family and Astrid/friends). I understand that was done so Hiccup could reunite with his now-whole family, but...I dunno. Stoick and Valka's song was so cute, though.

Drago...so much potential, but he fell short of my expectations. I dunno...his "goal" seemed a bit, I dunno, extreme, I guess.

Just like the first one, the ending was sufficient. If there was to be no Dragons 3 (but I do know already that there is), I would be satisfied. This "review" probably sounds like I didn't like the movie, but I did. I'm all for seeing it again before it's out of theaters. Dunno if I will, though.

Coming Soon!!
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Dragon Egg

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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

Come to think of it, it is rather like a Michael Bay movie, but with better characterisation and dialogue.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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....Son of Eret

Its nothing like a michael bay film simply because it wasn't made up of loud, terribly edited, jumbled up sequences of impossible to follow nonsense

my hate for michael bay runs deep...
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Night Fury

It was a BRILLIANT film. :O I think Drago should have gotten more character development though. Like others have said, it'll probably be explained in the 3rd film. :D
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Dragon's Apprentice
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Mr. Potato Sandwich

The animation, the score, the plot- it all seemed seamless, perfect even. It's definitely my favourite film of the year and as sequels go it was brilliant. I laughed, was thrilled and cried a little- even at the happy parts :)

If they keep this kind of quality up for the 3rd and 4th (I'm not sure if that's a sure thing- if it is please say!!) How to Train Your Dragon could probably be THE best animated movie franchise of all time.... :D (not exaggerating) ....if it isn't already :p

I would give it 10/10 if it weren't only 90 mins- but i suppose if it were four hours long.... i'd probably wish for five :)
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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The movie is highly. The dragons, the environment all very realistic.
Ja pesicologica part is a film that is sometimes too much comedy or drama, but that's part of the movie but what made ​​me sad was the death of Stoick.
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Defender of Insanity and Master of Apologies

It seems to me that there are two types of people in this world - those who have seen HTTYD 2 and loved it, and those who have just not seen it.

I, personally, fit into the first category.

Something about that film moved me in ways which I hadn't seen for a long time. Maybe it was the amazing soundtrack by John Powell which made me feel the journey of the characters as they went through the film, or perhaps the parallels with the first movie just hitting a nerve, or maybe it was the emotion in the entire film unlocking some secret part of my heart which made me want to fly away with Toothless into the world of dragons.

Whenever a movie does any of these three things, you know it is a good one.

There was a good combination of humour and seriousness; some scenes which made you laugh, and some which left you crying quietly. When you can connect to a character in this way, there is some great quality shown in the writers and their ability to write.

Hiccup is obviously a hero with failings. Drago is evidently a villain with many sides, (even though he is bent on domination,) and every other character has a story to tell, a place they have been, a journey which has been travelled, a depth which is hard to find in some film series.

And what's more, as a person who was familiar, but not as familiar as I am now, with the story of the first movie, to see that the writers had managed to make a sequel which expanded on the forst film frather than copy it made it seem like a fresh film rather than just another part, a cog in a vast machine. You can watch it as a standalone movie. Not that I will, though. I may be increasing the size of my daily HTTYD fix to encompass 2 movies in some capacity.

Overall, this was one of the greatest movies I have ever watched. It was the sole reason that I became so into the HTTYD-iverse, and I cannot wait to see it again.

Did you miss me?
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