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Stoick as a father
Topic Started: 25 Jun 2014, 22:42 (1405 Views)
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wanna-be dragon trainer

Do you think Stoick was (still not over that I have to use "was" and not "is") a good father to Hiccup or not?
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....Son of Eret

Yes of course... I think the good thing about Stoick as a character is that he's very complex and makes mistakes like any person. Its easy to see things from his perspective, especially in the first movie, and understand where he's coming from as a parent and as a chief, even if he did ultimately end up being wrong about almost everything. He absolutely loved his son and believed in him and wanted him to meet the potential that hiccup didn't realize he had in himself. Even if they rarely saw eye to eye on anything, and even with all of his mistakes, he was a good father and his flaws made him feel like a very real character.
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wanna-be dragon trainer

26 Jun 2014, 02:55
Yes of course... I think the good thing about Stoick as a character is that he's very complex and makes mistakes like any person. Its easy to see things from his perspective, especially in the first movie, and understand where he's coming from as a parent and as a chief, even if he did ultimately end up being wrong about almost everything. He absolutely loved his son and believed in him and wanted him to meet the potential that hiccup didn't realize he had in himself. Even if they rarely saw eye to eye on anything, and even with all of his mistakes, he was a good father and his flaws made him feel like a very real character.
his complexity is something that I think made him a great character and a great father. It wouldn't have been realistic for the chief of a viking tribe to just be okay with the way Hiccup was and how he acted in the first film, but I was glad that he changed for the better. The fact that he did change and was so accepting of dragons and trusted Hiccup is something that also, in my mind, made Stoick a great father. It really pisses me off when people say that he wasn't a good father.
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Actually I don't think he was a good father but more of an ok father.
Even if I know why he did some things and said what he said, my point of view on Stoick is very negative for a good part of the 1st movie. I remember watching it and when he gives the speech before Hiccup goes to the arena to fight Hookfang, my reaction was "holy sh** how can you say that" and the worse was the way he said it like it was a big joke and it made me so angry at him.
Now after he apologize and all what happens at the end of the 1st movie there is a good change in his attitude and I think it's after this that I can say he was an ok dad for hiccup.

As a character, as Eret said, his complexity is wonderful and that makes him a great character.
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Raw Vikingness

What we know of him as a father is mixed. I think he always had good intentions deep down, but it is implied that he routinely made Hiccup feel inadequate for not fitting a certain mold leading up to the events of the first movie. While that isn't a good thing, he did eventually realize his mistake and do his best to make up for it. We get a more positive picture of him in the second movie. He's proud of Hiccup and believes in him 100% even if his communication skills could still use some work. Also even if it's a situation nobody wants to be faced with, dying for his son is sort of an ultimate testament to the love that he obviously had. While he had his faults, I think the good outweighs the bad for his parenting.

I'll also agree with the other posts that the complexity of his character really adds something to the movies. Even though he's wrong for most of the first movie, I appreciate that he never fell into the stereotype of the dumb adult that stands against the smart kid for no real reason other than creating conflict in the story. He has reasons for his decisions, and they're at least somewhat sympathetic since they're born out of sense of duty rather than malice.

The second movie actually furthered this complexity in my opinion. Although his method of communicating with Hiccup could have been better as I mentioned above, he's more or less right in their disagreement this time. In fact, it could be argued that he might not have needed to die if Hiccup had listened to him in the first place. That made his death all the more impactful to me, and I wish that line of thought had been explored a little more than it was.

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I think he is a good father, but he does make mistakes. However, all parents make mistakes, it is part of learning to be a parent--it does not come with an instruction manual.

He did come off as harsh, especially in the first one. However, A) He was trying to prepare Hiccup to be a leader. It is not like Hiccup could just grow up to be whatever he wanted. His future occupation was already set since birth, whether he wanted it or not. And Hiccup was not exactly embracing it. All while raising him as a single parent. Everybody was frustrated. B) in HTTYD2 we get a better idea of why Stoick had such a blind spot when it comes to Dragons. He is very unwavering in his hatred of Dragons at first, and I imagine having your wife carried off by one would make a person a bit touchy about them.

But he does change, which to me is the most important factor in him being a good father. He learns and grows. And it is abundantly clear in HTTYD2 that he loves and cares for his family immensely.

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Night Fury

I think that this quote basically sums up Stoick's relationship with Hiccup:
"Your father always told me you'd be the strongest of them all, and he was right." Valka to Hiccup
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