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Topic Started: 08 Jun 2014, 06:25 (7017 Views)
Smoky the Smokebreath
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Dragon Egg

Does toothless actually kill him. what does hiccup say. GIVE ME ALL THE DETAILS!!!!!
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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

Yes. From what I recall, it goes something like this:

Drago's Bewilderbeast has just killed Valka's one, thus giving him control over all the dragons on the battlefield (because alpha-ism is magic). He takes control of Toothless, and orders him to kill Hiccup. Hiccup tries to bring Toothless back through the Magic of Friendship, but fails. Toothless fires a plasma blast, and Stoick pushes Hiccup out of the way, taking the shot. No blood and ogre or anything, but he is very much dead.

Toothless snaps out of it for a little while (for no real reason, though if one wanted to be generous to the writers, one could put it down to Drago wanting Toothless to have free will for just enough time to understand what he did, because he's sadistic like that - note that I do not recall anything in the actual film that shows this, and the interpretation is more my imagination than anything else), and goes up to Hiccup and Stoick's corpse. Hiccup says something to the effect of, "Get away from him!" Toothless then falls back under the Bewilderbeast's control (again, the film doesn't show why Drago lets him out of his control), and Drago flies away on him (yes, you did read that correctly, and no, I have no idea how that's supposed to work). Oh yeah, and Drago leaves Hiccup and the other riders alive, because he's an idiot.

Ah yes, and then Valka says something to the effect of, "People make dragons do bad things." This moral has been proudly brought to you by the writers of Pokemon.

Yeah, that's the gist of it. There are obviously a few more details, and I may have gotten the exact order of events wrong near the end, but that should satisfy your curiosity for long enough for you to see the movie.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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Smoky the Smokebreath
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Dragon Egg

but does he get toothless back??? :'(
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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

Yes, because the second time, the Magic of Friendship works. No, really; Hiccup's entire plan is to use the Magic of Friendship again, and this time, it works.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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....Son of Eret

Cartoon Freak
08 Jun 2014, 10:38
Drago flies away on him (yes, you did read that correctly, and no, I have no idea how that's supposed to work).
Dude other people have always been able to ride on Toothless.
Cartoon Freak
08 Jun 2014, 13:22
Yes, because the second time, the Magic of Friendship works. No, really; Hiccup's entire plan is to use the Magic of Friendship again, and this time, it works.
He didn't have enough time the first time before Stoick came running in.
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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

Dude other people have always been able to ride on Toothless
That was with a different model of flight harness, which basically uses a pedal that can be controlled by any foot. The model of flight harness used in HTTYD 2 appears to use a rod of some sort that interacts with the hook form of Hiccup's prosthetic. If some random big guy tries to operate that with his bloody great foot, he's at best going to be unable to control it, and at worst bend the rod or break its connection with whatever mechanism is inside the saddle, rendering it impossible to use by anyone.
He didn't have enough time the first time before Stoick came running in.
No, as I recall, he didn't have time before Toothless blasted the space where he was standing as Stoick pushed him out of the way. For that matter, I see no evidence that he was making any progress there, in spite of efforts that appear to have been just as hard as they were on the occasion it worked. In other words, the result should have been the same, except no Stoick to push him out of the way (well, okay, I suppose that baby dragon could have dodged it to keep Hiccup from getting killed).
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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....Son of Eret

Cartoon Freak
11 Jun 2014, 11:13
If some random big guy tries to operate that with his bloody great foot, he's at best going to be unable to control it, and at worst bend the rod or break its connection with whatever mechanism is inside the saddle, rendering it impossible to use by anyone.
oh for crying out loud.
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Dragon Girl
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Crying in the movie theater when this happened. No one else in the theater did. I think they were soulless!
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I just saw the movie and when that scene came I can proudly say I balled my eyes out. I had known (to and extent) that he was "the one" but it absolutly killed me after seeing it on the big screen😭
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....Son of Eret

Cartoon Freak
08 Jun 2014, 10:38
Toothless snaps out of it for a little while (for no real reason, though if one wanted to be generous to the writers, one could put it down to Drago wanting Toothless to have free will for just enough time to understand what he did, because he's sadistic like that - note that I do not recall anything in the actual film that shows this, and the interpretation is more my imagination than anything else)

I'm coming back to answer this because I just saw the movie again and its actually very clear what happened. Drago's Alpha turned away to head back in to the sea and relinquished his mind control over all the dragons since the battle was pretty much over. Toothless didn't just "snap out of it for no real reason".
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