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Topic Started: 17 Apr 2014, 18:12 (2144 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

Check out this poster I found. Not sure if you've seen it but I posted it nonetheless :D

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The Outsider

I Love It!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

This is AWESOME!
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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[b][color=#d51c1c]The Lemon God[/color][/b]

t's the same as the Metro UK one. But nice find nonetheless
Top Poester for 6 Months Award :D
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[color=blue]I'm just here for Snotlout.

Yeah Serimon and Graphrofberk on Tumblr uploaded better quality ones of this poster there.

And Snotlout's little smile...... And Hookfang!
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Deadly Nadder

Yeah Serimon and Graphrofberk on Tumblr uploaded better quality ones of this poster there.
Oh. I figured a lot of people saw this somewhere. Oh well.
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....Son of Eret

I like this better than the other group poster.
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Deadly Nadder

Do you notice how Belch and Barf's necks come from different directions? Based on the released clips, their necks don't seem long enough. Bad photoshop.
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Lucky russians. Always get the good stuff first.

No, I'm serious....stop it..
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